Spelling suggestions: "subject:"65005"" "subject:"65505""
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Bibliotheken zur Entwicklung paralleler AlgorithmenHaase, G., Hommel, T., Meyer, A., Pester, M. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this paper is to supply a summary of library
subroutines and functions for parallel MIMD computers. The
subroutines have been developed at the University of Chemnitz
during a period of the last five years. In detail, they are
concerned with vector operations, inter-processor communication
and simple graphic output to workstations. One of the most
valuable features is the machine-independence of the
communication subroutines proposed in this paper for a hypercube
topology of the parallel processors (excepting a kernel of only
two primitive system-dependend operations). They were
implemented and tested for different hardware and operating
systems including transputer, nCube, KSR, PVM. The vector
subroutines are optimized by the use of C language and enrolled
loops (BLAS1-like). The paper includes hints for using the
libraries with both Fortran and C programs.
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Scalability, efficiency, and robustness of parallel multilevel solvers for nonlinear equationsHeise, B., Jung, M. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper we compare the performance, scalability, and robustness of different parallel algorithms for the numerical solution of nonlinear boundary value problems arising in the magnetic field computation and in solid mechanics. These problems are discretized by using the finite element method with triangular meshes and piecewise linear functions. The nonlinearity is handled by a nested Newton solver, and the linear systems of algebraic equations within each Newton step are solved by means of various iterative solvers, namely multigrid methods and conjugate gradient methods with preconditioners based on domain decomposition, multigrid, or BPX techniques, respectively. The basis of the implementation of all solvers is a non-overlapping domain decomposition data structure such that they are well-suited for parallel machines with MIMD architecture.
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Grafik-Ausgabe vom Parallelrechner für 2D-GebietePester, M. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
The paper mainly describes the user interface of some graphical
visualization tools for parallel finite element applications in
2D (layer problems, deformation problems, fluid dynamics). There
are presented some examples of various methods to display the
numerical results.
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Grafik-Ausgabe vom Parallelrechner für 3D-GebieteMeyer, M. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
The paper describes a method for Visualization of computational results in parallel finite element applications for 3D problems. The visualization itself is done on a workstation using a post- processing tool based on GRAPE, which interacts with the parallel program to obtain data.
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Parallel solution of finite element equation systems: efficient inter-processor communicationApel, T., Haase, G., Meyer, A., Pester, M. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
This paper deals with the application of domain decomposition methods for the parallel solution of boundary value problems for partial differential equations over a domain $Omegabset R^d$, $d=2,3$. The attention is focused on the conception of efficient communication routines for the data exchange which is necessary for example in the preconditioned cg-algorithm for solving the resulting system of algebraic equations. The paper describes the data structure, different algorithms, and computational tests.
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SPC-PM Po 3D --- Users ManualApel, Th. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
The experimental program ¨SPC-PM Po 3D¨ is part of the ongoing research of the Chemnitz research group Scientific Parallel Computing (SPC) into finite element methods for problems over three dimensional domains. The package in its version 2.0 is documented in two manuals. The User's Manual provides an overview over the program, its capabilities, its installation, and handling. Moreover, test examples are explained. The aim of the Programmer's Manual is to provide a description of the algorithms and their realization. It is written for those who are interested in a deeper insight into the code, for example for improving and extending. In Version 2.0 the program can solve the Poisson equation and the Lam\'e system of linear elasticity with in general mixed boundary conditions of Dirichlet and Neumann type. The domain $\Omega\subset\R^3$ can be an arbitrarily bounded polyhedron. The input is a coarse mesh, a description of the data and some control parameters. The program distributes the elements of the coarse mesh to the processors, refines the elements, generates the system of equations using linear or quadratic shape functions, solves this system and offers graphical tools to display the solution. Further, the behavior of the algorithms can be monitored: arithmetic and communication time is measured, the discretization error is measured, different preconditioners can be compared. We plan to extend the program in the next future by including a multigrid solver, an error estimator and adaptive mesh refinement, as well as the treatment of coupled thermo-elastic problems. The program has been developed for MIMD computers; it has been tested on Parsytec machines (GCPowerPlus-128 with Motorola Power PC601 processors and GCel-192 on transputer basis) and on workstation clusters using PVM. The special case of only one processor is included, that means the package can be compiled for single processor machines without any change in the source files.
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Nutzung von MPI für parallele FEM-SystemeGrabowsky, L., Ermer, Th., Werner, J. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Der Standard des Message Passing Interfaces (MPI) stellt dem Entwickler paralleler Anwendungen ein mächtiges Werkzeug zur Verfügung, seine Softwa- re effizient und weitgehend unabhängig von Details des parallelen Systems zu entwerfen.
Im Rahmen einer Projektarbeit erfolgte die Umstellung der Kommunikationsbibliothek eines bestehenden FEM-Programmes auf den MPI-Mechanismus. Die Ergebnisse werden in der hier gegebenen Beschreibung der Cubecom-Implementierung zusammengefasst.
In einem zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, auf welchem Wege mit der in MPI verfügbaren Funktionalität auch die Koppelrandkommunikation mit einem einheitlichen und effizienten Verfahren durchgeführt werden kann.
Sowohl fuer die Basisimplementierung als auch die MPI-basierte Koppelrandkommunikation wird die Effizienz untersucht und ein Ausblick auf weitere Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten gegeben.
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Monte-Carlo Simulations of the Dynamical Behavior of the Coulomb GlassWappler, T., Vojta, Th., Schreiber, M. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
We study the dynamical behavior of disordered many-particle systems
with long-range Coulomb interactions by means of damage-spreading
simulations. In this type of Monte-Carlo simulations one investigates the
time evolution of the damage, i.e. the difference of the o ccupation
numbers of two systems, subjected to the same thermal noise. We analyze
the dependence of the damage on temperature and disorder strength. For
zero disorder the spreading transition coincides with the equilibrium phase
transition, whereas for finite disorder, we find an evidence for a dynamical
phase transition well below the transition temperature of the pure system.
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Canonical forms for linear descriptor systems with variable coefficientsRath, W. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
We study linear descriptor systems with rectangular variable coefficient matrices.
Using local and global equivalence transformations we introduce normal and
condensed forms and get sets of characteristic quantities. These quantities allow us to
decide whether a linear descriptor system with variable coefficients is regularizable
by derivative and/or proportional state feedback or not. Regularizable by feedback
means for us that their exist a feedback which makes the closed loop system uniquely
solvable for every consistent initial vector.
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Kommunikationstechnologien beim parallelen vorkonditionierten Schur-Komplement CG-VerfahrenMeisel, M., Meyer, A. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Two alternative technologies of communication inside a parallelized Conjugate-Gradient algorithm are presented and compared to the well known hypercubecommunication. The amount of communication is diskussed in detail. A large range of numerical results corroborate the theoretical investigations.
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