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Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Using Artificial Neural NetworksGuler, Altug 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, an alternative seismic vulnerability assessment model is developed. For this purpose, one of the most popular artificial intelligence techniques, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), is used.
Many ANN models are generated using 4 different network training functions, 1 to 50 hidden neurons and combination of structural parameters like number of stories, normalized redundancy scores, overhang ratios, soft story indices, normalized total column areas, normalized total wall areas are used to achieve the best assessment performance.
Duzce database is used throughout the thesis for training ANN. A neural network simulator is developed in Microsoft Excel using the weights and parameters obtained from the best model created at Duzce damage database studies. Afyon, Erzincan, and Ceyhan databases are simulated using the developed simulator. A recently created database named Zeytinburnu is used for the projection purposes. The building sesimic vulnerability assessment of Zeytinburnu area is conducted on 3043 buildings using the proposed procedure.
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Component Based Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Procedure For Rc BuildingsErduran, Emrah 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
A detailed seismic performance assessment procedure has been developed for reinforced concrete frame buildings with masonry in-fill walls and reinforced concrete frames including shear walls. The procedure uses member damage functions, in terms of inter-story drift ratios, developed for the primary components: columns, beams, in-fill walls and shear walls. Analytical investigations carried out to determine the influence of a number of parameters on the damageability of components were combined with existing experimental data to develop component damage functions. A new approach has been developed to combine component damage states to determine the story and building level performance states. The procedure has been calibrated and compared with other procedures by predicting the observed performance of seven buildings exposed to recent earthquakes in Turkey. It was observed that the damage experienced by most of the components of these buildings was predicted satisfactorily, and that the observed building damage states were captured. The procedure can be used for a reliable performance assessment as well as performance-based design of the RC frame structures.
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Lateral Buckling Of Overhanging BeamsOzdemir, Kerem Murat 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Lateral torsional buckling should be taken into account during the design of overhanging steel beams. One special type of overhanging beams is the crane trolley monorails. Lateral buckling of overhanging monorails under idealized loading and
boundary conditions has been studied in the past using classical mathematical procedures. This thesis aims to present a detailed investigation of overhanging monorails using finite element analysis. Effects of different loading and boundary
conditions were studied in detail. It was found out that the location of loading and supports on the cross section have significant effects on the buckling capacity. Beams having different warping and torsional properties were analyzed. The effects of cross section distortion on buckling capacity were investigated for beams with single and double overhangs. The reduction in capacity due to cross section distortion has been
quantified. Based on the analysis results simple design recommendations were developed for lateral buckling of overhanging monorails and they are presented herein.
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Effects Of Masonry Infill Walls On The Seismic Performance Of BuildingsOzturk, Mehmet Selim 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In Turkey, in most of the reinforced concrete buildings, hallow masonry infill walls are used as a non-structural element, during design stage, their contribution to overall building behavior is not well known. Observations made after the earthquakes revealed that these non-structural elements had beneficial effects on the lateral capacity of the building.
In this study, the contribution of the hallow masonry infill walls to the lateral behavior of reinforced concrete buildings was investigated. For this purpose, two different buildings were chosen as case studies. Three and six story symmetric buildings are modeled as bare and infilled frames. The parameters that were investigated are column area, infill wall area, distribution of masonry infill walls throughout the story. To determine the effect of each parameter, global drift ratios are computed and are compared for each case.
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Low-cost Seismic Base Isolation Using Scrap Tire Pads (stp)Ozden, Bayezid 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the experimental studies conducted on the development of low-cost seismic base isolation pads using scrap automobile tires. Seismic base isolation is a well-defined building protection system against earthquakes, on which numerous studies have been conducted. The majority of the previous studies focus on the performance improvement of the base isolation systems. However, this study aims at cost and weight reduction of seismic base isolation pads by recycling otherwise useless material: scrap tires. Elastomer-based isolators have been heavily studied and used for the last 25 years. Steel or fiber reinforcement inside the elastomer isolators provides high vertical stiffness, whereas rubber segments between reinforcement layers provide low horizontal stiffness for the seismic base isolation. Since 1960&rsquo / s, automobile tires have been produced by means of vulcanizing rubber with steel mesh in different forms which have a similar effect as the steel plates or fibers inside the conventional elastomer-based isolators. Therefore, rectangular shaped layers cut from tread sections of used tires and then piled on top of each other can function as an elastomeric bearing. Since the tires are being designed for friction, load transfer between scrap tire layers would be large enough to keep all layers intact. A minimal slip generated between the piled layers at high strain rates may even help to dissipate some extra energy. Axial compression, dynamic free vibration, static shear and shaking table tests have been conducted on Scrap Tire Pads (STP) prepared by using different tire brands for different number of layers and orientations. The results have shown that the average shear modulus of STPs change between 0.9MPa and 1.85MPa. At the end of the dynamic tests it has been noticed that the lateral stiffness of STPs can be simply adjusted by changing the number of tread layers placed on top of each other. The amount of wire mesh inside the tire tread layers is relatively low compared to the steel plates in regular elastomeric pads / consequently, axial load capacity of STPs has been found to be around 8.0MPa. Static large deformation shear experiments have been performed to obtain the horizontal stiffness and shear modulus values at high strains and the results are tabulated in the manuscript. Steel and rubber layers are produced separately and just put on top of each other without any adhesive to form the ¼ / scaled versions of STPs which were used to isolate a ¼ / scaled masonry house on the shaking table available in METU Structural Laboratory. The experiment showed that non-vulcanized rubber-steel layers put on top of each other can also be used to isolate structures. In conclusion, STPs may be used as a low-cost alternative to conventional elastomer-based pads for seismic isolation of massive structures (e.g. stone wall rural masonry) or for temperature induced deformation compensation of rural bridges. STP usage is demonstrated using three hypothetical design examples in the manuscript.
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3d-fe Model Field-calibration And Rating Studies On Existing R/c BuildingsDemirok, Emel 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dynamic instrumentation and a series of ambient vibration tests were performed on a four storey strengthened R/C building within the scope of this study. Traffic load and wind load were accepted as natural dynamic loads and the vibrations were recorded by sensitive accelerometers.For that study, 12 uniaxial, 1 triaxial accelerometers and a 15 channel data logger system were used.
Four sets of dynamic measurements were recorded over a period of 6 months. Recorded readings were analyzed using UPC, PC and CVA algorithms and Artemis software. The natural freqeuncies, mode shape of the tested building were determined. The experimental results were compared against each other. A 3D-FE model of the building was prepared and analytical results were also compared against experimental results.The calibration (updating) of the analytical model was carried out using the experimentally obtained mode shapes and freqeunices.
The results of the study indicate that first few mode shapes and freqeuncies of the building can be obtained successfully within zero to 10 Hz range using ambient monitoring. Field calibrated FE models can effectively simulate the first translational and torsional modes of the building. Calibration studies indicate that the upper floor is more flexible than the nominal model and there are weaknesses between the shear wall and roof slab connections.
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An Investigation of the Behavior of Structural Systems with Modeling UncertaintiesHardyniec, Andrew B. 24 March 2014 (has links)
Recent advancements in earthquake engineering have caused a movement toward a probabilistic quantification of the behavior of structural systems. Analysis characteristics, such as ground motion records, material properties, and structural component behavior are defined by probabilistic distributions. The response is also characterized probabilistically, with distributions fitted to analysis results at intensity levels ranging from the maximum considered earthquake ground motion to collapse. Despite the progress toward a probabilistic framework, the variability in structural analysis results due to modeling techniques has not been considered.
This work investigates the uncertainty associated with modeling geometric nonlinearities and Rayleigh damping models on the response of planar frames at multiple ground motion intensity levels. First, an investigation is presented on geometric nonlinearity approaches for planar frames, followed by a critical review of current damping models. Three frames, a four-story buckling restrained braced frame, a four-story steel moment resisting frame, and an eight-story steel moment resisting frame, are compared using two geometric nonlinearity approaches and five Rayleigh damping models. Static pushover analyses are performed on the models in the geometric nonlinearities study, and incremental dynamic analyses are performed on all models to compare the response at the design based earthquake ground motion (DBE), maximum considered earthquake ground motion (MCE), and collapse intensity levels. The results indicate noticeable differences in the responses at the DBE and MCE levels and significant differences in the responses at the collapse level. Analysis of the sidesway collapse mechanisms indicates a shift in the behavior corresponding to the different modeling assumptions, though the effects were specific to each frame.
The FEMA P-695 Methodology provided a framework that defined the static and dynamic analyses performed during the modeling uncertainties studies. However, the Methodology is complex and the analyses are computationally expensive. To expedite the analyses and manage the results, a toolkit was created that streamlines the process using a set of interconnected modules. The toolkit provides a program that organizes data and reduces mistakes for those familiar with the process while providing an educational tool for novices of the Methodology by stepping new users through the intricacies of the process.
The collapse margin ratio (CMR), calculated in the Methodology, was used to compare the collapse behavior of the models in the modeling uncertainties study. Though it provides a simple scalar quantity for comparison, calculation of the CMR typically requires determination of the full set of incremental dynamic analysis curves, which require prohibitively large analysis time for complex models. To reduce the computational cost of calculating the CMR, a new parallel computing method, referred to as the fragility search method, was devised that uses approximate collapse fragility curves to quickly converge on the median collapse intensity value. The new method is shown to have favorable attributes compared to other parallel computing methods for determining the CMR. / Ph. D.
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Performance Assessment of Seismic Resistant Steel StructuresJarrett, Jordan Alesa 30 December 2013 (has links)
This work stems from two different studies related to this performance assessment of seismic resistant systems. The first study compares the performance of newly developed and traditional seismic resisting systems, and the second study investigates many of the assumptions made within provisions for nonlinear response history analyses.
In the first study, two innovative systems, which are hybrid buckling restrained braces and collapse prevention systems, are compared to their traditional counterparts using a combination of the FEMA P-695 and FEMA P-58 methodologies. Additionally, an innovative modeling assumption is investigated, where moment frames are evaluated with and without the lateral influence of the gravity system. Each system has a unique purpose from the perspective of performance-based earthquake engineering, and analyses focus on the all intensity levels of interest. The comparisons are presented in terms consequences, including repair costs, repair duration, number of casualties, and probability of receiving an unsafe placard, which are more meaningful to owners and other decision makers than traditional structural response parameters. The results show that these systems can significantly reduce the consequences, particularly the average repair costs, at the important intensity levels.
The second study focuses on the assumptions made during proposed updates to provisions for nonlinear response history analyses. The first assumption investigated is the modeling of the gravity system's lateral influence, which can have significant effect on the system behavior and should be modeled if a more accurate representation of the behavior is needed. The influence of residual drifts on the proximity to collapse is determined, and this work concludes that a residual drift check is unnecessary if the only limit state of interest is collapse prevention. This study also finds that spectrally matched ground motions should cautiously be used for near-field structures. The effects of nonlinear accidental torsion are also examined in detail and are determined to have a significant effect on the inelastic behavior of the analyzed structure. The final investigation in this study shows that even if a structure is designed per ASCE 7, it may not have the assumed probability of collapse under the maximum considered earthquake when analyzed using FEMA P-695. / Ph. D.
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Investigation of Applicable Seismic Response Modification Factor For Three-Hinge Glulam Tudor Arches Using FEMA P-695Eberle, Jonathan Robert 01 June 2013 (has links)
The objective of this research project involves determining a seismic response modification factor for three-hinge glulam Tudor arches. In an attempt to meet this objective, the methods and procedures outlined in FEMA technical document P-695 were implemented on the provided arch designs. Computational models were created using finite elements within OpenSees to accurately depict the behavior of the arch. Incremental dynamic analyses were conducted on each of the provided designs and collapse margin ratios were determined allowing performance groups to be evaluated for each of seven design R-values within two gravity load cases. With the performance groups evaluated, it was determined that only groups within the low gravity load level designs were successfully able to pass, none of the groups designed for high gravity loads passed the evaluations. Within P-695, all performance groups associated with a given design R-value must pass the evaluations for that R-value to be deemed acceptable for use in designs. Because of the implications of this requirement, a seismic response modification factor could not be determined for this type of structural system within the scope of this project. / Master of Science
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Seismic Performance Assessment of Wood-Frame Shear Wall StructuresJayamon, Jeena Rachel 01 March 2017 (has links)
Wood-frame shear wall structures are widely used for residential and commercial buildings. These buildings are lightweight, have very ductile connections and includes multiple load paths. The main objective of this dissertation is to evaluate the seismic performance of a wide range of wood-frame shear wall building designs under the influence of modeling and analysis parameter variations.
The first step towards the broad objective of seismic performance evaluation is to identify the different modeling and analysis parameters that can have a potential influence in the seismic response variations. The major variations considered in this study include level of critical damping, analytical modeling of damping, hysteresis model shape variations, ground motion characteristics, level of gravity loads, and floor acceleration variations. A subset of building model designs that were originally designed for the development of FEMA P-695 methodology is adapted for the numerical evaluations and a baseline for the variations is established.
To study the sensitivity of inherent damping in wood-frame shear wall structures, an extensive literature survey is completed to find the experimentally observed damping levels in these buildings. Later, nonlinear dynamic analysis is performed for the range of damping levels using different Rayleigh damping models. Ground motion scaling methods, source-to-site distance, and peak intensity levels are the selected variations in ground characteristic group. To assist with the ground motion scaling procedures, a computational toolkit is created to produce amplitude and spectrum matched ground motions for response history analysis. The particular hysteresis model CASHEW that is used for the wood-frame shear wall system has a specific load-displacement shape which is a function of the shear wall design. Three key parameters of this model are varied in a range of values that were observed during experimental tests and seismic performance responses are computed for this variations.
From the performance evaluations it is observed that the seismic response is quite sensitive to several of the modeling parameter variations and analysis variations mentioned above and has a unique response based on the design of the building. The range of performance variations for the different models are outlined in the chapters included in this dissertation. / Ph. D. / Wood-frame shear wall structures are widely used for residential and non-residential buildings worldwide. These buildings have several structural elements which can help the building to resist different load scenarios including wind effects, constant weights, and earthquake hazards. The primary aim of this dissertation is to identify the behavior of different designs of wood-frame shear wall buildings to earthquakes of different intensities through numerical modeling methods.
Analytical prediction of the response of a building to seismic hazards is influenced by several numerical modeling and analysis assumptions and specific characteristics of earthquakes that can occur at the building location. For a reliable prediction of the building response to earthquakes, it is important to study the sensitivity of various modeling assumptions that are considered in the development of numerical models of the buildings. With this objective, a wide range of woodframe building designs and configurations are selected in this dissertation. These building designs are converted to suitable numerical models using computational tools.
For evaluating the sensitivity of the modeling assumptions on the predicted behavior to potential earthquakes, a performance evaluation methodology – FEMA P-695 methodology is selected. This methodology outlines several computational methods which can be used to express the seismic response in terms of certain performance evaluation factors and probability distributions. The seismic responses that can be used in the development of the performance evaluation factors includes the displacement of the building from the original configuration, accelerations felt on the different floor levels, damage occurred on different components attached to the floors and walls of the building.
This dissertation identified the several possible sources of the modeling variations for a wide range of building designs and computed the FEMA P-695 performance evaluation factors. These factors are in turn used to access the sensitivity of the building performance to each of the modeling assumptions.
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