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Hegel And Marx On AlienationDogan, Sevgi 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Is alienation a process of self-discovery or is it a loss of reality? The subject of this thesis is how alienation is discussed in Hegel and Marx&rsquo / s philosophies in terms of this question. In Hegel&rsquo / s philosophy, alienation is part of the process of self-creativity and self-discovery. For Marx, it is the result of the capitalist mode of production. While Hegel explains the existence of the human being through focusing on its ontological dimension, Marx evaluates the term alienation in terms of the economic dimension which he claims that Hegel ignores. The understanding of these philosophers about how they make understandable the process, circumstances and results of alienation is significant for the subject of this thesis. The thesis concludes that, Marx, in spite of his criticisms of Hegel is closer to Hegel than is thought. An additional claim is that Marx&rsquo / s criticisms of Hegel complement Hegel&rsquo / s philosophy rather than overcoming it. The supporting analysis of the thesis is the discussion of whether Marx&rsquo / s criticisms related to Hegel&rsquo / s understanding of alienation as abstract, mystifying, and nonsense are right or wrong. Hegel&rsquo / s conception of alienation has thus been examined by way of Marx&rsquo / s criticisms.
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The Will Of The Sovereign And Contract In Thomas Hobbes And John LockeAtasoy, Tanay 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study mainly investigates the reason of living in civil society, the motives of people to live under the government and necessity of commonwealth by design to live in peace based on modern social contract theories of Hobbes and Locke. Hobbes has a decisive role for developing a western political thought and Locke goes a step further to put superiority of the community and latitude of thought in his theory. In order to examine these topics, similarities of both philosophers in terms of their effort on setting free political thoughts from medieval world view, and their differentiations regarding considerations on human nature, desires and rights of men, formation of the society and the role of government are focused on.
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Photocatalytic Activity Of TitaniaBayram, Bilal 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
TiO2 in anatase form is the most widely studied material for photocatalytic reactions. Utilization of oxide support materials such as silica with suitable transparency within band gap range of TiO2 is promising technique to obtain efficient photocatalysts for many applications. In the present study, simultaneous co-hydrolyzation of tetraethyl orthosilacate (TEOS) and titanium tetrabutaoxide (TBOT) precursors were carried out in the presence of hydrochloric acid. The effects of washing with low vapor pressure solvent(n-octane), drying conditions, hydrothermal ageing and TiO2/SiO2 ratio on the catalyst structure and photocatalytic activity were studied. The samples were characterized by XRD, BET, DRIFTS techniques and the activity was measured for liquid phase room temperature oxy/demineralization of phenol under artificial solar irradiation. The reaction intermediates were followed by UV/vis spectrophotometer and HPLC. It was found that the hydrothermal treatment contributes better degree of crystalinity, higher surface area and thus photocatalytic activity compared to the samples which were synthesized with conventional drying at 100oC overnight. The formation of Ti-O-Si interface indicating the degree of dispersion was evidenced by DRIFTS technique for all hydrothermally tretated samples. The highest surface area and photocatlytic activity was observed with hydrothermally treated catalyst with TiO2/SiO2:0.34 composition.
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Micropalentological Analysis And Sequence Stratigraphy Through Upper Tournaisian Substage In Aladag Unit (central Taurides, Turkey)Dinc, Aksel Tugba 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the Upper Tournaisian substage within the Carboniferous carbonate deposits of the Aladag Unit in the Hadim region (Central Taurides) based on foraminiferal diversity and to study the meter scale
cyclicity in order to explain the sequence stratigraphic evolution of the carbonate
In this study, a 27.01 m thick stratigraphic section consisting of limestones and
shales was measured and 89 samples, collected along this section, were analyzed.
Micropaleontological analyses are based on benthic foraminifera. According to
the benthic foraminiferal assemblages, two biozones were identified as Zone Ut1
and Zone Ut2 within the Upper Tournaisian. Zone Ut1 is characterized by a poor
foraminiferal assemblage while the Zone Ut2 consists of a diverse Upper
Tournaisian foraminiferal fauna.
In order to construct a sequence stratigraphic framework and appreciate
depositional environmental changes, microfacies studies were carried out. Seven
microfacies types were recognized and depending on the stacking patterns of these
microfacies types, two fundamental types of cycles, A and B, were identified.
Through the measured section, twenty-five shallowing-upward meter scale cycles and two sequence boundaries were determined. Quantitative analysis of benthic
foraminifera was used to demonstrate the biological response to cyclicity. Since
foraminifers are very sensitive to sea level changes, the abundance of benthic
foraminifera displays a good response to sedimentary cyclicity.
In order to apply a worldwide sequence stratigraphic correlation, the sequence
boundaries and the meter scale cycles of this study were compared with those
described in South China and Western European platform and the Moscow
Syneclise. An Early Tournaisian transgression was followed by a major fall in
relative sea level during the Late Tournaisian. Two sequence boundaries
recognized in the measured section correspond to global sea level falls in the Late
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Investigation Of Dc Generated Plasmas Using Terahertz Time Domain SpectroscopyKaraoglan, Gulten 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is on the topic of investigation of the characteristics of DC Glow Discharge plasmas. Emphasis is given on characterizing the plasma electron density. The methods of generating and detecting THz pulses are described. THz transmission spectroscopy and plasma emission spectroscopy is examined. Transmission spectrum is taken for Air, gaseous Nitrogen and Argon plasmas. Moreover, emission spectrum of Air, N2 and Ar plasma analysis were done respectively. It was found that the transmission of terahertz pulses through nitrogen plasma was considerably affected compared to that of the argon plasma. Initially Drude model theory of electron conduction is employed to analyze the plasma density.
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Foraminiferal Paleontology, Biostratigraphy And Sequence Stratigraphy Of The Permian-triassic Boundary Beds Of The Bolkar Dagi Unit (central Taurides, Turkey)Esatoglu, Aysel Hande 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to designate paleontologic, biostratigraphic and
sequence stratigraphic characteristics of the Permian-Triassic Boundary beds of the
Bolkar Dagi Unit in the Hadim region (Central Taurides).
For this purpose a 48,06m thick stratigraphic section, composed of limestone,
siltstone and sandstone, was measured and 116 samples were analyzed through the
Permian Ta
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Long Wavelength Photosensitizers With Benzotriazole And Benzimidazole Skeletons For Cationic PolymerizationYilmaz, Seda 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Benzimidazole and benzotriazole derivatives, 4-(2,3-Dihydrothieno[3,4-b][1,4]
imidazole (BIm-Ed), 2-benzyl-4,7-di(thiophen-2-yl)-2H-benzo[d] [1,2,3] triazole
(BBTS), and 2-benzyl-4,7-bis(2,3-dihydrothieno[3,4-b][1,4]dioxin-5-yl)-2Hbenzo[
d] [1,2,3] triazole (BBTES) were employed as photosensitizers for
diaryliodonium salt photoinitiators in cationic photopolymerization of various
epoxide and vinyl ether monomers. Diphenyliodonium hexafluorophosphate
(Ph2I+PF6¯ / ) salt was used as the photoinitiator in this study. Extended conjugation
and electron-rich moieties of the photosensitizers enabled the use of long wavelength
UV and visible light emitting light sources in cationic photopolymerizations.
Polymerizations were achieved at room temperature and monitored by optical
pyrometry. Photopolymerization of a diepoxide monomer with ambient solar
irradiation was examined.
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Photocatalytic Properties Of Silver Loaded Titanium Dioxide Powders Produced By Mechanical Ball MillingAysin, Basak 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Silver (Ag) was loaded to three different kinds (P-25, NT-22, and TiO(OH)2) of titanium dioxide (TiO2) powders through adding three different quantities (4.6, 9.2, and 13.8 ml) of silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution by mechanical ball milling process. X-Ray diffraction analysis suggested that Ag was loaded on the TiO2 powders in the form of silver oxide (AgO). SEM, particle size, and BET surface area analyses revealed that TiO2 particles agglomerated after ball milling, resulting in the decrease of specific surface area of the TiO2 powders. Powders P-25, NT-22, and TiO(OH)2 degraded 94 %, 46 %, and 26 %, respectively of MO solution under 1 h UV irradiation. Increasing amount of Ag loading enhanced photocatalytic activity of TiO2 powders under UV irradiation. The best photocatalytic performance was achieved by 13.8 ml AgNO3 solution added NT-22 powders. Percent methyl orange (MO) degradation of 13.8 ml AgNO3 solution added P-25, NT-22, and TiO(OH)2 powders under 1 h UV irradiation was 85 %, 96 %, and 67 %, respectively. Contact angle measurements revealed that hydrophilic properties of TiO2 powders were also improved by Ag loading. Moreover, TiO2 powders gained antibacterial prospect after Ag addition. Ag loaded TiO2 powders could be used effectively for the applications requiring better photocatalytic activity and antibacterial effect.
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BilderpolitikSchneider, Ulrich Johannes 18 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Michel Foucault hat Bücher geschrieben, welche die Geschichte des
Denkens in Worte fassen, und er hat in Aufsätzen Bilder betrachtet,
die er intensiv beschrieb, so dass sein Text vollkommen darin aufging, kaum selber den Rand überschritt, den sie als Kunstwerk besitzen. Foucaults Arbeiten über Magritte - Dies ist keine Pfeife! - und Manet - ein großes Manuskript hat er selbst vernichtet - legen Zeugnis ab von der Passion für Kunst, der Faszination für die Darstellung am Rande der Vorstellung, außerhalb der Arbeit des Historikers, eine Art Sonntagsbetrachtung. Foucaults bildbezogene Texte sind Verbeugungen eines Kenners, Übungen des Gebildeten, Räsonnements eines Philosophen - sie sind nicht Teil der historiografischen Anstrengung, Epochen auszuzirkeln und Aussagen zu archivieren.
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A spectatorial dramaturgy : ethical principles of recycling, habitus and estrangementKeefe, John January 2012 (has links)
As I have prepared this Commentary, I have come to appreciate the values that exist between the conventions of doctoral research driven by a glimpsed destination and that which brings together previously published works. The particular, and perhaps peculiar, historiographical relationship between the works from 'then' and the Commentary from 'now', turns such research into both a reflection and opportunity to reconsider writing already 'out there'. One cannot re-write the works (although the concept of 're-working' is central to my view of the engaged spectator). But one can reflect on the perspectives that informed each original piece within a body of emerging work. A Commentary, then, becomes not only a process of revelation but also one of acknowledgment of differing circumstances of research, publication and style. The unchangeable outcomes of each published piece are thus seen in a different light, juxtaposition revealing not only advances in one's ideas but also the paradoxes and shifts in thinking that retrospection forces and allows. So a slightly declamatory approach in earlier work evolves into more measured tones, perhaps less shrill. But if we each strive to have our own 'voice', no matter how hard we try for a more mature style some of that driving rawness remains. It is an uncomfortable truth that the shrill, unformed but passionate youth lurks in the shadows. This form of Commentary, then, becomes a revisiting of works and ideas that may have lost some of their currency, or perhaps not (hence my reaching back to both my MA Dissertation and the MiP Report). It becomes an attempt to place each work as part of a series not originally intended as such but in which chosen themes, prejudices and preoccupations play an ever-shaping role. It becomes an attempt to place some posterior coherence, convenient and inconvenient, which emerges from a process of reflection and 'looking again'. It is this mixing and juxtaposition of past work and present position that demands one looks from the side as well as straight on. For this reason I use a relational form of past and present tense as a 'vocal' device to show the ongoing 'live-ness' of the themes and ideas and passions that mark the body of work. The Commentary is therefore exposition and critique, but also an expansion. It is a dynamic process embracing the title of the Commentary itself, becoming subject to inevitable reworking since first being registered. Its preparation has allowed the introduction of current research, new ideas and oblique musings that extend the concerns of the extant works, giving a sense of continuing coherence and possible trajectories. It becomes an attempt to accommodate where I was then with where I am now.
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