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Contesting the past in Mandate Palestine : history teaching for Palestinian Arabs under British rule, 1917-1948Harte, John January 2009 (has links)
The period of British rule in Palestine witnessed a flowering of interest in history amongst the country's Arab population, paralleled by the rapid consolidation of recognisably 'Palestinian' Arab identities that had already begun to develop under Ottoman rule. Yet as Palestinian society engaged in this process of historical and national self-definition, the most potent vehicle for the transmission of shared historical narratives - the government school - remained firmly under the control of a Department of Education dominated by British officials. Drawing on a range of archival sources, published syllabuses and textbooks, and the recollections of Palestinian teachers and students, this study examines how the tension inherent in this situation played out at various layers of the school system up to the termination of the mandate in 1948. Challenging the commonly-held assumption that government schools and their British-imposed syllabuses acted purely as vehicles for the suppression of Palestinian national identity, it argues for a more nuanced model which recognises the multiple phases of mediation through which colonial educational programmes pass before they reach the level of the individual student, and the capacity of local educators and students selectively to adopt, modify or reject altogether elements of the formal curriculum handed down to them in the shape of published syllabuses and prescribed textbooks. Drawing on ideas of hybridity and ambivalence, the thesis highlights the need to recognise the influence of the British-imposed formal historical curriculum on emerging strands of Palestinian and pan-Arab historical thinking, and in particular the way in which aspects of it were put to use in new and unexpected ways by Arab educators in the service of Arab nationalist ideology.
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The inclusion of local history in the secondary history national curriculum in Turkey : problems and potentialAktekin, Semih January 2004 (has links)
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Historical explanation and the place of history in educationWest, R. C. January 1981 (has links)
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European history and identity in England's history education : a study of curriculum, policy, textbooks, and teachers' practiceKarayianni, Eleni January 2012 (has links)
Situated within the context of current concerns and debates about identity, multiculturalism, globalisation and the European project, this study explored contemporary policy and practice in history teaching. In particular, its main objective was to investigate the place of European history and identity in England's history education and the extent to which certain forms of identity are favoured over others. To achieve a coherent picture on this issue, the study examined curriculum, policy, history textbooks and teachers' practice. All of these elements were necessary not only to reach a sophisticated understanding of how national and European identities are treated in history education, but also to provide at least tentative explanations of the situation. The findings of this study indicate that European history has not managed to become a consideration for policy makers. Its place in curricula and policy documents remains limited and piecemeal. In a similar vein, textbooks seldom mention Europe and rarely treat it as a topic of study. In addition, when European history is discussed, it is usually in the context of rivalry and competition. As far as teachers' practice is concerned, the survey and teachers' interviews that were conducted indicated that national history and national identity are clearly prioritised and emphasised while European history and identity are reduced as irrelevant and marginalised. Generally, the study provides important insights into the current state of history teaching in relation to identity formation and contributes to better understanding the forces that shape contemporary practice
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Adolescents' tacit substantive understandings of history : making sense of Roman slaveryPereira, Maria do Céu de Melo Esteves January 2000 (has links)
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An enquiry into attitudes and understandings involved in the study of history with experiments in their measurement and modification in the secondary schoolBrown, L. M. January 1959 (has links)
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Bilingualer Geschichtsunterricht in Deutschland und Frankreich : ein Beitrag zu einem europäischen Geschichtsbewusstsein im Kontext der deutschfranzösischen Kulturbeziehungen seit 1945? / L’enseignement de l’Histoire dans les classes bilingues en Allemagne et en France : une contribution à la formation d’une conscience historique européenne dans le contexte des relations franco-allemandes ? / Bilingual history education in Gernmany and France : a contribution to the formation of a European historical consciousness in the context of Franco-German relations?Flucke, Franziska 26 November 2018 (has links)
Pendant l’année scolaire 2012/13, la France et l’Allemagne célèbrent le cinquantième anniversaire du Traité de l’Elysée. Ce traité bilatéral, signé le 22 janvier 1963 par le président de la République française Charles de Gaulle et le chancelier allemand Konrad Adenauer, a scellé un partenariat d’exception entre la France et l’Allemagne dans le domaine de l’éducation. A la suite du traité, en 1969, des premiers cursus bilingues français-allemands ont été établis dans les lycées allemands et français. Les élèves allaient ainsi devoir améliorer leurs connaissances de la langue française ou allemande afin de créer une nouvelle élite franco-allemande pour une Europe commune construite comme une troisième puissance dans le contexte de la Guerre froide. L’Enseignement d’une Matière par l’Intégration d’une Langue Etrangère (= EMILE) se répandit rapidement à partir des années 1990 suite au contrat de Maastricht. Aujourd’hui, l’Enseignement d’une Discipline Non-Linguistique (= DNL) existe pour plusieurs langues et matières dans tout l’espace européen. Ce type d’enseignement est très prisé dans le cadre de la politique linguistique européenne afin de promouvoir le « plurilinguisme ». En France, les sections internationales ont été mises en place en 1981 et les sections européennes en 1992. La France et l’Allemagne ont été les premières à créer un double diplôme, « l’abibac » (en 1994), qui permet aux élèves d’intégrer les établissements d’enseignements supérieurs du partenaire plus facilement. La thèse vise à une comparaison et évaluation de la plus-value didactique de l’enseignement bilingue en Histoire en France et en Allemagne. Depuis les origines de ce type d’enseignement, les didacticiens des langues vivantes se mettent facilement d’accord pour affirmer que celui-ci contribue à développer les compétences linguistiques des élèves ; mais les historiens ont des avis divergents concernant l’acquisition des compétences liées à l’apprentissage de l’Histoire. C’est pourquoi cette thèse cherche à donner des éléments de réponse aux questions suivantes : Dans quelle mesure l’enseignement apporte-t-il une plus-value pour le savoir et les compétences historiques de l’élève ? Peut-on parler de l’acquisition d’une compétence franco-allemande ou/ et européenne ? Pour cela, l’auteure emprunte le concept allemand de la « conscience historique » (« Geschichtsbewusstsein ») comme instrument heuristique et le situe dans une perspective européenne. Ainsi, elle constate que l’enseignement bilingue permet aux jeunes de s’orienter dans des contextes européens en s’appuyant sur les savoirs et des savoir-faire historiques spécifiques acquis dans les filières à condition que cet enseignement soit basé sur une coopération étroite entre les acteurs des deux pays. L’auteure présente le développement de cette coopération dans le contexte historique et culturel du rapprochement franco-allemand et situe ainsi la problématique dans une perspective de longue durée / In 2013, France and Germany are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Élysée Treaty. This bilateral treaty, signed on 22 January 1963 by the President of the French Republic Charles de Gaulle and the German Chancellor Conrad Adenauer, sealed an exceptional partnership between France and Germany in the field of education. Following the treaty in 1969, the first bilingual French-German classes were established in German and French high schools. The students had to improve their knowledge of the French or German language in order to create new elite for a common Europe built as a third power in the context of the Cold War. The concept of Content and Language Integrated Learning (= CLIL) spread rapidly from the 1990s onwards following the Maastricht contract. Today, it is highly valued in the context of European language policy in order to promote "multilingualism". In France, the international sections were set up in 1981 and the European sections in 1992. France and Germany were the first to create a double diploma, the "AbiBac", created in 1994, enables the students to pass the German and the French Secondary School examination simultaneously. The priority is to develop intercultural skills through the reciprocal knowledge of the two cultures. The thesis aims at a comparison and evaluation of the didactic added value of bilingual education in France and Germany and deals the following questions: To what extent does bilingual teaching add value to the student's historical knowledge and skills? Can we observe an acquisition of a Franco-German and/or European competence? For this, we use the German concept of "historical consciousness" ("Geschichtsbewusstsein") as a heuristic instrument and place it in a European perspective. In the first part of this thesis, we present the development of this cooperation in the historical and cultural context of the Franco-German cooperation. The second part deals with the daily teaching practice and die the cross cultural potential of history teaching as CLIL. Thus, we note that bilingual education enables young people to orient themselves in European contexts by using their specific historical knowledge and skills acquired in school, provided that the education is based on close cooperation between the actors of the two countries. The interdisciplinary and intercultural approach of this project, the association of university research and practical experience in High-schools are the keys of this thesis.
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