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Class, capital and ideology in the development of Afrikaner nationalism, 1934-1948O'Meara, Dan January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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From colonial administration to colonial state : the transition of government, education, and labour in Nyasaland, c.1930-1950Fairweather-Tall, Andrew January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Representations and reality : women and politicisation in the Western Cape, 1948-76Scanlon, Helen January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Exclusion and inclusion : gradations of whiteness and socio-economic engineering in a settler society : German Southwest Africa, 1884-1914Aitken, Robbie John Macvicar January 2002 (has links)
In this dissertation the internal workings of a colonial settler society are examined· through employing elements of post-colonial theory and whiteness studies. Specifically, the dissertation focuses on the construction of a hierarchical social order in the German colony of German Southwest Africa during the period 1884-1914. It is argued that Gennan colonial rule was underpinned, and informed by a polarised Self and Other dichotomy which distinguished between the European colonisers and the colonised indigenous Africans. The employment of dichotomous categories of identification, based on notions of imagined racial and cultural difference, allowed for the mapping of colonial society and was central to political and discursive practices of social control. Furthermore, this dichotomy justified and informed relations not simply between the colonisers and the colonised, but also amongst the colonisers themselves. The presence of settlers whose cultural practices and behaviour did not match with the nonns attributed to the idealised settler undennined the demarcation of difference. As a consequence undesirable settlers were increasingly perceived by the colonial authorities and interest groups as posing a threat to social control and the future stability of the Southwest. In particular, the dissertation examines the resulting discursive and political strategies of social engineering and identification which sought to include or exclude settlers from settler society based upon an assessment of their economic capacity and cultural competency as measured against the existing categories of identification. What emerged was an increasingly exclusionary settler society. The dissertation is based on extensive archival material from the Bundesarchiv in Berlin as well as a wide range of printed Sources. It allows for an insight into strategies of social control, power and the establishment of social privilege in a settler society. It investigates a construction of a specifically Gennan version of whiteness in a colonial context which enables an insight into the ways in which sections ofthe middle class conceived of Germanness and whiteness. As the lines of cultural and racial difference became increasingly confused, the categories of Black and White were under constant negotiation and re-construction and whilst the category ofthe Black remained an absolute, the category of the White collapsed into a system of gradations of whiteness.
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Die polyzentrische Infrastruktur Namibias: Entstehung und Entwicklung in der deutschen Periode 1884 bis 1914/15Jäschke, Uwe Ulrich 20 November 2020 (has links)
Die ehemalige Kolonie Deutsch-Südwestafrika, das heutige Namibia, besitzt eine gut ausgebaute Infrastruktur, die ihre Grundstruktur schon in der deutschen Periode zwischen 1884 und 1914/15 erhalten hat. Diese Grundstruktur ist Ergebnis einer gezielten staatlich gesteuerten Raumentwicklung, sodass am Ende der deutschen Periode eine Deckung von Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsraum existiert hat. Auf Grund der Tatsache, dass von der deutschen Kolonialverwaltung nur ein Teil des heutigen Namibias unter Verwaltung gestellt worden war, beschränkt sich diese Arbeit nur auf den Teil südlich der Etoscha-Pfanne. / The former colony of German Southwest Africa, today's Namibia, has a well-developed infrastructure, which already received its basic structure in the German period between 1884 and 1914/15. This basic structure is the result of a targeted state-controlled spatial development, so that at the end of the German period there was a coverage of economic and administrative space. Due to the fact that the German colonial administration had placed only a part of what is now Namibia under administration, this work is limited to the part south of the Etosha Pan.
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Black Consciousness and the politics of writing the nation in South AfricaPenfold, Thomas William January 2013 (has links)
Since the transition from apartheid, there has been much discussion of the possibilities for the emergence of a truly ‘national’ literature in South Africa. This thesis joins the debate by arguing that Black Consciousness, a movement that began in the late 1960s, provided the intellectual framework both for understanding how a national culture would develop and for recognising it when it emerged. Black Consciousness posited a South Africa where formerly competing cultures sat comfortably together. This thesis explores whether such cultural equality has been achieved. Does contemporary literature harmoniously deploy different cultural idioms simultaneously? By analysing Black writing, mainly poetry, from the 1970s through to the present, the study traces the stages of development preceding the emergence of a possible ‘national’ literature and argues that the dominant art versus politics binary needs to be reconsidered. Emphasising the long-term influences of education and language policy, and of publishing, the thesis documents the continuous dialogue of art and politics in South Africa, and in the process unpicks the paradox of South Africa’s (un)national literature.
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Produção difrativa de J/ψ no experimento DØ / Diffractive production of J/ψ in DØ experiment.Ana Carolina dos Santos Assis Jesus 06 July 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho apresenta medidas de duas razões de produção difrativa envolvendo sabores pesados, através de um estudo em uma amostra reconstruída de J/ψ → μ+ μ- em colisões pp a raiz quadrada de s= 1,96 TeV com o uso do detector DØ situado no Fermilab. Estes eventos foram selecionados com o uso dos detectores do Monitor de Luminosidade, o sistema de calorimetria e o sistema de m Ão ons do DØ, em uma região de pseudo-rapidez 2,7 ≤|η|≤ 4 ,4 . As razões medidas foram NJϕdiff/Nj/ϕtotal = (1,74 0,16 (estat) 0,13 (sist)) % e N b dif / N b total = 0,79 0,11(estat) 0,23 (sist))% / This work presents measurements of two diffractive production ratio for heavy flavour physics on sat with the use of are constructed J/ψ → μ + μ sample in pp collisions at s= 1. 96 TeV using the DØ detector at Fermilab Tevatron. These events were selected using the Luminosity Monitor detectors, the calorimeter system and the muon system in a pseudo-rapidity region with range 2 . 7 ≤|η|≤ 4, 4 . The measured ratio were estimated to be NJϕdiff/Nj/ϕtotal = (1,74 0,16 (estat) 0,13 (sist)) % and Nb dif / Nb total = 0,79 0,11(estat) 0,23 (sist))%
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Produção difrativa de J/ψ no experimento DØ / Diffractive production of J/ψ in DØ experiment.Ana Carolina dos Santos Assis Jesus 06 July 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho apresenta medidas de duas razões de produção difrativa envolvendo sabores pesados, através de um estudo em uma amostra reconstruída de J/ψ → μ+ μ- em colisões pp a raiz quadrada de s= 1,96 TeV com o uso do detector DØ situado no Fermilab. Estes eventos foram selecionados com o uso dos detectores do Monitor de Luminosidade, o sistema de calorimetria e o sistema de m Ão ons do DØ, em uma região de pseudo-rapidez 2,7 ≤|η|≤ 4 ,4 . As razões medidas foram NJϕdiff/Nj/ϕtotal = (1,74 0,16 (estat) 0,13 (sist)) % e N b dif / N b total = 0,79 0,11(estat) 0,23 (sist))% / This work presents measurements of two diffractive production ratio for heavy flavour physics on sat with the use of are constructed J/ψ → μ + μ sample in pp collisions at s= 1. 96 TeV using the DØ detector at Fermilab Tevatron. These events were selected using the Luminosity Monitor detectors, the calorimeter system and the muon system in a pseudo-rapidity region with range 2 . 7 ≤|η|≤ 4, 4 . The measured ratio were estimated to be NJϕdiff/Nj/ϕtotal = (1,74 0,16 (estat) 0,13 (sist)) % and Nb dif / Nb total = 0,79 0,11(estat) 0,23 (sist))%
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孫光憲詞研究. / Study of Sun Guangxian ci / Sun Guangxian ci yan jiu.January 2003 (has links)
孫賽珠. / "2003年6月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2003. / 參考文獻 (leaves 274-299). / 附中英文摘要. / "2003 nian 6 yue". / Sun Saizhu. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2003. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 274-299). / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 提要 --- p.頁i-ii / 目錄 --- p.頁iii-頁vi / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 / Chapter 第一節: --- 硏究動機與目的 --- p.頁1-頁5 / Chapter 第二節: --- 前人硏究成果的回顧與檢討 --- p.頁5-頁12 / Chapter 第三節: --- 硏究範圍及方法 --- p.頁12-頁13 / Chapter 第二章 --- 孫光憲生平著作簡介 / Chapter 第一節: --- 孫光憲之生年 --- p.頁14-頁16 / Chapter 第二節: --- 孫光憲之仕途 --- p.頁16-頁23 / Chapter 第三節: --- 孫光憲之著述 --- p.頁37-頁37 / Chapter 第四節: --- 孫光憲之思想才識、文學修養 --- p.頁24-頁39 / Chapter 第五節: --- 孫光憲之交遊 --- p.頁39-頁51 / Chapter 第六節: --- 孫光憲詞之分期 --- p.頁51 -頁58 / Chapter 第三章 --- 孫光憲詞詞牌與内容的關係 / Chapter 第一節: --- 詞牌與內容的關係 --- p.頁59-頁65 / Chapter 第二節: --- 孫光憲詞的聯章性 --- p.頁65-頁84 / Chapter 第四章 --- 孫光憲詞的閨怨情愛 / Chapter 第一節: --- 從文學源流看晚唐五代詞與六朝宮體、唐代艷詩之關係 --- p.頁85-頁105 / Chapter 第二節: --- 從詞人與歌妓的關係論孫光憲艷情詞的特色 --- p.頁105-頁138 / Chapter 第五章 --- 孫光憲詞的風土人情 / Chapter 第一節: --- 孫光憲風物詞所繼承的文學傳統 --- p.頁139-頁155 / Chapter 第二節: --- 孫光憲風物詞的特色 --- p.頁155-頁168 / Chapter 第六章 --- 孫光憲詞的懷古詠懷、邊塞送別 / Chapter 第一節: --- 即地懷古 --- p.頁169-頁180 / Chapter 第二節: --- 借物詠懷 --- p.頁180-頁186 / Chapter 第三節: --- 使事懷人 --- p.頁186-頁193 / Chapter 第四節: --- 邊塞送別 --- p.頁193-頁206 / Chapter 第七章 --- 孫光憲詞的藝術技巧 / Chapter 第一節: --- 語言風格 --- p.頁207-頁225 / Chapter 第二節: --- 意境營造 --- p.頁225-頁235 / Chapter 第三節: --- 格律句式 --- p.頁235-頁242 / Chapter 第四節: --- 結構鋪排 --- p.頁242-頁250 / Chapter 第八章 --- 結語´ؤ´ؤ孫光憲詞的評價地位 / Chapter 第一節: --- 前人對孫光憲詞之評價 --- p.頁251-頁258 / Chapter 第二節: --- 從詞話看孫光憲詞之價値 --- p.頁258-頁262 / Chapter 第三節: --- 孫光憲詞在詞史上的地位 --- p.頁262-頁273 / 參考書目 / Chapter 一、 --- 專著 --- p.頁274-頁288 / Chapter 二、 --- 論文 --- p.頁288-頁296 / Chapter 三、 --- 外文論著 --- p.頁297-頁298 / Chapter 四、 --- 網站 --- p.頁298-頁299 / 附錄 / 附錄一:〈《花間集》、《尊前集》詞人生卒及排列次序〉 --- p.頁300-頁301 / 附錄二:〈孫光憲生平傳記資料〉 --- p.頁302-頁304 / 附錄三:〈孫光憲生平事跡簡述〉 --- p.頁305-頁315 / 附錄四:〈孫光憲之官職表〉 --- p.頁316 / 附錄五:〈孫光憲之著述表) --- p.頁317-頁321 / 附錄六:〈齊己《白蓮集》和孫光憲詩〉 --- p.頁322-頁324 / 附錄七:〈《花間集》題材內容〉 --- p.頁325-頁345 / 附錄八:〈花間詞人的詞牌內容〉 --- p.頁346-頁349 / 附錄九:〈孫光憲詞的詞牌內容〉 --- p.頁350-頁352 / 附錄十:〈孫光憲詞的閨怨內容〉 --- p.頁353-頁356 / 附錄十一:〈《花間集》、《尊前集》中的反問句〉 --- p.頁357-頁358 / 附錄十二:〈孫光憲詞中的反問句〉 --- p.頁359-頁365 / 附錄十三:〈花間尊前詞人從男子角度寫閨怨〉 --- p.頁366-頁369 / 附錄十四:〈花間尊前詞人寫男子冶遊之作〉 --- p.頁370 / 附錄十五:〈《花間集》所描寫之地區〉 --- p.頁371-頁386 / 附錄十六:〈花間詞人所用的《詩經》典故〉 --- p.頁387-頁389 / 附錄十七:〈花間詞人所用的《楚辭》典故〉 --- p.頁390-頁391 / 附錄十八:〈花間詞人所用的漢賦典故〉 --- p.頁392-頁397 / 附錄十九:〈孫光憲詞融化前人詩句〉 --- p.頁398-頁401 / 附錄二十:〈花間尊前詞人的詞牌與句式〉 --- p.頁402-頁406 / 附錄二十一:〈孫光憲詞之押韻句式〉 --- p.頁407-頁411 / 附錄二十二:〈孫光憲詞會評) --- p.頁412-頁450
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Modelagem computacional para a interpretação de dados de medição de tensões mecânicas pelo método de difração de raios X / Computer simulation for interpretation of residual stress measurement data by X-ray stress analysis methodSergey Philippov 25 April 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Tensões mecânicas residuais próximas à superfície são importantes em relação às propriedades de materiais, como resistência, durabilidade, resistência a fricção etc. Muitos métodos modernos de tratamento de superfície produzem gradientes das tensões. Porém, até agora ainda não há um método de medição dos parâmetros destes gradientes, apesar de várias tentativas. A aplicação do método de difração de raios X ao problema é interessante pela possibilidade de avaliar os gradientes em camadas muito finas (~10m). Neste trabalho novos métodos como modelagem computacional, análise de Fourier e operação de convolução são aplicados à dados simulados que se obtêm pelo método de tensometria por raios X chamado método-sen2ψ. É mostrado que os gradientes de tensão produzem não-linearidades nas dependências experimentais e para gradientes fortes o suficiente estas não-linearidades podem ser registradas em experimento. São analisadas funções diferentes de distribuição de tensões e os efeitos que estas produzem para estados diferentes de tensões (uni-, bi- e tridimensional). É mostrado que a influência do gradiente pode ser descrita através da operação de convolução, e a função de gradiente pode ser obtida utilizando a transformada de Fourier e a operação de deconvolução. São estimados o menor valor de gradiente que pode ser registrado e a menor profundidade da distribuição não-homogênea de tensão que ainda tem efeito nos dados. / Residual stresses near the material surface are important for material's properties, like resistance, durability and friction resistance. A lot of modern methods of surface treatment produce stress gradients. However, up to now there is not a universal method of stress gradients parameters measurement, although various attempts were made. Aplication of X-ray diffraction method to the problem seems to be the best way to resolve it because of its possibility to measure the gradients in very thin layers (about 10m). Some new methods like computer simulation, Fourier analysis and operation of convolution are applied in this paper to simulate experimental data of X-ray tensometry method, called sin2ψ-method. It is shown that stress gradients produce non-linearities in the experimental dependences and for the gradients strong enough these non-linearities can be registered in experiment. There are analyzed different functions of stress distribution and the effects they produce for different stress states (one-, two- and three-dimensional). There is shown that the influence of gradient can be desribed by means of operation of convolution, and the gradient function can be found using Fourier transformation and deconvolution operation. It was estimated the smallest value of gradient that can be registered and the smallest depth of non-homogenious stress distribution that still has an effect on the data.
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