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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Numerical tools for the large eddy simulation of incompressible turbulent flows and application to flows over re-entry capsules / Outils numériques pour la simulation des grandes échelles d'écoulements incompressibles turbulents et application aux écoulements autour de capsules de rentrée

Rasquin, Michel 29 April 2010 (has links)
The context of this thesis is the numerical simulation of turbulent flows at moderate Reynolds numbers and the improvement of the capabilities of an in-house 3D unsteady and incompressible flow solver called SFELES to simulate such flows.<p>In addition to this abstract, this thesis includes five other chapters.<p><p>The second chapter of this thesis presents the numerical methods implemented in the two CFD solvers used as part of this work, namely SFELES and PHASTA.<p><p>The third chapter concentrates on the implementation of a new library called FlexMG. This library allows the use of various types of iterative solvers preconditioned by algebraic multigrid methods, which require much less memory to solve linear systems than a direct sparse LU solver available in SFELES. Multigrid is an iterative procedure that relies on a series of increasingly coarser approximations of the original 'fine' problem. The underlying concept is the following: low wavenumber errors on fine grids become high wavenumber errors on coarser levels, which can be effectively removed by applying fixed-point methods on coarser levels.<p>Two families of algebraic multigrid preconditioners have been implemented in FlexMG, namely smooth aggregation-type and non-nested finite element-type. Unlike pure gridless multigrid, both of these families use the information contained in the initial fine mesh. A hierarchy of coarse meshes is also needed for the non-nested finite element-type multigrid so that our approaches can be considered as hybrid. Our aggregation-type multigrid is smoothed with either a constant or a linear least square fitting function, whereas the non-nested finite element-type multigrid is already smooth by construction. All these multigrid preconditioners are tested as stand-alone solvers or coupled with a GMRES (Generalized Minimal RESidual) method. After analyzing the accuracy of the solutions obtained with our solvers on a typical test case in fluid mechanics (unsteady flow past a circular cylinder at low Reynolds number), their performance in terms of convergence rate, computational speed and memory consumption is compared with the performance of a direct sparse LU solver as a reference. Finally, the importance of using smooth interpolation operators is also underlined in this work.<p><p>The fourth chapter is devoted to the study of subgrid scale models for the large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent flows.<p>It is well known that turbulence features a cascade process by which kinetic energy is transferred from the large turbulent scales to the smaller ones. Below a certain size, the smallest structures are dissipated into heat because of the effect of the viscous term in the Navier-Stokes equations.<p>In the classical formulation of LES models, all the resolved scales are used to model the contribution of the unresolved scales. However, most of the energy exchanges between scales are local, which means that the energy of the unresolved scales derives mainly from the energy of the small resolved scales.<p>In this fourth chapter, constant-coefficient-based Smagorinsky and WALE models are considered under different formulations. This includes a classical version of both the Smagorinsky and WALE models and several scale-separation formulations, where the resolved velocity field is filtered in order to separate the small turbulent scales from the large ones. From this separation of turbulent scales, the strain rate tensor and/or the eddy viscosity of the subgrid scale model is computed from the small resolved scales only. One important advantage of these scale-separation models is that the dissipation they introduce through their subgrid scale stress tensor is better controlled compared to their classical version, where all the scales are taken into account without any filtering. More precisely, the filtering operator (based on a top hat filter in this work) allows the decomposition u' = u - ubar, where u is the resolved velocity field (large and small resolved scales), ubar is the filtered velocity field (large resolved scales) and u' is the small resolved scales field. <p>At last, two variational multiscale (VMS) methods are also considered.<p>The philosophy of the variational multiscale methods differs significantly from the philosophy of the scale-separation models. Concretely, the discrete Navier-Stokes equations have to be projected into two disjoint spaces so that a set of equations characterizes the evolution of the large resolved scales of the flow, whereas another set governs the small resolved scales. <p>Once the Navier-Stokes equations have been projected into these two spaces associated with the large and small scales respectively, the variational multiscale method consists in adding an eddy viscosity model to the small scales equations only, leaving the large scales equations unchanged. This projection is obvious in the case of a full spectral discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations, where the evolution of the large and small scales is governed by the equations associated with the low and high wavenumber modes respectively. This projection is more complex to achieve in the context of a finite element discretization. <p>For that purpose, two variational multiscale concepts are examined in this work.<p>The first projector is based on the construction of aggregates, whereas the second projector relies on the implementation of hierarchical linear basis functions.<p>In order to gain some experience in the field of LES modeling, some of the above-mentioned models were implemented first in another code called PHASTA and presented along with SFELES in the second chapter.<p>Finally, the relevance of our models is assessed with the large eddy simulation of a fully developed turbulent channel flow at a low Reynolds number under statistical equilibrium. In addition to the analysis of the mean eddy viscosity computed for all our LES models, comparisons in terms of shear stress, root mean square velocity fluctuation and mean velocity are performed with a fully resolved direct numerical simulation as a reference.<p><p>The fifth chapter of the thesis focuses on the numerical simulation of the 3D turbulent flow over a re-entry Apollo-type capsule at low speed with SFELES. The Reynolds number based on the heat shield is set to Re=10^4 and the angle of attack is set to 180º, that is the heat shield facing the free stream. Only the final stage of the flight is considered in this work, before the splashdown or the landing, so that the incompressibility hypothesis in SFELES is still valid.<p>Two LES models are considered in this chapter, namely a classical and a scale-separation version of the WALE model. Although the capsule geometry is axisymmetric, the flow field in its wake is not and induces unsteady forces and moments acting on the capsule. The characterization of the phenomena occurring in the wake of the capsule and the determination of their main frequencies are essential to ensure the static and dynamic stability during the final stage of the flight. <p>Visualizations by means of 3D isosurfaces and 2D slices of the Q-criterion and the vorticity field confirm the presence of a large meandering recirculation zone characterized by a low Strouhal number, that is St≈0.15.<p>Due to the detachment of the flow at the shoulder of the capsule, a resulting annular shear layer appears. This shear layer is then affected by some Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities and ends up rolling up, leading to the formation of vortex rings characterized by a high frequency. This vortex shedding depends on the Reynolds number so that a Strouhal number St≈3 is detected at Re=10^4.<p>Finally, the analysis of the force and moment coefficients reveals the existence of a lateral force perpendicular to the streamwise direction in the case of the scale-separation WALE model, which suggests that the wake of the capsule may have some <p>preferential orientations during the vortex shedding. In the case of the classical version of the WALE model, no lateral force has been observed so far so that the mean flow is thought to be still axisymmetric after 100 units of non-dimensional physical time.<p><p>Finally, the last chapter of this work recalls the main conclusions drawn from the previous chapters. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Experimental and numerical study of aeroacoustic phenomena in large solid propellant boosters

Anthoine, Jérôme P.L.R. 26 October 2000 (has links)
The present research is an experimental and numerical study of aeroacoustic phenomena occurring in large solid rocket motors (SRM) as the Ariane 5 boosters. The emphasis is given to aeroacoustic instabilities that may lead to pressure and thrust oscillations which reduce the rocket motor performance and could damage the payload. The study is carried out within the framework of a CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) research program. <p><p>Large SRM are composed of a submerged nozzle and segmented propellant grains separated by inhibitors. During propellant combustion, a cavity appears around the nozzle. Vortical flow structures may be formed from the inhibitor (Obstacle Vortex Shedding OVS) or from natural instability of the radial flow resulting from the propellant combustion (Surface Vortex Shedding SVS). Such hydrodynamic manifestations drive pressure oscillations in the confined flow established in the motor. When the vortex shedding frequency synchronizes acoustic modes of the motor chamber, resonance may occur and sound pressure can be amplified by vortex nozzle interaction.<p><p>Original analytical models, in particular based on vortex sound theory, point out the parameters controlling the flow-acoustic coupling and the effect of the nozzle design on sound production. They allow the appropriate definition of experimental tests.<p><p>The experiments are conducted on axisymmetric cold flow models respecting the Mach number similarity with the Ariane 5 SRM. The test section includes only one inhibitor and a submerged nozzle. The flow is either created by an axial air injection at the forward end or by a radial injection uniformly distributed along chamber porous walls. The internal Mach number can be varied continuously by means of a movable needle placed in the nozzle throat. Acoustic pressure measurements are taken by means of PCB piezoelectric transducers. A particle image velocimetry technique (PIV) is used to analyse the effect of the acoustic resonance on the mean flow field and vortex properties. An active control loop is exploited to obtain resonant and non resonant conditions for the same operating point.<p><p>Finally, numerical simulations are performed using a time dependent Navier Stokes solver. The analysis of the unsteady simulations provides pressure spectra, sequence of vorticity fields and average flow field. Comparison to experimental data is conducted.<p><p>The OVS and SVS instabilities are identified. The inhibitor parameters, the chamber Mach number and length, and the nozzle geometry are varied to analyse their effect on the flow acoustic coupling.<p><p>The conclusions state that flow acoustic coupling is mainly observed for nozzles including cavity. The nozzle geometry has an effect on the pressure oscillations through a coupling between the acoustic fluctuations induced by the cavity volume and the vortices travelling in front of the cavity entrance. When resonance occurs, the sound pressure level increases linearly with the chamber Mach number, the frequency and the cavity volume. In absence of cavity, the pressure fluctuations are damped.<p><p> / Doctorat en sciences appliquées / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

On antarctic wind engineering

Sanz Rodrigo, Javier 18 March 2011 (has links)
Antarctic Wind Engineering deals with the effects of wind on the built environment. The assessment of wind induced forces, wind resource and wind driven snowdrifts are the main tasks for a wind engineer when participating on the design of an Antarctic building. While conventional Wind Engineering techniques are generally applicable to the Antarctic environment, there are some aspects that require further analysis due to the special characteristics of the Antarctic wind climate and its boundary layer meteorology. <p>The first issue in remote places like Antarctica is the lack of site wind measurements and meteorological information in general. In order to complement this shortage of information various meteorological databases have been surveyed. Global Reanalyses, produced by the European Met Office ECMWF, and RACMO/ANT mesoscale model simulations, produced by the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research of Utrecht University (IMAU), have been validated versus independent observations from a network of 115 automatic weather stations. The resolution of these models, of some tens of kilometers, is sufficient to characterize the wind climate in areas of smooth topography like the interior plateaus or the coastal ice shelves. In contrast, in escarpment and coastal areas, where the terrain gets rugged and katabatic winds are further intensified in confluence zones, the models lack resolution and underestimate the wind velocity. <p>The Antarctic atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is characterized by the presence of strong katabatic winds that are generated by the presence of surface temperature inversions in sloping terrain. This inversion is persistent in Antarctica due to an almost continuous cooling by longwave radiation, especially during the winter night. As a result, the ABL is stably stratified most of the time and, only when the wind speed is high it becomes near neutrally stratified. This thesis also aims at making a critical review of the hypothesis underlying wind engineering models when extreme boundary layer situations are faced. It will be shown that the classical approach of assuming a neutral log-law in the surface layer can hold for studies of wind loading under strong winds but can be of limited use when detailed assessments are pursued. <p>The Antarctic landscape, mostly composed of very long fetches of ice covered terrain, makes it an optimum natural laboratory for the development of homogeneous boundary layers, which are a basic need for the formulation of ABL theories. Flux-profile measurements, made at Halley Research Station in the Brunt Ice Shelf by the British Antarctic Survery (BAS), have been used to analyze boundary layer similarity in view of formulating a one-dimensional ABL model. A 1D model of the neutral and stable boundary layer with a transport model for blowing snow has been implemented and verified versus test cases of the literature. A validation of quasi-stationary homogeneous profiles at different levels of stability confirms that such 1D models can be used to classify wind profiles to be used as boundary conditions for detailed 3D computational wind engineering studies. <p>A summary of the wind engineering activities carried out during the design of the Antarctic Research Station is provided as contextual reference and point of departure of this thesis. An elevated building on top of sloping terrain and connected to an under-snow garage constitutes a challenging environment for building design. Building aerodynamics and snowdrift management were tested in the von Karman Institute L1B wind tunnel for different building geometries and ridge integrations. Not only for safety and cost reduction but also for the integration of renewable energies, important benefits in the design of a building can be achieved if wind engineering is considered since the conceptual phase of the integrated building design process.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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