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Variation and Modulation of microRNAs in Prostate Cancer and Biological FluidsSeashols, Sarah 25 November 2013 (has links)
Prostate cancer is the second-most diagnosed and fatal carcinoma for males in the United States, and better diagnostic markers and potential therapies are needed. microRNAs are small, single-stranded RNA molecules that affect protein expression at the translational level, and dysregulation can dramatically affect cell metabolism. Comparison of 736 microRNA expression levels between the poorly metastatic SV40T immortalized prostate epithelial cell line P69 to its highly tumorigenic and metastatic subline M12 identified 231 miRs that were overexpressed and 150 miRs that showed loss of expression in the M12 cell line. Further evaluation of fourteen identified miRs was accomplished using other prostate cell lines as well as laser-capture microdissected prostate samples. Inhibition of miR-147b was found to affect proliferative, migratory and invasive capabilities of M12 cells, and reduced tumour growth in nude athymic mice. AATF, an activator of the cell-cycle inhibitor p21, was identified as a target. Overexpression of miR-9 was found to affect the epithelial to mesenchymal transition through suppression of e-cadherin, a protein characterized as lost in EMT, as well as suppression of SOCS5, an attenuator of JAK-STAT signaling. Inhibition of miR-9 resulted in reduction of migratory and invasive potential, and significant reduction of tumorigenesis and metastases in male nude athymic mice. miR-17-3p was previously identified as down-regulated in prostate cancer and loss of miR-17-3p shown to cause vimentin transcriptional activation. Reverse phase microarray analysis (RPMA) identified c-KIT as a potential second mRNA target for miR-17-3p. miR-17-3p was shown to modulate not only protein levels, but also messenger RNA levels of c-KIT. Four miR-17-3p binding sites in the c-KIT mRNA were identified. Thus, a number of microRNAs involved in prostate cancer were identified, and their targets found to be highly relevant to tumour progression and could potentially be used as targets for therapy or diagnostics. Stability of microRNAs in forensically relevant biological fluids was evaluated through heat treatment, ultraviolet radiation, and chemical treatment. The dried body fluids showed some susceptibility to harsh treatment, but in most cases microRNAs were still detectable in the samples. microRNAs could represent a highly stable species for body fluid identification methods in forensic science.
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Hereditary predisposition to breast cancer – with a focus on <em>AATF</em>, <em>MRG15</em>, <em>PALB2</em>, and three Fanconi anaemia genesHaanpää, M. (Maria) 27 May 2014 (has links)
Around 5−10% of all breast cancer cases are estimated to result from a strong hereditary predisposition to the disease. However, mutations in the currently known breast cancer susceptibility genes account for only 20−30% of all familial cases. Additional factors contributing to the pathogenesis of breast cancer, therefore, await discovery. Aims of this study were to evaluate variations of the AATF and MRG15 genes as novel potential candidates for breast cancer susceptibility, to further examine the prevalence of the cancer-related PALB2 c.1592delT mutation among BRCA-negative high-risk breast cancer families counselled at the Department of Clinical Genetics, Oulu University Hospital, to identify Finnish Fanconi anaemia patients complementation groups as well as causative mutations, and to evaluate the potential role of these mutations in breast cancer susceptibility.
The analysis of 121 familial breast cancer cases revealed altogether seven different sequence changes in the AATF gene. However, none of them were considered pathogenic, suggesting that germline mutations in AATF are rare or absent in breast cancer patients.
Investigation of the MRG15 gene among familial breast cancer cases revealed seven previously unreported variants, but in silico analyses revealed that none of these variants appeared to modify the function of MRG15. The results suggest that MRG15 alterations are unlikely to be significant breast cancer susceptibility alleles.
A previously identified pathogenic PALB2 mutation, c.1592delT, was identified in three patients from a cohort of 62 high-risk BRCA1/2-negative breast cancer patients from the Department of Clinical Genetics. PALB2 c.1592delT mutation testing should thus be a routine part of the genetic counselling protocol, particularly for BRCA1/2-negative high-risk breast cancer patients.
Investigation of the complementation groups of Finnish Fanconi anaemia patients revealed a total of six different causative mutations. These mutations were examined further by analysing their prevalence in large cohorts of breast (n=1840) and prostate (n=565) cancers. However, no significant association emerged between cancer predisposition and these FA mutations. / Tiivistelmä
Arviolta 5−10 prosenttia kaikista rintasyöpätapauksista aiheutuu merkittävästä perinnöllisestä alttiudesta sairauteen. Tällä hetkellä tiedossa olevien rintasyövälle altistavien geenivirheiden ajatellaan kuitenkin selittävän vain noin 20−30 prosenttia kaikista perinnöllisistä tapauksista. On todennäköistä, että uusia tekijöitä, jotka osallistuvat rintasyövän patomekanismiin, on vielä löytymättä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida AATF- ja MRG15-geeneissä esiintyvien muutosten mahdollista vaikutusta rintasyöpäalttiuteen, tutkia tarkemmin PALB2 c.1592delT -mutaation esiintymistä BRCA-mutaationegatiivisten korkean rintasyöpäriskin potilaiden joukossa (perinnöllisyyspoliklinikka, Oulun yliopistollinen sairaala) ja määrittää suomalaisten Fanconi-anemiapotilaiden komplementaatioryhmät, sairauden taustalla olevat mutaatiot sekä tutkia näihin mutaatioihin mahdollisesti liittyvää rintasyöpäriskiä.
121 familiaalisen rintasyöpätapauksen analyysissä löytyi yhteensä seitsemän erilaista sekvenssimuutosta AATF-geenissä. Näistä yksikään ei kuitenkaan ollut selvästi patogeeninen. Tuloksen perusteella perinnölliset rintasyövälle altistavat muutokset AATF-geenissä ovat joko erittäin harvinaisia tai niitä ei esiinny lainkaan.
MRG15-geenin mutaatioanalyysissä havaittiin seitsemän aikaisemmin raportoimatonta muutosta, mutta in silico -analyysien perusteella millään muutoksista ei ole vaikutusta MRG15-proteiinin toimintaan. Tulosten perusteella on epätodennäköistä, että MRG15-geenin muutokset olisivat merkittäviä rintasyövälle altistavia muutoksia.
Jo aiemmin patogeeniseksi todettu PALB2 c.1592delT -mutaatio löydettiin kolmelta niistä perinnöllisyyspoliklinikan korkean syöpäriskin 62 potilaasta, jotka olivat BRCA1/2-geenitestauksessa saaneet normaalin tuloksen. Tulostemme perusteella PALB2 c.1592delT -mutaatiotestaus tulisi Suomessa ottaa osaksi perinnöllisyyspoliklinikoiden tarjomaa tutkimusprotokollaa.
Suomalaisten Fanconi-anemiapotilaiden komplementaatioryhmiä selvittävässä tutkimuksessa identifioitiin yhteensä kuusi erilaista tautia aiheuttavaa mutaatiota. Näiden muutosten esiintymistä tutkittiin myös laajoissa rinta- (n=1840) ja eturauhassyöpäaineistoissa (n=565). Tilastollisesti merkittävää assosiaatiota ei kuitenkaan todettu suomalaisten FA-mutaatioiden ja syöpäalttiuden välillä.
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