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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo de materiais metálicos para a fabricação de biorreatores anaeróbios

Borba, Antonio Pereira January 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa dois tipos de aços inoxidáveis, o Austenítico AISI 316L e o Duplex AISI 318, para a fabricação de biorreatores. Esses aços possuem propriedades físicas e químicas que podem suprir as necessidades de resistências mecânicas e anticorrosivas dos ambientes dos biorreatores anaeróbicos. Para comparar os dois tipos de aço, foram feitos testes das propriedades mecânicas e químicas antes e depois da exposição ao ambiente de biorreação. Um protótipo de biorreator foi projetado no software Autodesk Inventor 2013 e construído com uma das ligas metálicas em estudo, o aço AISI 316L, criando um ambiente favorável aos testes de campo. Para tal utilizou-se processos de conformação e união de chapas por rebitagem e soldagem. As amostras dos aços para os testes mecânicos e de corrosão foram preparadas e inseridas no biorreator onde permaneceram por 14 meses. Os resultados dos ensaios mostraram que não houve alterações significativas nas propriedades mecânicas dos aços Duplex, porém as amostras de aço Austenítico apresentaram aumento na tensão de escoamento, na tensão limite de resistência e no módulo de elasticidade, demonstrando aumento na rigidez do material após a biorreação. Quanto às propriedades anticorrosivas os resultados apresentam uma leve vantagem do aço Duplex AISI 318 em relação ao Austenítico AISI 316L. Em relação à construção, os aços Austeníticos, por serem mais dúcteis, possuem melhor conformação; o Duplex AISI 318, por ter maior resistência mecânica, possibilita a construção com chapas mais finas, o que acarreta em redução de peso final do biorreator. O aço AISI 318 apresenta maior estabilidade nas propriedades mecânicas do que o AISI 316L. A relação favorável de custo-benefício da aplicação dos aços inoxidáveis na construção de biorreatores anaeróbios é comprovada pelas plantas de produção de biogás existentes em várias partes do mundo, principalmente na Europa. / The present study analyzes two kinds stainless steel, the Austenitic AISI 316L and the Duplex AISI 318 for manufacturing bioreactors. These kinds of stainless steel have the physical and chemical properties to meet the need the anticorrosive and mechanical resistances from the anaerobic bioreactors environments. Before and after the exposition to the bioreaction environment, both kinds of stainless steel were compared by testing their mechanical and chemical properties. A prototype bioreactor was designed in Autodesk Inventor 2013 software and built with on of the alloys in study, the AISI 316L, creating a favorable environment for fielding testing. For this purpose, we used the processes of forming and joining the plates by riveting and welding. The stainless steel samples for the mechanical and corrosion tests were prepared and placed in the bioreactor and they stayed there for fourteen months. Results show that there weren't significant changes in the mechanical properties of Duplex steel. However, Austenitic steel samples showed an increase in yield strength, resistence limit and in the elastic modulus, demonstrating an increase in the stiffness of the materials after bioreaction. The results show that there were not significant changes in mechanical properties, as the corrosive properties, results show a slight advantages of Duplex 318 compared to Austenitic AISI 316L. Regarding the construction, the Austenitic steel has better conformation, because it is more ductile and the Duplex steel has greater mechanical resistance and it enables the construction with thinner plates. Thus, the bioreactor becomes lighter. The AISI 318 steel has higher stability in mechanical properties than AISI 316L. The cost-benefit of the application of stainless steel in the construction of anaerobic bioreactors is proven by production plants of biogas worldwide, mainly in Europe.

Estudo de materiais metálicos para a fabricação de biorreatores anaeróbios

Borba, Antonio Pereira January 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa dois tipos de aços inoxidáveis, o Austenítico AISI 316L e o Duplex AISI 318, para a fabricação de biorreatores. Esses aços possuem propriedades físicas e químicas que podem suprir as necessidades de resistências mecânicas e anticorrosivas dos ambientes dos biorreatores anaeróbicos. Para comparar os dois tipos de aço, foram feitos testes das propriedades mecânicas e químicas antes e depois da exposição ao ambiente de biorreação. Um protótipo de biorreator foi projetado no software Autodesk Inventor 2013 e construído com uma das ligas metálicas em estudo, o aço AISI 316L, criando um ambiente favorável aos testes de campo. Para tal utilizou-se processos de conformação e união de chapas por rebitagem e soldagem. As amostras dos aços para os testes mecânicos e de corrosão foram preparadas e inseridas no biorreator onde permaneceram por 14 meses. Os resultados dos ensaios mostraram que não houve alterações significativas nas propriedades mecânicas dos aços Duplex, porém as amostras de aço Austenítico apresentaram aumento na tensão de escoamento, na tensão limite de resistência e no módulo de elasticidade, demonstrando aumento na rigidez do material após a biorreação. Quanto às propriedades anticorrosivas os resultados apresentam uma leve vantagem do aço Duplex AISI 318 em relação ao Austenítico AISI 316L. Em relação à construção, os aços Austeníticos, por serem mais dúcteis, possuem melhor conformação; o Duplex AISI 318, por ter maior resistência mecânica, possibilita a construção com chapas mais finas, o que acarreta em redução de peso final do biorreator. O aço AISI 318 apresenta maior estabilidade nas propriedades mecânicas do que o AISI 316L. A relação favorável de custo-benefício da aplicação dos aços inoxidáveis na construção de biorreatores anaeróbios é comprovada pelas plantas de produção de biogás existentes em várias partes do mundo, principalmente na Europa. / The present study analyzes two kinds stainless steel, the Austenitic AISI 316L and the Duplex AISI 318 for manufacturing bioreactors. These kinds of stainless steel have the physical and chemical properties to meet the need the anticorrosive and mechanical resistances from the anaerobic bioreactors environments. Before and after the exposition to the bioreaction environment, both kinds of stainless steel were compared by testing their mechanical and chemical properties. A prototype bioreactor was designed in Autodesk Inventor 2013 software and built with on of the alloys in study, the AISI 316L, creating a favorable environment for fielding testing. For this purpose, we used the processes of forming and joining the plates by riveting and welding. The stainless steel samples for the mechanical and corrosion tests were prepared and placed in the bioreactor and they stayed there for fourteen months. Results show that there weren't significant changes in the mechanical properties of Duplex steel. However, Austenitic steel samples showed an increase in yield strength, resistence limit and in the elastic modulus, demonstrating an increase in the stiffness of the materials after bioreaction. The results show that there were not significant changes in mechanical properties, as the corrosive properties, results show a slight advantages of Duplex 318 compared to Austenitic AISI 316L. Regarding the construction, the Austenitic steel has better conformation, because it is more ductile and the Duplex steel has greater mechanical resistance and it enables the construction with thinner plates. Thus, the bioreactor becomes lighter. The AISI 318 steel has higher stability in mechanical properties than AISI 316L. The cost-benefit of the application of stainless steel in the construction of anaerobic bioreactors is proven by production plants of biogas worldwide, mainly in Europe.

Estudo da corrosão em junta tubo-espelho soldada por SATG entre as ligas AISI 316L e AISI 444 / Study of corrosion process on tube-to-tubesheet welded joints performed with TIG process and using AISI 316L and AISI 444 alloys

Guilherme, Luis Henrique 21 November 2011 (has links)
Nos últimos anos houve, no Brasil, um significativo investimento em usinas de álcool para suprir a demanda. Todavia, surgiram problemas de natureza econômica e ambiental, já que a tecnologia atualmente utilizada nas destilarias de álcool produz em média 13 litros de vinhaça para cada litro de álcool. Na busca de uma solução para reduzir o volume deste resíduo, desenvolveu-se um equipamento para concentração de vinhaça, denominado Ecovin, pela empresa Citrotec localizada em Araraquara-SP. Para cada Ecovin são utilizados cerca de 4000 tubos com costura nos trocadores de calor, e para reduzir seu custo de fabricação, avaliou-se como opção o uso de tubos da liga AISI 444. Inserido neste contexto, o presente trabalho procurou caracterizar os mecanismos de corrosão e mostrar de forma comparativa o desempenho dos tubos nas juntas tubo-espelho. Estudo-se, portanto, dois tipos de junta, a do projeto atual, composta por chapa e tubo da liga AISI 316L; e a nova proposta, composta por chapa da liga AISI 316L e tubo da liga AISI 444. Para tanto, iniciou-se com a avaliação da soldabilidade das ligas estudadas, através da caracterização microestrutural, qualificação do procedimento de soldagem da junta tubo-espelho e de ensaios de sensitização nas soldas. Em seguida, ensaios de perda de massa por imersão foram realizados nas soluções de 0,5 M \'H IND.2\'SO IND.4\' e 0,5 M \'H\'CL\', nas temperaturas de 30°C, 50°C, 70°C e 90°C, de acordo com o intervalo de temperatura de operação do Ecovin. Nas mesmas soluções, e na temperatura ambiente, foram realizados ensaios eletroquímicos de polarização potenciodinâmica em amostras que reproduziram o ciclo térmico de soldagem das juntas tubo-espelho estudadas, nas regiões do metal de base, zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC) e no metal de solda. Na junta tubo-espelho a corrosão ocorreu preferencialmente na ZAC formada entre a interface tubo-metal de solda, e no cordão de solda à margem do tubo, com a atuação de mecanismos de corrosão generalizada e localizada. Na junta tubo-espelho dissimilar observou-se que o processo corrosivo foi predominante na superfície do tubo AISI 444, típico do mecanismo de corrosão galvânica, onde o tubo AISI 444 caracterizou-se como a região anódica. O desempenho da liga AISI 316L, assim como a junta soldada composta somente por essa liga, apresentou um melhor desempenho em corrosão, porém, na solução contendo cloreto, a variação da temperatura exerceu uma influência proporcional para ambos os casos avaliados nesse estudo. Destaca-se ainda que a liga AISI 316L sofreu corrosão por pite na ZAC e no metal de solda, em ambas as soluções, com maior severidade do que a liga AISI 444. Os resultados obtidos indicam que para a aplicação requerida, o tubo AISI 444 pode ser utilizado na temperatura de 50°C com satisfatório desempenho e similar à junta composta somente por AISI 316L. / Recently in Brazil there has been constant investments in ethanol plants, to supply the internal and external market, resulting at a high increase of the volume of this product. However, economical and environmental problems arose because of this new demand, whereas the current technologies produce thirteen liters of vinasse for each liter of alcohol. Each ECOVIN uses nearly 4000 welded tubes in the heat exchangers, and there is an option to use welded AISI 444 alloy tubes in order to reduce the manufacture costs of the ECOVIN. In this context, this work determines the corrosion mechanisms and analyzes the performance of welded tubes and the tube-to-tubesheet welded joints. The following types of tube-to-tubesheet were evaluated: current welded joints of this project, with all components manufactured with AISI 316L alloy; and the welded joint suggested for the project, using the welded tubes of AISI 444 alloy and the plate of AISI 316L alloy. For this purpose, the first step was to evaluate the weldability of the studied alloys, through microstructural characterization, welding procedure qualification and the intergranular corrosion test. After that, mass loss tests were conducted in 0,5 M \'H IND.2\'SO IND.4\' and 0,5 M \'H\'CL\' solutions, at 30°C, 50°C, 70°C and 90°C, according to the temperature range of the equipment operating. Electrochemical polarization tests were made in the same solution concentration used in the mass loss tests, but only in room temperature. These tests were made in samples that were welded with the same thermal cycle of the tube-to-tubesheet welded joints, and the evaluations were made on the base metal, heat affected zones and weld metal. The uniform and localized corrosion process occurred preferentially in the interface formed between tube and weld metal, and on weld metal near the tubes. In the tube-to-tubesheet dissimilar welded joints, it was observed that the corrosion process was predominant on the surface of AISI 444 alloy, probably because of the galvanic corrosion process, where the AISI 444 was an anodic region. The best performance on corrosion process was observed in AISI 316L, both the base metal and the similar welded joints. However, for the tests in chloride environment, in this process, the temperature caused a proportional influence in the corrosion rate of AISI 316L and AISI 444. In the AISI 316L alloy it was observed nucleation of pitting in HAZ and in weld metal, in both solutions, and more aggressive than observed in the AISI 444 alloy. The results showed that the AISI 444 alloy can be applied for the initial ranging temperatures of the equipments operation, with satisfactory performance.

Estudo da corrosão em junta tubo-espelho soldada por SATG entre as ligas AISI 316L e AISI 444 / Study of corrosion process on tube-to-tubesheet welded joints performed with TIG process and using AISI 316L and AISI 444 alloys

Luis Henrique Guilherme 21 November 2011 (has links)
Nos últimos anos houve, no Brasil, um significativo investimento em usinas de álcool para suprir a demanda. Todavia, surgiram problemas de natureza econômica e ambiental, já que a tecnologia atualmente utilizada nas destilarias de álcool produz em média 13 litros de vinhaça para cada litro de álcool. Na busca de uma solução para reduzir o volume deste resíduo, desenvolveu-se um equipamento para concentração de vinhaça, denominado Ecovin, pela empresa Citrotec localizada em Araraquara-SP. Para cada Ecovin são utilizados cerca de 4000 tubos com costura nos trocadores de calor, e para reduzir seu custo de fabricação, avaliou-se como opção o uso de tubos da liga AISI 444. Inserido neste contexto, o presente trabalho procurou caracterizar os mecanismos de corrosão e mostrar de forma comparativa o desempenho dos tubos nas juntas tubo-espelho. Estudo-se, portanto, dois tipos de junta, a do projeto atual, composta por chapa e tubo da liga AISI 316L; e a nova proposta, composta por chapa da liga AISI 316L e tubo da liga AISI 444. Para tanto, iniciou-se com a avaliação da soldabilidade das ligas estudadas, através da caracterização microestrutural, qualificação do procedimento de soldagem da junta tubo-espelho e de ensaios de sensitização nas soldas. Em seguida, ensaios de perda de massa por imersão foram realizados nas soluções de 0,5 M \'H IND.2\'SO IND.4\' e 0,5 M \'H\'CL\', nas temperaturas de 30°C, 50°C, 70°C e 90°C, de acordo com o intervalo de temperatura de operação do Ecovin. Nas mesmas soluções, e na temperatura ambiente, foram realizados ensaios eletroquímicos de polarização potenciodinâmica em amostras que reproduziram o ciclo térmico de soldagem das juntas tubo-espelho estudadas, nas regiões do metal de base, zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC) e no metal de solda. Na junta tubo-espelho a corrosão ocorreu preferencialmente na ZAC formada entre a interface tubo-metal de solda, e no cordão de solda à margem do tubo, com a atuação de mecanismos de corrosão generalizada e localizada. Na junta tubo-espelho dissimilar observou-se que o processo corrosivo foi predominante na superfície do tubo AISI 444, típico do mecanismo de corrosão galvânica, onde o tubo AISI 444 caracterizou-se como a região anódica. O desempenho da liga AISI 316L, assim como a junta soldada composta somente por essa liga, apresentou um melhor desempenho em corrosão, porém, na solução contendo cloreto, a variação da temperatura exerceu uma influência proporcional para ambos os casos avaliados nesse estudo. Destaca-se ainda que a liga AISI 316L sofreu corrosão por pite na ZAC e no metal de solda, em ambas as soluções, com maior severidade do que a liga AISI 444. Os resultados obtidos indicam que para a aplicação requerida, o tubo AISI 444 pode ser utilizado na temperatura de 50°C com satisfatório desempenho e similar à junta composta somente por AISI 316L. / Recently in Brazil there has been constant investments in ethanol plants, to supply the internal and external market, resulting at a high increase of the volume of this product. However, economical and environmental problems arose because of this new demand, whereas the current technologies produce thirteen liters of vinasse for each liter of alcohol. Each ECOVIN uses nearly 4000 welded tubes in the heat exchangers, and there is an option to use welded AISI 444 alloy tubes in order to reduce the manufacture costs of the ECOVIN. In this context, this work determines the corrosion mechanisms and analyzes the performance of welded tubes and the tube-to-tubesheet welded joints. The following types of tube-to-tubesheet were evaluated: current welded joints of this project, with all components manufactured with AISI 316L alloy; and the welded joint suggested for the project, using the welded tubes of AISI 444 alloy and the plate of AISI 316L alloy. For this purpose, the first step was to evaluate the weldability of the studied alloys, through microstructural characterization, welding procedure qualification and the intergranular corrosion test. After that, mass loss tests were conducted in 0,5 M \'H IND.2\'SO IND.4\' and 0,5 M \'H\'CL\' solutions, at 30°C, 50°C, 70°C and 90°C, according to the temperature range of the equipment operating. Electrochemical polarization tests were made in the same solution concentration used in the mass loss tests, but only in room temperature. These tests were made in samples that were welded with the same thermal cycle of the tube-to-tubesheet welded joints, and the evaluations were made on the base metal, heat affected zones and weld metal. The uniform and localized corrosion process occurred preferentially in the interface formed between tube and weld metal, and on weld metal near the tubes. In the tube-to-tubesheet dissimilar welded joints, it was observed that the corrosion process was predominant on the surface of AISI 444 alloy, probably because of the galvanic corrosion process, where the AISI 444 was an anodic region. The best performance on corrosion process was observed in AISI 316L, both the base metal and the similar welded joints. However, for the tests in chloride environment, in this process, the temperature caused a proportional influence in the corrosion rate of AISI 316L and AISI 444. In the AISI 316L alloy it was observed nucleation of pitting in HAZ and in weld metal, in both solutions, and more aggressive than observed in the AISI 444 alloy. The results showed that the AISI 444 alloy can be applied for the initial ranging temperatures of the equipments operation, with satisfactory performance.

Využitelnost protlačovacích zkoušek na miniaturních discích (small punch test - SPT) pro stanovování materiálových charakteristik za vysokých teplot / Application of small punch test for determination of high temperature materials characteristics

Ječmínka, Marek January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on mechanical properties testing by small punch test and comparison of these properties with mechanical properties obtained by conventional tensile test. Steels P92 and AISI 316L in a shape of discs were tested. There were determined values of mechanical properties, namely yield stress, and ultimate tensile stress, obtained by the small punch test – constant deflection rate in this thesis. Values of initial stress and residual stress were evaluated from relaxation small punch test. Mechanical properties obtained by small punch test – constant deflection rate, and small punch test – relaxation, respectively, are compared with mechanical properties obtained by conventional tensile test, and relaxation tensile test, respectively. There were proposed own empirical relationships for restatement of mechanical properties obtained by small punch test to mechanical properties obtained by conventional tensile test in the thesis. Relatively small agreement of results obtained by small punch test, and conventional tensile test was demonstrated by a comparison. Application of own empirical relationships resulted in better agreement. Very good agreement of results of small punch test – relaxation, and relaxation tensile test was shown by their comparison.

Influence de la microstructure sur les mécanismes d'endommagement thermomécanique de revêtements à base d'acier inoxydable AISI 316L réalisés par projection dynamique par gaz froid "cold spray" / Influence of microstructure on thermomechanical damage mechanisms in cold-sprayed 316L-matrix composite coatings

Maestracci, Raphaël 06 April 2016 (has links)
Le domaine automobile utilise des alliages légers d’aluminium dans la fabrication des pièces volumineuses du moteur thermique afin d’améliorer son rendement énergétique. Cependant, leurs propriétés sont insuffisantes pour pouvoir faire face aux contraintes thermomécaniques du moteur en service qui requièrent des matériaux à haute performance. Une solution innovante est l’application d’un revêtement par projection par gaz froid dite « cold spray » à base d’acier inoxydable AISI 316L aux dimensions et aux propriétés adaptées aux sollicitations locales. Ce procédé repose sur la projection à haute vitesse de particules de poudre sur un substrat, qui, déformées en « splats » à l’impact, adhérent pour créer un revêtement. Cette étude a pour ambition de comprendre les mécanismes d’endommagement thermomécanique de revêtements cold spray composites à base de 316L. Pour cela, les étapes de l’élaboration des revêtements, les paramètres de projection et les poudres de l’étude sont détaillés. Des revêtements de 316L pur sont réalisés ainsi que des analyses microstructurales par microscopie optique, MEB, chimiques par EDX et cristallographiques par EBSD et DRX, afin d’étudier l’influence du procédé cold spray sur la poudre initiale. Les interfaces entre les splats, constituants majeurs dans la cohésion des revêtements, sont étudiées en détail au MET. Puis, des éléments d’addition moins durs de cuivre et plus durs d’alliage de nickel Tribaloy 700 (Ni700), sont incorporés dans les mélanges de poudres avec l’acier afin de créer des revêtements composites. La modification de la microstructure et de la qualité des interfaces par la création de matériaux composites est alors abordée. Enfin, ces matériaux sont éprouvés et comparés grâce à des essais quasi statiques de dureté et de traction, et dynamiques d’impact-glissement. Les résultats et les observations locales de la réponse de la microstructure à ces sollicitations macroscopiques permettront d’envisager les mécanismes d’endommagement de ces revêtements cold spray. / Aluminum alloys are commonly used in the automotive industry for lightening and power gain of thermal engines. However, thermomechanical properties are not often high enough to undergo the in-service stresses while the engine is running. High performance materials are needed. A novel approach to reach these high performances is to develop specific coatings using the cold spray route. This thermal spray process is based on the plastic deformation of sprayed powders at a supersonic velocity onto a substrate resulting in so called « splats » and stick to the surface. In this thesis, thermomechanical damage of cold-sprayed 316L-matrix composite coatings are studied. Prior to the study of composites, the elaboration steps of 316L in the cold spray coatings are established. Powder and coatings are studied to determine the influence of the cold spray process. Microstructural analyse involved optical microscopy, SEM, chemical analysis EDX and image analysis. Cristallographic analyse were performed by EBSD and DRX. Interfaces between splats are specifically studies by TEM. These consist of a crucial actor in the cohesion of coatings. Then, softer powder of Cu and harder powder of Ni700 are mixed with 316L and cold sprayed to build composite coatings. Their influence on the microstructure through the creation of new interfaces is observed. Last but not least, mechanical properties of the different coatings are compared. Hardness and tensile tests are used for quasi-static loading characterization whereas impact-sliding tests are used for dynamic loading characterization. Results and the local observation of the microstructural response to these macroscopic loadings give an insight into major damage mechanisms of cold sprayed composite coatings.

Laser Metal Powder Deposition of Austenitic Stainless Steel on Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron : A corrosion resistant coating for the Food & Beverage Industry / Laser metalldeponering av AISI 316L på Segjärn : En korrosionsbeständig beläggning för livsmedelsindustrin

Molina Griggs, Alejandro José January 2018 (has links)
Spheroidal graphite cast iron is a material widely used in the industry for the manufacturing of all kind of covers and protective casings thanks to its good combination of mechanical properties, processability and cost. When cast iron components are put into service in corrosive environments the most common approach to protect the components is painting them. The protective painting has been found to flake off with time when aggressive washing procedures, such as the ones used in the Food & Beverage industry, are applied several times. In this project, the coating of cast iron with a corrosion resistant AISI 316L stainless steel by Laser Metal Powder Deposition has been studied as an alternative protection against corrosion. Several samples with different combinations of substrate preparation, number of layers and surface conditions were produced and analysed by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, wash down tests and salt spray chamber corrosion tests. Main results show that the diffusion of carbon from the carbon-rich cast iron to the stainless steel coating, which would have a negative effect on the corrosion resistant properties, was significantly low as a result of the low penetration and dilution achieved during the laser metal powder deposition process. The deposited stainless steel coatings successfully protected the substrate during the corrosion tests and the integrity of the coatings is not expected to fail during the washing producers applied in the industry.

Modélisation du processus de polissage : identification des effets et des phénoménologies induits par l'usinage abrasif / Modelling of the polishing process : identification of the induced effects and the phenomenology of the abrasive material removal

Goossens, François 30 November 2015 (has links)
Le polissage est un procédé d’usinage par abrasion qui vise à établir une micro-géométrieprécise sur les surfaces de solides. Pour introduire les spécificités de ce procédé, un tourd’horizon sur l’usinage par abrasion est proposé. Il en découle les paramètres pouvantcaractériser une opération de polissage. Les études scientifiques existantes sont synthétisées etanalysés au regard des objectifs poursuivis. De manière à faire émerger une méthodologiepour établir des modèles et des bases de données dédiées au polissage, un banc expérimental aété mis en place et des essais ont été menés sur une tôle en inox 316L avec un abrasifstructuré de forme pyramidale. Une méthode de mesure de l’usure des pyramides abrasives aété mise au point. Les premiers essais ont mis en évidence la nécessité pour les grains abrasifsd’exercer sur la matière une pression supérieure à une valeur minimale. Un modèle deconsommation matière issu de la loi de Preston a été présenté et validé par des essais. L’étudepar des plans d’expériences factoriels complets des efforts induits, de la rugosité au traversdes critères proposés par la norme ISO et de la mouillabilité a permis de mettre en évidencel’influence prépondérante de la taille des grains abrasifs. Par contre, la pression exercée parles grains, leur vitesse de défilement et le taux d’usure des pyramides abrasives n’ont qu’unrôle secondaire sur ces critères. Ces résultats constituent de précieuses indications pour lesbureaux des méthodes devant établir des gammes de polissage. / The polishing is a process of manufacturing by abrasion which aims at establishing a precisemicro-geometry on the surfaces of solids. To introduce the specificities of this process, anoverview on the manufacturing by abrasion is proposed. As a result, the parameters which cancharacterize an operation of polishing are identified. The existing scientific studies aresynthesized and analysed with regard to the pursued objectives. For the testing, an experimenttest bench was developed. The proposed methodology is applied on the polishing process ofthe AISI 316L using pyramidal abrasive belts. A measurement method of the abrasivepyramids wear is finalized. A method of measuring the abrasive pyramids wear is provided. Aremoving material rate model based on the Preston's law is presented and experimentallyvalidated. A study based on the design of experiment is conducted using as output the cuttingforces, the roughness and the wettability criteria. The results point out the dominatinginfluence of the size of the abrasive grains. On the other hand, the study indicates the fact thatthe applied pressure on the abrasive grains, the belt speed and the abrasive level do not playan important role on the previously cited characteristics. On the other hand, the studyhighlights that the applied pressure on the abrasive grains, the belt speed and the abrasivelevel do not have a significant effect on the previously cited characteristics. These resultsconstitute valuable indications for the industrial polishing process optimization.

Verfahrenskombination zur Randschichthärtung thermisch gespritzter Schichtsysteme aus austenitischem Stahl

Lindner, Thomas 06 September 2018 (has links)
Thermochemische Randschichthärteverfahren ermöglichen eine ausscheidungsfreie Einlagerung von Kohlenstoff bzw. Stickstoff innerhalb des austenitischen Mischkristalls. Im Zusammenhang mit einer Randschichtbehandlung thermisch gespritzter Schichtsysteme stellen die charakteristischen Strukturmerkmale eine bislang weitgehend unerforschte Einflussgröße für die Beurteilung von Diffusionsprozessen dar. Bei der Verarbeitung von randschichtgehärtetem Pulver durch Verfahren des thermischen Spritzens ist die Phasenstabilität des Spritzzusatzwerkstoffs von übergeordneter Bedeutung. Die beiden Möglichkeiten einer Verfahrenskombination werden für hochgeschwindigkeitsflamm- und atmosphärisch plasmagespritzte Schichtsysteme des Werkstoffs EN 1.4404 durch systematische Prozess- und Parametervariation eingehend betrachtet. Für die einzelnen Schichtsysteme werden Einflussfaktoren struktur- und prozessspezifisch sowie in Abhängigkeit vom Anreicherungsmedium erfasst und im Kontext der Massivwerkstoffreferenz eingeordnet. Die daraus abgeleiteten allgemeingültigen Aussagen zu verfahrenstechnischen Wechselwirkungseffekten ermöglichen eine anwendungsorientierte Verfahrensauswahl bzw. Entwicklungsstrategie. / Thermochemical surface hardening enables a precipitation-free solvation of carbon or nitrogen on interstices of the austenitic crystal lattice. However, the interplay of the diffusion mechanisms with the structural properties of thermal spray coatings has not yet been understood. Thermal spraying of surface-hardened powders is a further opportunity, where the phase stability of the feedstock material is of crucial importance. A process and parameter study is conducted on high velocity oxy-fuel and atmospheric plasma spraying of AISI 316L considering both basic concepts. Structural and process-specific influence factors are examined for the different coating systems in comparison to the bulk material reference. Correlation effects are determined allowing for an application-oriented process selection or development strategy.

Effects of Plasma-Chemical Composition on AISI 316L Surface Modification by Active Screen Nitrocarburizing Using Gaseous and Solid Carbon Precursors

Jafarpour, Saeed M., Pipa, Andrei V., Puth, Alexander, Dalke, Anke, Röpcke, Jürgen, van Helden, Jean-Pierre H., Biermann, Horst 12 July 2024 (has links)
Low-temperature plasma nitrocarburizing treatments are applied to improve the surface properties of austenitic stainless steels by forming an expanded austenite layer without impairing the excellent corrosion resistance of the steel. Here, low-temperature active screen plasma nitrocarburizing (ASPNC) was investigated in an industrial-scale cold-wall reactor to compare the effects of two active screen materials: (i) a steel active screen with the addition of methane as a gaseous carbon-containing precursor and (ii) an active screen made of carbon-fibre-reinforced carbon (CFC) as a solid carbon precursor. By using both active screen materials, ASPNC treatments at variable plasma conditions were conducted using AISI 316L. Moreover, insight into the plasma-chemical composition of the H2-N2 plasma for both active screen materials was gained by laser absorption spectroscopy (LAS) combined with optical emission spectroscopy (OES). It was found that, in the case of a CFC active screen in a biased condition, the thickness of the nitrogen-expanded austenite layer increased, while the thickness of the carbon-expanded austenite layer decreased compared to the non-biased condition, in which the nitrogen- and carbon-expanded austenite layers had comparable thicknesses. Furthermore, the crucial role of biasing the workload to produce a thick and homogeneous expanded austenite layer by using a steel active screen was validated.

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