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Atlas escolar interativo: desenvolvimento de um protótipo para o quarto ciclo do ensino fundamentalSantos, Fernanda Puga [UNESP] 31 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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santos_fp_me_prud.pdf: 2718206 bytes, checksum: 7aec825622eb74efed5b29f33c15bbe9 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O uso de mapas, Atlas e mais recentemente, imagens de sensoriamento remoto constituem uma importante parte do currículo escolar, particularmente na disciplina de Geografia. Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, documento que apresenta as linhas norteadoras do ensino fundamental no Brasil, enfatizam a importância da tecnologia na educação ao propor o uso de recursos multimídia para auxiliar no aprendizado de conceitos de representação e espacialização. Através de recursos multimídia surge a capacidade de manipular representações mapeadas nos Atlas, possibilitando a seleção e modificação de informações, o que os tornam mais atrativos e didáticos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar o desenvolvimento de um protótipo de Atlas Escolar Interativo para alunos do quarto ciclo do ensino fundamental com uso de ferramentas multimídia. O projeto do Atlas constituiu de duas grandes etapas. A primeira denominada projeto cartográfico, a qual consiste na análise da demanda do usuário e definição do conteúdo, projeto de composição geral e projeto gráfico e da interface. A segunda etapa é a produção do Atlas que engloba a aquisição e edição da base de dados geográficos... / The use of maps, atlas and images of remote sensing constitute an important part of the school curriculum, particularly in the discipline of Geography. The National Curriculum, which presents the contents guidelines that is taught in Brazil schools, emphasize the importance of the technology in the education, by proposing the use of multimedia resource to aid in the learning process of geographical concepts. Through resources multimedia is possible to manipulate and interact with maps, what turns them more attractive and instigating. This paper presents the development of a prototype of Interactive School Atlas for students of the fourth cycle of the elementary school. The project was constituted of two great stages. The first one was denominated as cartographic project. The second stage was the production of the Atlas. that includes the acquisition and edition of the geographical ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Estudo da multiplicidade de partículas carregadas em colisões centrais Pb+Pb a SNN = 2.76 TeV no experimento ATLAS / Study of central collision charged particle multiplicity in Pb-Pb collisions at SNN=2,76 TeV on atlas experimentJose Luis La Rosa Navarro 07 November 2012 (has links)
Dentre os observáveis globais que permitem caracterizar a colisão entre íons pesados relativísticos, a multiplicidade de partículas é uma das variáveis mais fundamentais, diretamente ligada à densidade de energia da colisão. Serão apresentados resultados do estudo de multiplicidade de partículas carregadas para colisões centrais entre íons de chumbo a energias de 2.76 TeV (energia no centro de massa) utilizando o detector ATLAS no Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A multiplicidade na produção de partículas carregadas é medida utilizando dois métodos diferentes entre o intervalo de pseudorapidez || < 2.5 empregando o sistema de detectores semicondutores centrais de trajetórias do ATLAS. A seleção de eventos é crucial para esta análise e é aplicada a dados obtidos através de um trigger de minimum bias, impondo-se a coincidência entre o sinal do calorímetro de zero grau (ZDC) (|| > 8.3) e a coincidência entre o sinal do Minimum Bias Trigger Scintilator (MBTS) (2.1< || <3.8), de forma a remover da amostra de dados os eventos decorrentes da dissociação eletromagnética. Neste trabalho, eventos produzidos pelo gerador de eventos HIJING também foram analisados e os dados simulados reconstruídos utilizando-se os mesmos algoritmos empregados na análise dos dados reais. A multiplicidade e a densidade inclusiva de partículas foram medidas para as colisões mais centrais e estão em bom acordo com os resultados obtidos por outros experimentos. / From the global observables that allows the characterization of the heavy ion collisions at relativistic energies, the particle multiplicity is one of the most fundamental observables, directly related to the energy density of the collision. There will be presented results about the study of central collision charged particle multiplicity in Pb - Pb collisions at the 2.76 TeV center of mass energy using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The particle multiplicity is measured using two different methods in the || < 2:5 rapidity interval, deploying the ATLAS inner tracker semiconductor system. The event selection plays a crucial role in this analysis and is applied on data acquired using a minimum bias trigger. Imposing the condition of coincidence between the two Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDC) arms (|| > 8.3) and the coincidence of the Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillator (MBTS) detector (2.1 < || <3.8) the electromagnetic dissociation events are removed from the sample. For this work, events produced by the HIJING event generator were also analyzed and the simulated data was reconstructed using the same algorithms used on data. The multiplicities and inclusive particle density measured for most central collisions are in good agreement with the ones measured by other experiments.
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Modelagem e implementação de um Atlas Eletrônico interativo utilizando métodos de visualização cartográfica. / Modeling and implementation of an Electronic Atlas using cartographic visualization concepts.Luciene Stamato Delazari 17 September 2004 (has links)
Nesta Tese apresenta-se a proposta de utilização de métodos de visualização cartográfica aplicados a um Atlas Eletrônico Interativo. Este Atlas é destinado a suprir a necessidades da área de Assistência Social no contexto da implantação e avaliação da LOAS (Lei Orgânica de Assistência Social) no Estado do Paraná. O desenvolvimento do trabalho foi baseado em conceitos de Atlas Eletrônicos, projeto cartográfico temático aplicado aos mapas digitais, interfaces e interatividade em cartografia e testes qualitativos de software com os usuários. O produto deste desenvolvimento foi um protótipo denominado Atlas Eletrônico Interativo. A modelagem conceitual deste protótipo foi baseada na análise das necessidades de atuação da área de Assistência Social no contexto da LOAS. Assim, nesta modelagem foram definidas as funções e operações presentes no protótipo, classificadas em: análise e comparação de padrões espaciais, análise espacial e de tendência, métodos de representação e combinação de diferentes tipos informações. Para a implementação do protótipo foi usada a linguagem de programação Visual Basic e o conjunto de classes MapObjects 2.0a (ESRI). As interfaces e o estilo de interatividade adequado a cada uma delas, de modo a proporcionar um Atlas em um ambiente exploratório, foram estabelecidos em um processo implementação e avaliação interativa de modo a valorizar tanto a estética quanto a funcionalidade. O protótipo foi submetido a testes com dois diferentes grupos de usuários, buscando avaliar a facilidade de uso das interfaces e determinar se o ambiente de utilização pode ser considerado como exploratório. Foi elaborado um roteiro de utilização do protótipo com atividades a serem desenvolvidas e questões específicas sobre cada atividade. A partir das respostas obtidas junto aos usuários após a realização dos testes, concluiu-se que o protótipo atendeu ao objetivo de servir de auxílio para compreensão e análise de diversas situações. O protótipo possibilitou aos usuários inferir adequadamente sobre a realidade do Estado quanto ao processo de implantação da Política Pública, conhecer as relações espaciais entre as diferentes situações dos municípios e analisar diferentes mapas, juntamente com gráficos, textos e tabelas. A proposta do Atlas Eletrônico como suporte à tomada de decisões na área da Assistência Social mostrou-se, no parecer dos usuários, como o instrumento adequado para o conhecimento detalhado de fenômenos espaciais, em particular sobre as informações relativas às Políticas Públicas no Estado. / This thesis presents a proposal of use of applied methods of cartographic visualization to an Interactive Electronic Atlas. The Electronic Atlas concepts and its characteristics had been applied as wel as applied thematic cartographic project to the digital maps, interfaces and interactivity in cartography and qualitative tests of software with the users. The considered general objective was the use of methods for visualization of spatial information in an Interactive Electronic Atlas to support the evaluation of the implantation of the LOAS (Organic Law of Social Assistance) in the State of the Paraná. From the types (kinds) of necessary analysis on the relative information to the Social Assistance the conceptual modeling of the Interactive Electronic Atlass prototype was carried through. In this modeling had been defined the functions and operations that would have to be presents in the prototype. The functions and operations had been classified in: analysis and comparison of spatial pattern analysis and comparison, spatial analysis and trends, methods of representation and combination of different types of information. For the implementation of the prototype it was used the programming language Visual Basic and the set of classes MapObjects 2.0 (ESRI). During the implementation the interfaces and the style of interatividade to each one of them had been defined, in order to provide an Atlas in a exploratory environment. The prototype was submitted to tests with two different groups of users, having searched to evaluate the usability of the interfaces and to determine if the environment can be considered exploratory. A script of use of the prototype was elaborated with activities and specific questions on each activity. From the answers after the the users accomplishment of the tests, concluded that the prototype took care of to the objective to serve of aid for understanding and analysis of diverse situations. The prototype made possible to infer adequately on the reality of the State how much to the process of implantation of the Public Politics, to know the spatial relations between the different situations of the cities and to analyze different maps, together with graphs, texts and tables. The proposal of Atlas Electronic as supported to the taking of decisions in the area of the Social Assistance revealed, in seeming of the users, as the instrument adjusted for the knowledge detailed of spatial phenomena, in particular on the relative information to the Public Politics in the State.
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Atlas das espécies de Tityus C. L. Koch, 1836 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) do Brasil / Atlas of the species of Tityus C. L. Koch, 1836 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in BrazilRafael Braga de Almeida 20 September 2010 (has links)
O estudo acerca dos escorpiões carece de uma obra padronizada e capaz de auxiliar na identificação das espécies. Um atlas padronizado foi feito para as espécies de Tityus C. L. Koch, 1836 do Brasil. Cada espécie é apresentada com: nome, autor e data; lista de sinônimos; referências bibliográficas mais relevantes com citação da contribuição; mapa com distribuição geográfica estimada; diagnose padronizada; e uma prancha com 11 fotos para cada sexo. Foram feitas 8 sinonímias e 4 espécies declaradas como nomem dubium. Ao final, 47 espécies válidas são apresentadas no trabalho. / The study about the scorpion lacks a standardized and updated work can help identify the species. A standard atlas was made for the species of Tityus C. L. Koch, 1836 in Brazil. Each species is presented: name, author and date; list of synonyms; references more relevant with quote assistance; map of estimated geographical distribution; standardized diagnosis; and a board with 11 pictures for each sex. Were made 8 synonymies and 4 species declared as nomem dubium. Finally, 47 valids species are presented in the paper.
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Search for strongly produced supersymmetric particles with the ATLAS detector and interpretation in the pMSSM / Recherche de particules supersymmetriques aupres du detecteur ATLAS et interpretation dans le pMSSMMarjanovic, Marija 16 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a été effectuée dans le cadre de la recherche de la supersymmetrie (SUSY) avec 20.3 fb^{-1} de collisions proton-proton délivrées par le LHC et collectées par le détecteur ATLAS à sqrt{s} = 8 TeV. Si SUSY est réalisée dans la nature, des squarks (partenaires des quarks) et des gluinos (partenaires des gluons) devraient être produits à cette énergie, et on attend à ce qu'ils se désintègrent en états finaux sans electron ni muon, plusieurs jets et de l'énergie transverse manquante (due à la production de la particule SUSY la plus légère (LSP) qui traverse le détecteur sans être observée). La première partie de cette thèse consiste à définir deux régions de validation utilisées dans la procédure finale de fit visant à évaluer le bruit de fond provenant des bosons W et des top quarks qui se désintègrent en leptons tau. A partir de ce fait, et comme on n'a observé aucun excès, on dérive des limites sur les masses des particules dans des modèles simplifiés ou dans des modèles SUSY avec peu de paramètres. Une limite d'exclusion à 95% de niveau de confiance sur la masse des gluinos a été déterminée à 1330 GeV pour le modèle simplifié avec un gluino et un neutralino sans masse. Dans le cadre de mSUGRA/CMSSM avec tan beta = 30, A_0 = -2m_0 et mu > 0, les squarks et gluinos sont exclus pour des masses inférieures à 1700 GeV. L'ajout d'un véto sur les évènements avec les leptons tau est aussi explorée et l'impact sur l'exclusion a été évaluée.Le deuxième partie de cette thèse a été effectuée dans le cadre du modèle phénoménologique minimal supersymmétrique (pMSSM) où l'interprétation des résultats de l'analyse 0-lepton mentionnée ci-dessus, ainsi que les résultats d'autres analyses d'ATLAS, a été menée à bien. Le choix des paramètres et de leur domaine d'exploration a été faite sur la base de résultats non-SUSY comme les désintégrations rares des mésons B, la masse de boson de Higgs, les limites de recherche directe de la matière noire et la limite sur la densité de matière noire de l'Univers. La contribution de cette thèse commence par la validation de la sélection des évènements au niveau truth et reconstruit. Comme cette analyse est la plus contraignante dans le pMSSM, cette validation est faite avec une attention particulière. Les contraintes obtenues avec toutes les analyses sur les masses des différentes particules SUSY sont décrites, en particulier pour les squarks, gluinos et neutralinos. Les résultats sont discutés pour les types des LSP différents: bino, wino et Higgsino. Enfin, les résultats de l'analyse 0-lepton seule sont décrits et expliqués, à la fois pour les masses des sparticules et pour les valeurs des paramètres du pMSSM, puisque l'analyse 0-lepton est la seule qui permet de mettre des limites en se basant sur une procédure statistique bien définie. / This thesis has been performed in the context of the search for supersymmetry (SUSY) with the 20.3 fb^{-1} of LHC proton-proton collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at $sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV. If SUSY is present in nature, squarks (partners of quarks) and gluinos (partners of gluons) are expected to be produced copiously at this energy, leading to events which main signature is no electron nor muon, a large number of jets and missing transverse energy (from the production of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) leaving the detector unseen) denoted the 0-lepton analysis. The first part of the work presented in this thesis concentrates on the definition of Validation Regions used in the final fitting procedure to better assess the background coming from W-boson and top quark decays to tau leptons. From this fit, and since no excess has been observed, upper limits on various supersymmetric particles production have been derived within simplified models or SUSY models with low number of parameters. The exclusion limits at the 95% confidence level on the mass of the gluino has been set to 1330 GeV for a simplified model incorporating only a gluino and the (massless) lightest neutralino. In the mSUGRA/CMSSM models with $tanbeta=30$, $A_0=-2m_0$ and $mu>0$, squarks and gluinos of equal mass have been excluded for masses below 1700 GeV. A possible addition of a veto on the events containing tau leptons was also explored by assessing its impact on the exclusion reach of the analysis.The second part of this thesis has been done under the 19 parameters phenomenological Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (pMSSM) interpretation which not only uses the results of the above mentioned 0-lepton analysis but also other ATLAS searches results. The choice of the parameters and their range of exploration has been done on the basis of non-SUSY experimental results such as the rare B-decays, the mass of the SM Higgs boson, the limits from direct DM searches and the upper limit on the cold dark matter energy density of the Universe. The contribution of this thesis starts with the validation of the event selection at the truth and reconstructed levels. Knowing that this is the most constraining ATLAS analysis in the pMSSM parameter space, those checks have been performed with particular care. The constraints obtained with all the analyses on the various sparticle masses are described afterwards, concentrating on squarks, gluinos and neutralinos. The results are discussed for the different natures of the LSP: bino, wino and higgsino. Finally the 0-lepton-only results are described and further explained, first on sparticle mass planes and later on the pMSSM parameters, since only the 0-lepton analysis leads to a well defined statistical procedure that allows to derive properly all those results.
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Recherche du Boson de Higgs se désintégrant en deux leptons taus dans le canal τlepτhad dans l'expérience ATLAS avec les données à 13 TeV du LHC / Search of the Standard Model Higgs boson decaying into two lepton taus with the Run2 data of ATLAS detector in LHCAyoub, Mohamad Kassem 23 November 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, je présente ma contribution à la recherche du boson de Higgs du Modèle Standard dans son canal de désintégration en deux leptons taus dans le sous-canal τlepτhad. J’ai contribué aux différentes étapes de cette analyse. Premièrement, j’ai travaillé sur le développement du framework utilisé pour produire les fichiers d’analyse qui contiennent les informations nécessaires à cette étude. J’ai également participé au développement du framework utilisé pour introduire les prédictions des bruits de fond pour ce canal, tester l’accord entre ces prédictions et les données d’ATLAS, et à la production des fichiers utilisés dans l’étude statistique finale. J’ai également travaillé sur le modèle statistique, qui prend en compte les erreurs statistiques et systématiques, pour en extraire une mesure de la force du signal pour ce canal du couplage du Higgs aux leptons. Ma contribution à l’amélioration de la reconstruction d’un tau hadronique, à l’aide des algorithmes qui identifient les traces de conversion des photons provenant de la désintégration des pions neutres, est également détaillée. / In this thesis, I show my contribution to the search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson decaying into two tau leptons in the tlepthad sub-channel. I contributed to the different stages of this analysis. First, I worked on the development of the framework used to produce analysis files that contain the information necessary for this study. I also participated in the development of the framework used to introduce the predictions of the background for that channel, test the agreement between the predictionsand the ATLAS data, and on the production of files used in the final statistical analysis. I also worked on the statistical model, which takes into account the statistical and systematic errors to extract a measure of the signal strength for the Higgs coupling channel to leptons. My contribution to the improvement of reconstruction of a hadronic tau, using algorithms that identify photon conversion traces from the decay of neutral pions, is also detailed.
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Calibration of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the ATLAS Experiment and Application to the Measurement of (BE)H Boson Couplings in the Diphoton Channel with Run 2 Data of the LHC. / Etalonnage du calorimètre électromagnétique de l’expérience ATLAS et application à la mesure des couplages du boson de (Brout-Englert-)Higgs dans le canal diphoton dans le cadre du Run 2 du LHC.Goudet, Christophe 26 September 2017 (has links)
La découverte du boson de Higgs en 2012 a été un des principaux succès du run 1 du LHC. Une ère de mesures de précision a alors débuté à la recherche de déviations par rapport au Modèle Standard (MS), qui seraient des indices quant à la physique au-delà du MS.Ce manuscrit s'intéresse en premier lieu à l'étalonnage du calorimètre électromagnétique de l'expérience ATLAS. L'étape finale de cet étalonnage utilise la distribution en masse du boson Z pour corriger l'énergie mesurée des électrons et des photons. Des recommandations pour le démarrage du run 2 ont été produites afin de fournir des constantes de correction pour aux premières analyses. Les corrections utilisant les données du run 2 ont également été mesurées. Les performances de l'étalonnage du run 1 ont été atteintes puis améliorées : l'incertitude systématique sur le terme constant de la résolution du calorimètre électromagnétique, dominante pour la mesure des couplages du boson de Higgs au run 1, a été divisée par 3. La mesure des couplages du boson de Higgs consiste en la mesure de la forme du signal résonnant sur un bruit de fond décroissant. Cette mesure est effectuée de manière corrélée entre différentes catégories, optimisées pour différents modes de production à travers l'identification d'objets produits avec le boson de Higgs. Les résultats ont été obtenus à partir de 36 fb$^{-1}$ de données récoltées en 2015 et 2016 à une énergie de $sqrt{s}$=13 TeV. Le rapport ($mu$) de la mesure de la section efficace inclusive du boson de Higgs sur sa valeur dans le MS a été mesuré. Aucune déviation significative par rapport au MS n'a été observée. $$mu = 0.99 pm 0.14$$Les rapports des principaux modes de production ont également été mesurés :$$mu_{ggH} = 0.80 pm 0.18$$$$mu_{VBF} = 2.1 pm 0.66$$$$mu_{VH} = 0.7 pm 0.85$$$$mu_{ttH+tH} = 0.5 pm 0.62$$ / The discovery of the Higgs boson was a major success of the run 1 of the LHC. The era of precision measurements began as any deviation from the expected Standard Model value would be a direct hint of new physics beyond the standard model. This thesis has a first focus on the calibration of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment. The final step of this calibration uses the knowledge of the line shape of the Z boson in order to correct the measured energy of electrons and photons. Recommendations for the beginning of run 2 have been given to provide calibration constants for early analyses. Run 2 calibration constants have been computed and the performances of run 1 have been reached and improved : the systematic uncertainty on the resolution constant term of the electromagnetic calorimeter, which was dominant for the Higgs boson couplings measurement at run 1, has been divided by a factor 3.The measurement of the H boson couplings consists in measuring the shape of the resonant signal over a smooth decreasing background in categories optimized for various processes, by tagging the objects produced in association with the Higgs boson. The results are based on 36 fb$^{-1}$ of data recorded in 2015 and 2016 at $sqrt{s}$=13 TeV. The ratio of the measured production cross-sections of the Higgs boson over the SM expected value ($mu$) has been measured. No significant deviation with respect to the SM has been observed.$$mu = 0.99 pm 0.14$$The ratios of the main production processes have also been measured:$$mu_{ggH} = 0.80 pm 0.18$$$$mu_{VBF} = 2.1 pm 0.66$$$$mu_{VH} = 0.7 pm 0.85$$$$mu_{ttH+tH} = 0.5 pm 0.62$$
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Studium a simulace odezvy křemíkového detektoru / Silicon detector response and its simulationMartausová, Lýdia January 2021 (has links)
The ATLAS experiment is currently undergoing a modernization, called the ATLAS Upgrade. Nowadays, simulations are an important part of planning new detectors and their modernization. They help us optimize their design before production and later verify the results obtained from the experiment. This work is focused on the simulation of edge eects on a silicon strip detector using a framework Allpix2 . In the beginning, we had no information, that any edge eects or even any irregular eects, is possible to simulate in Allpix2 . We rst veried that in the case of a simple irregular electric eld. We had at our disposal measurements performed at the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, with which we compared the simulation. The signal obtained from the edge strip has dierent behaviour and is wider than the other strips. Therefore, we extended the electric eld of the edge strip in the simulation and modied it in various ways. 1
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Structural and Functional Connectivity Analyses of Rat Brains Based on fMRI ExperimentsWang, Yao 04 February 2013 (has links)
Various topics on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) analyses have been in study through the last 30 years. This work delineates the pathways required for resting-state functional connectivity analyses, which illuminates the correlations between different rat brain regions and can be presented in a functional connectivity matrix. The matrix is built based on the category nomenclature system of Swanson Rat Atlas 1998. From which a structural connectivity matrix is also built. This work developed the complete functional connectivity counterpart to the physical connections and explored the relationships between the functional and structural connectivity matrices. The functional connectivity matrices developed in this work map the entire rat brain. The results demonstrate that where structural connectivities exist, functional connectivities exist as well. The methodologies used to create the functional and structural analyses were completely independent.
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Angular analysis of the B⁰d → K*⁰μ⁺μ⁻ decay with the ATLAS experimentNooney, Tamsin January 2017 (has links)
An angular analysis of B⁰d → K⁰(→K⁺π⁻)μ⁺μ⁻ is presented using 20.3 fb⁻¹ of pp collision data collected at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. The angular observables FL and S₃,₄,₅,₇,₈ were extracted in six bins of q², the invariant mass squared of the dimuon system, within the full range 0.04 < q² < 6.00 (GeV/c²)². The observables were determined from an unbinned maximum likelihood fit using four folded parameterisations of the full angular distribution. The fit results were used to obtain corresponding values for the optimised observables P₁ and P'₄,₅,₆,₈. The results presented are compatible with Standard Model predictions.
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