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Cooperative Electrostatic Polymer-Antibiotic NanoplexesVadala, Timothy Patrick 24 June 2010 (has links)
Many pathogenic bacteria can enter phagocytic cells and replicate in them, and these intracellular bacteria are difficult to treat because the recommended antibiotics do not transport into the cells efficiently. Examples include food-borne bacteria such as Salmonella and Listeria as well as more toxic bacteria such as Brucella and the Mycobacteria that lead to tuberculosis. Current treatments utilize aminoglycoside antibiotics that are polar and positively charged and such drugs do not enter the cells in sufficient concentrations to eradicate the intracellular infections. We have developed core-shell polymeric drug delivery vehicles containing gentamicin to potentially overcome this challenge. Pentablock and diblock copolymers comprised of amphiphilic nonionic polyether blocks and anionic poly(sodium acrylate) blocks have been complexed with the cationic aminoglycoside gentamicin. The electrostatic interaction between the anionic polyacrylates and the cationic aminoglycosides form the cores of the nanoplexes, while the amphiphilic nature of the polyethers stabilize their dispersion in physiological media. The amphiphilic nature of the polyethers in the outer shell aid in interaction of the nanoplexes with extra- and intra-cellular components and help to protect the electrostatic core from any physiological media. This thesis investigates the electrostatic cooperativity between the anionic polyacrylates and cationic aminoglycosides and evaluated the release rates of gentamicin as a function of pH. / Master of Science
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Filmes de Langmuir e Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) de azopolímeros com controle do tamanho da cadeia e posição dos cromóforos / Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of azopolymers with controlled chain-length and chromophores positionPavinatto, Felippe José 08 March 2006 (has links)
Azopolímeros apresentam propriedades de fotoisomerização, úteis para confecção de memórias ópticas, que dependem da arquitetura molecular do azopolímero e do filme formado a partir dele. Neste trabalho foram sintetizados polímeros com arquitetura molecular controlada, usando os azomonômeros [4-(N-etil-N-2-(metacriloxietil)) amino-2\'-cloro-4\'-nitroazobenzeno] (DR13MA) e [4-(N-etil-N-2-(metacriloxietil)) aminoazobenzeno] (MAEAMA). Para a síntese de homopolímeros e copolímeros em bloco foram utilizados dois métodos: NMRP - polimerização radicalar mediada por nitróxidos e ATRP - polimerização radicalar por transferência de átomo. Foram produzidos copolímeros dibloco, com um dos blocos contendo azocorantes, pela reação do monômero DR13MA com macroiniciadores poliestireno (PS) no método NMRP, e poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA) via ATRP. Homopolímeros de ambos os azomonômeros foram sintetizados por ATRP, e assim como os copolímeros em bloco mostraram cadeias com baixa polidispersividade. Complementando o trabalho de síntese, foram estudadas as propriedades dos materiais na interface ar-água, utilizando filmes de Langmuir, e procedeu-se a transferência dos mesmos para substratos sólidos formando filmes Langmuir-Blodgett (LB). Nos filmes de Langmuir foi observada a conformação e as interações (agregação) das moléculas dos materiais, destacadamente, no caso do homopolímero HPMAEA, foi observado um patamar próximo a 8 mN/m na isoterma de pressão de superfície, indicando haver reorganização do material no filme. Os filmes LB serviram como objeto de estudo das propriedades ópticas dos compostos, e no caso do homopolímero HPDR13 sintetizado via ATRP, pela primeira vez foi possível a realização de medidas em filmes puros do material. Medidas de armazenamento óptico foram realizadas para comprovar a aplicabilidade dos materiais em memórias ópticas. No caso do terpolímero PS-b-[MMA-co-DR13] sintetizado por NMRP, os resultados de armazenamento foram semelhantes aos obtidos com blendas. Para o homopolímero HPMAEA, uma grande influência do tipo de filme empregado (cast ou LB) foi observada no tempo de escrita das memórias, com o tempo para o filme LB sendo 26 vezes menor. Copolímeros em bloco PMMA-b-DR13 podem ser vantajosos por aliarem as propriedades ópticas do homopolímero HPDR13 à maior estabilidade térmica e mecânica do PMMA. / Azopolymers display photoisomerization properties, which can be exploited in optical memories, and depend strongly on the molecular architecture of the polymer chain and kind of film employed. In this work, azopolymers with controlled molecular architecture were synthesized using the azomonomers [4-(N-ethyl-N-2(methacryloxyethyl))amino-2\'-chloro-4\'-nitroazobenzene](DR13MA)and[4-(N-ethyl-N-2-(methacryloxyethyl))aminoazobenzene] (MAEAMA). Two methods were used to synthesize homopolymers and block-copolymers: NMRP - Nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization and ATRP - Atom transfer radical polymerization. Diblock-copolymers were produced, with one block composed by azodyes units, by reacting the monomer DR13MA with a polystyrene (PS) macroinitiator via NMRP, or with poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) macroinitiator via ATRP. Homopolymers of both azomonomers were synthesized by ATRP, and - analogously to the blockcopolymers - exhibited controlled structure with a small polydispersity. The synthesized polymers were then used in the formation of Langmuir films at the air-water interface, which could be transferred onto solid substrates forming Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films. In Langmuir films, an investigation was made of the conformation and interactions (aggregation) of the film-forming molecules. Interestingly, a plateau was observed at 8 mN/m in the surface pressure isotherm for the HPMAEA homopolymer, pointing to a reorganization of the polymer during compression. For HPDR13 produced by ATRP, it was possible to deposit LB films with no need to use surfactants, unlike the case of HPDR13 synthesized by conventional methods. Optical storage measurements were performed to demonstrate the applicability of the azo-containing materials in optical memories. For the terpolymer PS-b-[MMA-co-DR13] made by NMRP, the storage results were similar to those obtained with blends. In the case of the homopolymer HPMAEA, a large influence of the kind of film used (cast or LB) was observed in the writing time of the memories, with the writing time for the LB film being 26 times faster. PMMA-b-DR13 block-copolymers may be advantageous in combining the optical properties of the homopolymer HPDR13 with the thermal and mechanical stability of PMMA.
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Neue Ansätze zur Monomersequenzkontrolle in synthetischen Polymeren / New approaches for monomer sequence control in synthetic polymersPfeifer, Sebastian January 2011 (has links)
Von der Natur geschaffene Polymere faszinieren Polymerforscher durch ihre spezielle auf eine bestimmte Aufgabe ausgerichtete Funktionalität. Diese ergibt sich aus ihrer Bausteinabfolge uber die Ausbildung von Uberstrukturen. Dazu zählen zum Beispiel Proteine (Eiweiße), aus deren Gestalt sich wichtige Eigenschaften ergeben. Diese Struktureigenschaftsbeziehung gilt ebenso für funktionelle synthetische Makromoleküle. Demzufolge kann die Kontrolle der Monomersequenz in Polymeren bedeutend für die resultierende Form des Polymermoleküls sein.
Obwohl die Synthese von synthetischen Polymeren mit der Komplexität und der Größe von Proteinen in absehbarer Zeit wahrscheinlich nicht gelingen wird, können wir von der Natur lernen, um neuartige Polymermaterialien mit definierten Strukturen (Sequenzen) zu synthetisieren. Deshalb ist die Entwicklung neuer und besserer Techniken zur Strukturkontrolle von großem Interesse für die Synthese von Makromolekülen, die perfekt auf ihre Funktion zugeschnitten sind.
Im Gegensatz zu der Anzahl fortgeschrittener Synthesestrategien zum Design aus- gefallener Polymerarchitekturen – wie zum Beispiel Sterne oder baumartige Polymere (Dendrimere) – gibt es vergleichsweise wenig Ansätze zur echten Sequenzkontrolle in synthetischen Polymeren. Diese Arbeit stellt zwei unterschiedliche Techniken vor, mit denen die Monomersequenz innerhalb eines Polymers kontrolliert werden kann.
Gerade bei den großtechnisch bedeutsamen radikalischen Polymerisationen ist die Sequenzkontrolle schwierig, weil die chemischen Bausteine (Monomere) sehr reaktiv sind. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden die Eigenschaften zweier Monomere (Styrol und N-substituiertes Maleinimid) geschickt ausgenutzt, um in eine Styrolkette definierte und lokal scharf abgegrenzte Funktionssequenzen einzubauen. Uber eine kontrollierte radikalische Polymerisationsmethode (ATRP) wurden in einer Ein-Topf-Synthese über das N-substituierte Maleinimid chemische Funktionen an einer beliebigen Stelle der Polystyrolkette eingebaut. Es gelang ebenfalls, vier unterschiedliche Funktionen in einer vorgegebenen Sequenz in die Polymerkette einzubauen. Diese Technik wurde an zwanzig verschiedenen N-substituierten Maleinimiden getestet, die meisten konnten erfolgreich in die Polymerkette integriert werden.
In dem zweiten in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ansatz zur Sequenzkontrolle, wurde der schrittweise Aufbau eines Oligomers aus hydrophoben und hydrophilen Segmenten (ω-Alkin-Carbonsäure bzw. α-Amin-ω-Azid-Oligoethylenglycol) an einem löslichen Polymerträger durchgeführt. Das Oligomer konnte durch die geschickte Auswahl der Verknüpfungsreaktionen ohne Schutzgruppenstrategie synthetisiert werden. Der lösliche Polymerträger aus Polystyrol wurde mittels ATRP selbst synthetisiert. Dazu wurde ein Startreagenz (Initiator) entwickelt, das in der Mitte einen säurelabilen Linker, auf der einen Seite die initiierende Einheit und auf der anderen die Ankergruppe für die Anbindung des ersten Segments trägt. Der lösliche Polymerträger ermöglichte einerseits die schrittweise Synthese in Lösung. Andererseits konnten überschüssige Reagenzien und Nebenprodukte zwischen den Reaktionsschritten durch Fällung in einem Nicht-Lösungsmittel einfach abgetrennt werden. Der Linker ermöglichte die Abtrennung des Oligomers aus jeweils drei hydrophoben und hydrophilen Einheiten nach der Synthese. / Polymer scientists are impressed by polymers created by nature. This is caused by their structure which is aimed to fulfill very special functions. The structure is primary built by sequential covalent linking of building units. Secondly, supramolecular aggregation leads to three-dimensional alignment. The sequence of the building blocks has a high influence on the higher molecular arrangement. Proteins are only one example for supramolecular structures which have special functions because of their supramolecular arrangement. This structure-property relationship is also possible for synthetic polymers. For this reason the control of monomer sequences in synthtic polymers is just as important for the resulting structure of a synthetic polymer molecule.
Even though the synthesis of polymers with complex strucures and sizes as in nature is impossible in near future. But the development of new and better techniques for sequence control in synthetic polymers is of high importance to create well defined macromolecular structures which are tailor-made for their function.
In contrast to a lot of advanced synthethis strategies for the design of complex polymer architechtures (e.g. brushes, stars, or dendrimers) their are less approaches for a monomer sequence control in synthetic polymers. This work presents two different techniques for controlling the monomer sequence inside a polymer.
Especially in technologically significant radical polymerization it is difficult to control the monomer sequence because radical species are very reactive and the addition of a monomer to the radical function is not selective. The first approach makes use of the properties of two monomers (styrene and N-substituted maleimides) to add chemical funtions locally inside a polystyrene chain. By addition of N-functionalized maleimides during the polymerization of styrene chemical functions could be added at any desired position inside the polystyrene chain. This technique was tested on 20 different N-substituted maleimides. Most of them were incorporated successfully into the polymer chain.
The second monomer sequence control approach is a stepwise synthesis of an oligomer made of short alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments on a soluble polymer support. Two building blocks were used: ω-alkyne carboxylic acid (A-B) and α-amine-ω-azide oligoethylene glycol (C-D). The linking of the segments was done by applying two very efficient chemical reactions, namely 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of terminal alkynes (A) and azides (D) and amidification of carboxylic acids (B) with primary amines (C). These two reactions proceed chemoselectively in an ABCD multifunctional mixture without a protection chemistry strategy.
The polystyrene support was synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) in the presence of an azido-functionalized ATRP initiator containing a labile p-alkoxybenzyl ester linker. Depending on the choise of solvent, the soluble polymer support was used in solution during the coupling reactions or was precipitated for an easy removal of excessive reagents and by-products. The acid-labile linker could be cleaved by trifluoroacetic acid treatment to obtain a hydrophilic/hydrophobic block copolymer.
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Pfropfung funktioneller Monomere auf Polymermembranen / Grafting of functional monomers on polymeric membranesSölter, Björn Malte 16 December 2014 (has links)
Kommerziell erhältliche Ionenaustauscher basieren häufig auf funktionalisierten Cellulosemembranen, die mit CerIV und Glycidylmethacrylat (GMA) gepfropft und anschließend sulfoniert werden.
Die Untersuchung dieser Polymerisation zeigte, dass während der Pfropfung eine Vernetzung des Polymers über die Epoxidfunktion des Monomers auftritt. Daher konnte keine direkte Analyse des entstandenen Hydrogels durchgeführt werden und es wurde stattdessen Methylmethacrylat (MMA) auf der Oberfläche polymerisiert. Nach Entwicklung eines geeigneten Verfahrens zur Zersetzung der Membranen und Isolierung des Pfropfpolymers konnte dieses mit Gel-Permeations-Chromatographie (GPC) analysiert werden. Zusätzlich wurden Polymerisationen auf nicht-porösem Cellophan durchgeführt und die erhaltenen Proben mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie (Atomic Force Microscopy, AFM) untersucht.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das gepfropfte PMMA einen Polymerisationsgrad von 2100 und eine Dichte von 0,45 Ketten pro nm2 auf der Oberfläche hat. Wird die gleiche Anzahl an Polymeren auch für Pfropfung mit PGMA angenommen und mit dem Pfropfgrad verglichen, ergibt sich damit unter Vernachlässigung der Vernetzung ein Polymerisationsgrad von etwa 800.
Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die für die Pfropfung verwendete Emulsion unter anderem aus Tröpfchen besteht, deren Größe mit der der Poren der Membran übereinstimmt. Dennoch treten bei der Polymerisation keine Ausschlusseffekte auf und die Größenverteilung der Emulsionspartikel stellt sich auch nach Filtration zügig wieder ein.
Zusätzlich wurde eine Methode der Atom-Transfer radikalischen Polymerisation (ATRP) auf mikroporösen Membranen entwickelt und eingesetzt, um gezielt bestimmte Eigenschaften des Hydrogels zu variieren. Bei Versuchen mit MMA wurde der reversibel deaktivierte Charakter unter den verwendeten Bedingungen untersucht und nachgewiesen.
Die verwendete Methode erlaubt, die Kettenanzahl und –länge separat voneinander einzustellen, sodass der Einfluss dieser Größen auf die Eigenschaften des resultierenden Membranadsorbers gezielt untersucht werden konnte. Es zeigte sich, dass die Dichte der Ketten einen komplexen Einfluss sowohl auf die Permeabilität als auch auf die Bindungskapazität des Ionentauschers hat. Der Einfluss der Kettenlänge ist dagegen weniger subtil und entspricht den Erwartungen.
Aus den gewonnenen Daten wurde ein Modell für die Bindung von Proteinen an der gepfropften Oberfläche des Austauschers entwickelt und daraus die Kettenlänge und –dichte des Hydrogels abgeschätzt und mit alternativen Methoden verglichen.
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Filmes de Langmuir e Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) de azopolímeros com controle do tamanho da cadeia e posição dos cromóforos / Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of azopolymers with controlled chain-length and chromophores positionFelippe José Pavinatto 08 March 2006 (has links)
Azopolímeros apresentam propriedades de fotoisomerização, úteis para confecção de memórias ópticas, que dependem da arquitetura molecular do azopolímero e do filme formado a partir dele. Neste trabalho foram sintetizados polímeros com arquitetura molecular controlada, usando os azomonômeros [4-(N-etil-N-2-(metacriloxietil)) amino-2\'-cloro-4\'-nitroazobenzeno] (DR13MA) e [4-(N-etil-N-2-(metacriloxietil)) aminoazobenzeno] (MAEAMA). Para a síntese de homopolímeros e copolímeros em bloco foram utilizados dois métodos: NMRP - polimerização radicalar mediada por nitróxidos e ATRP - polimerização radicalar por transferência de átomo. Foram produzidos copolímeros dibloco, com um dos blocos contendo azocorantes, pela reação do monômero DR13MA com macroiniciadores poliestireno (PS) no método NMRP, e poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA) via ATRP. Homopolímeros de ambos os azomonômeros foram sintetizados por ATRP, e assim como os copolímeros em bloco mostraram cadeias com baixa polidispersividade. Complementando o trabalho de síntese, foram estudadas as propriedades dos materiais na interface ar-água, utilizando filmes de Langmuir, e procedeu-se a transferência dos mesmos para substratos sólidos formando filmes Langmuir-Blodgett (LB). Nos filmes de Langmuir foi observada a conformação e as interações (agregação) das moléculas dos materiais, destacadamente, no caso do homopolímero HPMAEA, foi observado um patamar próximo a 8 mN/m na isoterma de pressão de superfície, indicando haver reorganização do material no filme. Os filmes LB serviram como objeto de estudo das propriedades ópticas dos compostos, e no caso do homopolímero HPDR13 sintetizado via ATRP, pela primeira vez foi possível a realização de medidas em filmes puros do material. Medidas de armazenamento óptico foram realizadas para comprovar a aplicabilidade dos materiais em memórias ópticas. No caso do terpolímero PS-b-[MMA-co-DR13] sintetizado por NMRP, os resultados de armazenamento foram semelhantes aos obtidos com blendas. Para o homopolímero HPMAEA, uma grande influência do tipo de filme empregado (cast ou LB) foi observada no tempo de escrita das memórias, com o tempo para o filme LB sendo 26 vezes menor. Copolímeros em bloco PMMA-b-DR13 podem ser vantajosos por aliarem as propriedades ópticas do homopolímero HPDR13 à maior estabilidade térmica e mecânica do PMMA. / Azopolymers display photoisomerization properties, which can be exploited in optical memories, and depend strongly on the molecular architecture of the polymer chain and kind of film employed. In this work, azopolymers with controlled molecular architecture were synthesized using the azomonomers [4-(N-ethyl-N-2(methacryloxyethyl))amino-2\'-chloro-4\'-nitroazobenzene](DR13MA)and[4-(N-ethyl-N-2-(methacryloxyethyl))aminoazobenzene] (MAEAMA). Two methods were used to synthesize homopolymers and block-copolymers: NMRP - Nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization and ATRP - Atom transfer radical polymerization. Diblock-copolymers were produced, with one block composed by azodyes units, by reacting the monomer DR13MA with a polystyrene (PS) macroinitiator via NMRP, or with poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) macroinitiator via ATRP. Homopolymers of both azomonomers were synthesized by ATRP, and - analogously to the blockcopolymers - exhibited controlled structure with a small polydispersity. The synthesized polymers were then used in the formation of Langmuir films at the air-water interface, which could be transferred onto solid substrates forming Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films. In Langmuir films, an investigation was made of the conformation and interactions (aggregation) of the film-forming molecules. Interestingly, a plateau was observed at 8 mN/m in the surface pressure isotherm for the HPMAEA homopolymer, pointing to a reorganization of the polymer during compression. For HPDR13 produced by ATRP, it was possible to deposit LB films with no need to use surfactants, unlike the case of HPDR13 synthesized by conventional methods. Optical storage measurements were performed to demonstrate the applicability of the azo-containing materials in optical memories. For the terpolymer PS-b-[MMA-co-DR13] made by NMRP, the storage results were similar to those obtained with blends. In the case of the homopolymer HPMAEA, a large influence of the kind of film used (cast or LB) was observed in the writing time of the memories, with the writing time for the LB film being 26 times faster. PMMA-b-DR13 block-copolymers may be advantageous in combining the optical properties of the homopolymer HPDR13 with the thermal and mechanical stability of PMMA.
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Synthèse et utilisation de nouveaux matériaux hybrides pour la catalyse en ATRP supportée du méthacrylate de méthyle / Synthesis of hybrid nanoparticles containing a supported catalyst and its use in the atom transfer radical polymerization of methyl methacrylateBen Osman, Chirine 12 November 2014 (has links)
L’objectif était de développer et d’utiliser des nanoparticules hybrides de type«coeur-écorce» composées d’un coeur de silice dense entouré par des chaînes polymères fonctionnalisées par des ligands d’ATRP comme support catalytique pour la polymérisation du MMA par ATRP. Deux stratégies de synthèse de nanoparticules hybrides ont été élaborées. La première a consisté à immobiliser sur un support de silice, d’une manière covalente, des chaînes fonctionnelles synthétisées par NMP comportant des ligands capables de complexer le bromure de cuivre. Des nanoparticules de SiO2@polymère fonctionnel ayant de faibles densités de greffage en polymère ont été ciblées afin d’éviter leur recouvrement sur la surface. Cependant, les polymérisations n’étaient pas contrôlées probablement à cause d’un manque d’accessibilité de l’amorceur et des radicaux propageants aux complexes decuivre. Afin de rendre les catalyseurs supportés plus accessibles en solution, nous avons élaboré une seconde stratégie basée sur un système catalytique hybride réversible. Il consiste à immobiliser des chaînes α-fonctionnalisées par un motif donneur-accepteur de proton(DAD) via des liaisons hydrogène sur des particules de silice modifiées par un motif complémentaire (ADA). Des PMMA de masses molaires contrôlées ont été synthétisés avec des dispersités plus faibles que celles obtenues en ATRP homogène (en présence des chaînes libres). Après séparation du catalyseur du milieu réactionnel par centrifugation, nous avons montré qu’avec un excès du motif ADA, 96% du cuivre initialement introduit ont été récupérés. / The aim of this project is to develop hybrid nanoparticles bearing well definedpolymer arms as supported catalyst for the atom transfer radical polymerization of methylmethacrylate. This new generation of “semi heterogeneous" catalysts was prepared by twostrategies. The first consisted of immobilizing the polymer arms bearing the ligands enablingcoordination of copper bromide onto silica particles by covalent bonds. Hybrid nanoparticleswith low polymer grafting density were targeted to prevent the overlapping of chains on thesurface. Unfortunately, the polymerizations were not controlled probably due to a lack ofaccessibility of the initiator and propagating radicals to the copper complexes. To improve theaccessibility, a reversibly supported catalyst was developed via self-assembly using hydrogenbonding between chains α-functionalized by a proton donor-acceptor unit (DAD) and acomplementary unit (ADA) anchored on silica particles. These new hybrid materials wereefficient in the controlled radical polymerization of MMA, yielding polymers with controlledmolecular weights and dispersities narrower than those obtained for homogeneous ATRP.Moreover, after catalyst separation from the reaction medium by centrifugation, more than96% of the originally used copper was recovered.
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Nouveaux copolymères dérivés d'esters cellulosiques par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée. Application à la purification du carbonate de diméthyle par un procédé de séparation par membrane / New copolymer derivatives from cellulosic esters by controlled radical polymerization - Application to the dimethyl carbonate purification with a membrane-based separation processHeurtefeu, Magali 09 October 2008 (has links)
Ce travail a consisté en la synthèse de nouveaux copolymères d’acétate de cellulose greffés par du poly(méthyl diéthylène glycol méthacrylate) avec un nombre et une longueur de greffons variables par une méthode de polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée : l’Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP). Deux familles de matériaux ont été obtenues ayant mêmes compositions (entre 20 et 50% en masse de greffons) mais des architectures différentes : de nombreux greffons courts ou peu de greffons longs. Ces matériaux ont ensuite été étudiés pour la séparation par pervaporation de mélanges azéotropiques de type aprotique/protique : carbonate de diméthyle/méthanol et éthyl tert-butyl éther/éthanol. Pour la séparation du premier mélange, la réticulation des copolymères s’est avérée nécessaire, conduisant à des matériaux qui restent fragiles sous contrainte et qui présentent des flux élevés au détriment d’une très faible sélectivité. Pour cette séparation, ces matériaux permettent cependant de dépasser la limite thermodynamique imposée par l’azéotrope. Pour le mélange éthyl tert-butyl éther/éthanol, les copolymères montrent d’excellentes performances en extrayant l’éthanol de manière très sélective. L’introduction de greffons permet d’augmenter le flux de pervaporat tout en ne diminuant que faiblement la sélectivité par rapport à l’acétate de cellulose précurseur. L’analyse de la microstructure des copolymères montre que les copolymères avec peu de greffons longs sont beaucoup plus ségrégés que ceux avec de nombreux greffons courts. Les résultats de perméabilité montrent des comportements différents selon l’architecture du copolymère cohérents avec leur microstructure / This work deals with the synthesis of new copolymers of cellulose acetate grafted with poly(methyl diethylene glycol methacrylate) with different numbers and lengths of grafted chains by controlled radical polymerization (Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization ATRP). Two families of materials were obtained with the same compositions (between 20 and 50% in mass of grafted chains) but different architectures : a lot of short chains or a few long chains. These materials were then studied for the pervaporation separation of two aprotic/protic azeotropic mixtures : dimethyl carbonate/methanol and ethyl tert-butyl ether/ethanol. For the separation of the first mixture, copolymers had to be cross-linked but their mechanical withstanding was poor under stress and they showed high fluxes but very low selectivity. Nevertheless, the materials allowed to go over the thermodynamical azeotropic limit. For ethyl tert-butyl ether/ethanol separation, copolymers showed excellent performances with a very selective extraction of ethanol. The presence of grafted chains increased flux along with a slight decrease in selectivity compared with the cellulose acetate precursor. The analysis of the copolymer microstructure showed that copolymers with long grafted chains were more segregated than those with short grafted chains. The results of permeability showed different behaviours according to the copolymer architecture in good agreement with their microstructure
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Modifications de matériaux polymères pour des visées antibactériennes / Modification of polymers materials to achieve antibacterial propertiesCasimiro, Jessie 18 October 2011 (has links)
Maîtriser la biocontamination surfacique et les risques susceptibles d’y être associés demeure un challenge majeur. Cette maîtrise passe par la préparation de nouveaux matériaux polymères possédant des propriétés de surface adaptées. Dans cette optique le LCOM développe depuis quelques années une thématique consistant à mettre au point des méthodes de modifications de surfaces de matériaux polymères par greffage de biomolecules. [ ] [ ] [ ] Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette étude est de fonctionnaliser des films polymères de type poly (téréphtalate d’éthylène) (PET) avec des dérivés sucrés et/ou polysaccharides dans le but d’étudier le caractère bactériostatique, biocide et pro ou anti-adhésion. [ ] La préparation des matériaux se fait en plusieurs étapes :Etape 1 : Fonctionnalisation de surfaces polymères (films) par traitement plasma N2/H2 et NH3 pour introduire à la surface des fonctions amines. Cette technique modifie la surface sans changer les propriétés intrinsèques des matériaux.Etape 2 : Greffage d’un amorceur de polymérisation radicalaire par transfert d’atome (ATRP)Etape 3 : Polymérisation en surface d’un monomère sucré par ATRP (contrôle de la longueur des chaînes greffées). La mise au point des paramètres de polymérisation ATRP de ces monomères est d’abord menée en solution avant d’étudier la polymérisation en surface.Etape 4 : Etudes microbiologiques des surfaces modifiées.Après chaque étape de modification de surface, les matériaux sont caractérisés par différentes méthodes d’analyses telles que : la spectroscopie de photoélectrons X (XPS), la microscopie à force atomique, la chromatographie d’exclusion stérique. Des glycopolymères protégés et déprotégés issus du galactose et de la glucosamine ont été synthétisés. Ceux issus de la glucosamine ont été synthétisés afin de mimer les propriétés antibactériennes du chitosane. Le glycomonomère issu du galactose est polymérisé par ATRP par voie « grafting from » sur des surfaces de PET. Ces surfaces modifiées présentent des propriétés anti-adhésives intéressantes contre les bactéries du type Bacillus subtilis. En effet, après greffage du glycomonomère déprotégé, il n’ ya plus d’adhésion de bactéries. Des polymères contenant des fonctions ammonium quaternaire et fluor ont aussi été greffés avec succès sur les films de PET par la même méthode. / Control surface contamination by microorganism is of great concern in a variety of areas such as food packaging, medical devices, hospitals and so on. To reduce or prevent microbial adhesion, new polymer surfaces must be developed. In this context, we investigate a new theme which deals with the modification of polymer materials containing carbohydrate molecules. , , The aim of the study is to attach covalently glycopolymers or potential antimicrobial polymers on films of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in order to study the biocidal or anti-fooling properties. Indeed, grafting glycopolymers on PP fibers have brought anti-fooling properties. The surfaces are prepared in several steps:Step 1: Incorporation of primary amino groups by N2/H2 or NH3 plasma treatment. The pretreatment by plasma exhibits many benefits for the surface modification, which enables to introduce functional groups at the surface without any modification of the chemical and mechanical properties of the material during the process.Step 2: Insertion of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) initiatorStep 3: Grafting from surface polymerization method of a monomer in order to control the molecular weight distribution on the surfaces. ATRP parameters of glycomonomers are studied in solution before carrying polymerization on surfaces.Step 4: Microbial adhesion tests of modified surfaces with Bacillus Subtilis and Lactoccocus Lactis as bacterial strains. Several analytical techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Atomic Force Microscopy, size exclusion chromatography of polymers obtained in solution have been used to characterize the modified surfaces. The first step was to optimize plasma parameters in order to have a high density of primary amino group on the surfaces. Then several monomers have been studied especially glycomonomers from galactose and glucosamine to mimic antimicrobial properties of chitosan. Protected and deprotected glycopolymers from galactose polymerized on PET surfaces exhibit anti-fooling properties toward Bacillus Subtilis. Polymers containing quaternary ammonium salt or fluor have also been successfully polymerized by a grafting from method on PET films.
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Développement de nouveaux matériaux fonctionnalisés pour application dans un procédé de traitement par flottation / Development of a new functionalized materials for flotation processBeaugeard, Vincent 25 March 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre des procédés de clarification d'eau de surface, les flocs formés au cours des étapes de coagulation et de floculation peuvent être séparés de l'eau traitée par décantation ou par flottation. Dans ce dernier cas, le procédé actuellement en vigueur est la flottation à air dissous et présente un certain nombre d'inconvénients. Ainsi, dans ce contexte, la présente thèse consiste à développer un matériau innovant, à la fois flottant et floculant, pour une application dans un procédé de flottation sans air. Dans un premier temps, l'élaboration de billes de polystyrène expansibles utilisant l'eau ou l'éthanol comme agent gonflant a été réalisée. D'autres billes ont ensuite été préparées en présence de 4-(chlorométhyl)styrène comme co-monomère puis la polymérisation par transfert d'atome amorcée en surface (SI-ATRP) de l'acrylamide a été effectuée avec succès. L'impossibilité d'expanser ces matériaux a ensuite conduit à l'exploration de nouvelles voies de synthèse avec la fonctionnalisation de matériaux flottants existants par des techniques de « grafting from » ou « grafting onto ». Quelle que soit la voie envisagée, la première étape a consisté à réduire les fonctions nitrile en amine primaire en présence d'hydrure d'aluminium lithium. Après fonctionnalisation par du bromure de bromoisobutyryle ou du chlorure d'acryloyle, il a été possible de venir greffer de l'acrylamide par SI-ATRP ou de l'amidon via un amorceur redox, respectivement. Les matériaux flottants/floculants obtenus ont été testés lors de flottatests. Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus avec les microsphères fonctionnalisées par de l'amidon anionique. Ces dernières ont permis d'abattre la turbidité de l'eau, ont ensuite été régénérées avec succès, par des bains d'acide oxalique ou de dithionite de sodium, et employées durant plusieurs cycles flottatest/régénération avec des résultats reproductibles. / At the end of clarification process, after coagulation-flocculation steps, flocs can be removed from treated water by settling or flotation. In the latter case, Dissolved Air Flotation is the currently used process. However, this method showed important drawbacks, especially an important energetic cost due to the production of air saturated water. In that context, the goal of the reported work dealt with achieving air-free flotation using innovative floating materials. First of all, the synthesis of expandable polystyrene beads using water or ethanol as blowing agent was investigated. Other beads containing both styrene and 4-(chloromethyl)styrene were prepared. Then, surface initiated atom transfer radical polymerization of acrylamide (SI-ATRP) was achieved. Unfortunately, the expansion of such materials was not possible. Therefore, the second part focused on the functionalization of Expancel beads by “grafting from” or “grafting onto” techniques. The first step consisted in reducing some nitrile functions at the surface into primary amine ones. After functionalization with bromoisobutyryl bromide, the SI-ATRP of acrylamide was performed in water at room temperature. On the other hand, the acryloyl chloride was grafted onto amine functions, and grafting of starch was achieved using a redox initiator. All materials obtained have been used for flocculation/flotation tests and demonstrated satisfactory performances in terms of turbidity removal. Beads functionalized with starch have been successfully regenerated with oxalic acid and sodium dithionite and kept appropriate efficiency during several flotation/regeneration cycles.
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Synthesis and controlled radical polymerization of multifunctional monomers / Synthese und kontrollierte radikalische Polymerisation multifunktioneller MonomereYin, Meizhen 30 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Multifunctional monomers on the basis of acryl- and methacryl derivatives were synthesized and different protective groups were used. After polymerization the protective groups were removed by different methods. Various initiators for the NMP of the monomers were synthesized and the reaction conditions were optimized. The results showed that NMP was not a suitable method for multifunctional acryl- and methacryl derivatives to achieve well-defined homopolymers, although it was successful for control of polymerization of styrene and block copolymerization of multifunctional acryl- and methacryl derivatives with alkoxyamine terminated polystyrene. The ATRP of multifunctional acrylates and methacrylates has been successfully performed, as well as the block copolymerization of multifunctional acrylates and methacrylates. Relatively low polydispersities of the corresponding polymers (PD=1.18-1.36) and reasonably high rates of polymerization could be achieved when Me6TREN and PMDETA were used as ligands. However, the ATRP of multifunctional acrylamides and methacrylamides failed. The RAFT-polymerization of styrene, acrylamide and acrylate using BDTB as a CTA and AIBN as an initiator afforded polymers with narrow molecular weight distribution (PD=1.13-1.26). A kinetic investigation and the further synthesis of block copolymers using dithioester-terminated homopolymers as macroCTAs showed that the RAFT polymerization of acrylamide M9b proceeded in a living manner. However, BDTB does not control the reaction of methacrylic monomers, such as methacrylates and methacrylamides. The bulk phase behavior of the block copolymers were examined by means of DSC and the surface behaviors of block copolymers as thin layers were examined with AFM. Two-phase transitions in the block copolymers were observed clearly by DSC, indicative of the appearance of phase separations, which were seen in an AFM image. In conclusion, multifunctional acryl- and methacryl derivatives failed to achieve well-defined homopolymers by NMP. However, this method was successful for block copolymerization of multifunctional acryl- and methacryl derivatives with alkoxyamine terminated polystyrene. Multifunctional acrylates and methacrylates were successfully homopolymerized and block copolymerized by ATRP. Multifunctional acrylates and acrylamides were suitable for homopolymerization and block copolymerization by the RAFT process. Thus far, it is difficult to homopolymerize multifunctional methacrylamides in controlled way.
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