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Modul pro monitorování teploty / Temperature monitoring unitMartínek, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
Content of the Bachelor Thesis covers design and realisation of an unit for multipoint temperature measuring in cooling and freezing equipments in food stores and shops. As a controlling microcomputer is used an Atmel ATMega128, temperature sensors are realised by DS18S20 digital thermometers, connected via 1-wire bus. Unit can read temperature from 32 temperature sensors, includes memory for measured data, real time clock, Ethernet interface and display with buttons for basic user control. Temperatures are measured periodically with user defined interval, values are stored into internal memory and showed on display. Measured data can also be transferred via Ethernet to clinent PC, where can be viewed in form of table and graphs.
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Realizace bezdrátové senzorové sítě s mikrokontroléry Atmel AVR / Wireless Sensor Network with Atmel AVR Microcontrollers.Mráz, Ľubomír January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the standard IEEE802.15.4 and Zigbee for wireless sensor networks. These norms are described in detail in the first two chapters. The main priority of the wireless sensor networks is to minimize the power of the devices and the price while maximizing the reliability of the data transfer. Minimum consumption is provided by the significantly lowered complexity in comparison to the standard wireless networks. Further, the design of the concept of the complex and universal hardware platform focused on intelligent building is described. Software implementation of those norms is described in the chapters five and six. Finally, comparison of the designed hardware platform and the other commercial platforms is described in the last chapter.
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Nabíječka NiCd, NiMH a Li-ion akumulátorů napájená a řízená pomocí USB / NiCd, NiMH and Li-ion accumulator charger supplied and controlled via USBNosek, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Deals with analysis and battery charging NiCd, NiMH, Li-Ion through a series of microcontroller from Atmel AVR controlled and powered from a PC via USB. Part is devoted to the characteristics of the USB interface and software capabilities to the enumeration AVR microcontroller. It also contains the basic characteristics of charged batteries, including the known methods of charging. The second half of the tehesis then provides a complete design and implementation of battery chargers, which consists of electronic parts, ATMEGA168 microcontroller program and the program for the PC. Presents circuit diagram of the charger and flowcharts of the main features of the program. The result of this thesis is functional battery charger above types. Attachments include a proposal DPS, a full circuit diagram and the charge and discharge characteristics of cells. The thesis is also referred to annex to the optical disk. Here it is mainly programs for microcontroller and PC. They are listed here as well as individual projects for AVR Studio, Borland Builder C + + and Eagle, which was created by chargers.
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Návrh pozičního systému / Position system designBalogh, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis was to explore possibilities, design and build 2D position system driven by PC via USB. ATmega16 and FT232R were used as the most important parts of hardware solution. Software for control of the position system was designed in C++ Builder and it can run under MS Windows XP. This work is based on semestral thesis and in future can be used in other applications or modified. 2D position system will be later used by UBMI in education and scientific applications.
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Palubní počítač pro automobil / Board computer for carLutera, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of car computer with multi-user mode and data recording. The measurement is performed by using a direct connection to the sensors and fuel injector of engine. The measured signals are processed and evaluated by Atmel Atmega128A microcontroller. Measured and recorded data are displayed on the graphical LCD.
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Zabezpečení perimetru v extrémních podmínkách s využitím senzorových sítí / Protecting the perimeter in extreme conditions, using sensot networksDavid, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the theoretical analysis of wireless sensor networks, a description of selected types of sensors, listing their features and principle of operation for intrusion detection perimeter. Then there is described design and implementation of a wireless sensor node for intrusion detection perimeter usable in wireless sensor networks.
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Monitorování rušení v síťovém napájení / Monitoring interference in the mains supplyJirčík, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
This semester thesis describes design of electronic device adapted to monitoring of mains supply. Theoretical parts describes mains supply analysis, communication and management of files to memory. Next part is design electronics blocks and their cooperation. There are description of mains analyzer prototype and it’s parts and functions. Prototype was submitted to test measurement.
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Bezdrátové měřicí zařízení pro soutěže v požárním sportu / Wireless Timer for Fire Sport CompetitionsHolinka, Milan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the design, development and realization of a wireless electronic timer for use in firesport. Specification of the final product is built with regard to versatility, ease of use and low acquisition costs. Commercial products have been compared as inspiration for this work. Requirements of the timer are based on the rules of firesport disciplines, where the timer can be used. It consists of a base station that can be accompanied for additional elements used to starting, splits capturing and stopping. An independent communication module has been created to ensure wireless connection. Libraries for comfort work with the module, support for USB bus and reliable protocol for wireless transmission have been implemented.
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AVR-Ethernet - Mikrocontroller im NetzHeik, Andreas 17 May 2010 (has links)
Der Vortrag zeigt Grundlagen und Möglichkeiten der Programmierung
von ATMEL-Mikrocontrollern am Beispiel des ATMega32 (ATMega 644).
Der integrierte USART-Baustein wird beispielhaft für Debugging
und als Interface für einen Bootloader vorgestellt.
Für die Kommunikation im Netz wird ein Ethernetcontroller (ENC28J60)
am SPI-Interface angebunden. Am Beispiel der TCP/IP-Implementierung
von Ulrich Radig wird die Funktionsweise erläutert.
Die Anbindung von Sensoren (z.B. OneWire Temperatursensor) runden den Vortrag ab.
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Έλεγχος μεταβατικής ευστάθειας συστήματος ισχύος / Transient stability control of a power systemΦωτόπουλος, Ευριπίδης 20 October 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία έχει ως στόχο την αντιμετώπιση των ηλεκτρομηχανικών ταλαντώσεων οι οποίες εμφανίζονται σε μία σύγχρονη γεννήτρια παραγωγής Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας μετά από διαταραχές.
Ο συμβατικός έλεγχος για τη διατήρηση της μηχανής σε συγχρονισμό μετά από ξαφνικές αλλαγές φορτίου, βραχυκυκλωμάτων, κλείσιμο διακοπτών ή οποιασδήποτε κατάστασης που μπορεί να προκαλέσει αστάθεια στο Σύστημα της Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας, γίνεται με χρήση ελεγκτικών διατάξεων Σταθεροποιητών Συστημάτων Ισχύος σε συνδυασμό με τον Αυτόματο Ρυθμιστή Τάσης (ΑΡΤ/ΣΣΙ).
Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι να σχεδιαστούν και να ρυθμιστούν κατάλληλα οι διατάξεις αυτές, ώστε να εξασφαλίζεται η απόσβεση των ηλεκτρομηχανικών ταλαντώσεων που εμφανίζονται ανάμεσα στην γεννήτρια και το υπόλοιπο σύστημα.
Στην εργασία αυτή, αρχικά γίνεται μια εισαγωγή στα είδη των ηλεκτρομηχανικών ταλαντώσεων και την ευστάθεια για δυναμικά Συστήματα Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας. Στη συνέχεια αναπτύσσεται το δυναμικό μοντέλο ενός απλού συστήματος μιας γεννήτριας άπειρου ζυγού βασισμένο στο απλοποιημένο μοντέλο 4ης τάξης της σύγχρονης μηχανής. Επειδή το μοντέλο αυτό είναι μη γραμμικό προχωράμε στην εξαγωγή του γραμμικοποιημένου μοντέλου που θα μας βοηθήσει για τον σχεδιασμό του κατάλληλου ελεγκτή. Αξιοποιώντας ιδιότητες του μοντέλου παρουσιάζεται μια συστηματική μέθοδος σχεδίασης του Σταθεροποιητή Συστήματος Ισχύος που είναι βασισμένη στη λογική των ολοκληρωτικών υπολοίπων. Τέλος με τη βοήθεια του λογισμικού SIMULINK του MATLAB προσομοιώνεται το σύστημα σύγχρονης γεννήτριας συνδεδεμένης σε άπειρο ζυγό, που ελέγχεται με την χρήση του Αυτόματου Ρυθμιστή Τάσης και του Σταθεροποιητή Συστήματος Ισχύος σε κατάσταση τυπικής φόρτισης. Εφαρμόζοντας διαταραχές στο σύστημα παρατηρείται η απόκριση του συστήματος και εκτιμάται η λειτουργία του ελεγκτή. / This thesis aims to address the electromechanical oscillations which appear in a synchronous generator after disturbances.
The conventional control for maintaining the machine synchronized after sudden load changes, short circuits, switching or any condition which may cause instability phenomena, is achieved by the use of control circuits such as Power System Stabilizers combined with the Automatic Voltage Regulator ( PSS / AVR).
The purpose of this work is to design and configure properly these control circuits to ensure the reduction of electromechanical oscillations that occur between the generator and the rest of the system.
In the beginning this thesis, an introduction of the types of power system electromechanical oscillations and stability is being discussed. Afterwards, the dynamic model of a simple system of a generator infinite-bus based on simplified 4th order of synchronous machine is being developed. Due to the model nonlinearities, we export the linearized model which helps us to design a suitable controller. Taking into account the model properties, we provide a systematic method for designing a Power System Stabilizer based on the residues method. Finally, using the MATLAB-SIMULINK software, the synchronous generator infinite-bus system is simulated which is controlled by an Automatic Voltage Regulator and a Power System Stabilizer. After applying disturbances, the system response is driven and analyzed along with the controller functioning.
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