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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molecular analysis of genetic variation and relationships within the population of abalone (Haliotis midae) at the Sea Plant Products abalone hatchery, Hermanus, R.S.A.

Slabbert, Ruhan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The species Haliotis midae is the only commercially exploitable abalone species of the six found in the South African coastal waters. This species is under substantial pressure from both legal and illegal harvesters, to such an extent that it could be commercially extinct within four years. Efforts to alleviate the pressures on the natural populations of both illegal and legal harvesting are being made. The genetic management systems for abalone farming and ranching activities should be carefully evaluated. The loss of genetic diversity and the risks of contaminating the gene pools of natural populations in the vicinity of a farm should be minimized. Genetic evaluation studies will be at great importance to acquire the necessary data needed for genetic diversity and differentiation analysis. The aim at this study was to develop species-specific microsatellite DNA markers to assess the genetic diversity and differentiation within and between the brood stock and commercial stock of the Sea Plant Products abalone farm (Hermanus, Republic of South Africa) and natural populations related to the brood stock. The species-specific DNA markers were also used for parentage assignments within the tarm population (first for abalone) and preliminary OTL (quantitative trait loci)-discovery analysis studying growth rate segregation. Samples were taken of the farm's brood stock and commercial stock (Rows 2, 3, 4) as well as from two natural populations (Saldanha Bay and Black Rock) related to the brood stock. Various statistical parameters and software packages were used to assess genetic diversity and differentiation, to infer parentage and to look for OTL's. Eight species-specific microsatellite DNA markers were designed and used for data analysis. Data analysis showed a loss at genetic diversity from the brood stock to the commercial stock caused by the subdivision of the original brood stock into rows and the differential contributions of parents to the offspring. No genetic differentiation (Fst) was detected between the farm and natural populations, except for the offspring of Row2. levels of inbreeding (ns) were high for all loci within the populations. Thirty-eight percent of all studied offspring were confidently assigned to a couple. The preliminary QTldiscovery suggested the segregation of a number of alleles and genotypes with growth rate. The study concluded that the commercial abalone population of the Sea Plant Products abalone farm holds no threat to the disruption of the genetic diversity of the natural populations. It is proposed that the farm implement a rotational breeding program to increase the genetic diversity of the commercial population. Any newly acquired brood stock must be profiled before their introduction into the breeding program to assess the influence of the animals on the current levels of genetic diversity within the farm. The accuracy and reliability of parentage assignments and QTl-discovery need to be optimised by adding more loci and sampling more animals or even by trying and developing new methods. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Van die ses perlemoen spesies wat langs die Suid-Afrikaanse kus gevind word, is die spesie Haliotis midae die enigste een wat van kommersiële belang is. Wettige, sowel as onwettige versameling, plaas hierdie spesie onder sulke geweldige druk dat dit dalk binne vier jaar verlore kan wees vir die kommersiële bedryf. Verskeie strategieë word tans geïmplimenteer om hierdie druk te verlig. Die genetiese bestuurstrategieë binne perlemoen plase moet deeglik ondersoek word. Die verlies aan genetiese diversiteit en die moontlikheid vir die kontaminering van die natuurlike populasies in die omgewing van die plaas se geenpoel, moet uitgeskakel word. Genetiese evaluasies sal van groot belang wees om die nodige data vir genetiese diversiteit- en differensiasie-analises te verkry. Die doel van die studie was om spesies-spesifieke mikrosatelliet DNA merkers te ontwikkel wat gebruik sou word om die genetiese diversiteit en differensiasie binne en tussen die broei diere en die kommersiële diere van Sea Plant Products se perlemoen plaas (Hermanus, Republiek van Suid- Afrika) en die natuurlike populasies wat verwant is aan die broei diere, te bepaal. Die spesies-spesifieke DNA merkers is ook vir ouerskap-bepalings binne die plaas se populasie gebruik, asook vir voorlopige OTL (quantitative trait locI) - ontdekking met betrekking tot groeitempo segregasie. Monsters van die plaas se broei diere en kommersiële diere (Ry 2, 3, 4) asook van twee natuurlike populasies (Saldanha Baai en Black Rock) wat verwant is aan die broei diere, is geneem. 'n Verskeidenheid van statistiese parameters en sagteware pakette is vir die genetiese diversiteit- en differensiasie-analises, vir ouerskap-bepalings en vir die opspoor van OTL's gebruik. Agt spesies-spesifieke mikrosatelliet DNA merkers is ontwerp en toe gebruik vir die data analises. 'n Verlies aan genetiese diversiteit vanaf die broei diere na die kommersiële diere is deur die data analises uitgewys. Dit is veroorsaak deur die verdeling van die oorspronklike broei diere in rye en die differensiële bydraes deur die ouers na die nageslag. Geen genetiese differensiasie (Fst) is tussen die plaas se populasie en die natuurlike populasies gevind nie, maar die nageslag van Ry 2 het wel differensiasie getoon. Die vlakke van inteling (Fis) was hoog oor alle lokusse binne alle populasies. Agt-en-dertig persent van die nageslag wat bestudeer is, was suksesvol met 'n ouerpaartjie geassosieer. Die voorlopige OTL-ontdekking studie toon die potesiële segregasie van 'n aantal allele en genotipes saam met groeitempo. Die bevindinge van die studie is dat die kommersiële populasie op die Sea Plant Products perlemoen plaas, geen bedreiging vir die versteuring van die natuurlike populasies se genetiese diversiteit inhou nie. Daar is voorgestel dat die plaas 'n rotasie-basis broeiprogram moet implimenteer om sodoende die genetiese diversiteit van die kommersiële populasie te verhoog. Enige nuwe broei diere se genetiese profiel moet ook voor die tyd ondersoek word om te sien wat se effek hierdie diere op die huidige genetiese diversiteit van die kommersiële populasie sal hê. Die akkuraatheid en betroubaarheid van die ouerskap-bepalings en OTL-ontdekking moet optimiseer word deur of meer lokusse te bestudeer, of meer diere in analises te gebruik of selfs om nuwe tegnieke te probeer of te ontwikkel.

Signatures of selection in natural and cultured Abalone (Haliotis midae) : a population genomics study

Rhode, Clint 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African abalone, Haliotis midae, commonly known as perlemoen, is an economically important gastropod mollusc. Historically, this species maintained a lucrative fisheries sector; however with increasingly lower landings there has now been a shift to aquaculture. Efforts to conserve natural populations and to improve abalone aquaculture production are thus running in parallel. Previous studies reported significant disparities in parental contributions in aquaculture populations that could explain the rapid divergence of commercial stocks from wild populations. Furthermore, subtle, but significant, population differentiation has also been reported for wild populations on the west-, south-, and east coast of the South African coastline. This study therefore aimed to investigate the evolutionary forces, in particularly selection, facilitating population divergence in wild and cultured H. midae populations using a population genomics approach. By using both microsatellite- and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers it was found that approximately 10% to 27% of the H. midae genome may be influenced by selection. When incorporating these loci into analyses of population differentiation (e.g. AMOVA, factorial correspondence analysis and estimates of genetic distance) there was a marked increase in genetic divergence between wild and cultured populations (especially when using microsatellite loci) and amongst populations from different geographic regions (particularly supported by the SNP loci). The differences in population clustering as highlighted by microsatellite- and SNP markers can most likely be attributed to the genomic distribution of the respective loci: The SNP markers were developed from EST sequences and therefore mostly represents protein structural variation; whereas the microsatellite markers, found to be putatively under selection, were mainly located in regulatory motifs. The results of this study therefore confirmed previous observations of divergence amongst wild- and cultured populations, but more importantly demonstrated that selection is an important factor driving this divergence. In wild populations selection probably facilitates adaptation to local environmental conditions, whilst amongst aquaculture population adaptation to captivity, husbandry practices and artificial selection may be important determinants. There is evidence for population bottlenecks in wild- and cultured populations; nonetheless long-term effective population sizes seem to be large. Amongst the wild populations, however, short-term population sizes appear to be small most likely due to differential spawning rates amongst reproductively active animals leading to temporal fluctuation in genetic diversity. The results indicate that contact between wild and cultured abalone should be minimised to prevent any adverse effects due to outbreeding depression. With regards to conservation, an emphasis on maintaining adaptive diversity of the wild stocks might be warranted. Continued genetic monitoring is advisable for both wild and cultured abalone populations as to optimally manage the abalone resource for both conservation and commercial viability and sustainability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse perlemoen, Haliotis midae, is 'n ekonomies belangrike buikpotige weekdier. Histories het hierdie spesie 'n winsgewende vissery gehandhaaf, maar met steeds dalende vangste is daar nou 'n verskuiwing na akwakultuur. Pogings om natuurlike populasies te bewaar en perlemoen te verbeter vir verhoogde akwakultuur produksie loop dus in parallel. Vorige studies het bevind dat beduidende verskille in ouerlike bydraes tot die nageslag, in akwakultuur populasies, kan verduidelik hoekom die populasies so vinnig divergeer van die wilde voorouers. Verder, is subtiele, maar betekenisvolle genetiese differensiasie tussen wilde populasies aan die wes-, suid-en ooskus van die land gevind. Hierdie studie is dus daarop gemik om ondersoek in te stel na die mate waartoe verskeie evolusionêre prosesse, in besonder seleksie, die populasie divergensie in beide wilde en gekweekte H. midae teweegbring deur gebruik te maak van ‘n populasie genomika benadering. Deur gebruik te maak van beide mikrosatelliet- en enkel nukleotied polimorfisme (ENP) merkers is dit bevind dat ongeveer 10% tot 27% van die H. midae genoom moontlik beïnvloed word deur seleksie. Met die gebruik van loki onder seleksie tydens die ontleding van populasie differensiasie (bv. AMOVA, faktoriaal korrespondensie analise en genetiese afstand ramings) was daar 'n merkbare toename in genetiese divergensie tussen wilde- en gekweekte populasies (veral wanneer mikrosatelliet loki gebruik is) en onder die populasies vanuit verskillende geografiese gebiede (veral ondersteun deur die ENP loki). Die verskille in die populasie groeperings soos uitgelig deur die mikrosatelliet- en ENP-merkers kan waarskynlik toegeskryf word aan die genomiese verspreiding van die onderskeie loki: Die ENP-merkers is ontwikkel vanaf uitgedrukte volgorde merker (UVM) volgordes en daarom verteenwoordig dit meestal proteïen strukturele veranderinge, terwyl mikrosatelliet merkers eerder in regulatoriese motiewe geleë is. Die resultate van hierdie studie steun dus vorige waarnemings, maar meer belangrik, het dit getoon dat seleksie ‘n betekenisvolle faktor in populasie divergensie in beide wilde en gekweekte populasies is. In wilde populasies fasiliteer seleksie waarskynlik die aanpassing tot plaaslike omgewingstoestande terwyl seleksie onder die gekweekte populasies teweeggebring kan word as gevolg van aanpassing tot aanhouding, boerdery praktyke en kunsmatige seleksie. Daar is bewyse vir populasie bottelnekke in wilde- en gekweekte populasies; tog blyk langtermyn effektiewe populasiegroottes om redelik groot te wees. Onder die wilde populasies is egter gevind dat kort-termyn populasiegroottes klein kan wees, waarskynlik as gevolg van differensiële broeikoerse onder reproduktiewe diere. Dit het tot gevolg dat daar beduidende fluktuasies is in temporale genetiese diversiteit. Die resultate dui daarop dat kontak tussen wilde en gekweekte perlemoen tot 'n minimum beperk moet word om enige nadelige effekte weens uitteling depressie te voorkom. Verder, met betrekking tot bewaring, is ‘n klem op die handhawing van aangepaste genetiese diversitiet dalk geregverdig. Voortgesette genetiese monitering word aanbeveel vir beide wilde- en gekweekte perlemoen populasies ter wille van die optimale bestuur van die perlemoen hulpbron vir beide bewaring en kommersiële lewensvatbaarheid en volhoubaarheid. / International Foundation for Science / National Research Foundation of South Africa / Stellenbosch University

Molecular analysis of genetic variation and relationships amongst abalone (Haliotis midae) at the I&J abalone hatchery at Danger Point, Gansbaai, R.S.A.

Lambrechts, Daneel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The species Haliotis midae is the only abalone species of commercial importance to the South African fisheries industry. The species is currently under substantial pressure due to commercial harvest and illegal poaching, to the extent that genetic and biodiversity may be under threat. The species is also being cultured in commercial systems for supply to international markets. The South African production for 2002 amounted to 350 tons. The commercial production of abalone may also have implications with regard to genetic diversity of natural and commercial populations. The aim of this project was to assess the genetic diversity of the natural and commercial populations of abalone at the I&J Abalone Farm, Danger Point, Gansbaai, in South Africa, in order to make recommendation with regard to possible impact on natural diversity as well as internal management systems. Distortion of natural genetic diversity or a loss of internal diversity will have detrimental consequences. Representative samples have been obtained from the surrounding natural population, as well as the commercial populations, including the broodstock and various progeny groups. Both mtDNA and AFLP molecular techniques were used to assess genetic diversity. Data analysis showed that the genetic profile of the commercial population display sufficient genetic variation. The genetic structure of the commercial population also displays no significant deviation from that of the surrounding natural population, i.e. the population of origin. The results through give indication of a small, though unsignificant loss of genetic variation from the broodstock to the subsequent progeny groups. The investigation conclude that the commercial populations of abalone at the I&J Abalone Farm, Danger Point, Gansbaai, in its current format holds no threat to the disruption of the genetic diversity of the surrounding natural population. Further, the commercial population possesses sufficient genetic variation in view of future genetic development. There is signs of a slight loss of genetic variation in the change over from the broodstock to the progeny groups. This would necessitate careful and controlled replacement of the original broodstock with new animals from the commercial progeny groups as part of an ongoing process of domestication. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die spesie Haliotis midae is die enigste perlemoen spesie van kommersiële belang vir Suid Afrikaanse visserye. Die spesie verkeer tans onder toenemende druk as gevolg van kommersiële en onwettige vangste, tot so 'n mate dat genetiese en biodiversiteit daardeur geaffekteer kan word. Die spesie word in toenemende mate kunsmatig gekweek vir voorsiening aan internasionale markte. Suid Afrikaanse produksie vir 2002 beloop reeds sowat 350 ton per jaar. Die kunsmatige produksie van perlemoen het ook moontlike implikasies op die genetiese diversiteit van natuurlike en kommersiële populasies van die perlemoen, Haliotis midae. Die doel van die projek was om die aard van genetiese diversiteit van die natuurlike en kommersiële populasies van perlemoen by die I&J Perlemoen Plaas, Danger Point, Gansbaai in Suid Afrika te ondersoek, ten einde aanbevelings te maak ten opsigte van moontlike impak op natuurlike diversiteit asook ten opsigte van interne genetiese bestuurstelsels. Versteuring van natuurlike diversiteit of verlies van interne diversiteit hou nadelige gevolge in. Verteenwoordigende monsters is versamel vanuit die omliggende natuurlike populasies, sowel as van die kommersiële populasie op die plaas, insluitend die teelmateriaal en verskillende nageslaggroepe. Beide mtDNA en AFLP-molekulêre tegnieke is gebruik tydens die ontleding van genetiese diversiteit. Dataontleding het aangetoon dat die genetiese profiel van die kommersiële populasie voldoende genetiese variasie demonstreer. Die genetiese struktuur van die kommersiële populasie toon verder geen betekenisvolle verskil met die omliggende natuurlike populasie nie, dit wil sê met die populasie van oorsprong nie. Die resultate toon verder 'n geringe, dog nie betekenisvolle verlies van genetiese variasie wat waargeneem word met oorgang van die teelmateriaal na die onderskeie nageslaggroepe. Die bevindinge van die ondersoek is dus dat die kommersiële populasie op die I&J Perlemoen Plaas, Danger Point, Gansbaai, in die huidige formaat, geen bedreiging inhou vir die versteuring van die omliggende natuurlike genetiese diversiteit nie. Verdere bevindinge is dat die kommersiële populasie oor voldoende genetiese diversiteit beskik met die oog op toekomstige genetiese ontwikkeling. Daar is tekens van 'n geringe afname in genetiese diversiteit met die oorgang vanaf die teelmateriaal na die nageslaggroepe. Dit beklemtoon die belang van 'n gekontroleerde vervanging van die oorspronklike teelmateriaal met nuwe teeldiere vanuit die kommersiële populasie as deel van die domestikasieproses.

Induction of triploidy in the South African abalone, Haliotis midae, by the use of hydrostatic pressure

De Beer, Mathilde 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The indigenous abalone, Haliotis midae has been a successfully cultured aquaculture species in South Africa since 1990. It has a slow growth rate and takes from two to five years to reach market size. Like for most other commercially important abalone species, the slow growth rate of H. midae is a cause of concern with regard to the profitability of farming and global competitiveness of the species. Ploidy manipulation of the maternal genome, a universally growing practice in shellfish culture, is considered a promising method to improve the growth rate of abalone - a desirable trait in aquaculture organisms from a commercial perspective. This manipulation technique is employed to achieve sterility, which results in limited gonad development. The consequent re-allocation of resources to somatic growth results in improved growth. The purpose of this study was to establish a viable method for the induction and validation of triploidy, on a commercial scale, in the South African abalone, H. midae. The focus was on hydrostatic pressure as a method of induction and flow cytometry as the method of validation. The results obtained confirm hydrostatic pressure as an effective method for the induction of triploidy in H. midae, delivering high percentages of triploidy (>80%) over a wide range of pressures and times, in 48 hour-old larvae. Hydrostatic pressure had a negative effect on survival in 20 hour-old larvae. Flow cytometry was validated as a reliable, fast and accurate, though expensive, method for identification of triploidy in H. midae. As an outcome of this study a manual of “Procedures for the Induction and Validation of Triploidy in the abalone” is presented (Appendix 1) together with recommendations for further studies on triploidy in the South African abalone, H. midae. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die inheemse perlemoen, Haliotis midae, is sedert 1990 ‘n suksesvol gekweekte akwakultuur spesie in Suid-Afrika. ‘n Kenmerk van die spesie is die stadige groeitempo van tussen twee en vyf jaar ten einde bemarkbare grootte te bereik. Soos vir die meerderheid perlemoen van kommersiële belang, is hierdie stadige groeitempo rede tot kommer met betrekking tot die winsgewende kweek en wêreldwye mededingendheid van die spesie. Die manipulasie van ploïdie van die moederlike genoom is ‘n toenemende praktyk in skulpvisboerdery en word gereken as ‘n belowende metode om die groeitempo van perlemoen te verbeter. Hierdie manipulasietegniek word gebruik om steriliteit te verkry wat manifesteer as onderdrukte ontwikkeling van die geslagsklier. Die gevolg is die herkanalisering van bronne na somatiese groei. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n lewensvatbare metode vir die induksie van triploïdie op ‘n kommersiële skaal in die Suid-Afrikaanse perlemoen, H. midae, te vestig. Daar is op hidrostatiese druk as metode vir die induksie en vloei-sitometrie as metode vir die geldigverklaring van triploïdie gefokus. Die resultate van hierdie studie bevestig dat hidrostatiese druk ‘n effektiewe metode vir die induksie van triploïdie in H. midae is. Hoë persentasies van triploïdie (>80%) is oor ‘n wye reeks van drukke en tye in 48 uur oue larwes verkry. Daar is gevind dat hidrostatiese drukbehandeling ‘n negatiewe effek op die oorlewing van 20 uur oue larwes het. Vloei-sitometrie is bevestig as ‘n betroubare, vinnig en akkurate, maar duur metode vir die identifikasie van triploïdie in H. midae. As ‘n uitvloeisel van die studie word ‘n handleiding “Procedures for the Induction and Validation of Triploidy in the abalone” (Appendix 1) aangebied tesame met aanbevelings vir verdere studies rakende triploïdie in die Suid-Afrikaanse perlemoen, H. midae.

Microsatellite genotyping of contributing broodstock and selected offspring of Haliotis midae submitted to a growth performance recording scheme

Ruivo, Nicola Ribeiro 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The indigenous abalone Haliotis midae is one of the most remarkable and highly exploited species of marine molluscs in South Africa. It is the only species of southern African Haliotidae to be commercially reared and has been successfully cultured for almost two decades. Its short history of domestication along with market demands and the need to develop efficiency in the production process has resulted in an increased interest in the possible genetic improvement of this species. The unhurried growth rate associated with H. midae is a cause of particular concern to the industry, predominantly with regards to profitability and competitiveness in the market place. A modest amount of work has so far been directed at establishing a means of enhancement for selective breeding on the commercial level. Genetics plays a key role in the establishment of successful improvement programmes in various aquaculture species. The aim of this study was to develop species-specific microsatellite markers for the abalone and subsequently perform parentage assignment on farm produced animals entered into a growth performance recording scheme. Animals were obtained from the hatcheries of three commercial abalone farms situated in the Walker Bay region in the Western Cape. Microsatellites were isolated using the enrichment-based FIASCO method, and characterised into perfect, imperfect and compound repeats according to the structural nature of their repetitive units. From the partial gDNA libraries obtained and 365 screened colonies, a total of 54 loci were located. PCR primers were designed for 36 markers and the 15 primer pairs that displayed loci with the highest level of polymorphism were subsequently chosen for fluorescent labelling. The markers were tested on a subset of 32 wild H. midae individuals to determine their usefulness and efficiency in genotyping. Five markers, along with five others that were previously designed, were chosen for assigning parentage to the animals submitted to the performance recording scheme. Three thousand offspring from each of the three participating farms were equally divided and reared at five different locations. From each location 20 fast growing and 20 slow growing juveniles, as well as the broodstocks, were sampled and genotyped using the ten chosen microsatellite loci. Two farms had 60% of offspring unambiguously assigned to a single parental couple. Assignments showed patterns of dominant male and female brooders, but no trend in brooders specifically contributing to fast or slow growing offspring. Parentage assignment for the third farm was, however, unsuccessful due to lack of broodstock data. In future, screening of all available broodstock will ensure acquisition of relevant pedigree information. The results obtained in this study are an initial step in the development of a genetic improvement programme for commercial Haliotis midae. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die inheemse skulpvis Haliotis midae is een van die mees merkwaardige en hoogs oorbenutte mariene slakspesies in Suid-Afrika. Dit is die enigste suidelike Afrika Haliotidae spesie wat kommersieel benut word en dit word al meer as twee dekades suksesvol geteel. Die spesie se kort domestiseringsgeskiedenis, toenemende mark aanvraag en die behoefte om meer effektiewe produksie daar te stel, het gelei tot toenemende belangstelling in die moontlike genetiese verbetering van die spesie. Die stadige groeitempo geassosieer met H. midae is veral ‘n punt van kommer vir die industrie, veral in terme van winsgewendheid en kompetering in die markplek. Minimale werk is sover gedoen in die daarstelling van verbetering deur selektiewe teling op ‘n kommersiële skaal. Genetika speel ’n sleutelrol in die daarstelling van suksesvolle verbeteringsprogramme van verskeie akwakultuur spesies. Die doel van hierdie studie was om spesie-spesifieke mikrosatelliet merkers vir perlemoen te ontwikkel en vervolgens ouerskapsbepaling van kommersiële diere, wat deelneem aan ‘n groeiprestasie aantekenstelsel, uit te voer. Diere is voorsien deur die teelstasies van drie kommersiële perlemoenplase geleë in die Walker Bay omgewing in die Wes-Kaap. Mikrosatelliete is geïsoleer deur die verrykings-gebaseerde FIASCO metode, en gekarakteriseer as perfekte, onderbroke of saamgestelde herhalings gebaseer op die strukturele aard van die herhalings eenhede. Vanaf die gedeeltelik gDNA biblioteke wat bekom is en 365 gesifte kolonies, is ‘n totaal van 54 loki opgespoor. PKR inleiers is ontwerp vir 36 merkers en die 15 inleierpare, wat loki met die hoogste polimorfisme geamplifiseer het, is vervolgens geselekteer vir fluoreserende merking. Die merkers is getoets op ’n kleiner groep van 32 natuurlike H. midae individue om hulle bruikbaarheid en genotiperingseffektiwiteit te bepaal. Vyf merkers is saam met vyf reeds ontwikkelde merkers gekies vir ouerskapsbepaling van die diere in die prestasie aantekenstelsel. Drieduisend nageslag diere vanaf elkeen van die drie deelnemde plase is gelykop verdeel en grootgemaak op die vyf verskillende lokaliteite. ‘n Monster van 20 vinnig groeiende en 20 stadig groeiende jong perlemoen, sowel as broeidiere, is vanaf elke lokaliteit geneem en gegenotipeer deur middel van die 10 geselekteerde mikrosatelliet loki. Sestig persent van twee van die plase se nageslag is onteenseglik toegesê aan ‘n enkele ouerpaar. Ouerskapstoekenning het patrone van dominante vroulike en manlike broeidiere getoon, maar geen tendens in terme van bydrae tot vinnig en stadig groeiende nageslag kon gevind word nie. Ouerskapstoekenning vir die derde plaas was onsuksesvol as gevolg van ’n gebrek aan data vir die broeidiere. In die toekoms sal genotipering van alle beskikbare broeidiere die daarstelling van relevante stamboominligting verseker. Die resultate verkry in hierdie studie verteenwoordig ‘n eerste stap in die ontwikkeling van ’n genetiese verbeteringsprogram vir kommersiële Haliotis midae.

A quantitative genetic analysis of the effect of crossbreeding on the growth rate of the South African abalone, Haliotis midae

Vorster, Gysbert 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The genetic status of H. midae broodstock in the South African aquaculture industry reflects that of random samples originating from undomesticated wild populations. The nature of growth in abalone is very slow, taking between three and four years to reach a marketable size of between 60 to 100 grams. It is therefore of paramount importance to improve this trait in order to ensure global competitiveness and economic viability within the industry. Improving this negative characteristic through conventional selection methods is a long-term venture and alternative means that would yield instantaneous results had to be considered. Crossbreeding was identified as an alternative, short-term strategy to improve growth rate. A crossbreeding experiment was performed between two populations of the abalone, Haliotis midae, from the East (E) and West (W) Coast of South Africa. This was done to investigate the occurrence of heterosis for growth among the crossbred genotypes (East x West, West x East). Fifteen males and females from both the East and the West Coast populations were mated in a complete dialelle crossbreeding experiment to produce four progeny groups (WW, EE, EW and WE). Progeny groups were evaluated for weight (bW) and length gain (bL) over a specific growth period of 9 months. The results provided no evidence of significant differences in weight (P = 0.085) or length gain (P = 0.244) between the four progeny groups, giving no indication of significant heterosis for weight and length gain among the crossbred progenies of these East and West Coast populations. It is recommended that further efforts to obtain improved growth rate in the abalone, Haliotis midae, through crossbreeding only be considered in light of clear evidence of substantial genetic differentiation between such populations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige status van perlemoen, soos dit voorkom in akwakultuur bedrywighede in Suid Afrika, weerspieël dié van ‘n ewekansige monster vanuit wilde, natuurlike populasies. Perlemoen is inherent ‘n stadig groeiende organisme wat tussen drie en vier jaar neem om tot ‘n bemarkbare grote van 60 tot 100 gram te groei. Dit is dus uiters noodsaaklik om hierdie eienskap te verbeter ten einde die bedryf ekonomies lewensvatbaar en mededingend op wêreld markte te maak. Konvensionele seleksie as ‘n metode om hierdie negatiewe eienskap te verbeter is ‘n langtermyn onderneming wat die identifisering van ‘n korttermyn metode, wat ondmiddellike resultate lewer, noodsaak. Kruisteelt is geïdentifiseer as geskikte korttermyn oplossing aangesien dit onmiddellike resultate lewer. ‘n Kruisteel eksperiment is uitgevoer tussen twee populasies van die perlemoen, Haliotis midae, van die Ooskus (E = East) en die Weskus (W = West) van Suid Afrika. Dit is gedoen om die omvang van heterose vir groeitempo in die gekruisde nageslag (East x West, West x East) te bepaal. Fyftien mannetjies en wyfies van beide die Oos- en Weskus populasies is met mekaar gepaar in ‘n volledige dialleel kruising om vier nageslag groepe (WW, EE, EW en WE) te vorm. Die nageslag is geëvalueer ten opsigte van massa (bW) en lengte (bL) toename oor ‘n spesifieke groei tydperk van 9 maande. Die eksperimentele resultate dui daarop dat die vier nageslag groepe nie betekenisvol van mekaar verskil het ten opsigte van massa (P = 0.085) en lengte (P = 0.244) toename nie en dat daar dus geen aanduiding van heterose vir massa en lengte toename in die nageslag van kruisings tussen die Ooskus en Weskus populasies bestaan nie. Daar word aanbeveel dat kruisteling as ‘n metode van genetiese verbetering van groeitempo in Haliotis midae slegs oorweeg word in die lig van nuwe molekulêre bewyse van genoegsame genetiese differensiasie tussen sulke populasies.

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