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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abrupt Climate Change and Storm Surge Impacts in Coastal Louisiana in 2050

Ratcliff, Jay 19 December 2008 (has links)
The most critical hazards impacting the world today are the affects of climate change and global warming. Scientists have been studying the Earth's climate for centuries and have come to agreement that our climate is changing, and has changed, many times abruptly over the history of our planet. This research focuses on the impacts of global warming related to increased hurricane intensities and their surge responses along the coast of the State of Louisiana. Surge responses are quantified for storms that could potentially occur under present climate but 50 years into the future on a coast subjected to current erosion and local subsidence effects. Analyses of projected hurricane intensities influenced by an increase in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are performed. Intensities of these storms are projected to increase by 5% per degree of increase in SSTs. A small suite of these storms influenced by global warming and potentially realized by abrupt climate changes are modeled. Simulations of these storms are executed using a storm surge model. The surges produced by these storms are significantly higher than surges produced by presentday storms. These surges are then compared to existing surge frequency distributions along the Louisiana coast.

An inverse model study of abrupt climate change during last ice age

Lu, Shaoping 02 February 2011 (has links)
Geologic records and climate model simulations suggest that changes in the meridional heat transport in the Atlantic Ocean were involved in the abrupt warming events – the so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger Interstadials (DOIs) – that punctuated an otherwise cold Greenland climate during the last glacial period. However, the role of Northern Hemisphere (NH) ice sheets in these events remains a subject of controversy. Here we report on the first attempt to combine quantitatively a paleo-temperature proxy with simplified ocean models, with the specific purpose of extracting information about the changes in mass balance of the NH ice sheets during the last glaciation. A Greenland paleotemperature record is combined with the climate models using Bayesian Stochastic Inversion (BSI) in order to estimate the changes that would be required to alter the Atlantic Ocean mass and heat transports between ~30 and 39 thousand years ago. The mean sea level changes implied by changes in NH ice sheet mass balance agree in amplitude and timing with reconstructions from the geologic record, which gives some support to the freshwater forcing hypothesis. Our results are unaffected by uncertainties in the representation of vertical buoyancy transport in the tropical ocean, in large part because the global adjustments to high latitude freshening bypass the tropics and affect sinking rate in the opposite pole. However, the solutions are sensitive to assumptions about physical processes at polar latitudes. We find that the inversion reproduces the gradual changes in sea level and Antarctic temperature inferred from the independent evidence provided by proxy records. The Greenland warm event lasting over 3000 years (DOI 8) can be explained by sustained growth of NH ice sheet and reduced supply of icebergs to the North Atlantic. Our results indicate a more involved role of the NH ice sheets than previously thought, in which both collapse and subsequent growth would be required to explain the full series of the long (> 3000 years) warm events recorded in Greenland ice. / text

Biogeochemical Cycling and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event from Western North America

Them II, Theodore Roland 02 August 2016 (has links)
The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE; ~183 million years ago) represents an interval during the Mesozoic when the emplacement of the Karoo-Ferrar Large Igneous Province (LIP) is thought to have resulted in significant environmental change. Associated with this interval was the widespread deposition of organic-rich sediments, carbon cycle and seawater chemistry changes, global warming, the development of marine anoxia, and major extinction events. The majority of studies of this event that have documented these responses have come from the Boreal and Tethyan regions of Europe, thus casting some doubt to the regional versus global significance of the event. Thus my dissertation has sought to reconstruct biogeochemical and paleoenvironmental changes across the T-OAE from a sedimentary succession that was deposited on the margins of a different ocean basin away from the well-studied European successions. Specifically, I have studied the chemostratigraphy of the Fernie Formation of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), which was deposited on the eastern margin of the Panthalassa Ocean. The Toarcian carbon isotope excursions (CIEs) in the WCSB confirm that these features are global phenomena. I have suggested a new driver for small-scale CIEs observed during the event: the release of wetland-derived methane during progressive global warming. The osmium isotope record and numerical modeling of the osmium cycle suggests that continental weathering rates increased during the T-OAE by 230 – 540%. Rhenium abundance data also suggests that the increased geographic extent of marine anoxia during the T-OAE caused a global drawdown in the seawater rhenium inventory. Iron speciation data are used to reconstruct redox conditions within the WCSB, which suggest ferruginous conditions developed in the more distal locations at the onset of the T-OAE before returning to euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) conditions. This is likely related to enhanced pyrite burial on a global scale, which caused the drawdown of the seawater sulfate inventory, thus limiting pyrite formation in the distal locations. The proximal setting remained euxinic across the T-OAE, and in all locations the iron speciation data suggest anoxic conditions persistent well after the interval that has been traditionally called the end of the T-OAE. / Ph. D.

Geochemistry of karst deposits in Borneo detailing hydroclimate variations in the Warm Pool across the late Pleistocene

Carolin, Stacy Anne 27 August 2014 (has links)
Variability in the tropical ocean-atmospheric system causes global scale climate anomalies, most evident in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation’s coupled climate feedbacks. Despite being an area of high interest, many questions still remain regarding the west Pacific warm pool’s response to external forcing, particularly its response to increases in anthropogenic greenhouse gases. Paleoclimate reconstructions coupled with model simulations provide insight into the tropical Pacific’s role in past climate variability necessary to the development of robust climate projections. Most paleoclimate records, however, still lack the resolution, length, and chronological control to resolve rapid variability against a background of orbital-scale variations. Here we present stalagmite oxygen isotope (δ18O) reconstructions from Gunung Mulu National Park (4oN, 115oE ), in northern Borneo, that provide reproducible centennial-scale records of western Pacific hydrologic variability that are precisely U/Th-dated and continuous throughout most of the late Pleistocene (0-160 thousand years ago, kybp). The record comprises an entire glacial-interglacial cycle, which allows us to investigate orbital-scale climate forcings and compare two well-dated glacial terminations in the western tropical Pacific. The ice- volume-corrected δ18O records suggest that glacial boundary condtions, which include significantly lower atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, did not drive significant changes in Mulu rainfall δ18O. Similarly, Borneo stalagmite δ18O is poorly correlated to either global sea level shifts or Sunda Shelf areal exposure is not evident. The Borneo record does vary in phase with local mid-fall equatorial insolation, suggesting that precessional forcing may impart a strong influence on hydroclimate variability in the warm pool. This is best illustrated across Glacial Termination II, when the oscillation of equatorial fall insolation is large and out of phase with ice sheet decay. We also use a subset of well-dated, high-resolution stalagmite δ18O records from Mulu to investigate millennial-scale climate variability during Marine Isotope Stages 3-5 (30-100kybp). We find that regional convection likely decreased during the six massive iceberg discharges defined in the North Atlantic sediment records (“Heinrich events”). The inferred drying (increased stalagmite δ18O) during Heinrich events is consistent with a southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone – the dominant paradigm to explain global climate anomalies originating in the north Atlantic (ref). However, any hydrologic variability related to Dansgaad-Oeschgar (D/O) events, millennial-scale sawtooth temperature anomalies of the last glacial period first evident in the Greenland ice records, is notably absent in the stalagmite records. . The Mulu stalagmite record’s absence of D/O signal, however, is in marked contrast to the regional west Pacific marine records and suggests D/O events and Heinrich events may be characterized by fundamentally different climate mechanisms and feedbacks.

Identification of variability in sub-Arctic sea ice conditions during the Younger Dryas and Holocene

Cabedo Sanz, Patricia January 2013 (has links)
The presence of the sea ice diatom biomarker IP25 in Arctic marine sediments has been used in previous studies as a proxy for past spring sea ice occurrence and as an indicator of wider palaeoenvironmental conditions for different regions of the Arctic over various timescales. The current study describes a number of analytical and palaeoceanographic developments of the IP25 sea ice biomarker. First, IP25 was extracted and purified from Arctic marine sediments. This enabled the structure of IP25 to be confirmed and enabled instrumental (GC-MS) calibrations to be carried out so that quantitative measurements could be performed with greater accuracy. Second, palaeo sea ice reconstructions based on IP25 and other biomarkers were carried out for a suite of sub-Arctic areas within the Greenland, Norwegian and Barents Seas, each of which represent contrasting oceanographic and environmental settings. Further, an evaluation of some combined biomarker approaches (e.g. the PIP25 and DIP25 indices) for quantifying and/or refining definitions of sea ice conditions was carried out. Temporally, particular emphasis was placed on the characterisation of sea ice conditions during the Younger Dryas and the Holocene. Some comparisons with other proxies (e.g. foraminifera, IRD) were also made. A study of a sediment core from Andfjorden (69.16˚N, 16.25˚E), northern Norway, provided unequivocal evidence for the occurrence of seasonal sea ice conditions during the Younger Dryas. The onset (ca. 12.9 cal. kyr BP) and end (ca. 11.5 cal. kyr BP) of this stadial were especially clear in this location, while in a study from the Kveithola Trough (74.52˚N, 16.29˚E), western Barents Sea, these transitions were less apparent. This was attributed to the presence of colder surface waters and the occurrence of seasonal sea ice both before and after this stadial at higher latitudes. Some regional differences regarding the severity of the sea ice conditions were also observed, although an overall general picture was proposed, with more severe sea ice conditions during the early-mid Younger Dryas and less sea ice observed during the late Younger Dryas. A shift in the climate towards ice-free conditions was recorded in northern Norway during the early Holocene (ca. 11.5 – 7.2 cal. kyr BP). Milder conditions were also observed during the Holocene in the western Barents Sea, with three main climate periods observed. During the early Holocene (ca. 11.7 – 9.5 cal. kyr BP), the position of the spring ice edge was close to the study area which resulted in high productivity during summers. During the mid-late Holocene (ca. 9.5 – 1.6 cal. kyr BP), sea ice was mainly absent due to an increased influence of Atlantic waters and northward movement of the Polar Front. During the last ca. 1.6 cal. kyr BP, sea ice conditions were similar to those of the present day. In addition to the outcomes obtained from the Norwegian-Barents Sea region, comparison of biomarker and other proxy data from 3 short cores from Kangerdlugssuaq Trough (Denmark Strait/SE Greenland) with historical climate observations allowed the development of a model of sea ice conditions which was then tested for longer time-scales. It is suggested that the IP25 in sediments from this region is likely derived from drift ice carried from the Arctic Ocean via the East Greenland Current and that two main sea surface scenarios have existed over the last ca. 150 yr. From ca. AD 1850 – 1910, near perennial sea ice conditions resulted in very low primary productivity, while from ca. AD 1910 – 1986, local sea ice conditions were less severe with increased drift ice and enhanced primary productivity. This two-component model was subsequently developed to accommodate different sea surface conditions that existed during the retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the deglaciation (ca. 16.3 – 10.9 cal. kyr BP).

Stalagmite reconstructions of western tropical pacific climate from the last glacial maximum to present

Partin, Judson Wiley 01 April 2008 (has links)
The West Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) plays an important role in the global heat budget and global hydrologic cycle, so knowledge about its past variability would improve our understanding of global climate. Variations in WPWP precipitation are most notable during El Niño-Southern Oscillation events, when climate changes in the tropical Pacific impact rainfall not only in the WPWP, but around the globe. The stalagmite records presented in this dissertation provide centennial-to-millennial-scale constraints of WPWP precipitation during three distinct climatic periods: the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the last deglaciation, and the Holocene. In Chapter 2, the methodologies associated with the generation of U/Th-based absolute ages for the stalagmites are presented. In the final age models for the stalagmites, dates younger than 11,000 years have absolute errors of ±400 years or less, and dates older than 11,000 years have a relative error of ±2%. Stalagmite-specific 230Th/232Th ratios, calculated using isochrons, are used to correct for the presence of unsupported 230Th in a stalagmite at the time of formation. Hiatuses in the record are identified using a combination of optical properties, high 232Th concentrations, and extrapolation from adjacent U/Th dates. In Chapter 3, stalagmite oxygen isotopic composition (d18O) records from N. Borneo are presented which reveal millennial-scale rainfall changes that occurred in response to changes in global climate boundary conditions, radiative forcing, and abrupt climate changes. The stalagmite d18O records detect little change in inferred precipitation between the LGM and the present, although significant uncertainties are associated with the impact of the Sunda Shelf on rainfall d18O during the LGM. A millennial-scale drying in N. Borneo, inferred from an increase in stalagmite d18O, peaks at ~16.5ka coeval with timing of Heinrich event 1, possibly related to a southward movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). An inferred precipitation maximum (stalagmite d18O minimum) during the mid-Holocene in N. Borneo supports La Niña-like conditions and/or a southward migration of the ITCZ over the course of the Holocene as likely mechanisms for the observed millennial-scale trends. In Chapter 4, stalagmite Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and d13C records reflect hydrologic changes in the overlying karst system that are linked to a combination of rainfall variability and cave micro-environmental effects. Dripwater and stalagmite geochemistry suggest that prior calcite precipitation is a mechanism which alters dripwater geochemistry in slow, stalagmite-forming drips in N. Borneo. Stalagmite Mg/Ca ratios and d13C records suggest that the LGM climate in N. Borneo was drier and that ecosystem carbon cycling may have responded to the drier conditions. Large amplitude decadal- to centennial-scale variability in stalagmite Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and d13C during the deglaciation may be linked to deglacial abrupt climate change events.

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