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Cosmology with Quasar Absorption LinesCrighton, Neil, Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
In this thesis we make a new measurement of the primordial deuterium abundance, and analyse five other systems selected as possible D/H candidates. We also undertake an investigation of systematic errors in a system where an existing deuterium measurement has been made. We measure the number of hydrogen components and their velocity distributions in a moderate and high redshift sample of Lyman limit systems in one Angstrom resolution spectra. We present a new measurement of the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio, D/H, at z=3.2560 in a newly-discovered low metallicity absorption system towards the quasar PG1937-1009. We attempt to account for any systematic effects that could influence the D/H measurement. We find a 1 sigma range for D/H*1e5 of 1.6 (+0.25) (-0.30). Using high resolution spectra from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Very Large Telescope, we assess the suitability of five D/H candidate absorption systems. These systems were selected as candidates using lower resolution spectra. We measure the neutral hydrogen column density, identify metal lines and analyse the velocity structure of each system, and show them to be unsuitable for measuring D/H. We also investigate the systematic errors in the absorber at z=0.701 towards quasar PG1718-4801 that was initially thought to show a high primordial D/H value. We analyse the dependence of the putative deuterium line's parameters on wavelength calibration errors in the HST spectra and present a revised deuterium measurement. We examine the velocity widths of two samples of one Angstrom resolution quasar spectra showing Lyman limit absorption systems. The first sample is at high redshifts, taken from the Sloan quasar data release 3 catalogue. The second is at intermediate redshifts, compiled from a survey for UV quasar absorption systems taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. We use a modified version of the Voigt profile fitting program, VPFIT, to estimate the number of hydrogen velocity components and column density in the Lyman limit systems. We compare the velocity distributions of the higher and lower redshift samples. We find the distributions are consistent with other measures of the velocity spread in absorption systems, and find no compelling evidence for evolution between the redshift samples.
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THE CIRCUMGALACTIC MEDIUM OF SUBMILLIMETER GALAXIES. I. FIRST RESULTS FROM A RADIO-IDENTIFIED SAMPLEFu, Hai, Hennawi, J. F., Prochaska, J. X., Mutel, R., Casey, C., Cooray, A., Kereš, D., Zhang, Z.-Y., Clements, D., Isbell, J., Lang, C., McGinnis, D., Michałowski, M. J., Mooley, K., Perley, D., Stockton, A., Thompson, D. 15 November 2016 (has links)
We present the first results from an ongoing survey to characterize the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of massive high-redshift galaxies detected as submillimeter galaxies (SMGs). We constructed a parent sample of 163 SMGQSO pairs with separations less than similar to 36" by cross-matching far-infrared-selected galaxies from Herschel with spectroscopically confirmed QSOs. The Herschel sources were selected to match the properties of the SMGs. We determined the sub-arcsecond positions of six Herschel sources with the Very Large Array and obtained secure redshift identification for three of those with near-infrared spectroscopy. The QSO sightlines probe transverse proper distances of 112, 157, and 198. kpc at foreground redshifts of 2.043, 2.515, and 2.184, respectively, which are comparable to the virial radius of the similar to 10(13) M circle dot halos expected to host SMGs. High-quality absorption-line spectroscopy of the QSOs reveals systematically strong H I Ly alpha absorption around all three SMGs, with rest-frame equivalent widths of similar to 2-3 A. However, none of the three absorbers exhibit compelling evidence for optically thick H I gas or metal absorption, in contrast to the dominance of strong neutral absorbers in the CGM of luminous z similar to 2 QSOs. The low covering factor of optically thick H I gas around SMGs tentatively indicates that SMGs may not have as prominent cool gas reservoirs in their halos as the coeval QSOs and that they may inhabit less massive halos than previously thought.
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Probing the Size of Low-Redshift Lyα AbsorbersRosenberg, Jessica L., Ganguly, Rajib, Giroux, Mark L., Stocke, John T. 10 July 2003 (has links)
The 3C 273 and RX J1230.8+0115 sight lines probe the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster at physical separations between the sight lines of 200 and 500 h70-1 kpc. We present an analysis of available Hubble Space Telescope STIS echelle and Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) UV spectroscopy of RX J1230.8+ 0115, in which we detect five Lyα absorbers at Virgo distances. One of these absorbers is a blend of two strong metal-line absorbers at a recession velocity coincident with the highest neutral hydrogen column density absorber in the 3C 273 sight line, ∼350 h70-1 kpc away. The consistency of the metal-line column density ratios in the RX J1230.8+0115 sight line allows us to determine the ionization mechanism (photoionization) for these absorbers. While the low signal-to-noise ratio of the FUSE spectrum limits our ability to model the neutral hydrogen column density of these absorbers precisely, we are able to constrain them to be in the range 1016-1017 cm -2. The properties of these absorbers are similar to those obtained for the nearby 3C 273 absorber studied by Tripp and collaborators. However, the inferred line-of-sight size for the 3C 273 absorber is only 70 pc, much smaller than those inferred in RX J1230.8+0115, which are 10-30 h70-1 kpc. The small sizes of all three absorbers are at odds with the ≥ 350 h70-1 kpc minimum transverse size implied by an application of the standard QSO line-pair analysis. On the basis of absorber associations between these two sight lines we conclude that a large-scale structure filament produces a correlated, not contiguous, gaseous structure in this region of the Virgo Supercluster. These data may indicate that we are detecting overdensities in the large-scale structure filaments in this region. Alternatively, the presence of a galaxy 71 h70-1 kpc from a 3C 273 absorber may indicate that we have probed outflowing, starburst-driven shells of gas associated with nearby galaxies.
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The Hot Intergalactic Medium-Galaxy Connection: Two Strong O VI Absorbers in the Sight Line Toward PG 1211+143Tumlinson, Jason, Shull, J. Michael, Giroux, Mark L., Stocke, John T. 10 February 2005 (has links)
We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) and Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectra of the QSO PG 1211+143 (zem = 0.081) and a galaxy survey of the surrounding field. This sight line shows two strong intergalactic absorption systems at cz ≃ 15,300 and 19,300 km s-1. This sight line addresses the nature and origin of the O VI absorbers and their connection to galaxies. We explore the relationship of these absorbers to the nearby galaxies and compare them to other O VI-bearing absorbers in diverse environments. At 15,300 km s-1, we find four distinct H I components and associated C II, C III, C IV, Si II, Si III, Si IV, N V, and O VI, lying near a spiral-dominated galaxy group with a bright member galaxy 137 h 70-1 kpc from the sight line. The observed ions of C, Si, and N are likely to be photoionized, but the O VI is more consistent with collisional ionization. The ion ratios in this absorber resemble the highly ionized Galactic high-velocity clouds (HVCs); it may also trace the hot intragroup medium gas or the unbound wind of an undiscovered dwarf galaxy. At 19,300 km s-1, we find five H I components and associated C III, Si III, and collisionally ionized O VI lying 146 h70-1 kpc from an isolated galaxy. The properties of the O VI-bearing gas are consistent with an origin in strong shocks between low-metallicity gas (≥2%-6% solar) and one or more of the warm photoionized components. It is likely that these absorbers are related to the nearby galaxies, perhaps by outflows or gas stripped from unseen satellite galaxies by interactions. However, we cannot reject completely the hypothesis that they reside in the same large-scale structure in which the galaxies are embedded but are otherwise not directly related.
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The Fluctuating Intergalactic Radiation Field at Redshifts Z = 2.3-2.9 From He II and H I Absorption Toward He 2347-4342Shull, J. Michael, Tumlinson, Jason, Giroux, Mark L., Kriss, Gerard A., Reimers, Dieter 10 January 2004 (has links)
We provide an in-depth analysis of the He II and H I absorption in the intergalactic medium (IGM) at redshifts z = 2.3-2.9 toward HE 2347-4342, using spectra from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and the Ultraviolet-Visual Echelle Spectrograph on the Very Large Telescope. Following up on our earlier study, we focus here on two major topics: (1) small-scale variability (Δz ≈ 10-3) in the ratio η = N(He II)/N(H I) and (2) an observed correlation of high-η absorbers (soft radiation fields) with voids in the (H I) Lyα distribution. These effects may reflect fluctuations in the ionizing sources on scales of 1 Mpc, together with radiative transfer through a filamentary IGM whose opacity variations control the penetration of 1-5 ryd radiation over 30-40 Mpc distances. Given the photon statistics and backgrounds, we can measure optical depths over the ranges 0.1 < τHe II < 2.3 and 0.02 < τH I < 3.9 and reliably determine values of η ≈ 4τHe II/τH I over the range 0.1-460. Values η = 20-200 are consistent with models of photoionization by quasars with observed spectral indices α s = 0-3. Values η > 200 may require additional contributions from starburst galaxies, heavily filtered quasar radiation, or density variations. Regions with η < 30 may indicate the presence of local hard sources. We find that η is higher in "void" regions, where H I is weak or undetected and ∼80% of the path length has η > 100. These voids may be ionized by local soft sources (dwarf starbursts) or by QSO radiation softened by escape from the active galactic nucleus cores or transfer through the "cosmic web." The apparent differences in ionizing spectra may help to explain the 1.45 Gyr lag between the reionization epochs of H I (zH I ∼ 6.2 ± 0.2) and He II (zHe II ∼ 2.8 ± 0.2).
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OVI Absorbers in SDSS SpectraFrank, Stephan 01 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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THE STRUCTURE OF THE CIRCUMGALACTIC MEDIUM OF GALAXIES: COOL ACCRETION INFLOW AROUND NGC 1097Bowen, David V., Chelouche, Doron, Jenkins, Edward B., Tripp, Todd M., Pettini, Max, York, Donald G., Frye, Brenda L. 20 July 2016 (has links)
We present Hubble Space Telescope far-UV spectra of four QSOs whose sightlines pass through the halo of NGC 1097 at impact parameters of rho = 48-165 kpc. NGC 1097 is a nearby spiral galaxy that has undergone at least two minor merger events, but no apparent major mergers, and is relatively isolated with respect to other nearby bright galaxies. This makes NGC 1097 a good case study for exploring baryons in a paradigmatic bright-galaxy halo. Ly alpha absorption is detected along all sightlines and Si III lambda 1206 is found along the three sightlines with the smallest.; metal lines of C II, Si II, and Si IV are only found with certainty toward the innermost sightline. The kinematics of the absorption lines are best replicated by a model with a disk-like distribution of gas approximately planar to the observed 21 cm H I disk, which is rotating more slowly than the inner disk, and into which gas is infalling from the intergalactic medium. Some part of the absorption toward the innermost sightline may arise either from a small-scale outflow or from tidal debris associated with the minor merger that gives rise to the well known "dog-leg" stellar stream that projects from NGC 1097. When compared to other studies, NGC 1097 appears to be a "typical" absorber, although the large dispersion in absorption line column density and equivalent width in a single halo goes perhaps some way toward explaining the wide range of these values seen in higher-z studies.
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Nature and statistical properties of quasar associated absorption systems in the XQ-100 Legacy SurveyPerrotta, S., D'Odorico, V., Prochaska, J. X., Cristiani, S., Cupani, G., Ellison, S., López, S., Becker, G. D., Berg, T. A. M., Christensen, L., Denney, K. D., Hamann, F., Pâris, I., Vestergaard, M., Worseck, G. 01 November 2016 (has links)
We statistically study the physical properties of a sample of narrow absorption line (NAL) systems looking for empirical evidences to distinguish between intrinsic and intervening NALs without taking into account any a priori definition or velocity cut-off. We analyse the spectra of 100 quasars with 3.5 < z(em) < 4.5, observed with X-shooter/Very Large Telescope in the context of the XQ-100 Legacy Survey. We detect an similar to 8 sigma excess in the CIV number density within 10 000 km s(-1) of the quasar emission redshift with respect to the random occurrence of NALs. This excess does not show a dependence on the quasar bolometric luminosity and it is not due to the redshift evolution of NALs. It extends far beyond the standard 5000 km s(-1) cutoff traditionally defined for associated absorption lines. We propose to modify this definition, extending the threshold to 10 000 km s(-1) when weak absorbers (equivalent width < 0.2 angstrom) are also considered. We infer NV is the ion that better traces the effects of the quasar ionization field, offering the best statistical tool to identify intrinsic systems. Following this criterion, we estimate that the fraction of quasars in our sample hosting an intrinsic NAL system is 33 per cent. Lastly, we compare the properties of the material along the quasar line of sight, derived from our sample, with results based on close quasar pairs investigating the transverse direction. We find a deficiency of cool gas (traced by C II) along the line of sight connected to the quasar host galaxy, in contrast with what is observed in the transverse direction.
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MAPPING THE MOST MASSIVE OVERDENSITY THROUGH HYDROGEN (MAMMOTH). I. METHODOLOGYCai, Zheng, Fan, Xiaohui, Peirani, Sebastien, Bian, Fuyan, Frye, Brenda, McGreer, Ian, Prochaska, J. Xavier, Lau, Marie Wingyee, Tejos, Nicolas, Ho, Shirley, Schneider, Donald P. 13 December 2016 (has links)
Modern cosmology predicts that a galaxy overdensity (e.g., protocluster) will be associated with a large intergalactic medium gas reservoir, which can be traced by Ly alpha forest absorption. We have undertaken a systematic study of the relation between Coherently Strong intergalactic Lya Absorption systems (CoSLAs), which have the highest optical depth (tau) in the tau distribution, and mass overdensities on the scales of similar to 10-20 h(-1) comoving Mpc. On such large scales, our cosmological simulations show a strong correlation between the effective optical depth (tau(eff)) of the CoSLAs and the three-dimensional mass overdensity. In spectra with moderate signal-to-noise ratio, however, the profiles of CoSLAs can be confused with individual high column density absorbers. For z > 2.6, where the corresponding Ly beta is redshifted to the optical, we have developed a selection technique to distinguish between these two alternatives. We have applied this technique to similar to 6000 sight lines provided by Sloan Digital Sky Survey III quasar survey at z = 2.6-3.3 with a continuum-to-noise ratio greater than 8, and we present a sample of five CoSLA candidates with tau(eff) on 15 h(-1) Mpc greater than 4.5x the mean optical depth. At lower redshifts of z < 2.6, where the background quasar density is higher, the overdensity can be traced by intergalactic absorption groups using multiple sight lines with small angular separations. Our overdensity searches fully use the current and next generation of Ly alpha forest surveys, which cover a survey volume of > 1 (h(-1) Gpc)(3). Systems traced by CoSLAs will yield a uniform sample of the most massive overdensities at z > 2 to provide stringent constraints to models of structure formation.
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Probing galaxy evolution with quasar absorption linesBerg, Trystyn Andrew Munro 05 July 2018 (has links)
When we look throughout the Universe, we can see the stages of galaxy evolution across cosmic time; however there are still many unanswered questions about the details of galaxy evolution. How did galaxies like our Milky Way assemble? Do the first galaxies look different than our own? What makes galaxies stop forming stars? Many of these questions can be addressed by studying the detailed chemistry of gas located in and around galaxies. Absorption lines imprinted on quasar spectra probe this hard-to-see gas within and surrounding galaxies, giving an luminosity-unbiased census of gas from z~0 to the epoch of the most distant quasars. In this thesis, I present two samples of high resolution spectra of quasars obtained from both ground- and space-based observatories to study the evolution of galaxies through their gas-phase absorption lines.
The first of the two samples presented in this thesis consists of the 100 quasar sightlines from the XQ-100 legacy survey completed with the X-Shooter spectrograph on the Very Large Telescope in Chile. The XQ-100 survey provides a blind sample of over 350 HI absorption line systems associated with galaxies with column densities 18.8<=logN(HI)<=21.5. Using this sample, I investigated the evolution of neutral gas reservoirs from z~4.5 to z~2.0. I demonstrate that the lower column density sub-damped Lyman alpha systems (with column densities 19.0<=logN(HI)<20.3) contribute ~20% of the HI observed in galaxy gas reservoirs compared to the rarer but high column density damped Lyman alpha systems (DLAs; logN(HI)>=20.3). Furthermore, I show that using the presence of metal lines (particularly MgII absorption) to identify and select absorbing systems can potentially bias the properties of the sample; absorbers selected to contain strong metal line absorbers tend to exclude low metallicity and low HI column density systems. I demonstrate that the systems missed by metal-selected searches can have a significant impact on the study of the cosmic evolution of neutral gas reservoirs.
In addition to the HI content, the metal abundances for 13 elements in the 41 DLAs of the XQ-100 sample are presented. In concert with my literature compilation of 280 DLA metal abundance measurements, I studied the dust-corrected [Zn/Fe]. This work emphasizes that near-IR coverage of X-Shooter provides unprecedented access to MgII, CaII and TiII lines (at redshifts 3-4) to provide additional evidence for subsolar [Zn/Fe] ratio in DLAs, a chemical signature that DLAs can be high-redshift dwarf galaxy analogues. Furthermore, the XQ-100 DLA sample consists of several unique systems that probe the effects of environment on the chemical evolution of the Universe, as well as the chemical makeup of the first generations of stars. I demonstrate that DLAs close to their background quasar (within 5000 km/s) with logN(HI)<21.0 show lower [S/H] and [Fe/H] (relative to intervening systems with similar redshift and N(HI)), whilst higher [S/H] and [Si/H] are seen in these proximate systems with logN(HI)>21.0. Contrary to previous studies, DLAs within 10,000 km/s of another DLA show no difference in [alpha/Fe] relative to single DLAs matched in metallicity and redshift. In addition, I present follow-up high-resolution data of J0034+1639, a sightline containing three DLAs, including a metal-poor DLA with [Fe/H]=-2.82 (the third lowest [Fe/H] in DLAs identified to date) at z=4.25.
In the latter part of this thesis, I study the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of galaxies that host an active galactic nucleus (AGN). AGN are thought to play a critical role in shaping galaxies, but their effect on the gaseous reservoirs surrounding galaxies is not well studied. I present results from the COS-AGN survey: 19 quasar sightlines that probe the gas surrounding 20 optically-selected AGN host galaxies observed over 65 hours with the Hubble Space Telescope. Absorption lines from a variety of species are measured and compared to a stellar mass and impact parameter matched sample of sightlines through non-AGN galaxies. Amongst the observed species in the COS-AGN sample (HI, CII, SiII, SiIII, CIV, SiIV, NV), only HI shows a high covering fraction whilst many of the metal ions are not detected in individual sightlines. A sightline-by-sightline comparison between COS-AGN and the control sample yields no significant difference in equivalent width distribution. However, stacked spectra of the COS-AGN and control samples show significant enhancements in the equivalent width of both Lya and SiIII at high impact parameters (>164 kpc) by a factor of +0.45+/-0.05 dex and >+0.75 dex respectively. The lack of detections of both high-ionization species near the AGN and strong kinematic offsets between the absorption systemic galaxy redshifts indicates that neither the AGN's ionization nor its outflows are the origin of these differences. Instead, I suggest the observed differences could result from either AGN hosts residing in haloes with intrinsically distinct gas properties, or that their CGM has been affected by a previous event, such as a starburst, which may also have fuelled the nuclear activity. / Graduate
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