Spelling suggestions: "subject:"accelerometer."" "subject:"acccelerometer.""
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Diagnostika vibrací elektrických strojů / Vibration diagnostics of electrical machinesHlaváček, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with the influence simulated unbalance vibration level asynchronous motor. First is focused introduction to the problem of vibration. Another part is introduction with machine construction and vibrations in machines. Introduction with methods of measurement. The last part is vibration measurements with simulated imbalances.
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Využití senzorů mobilního zařízení v automobilu / Use of Mobile Device Sensors in a CarAron, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses the use of an accelerometer commonly present in a mobile device for the measuring of vibration in a vehicle. Such measurements are used to map the quality of the road surface. The signal from the accelerometer and the current travelling speed of the vehicle are evaluated according to a threshold function. This function allows for a determination of whether the signal reported by the device signifies a pot-hole or another type of defect on the road surface. If the defect is determined to pose a threat to a vehicle travelling at higher speeds, then this fact is saved into the memory of the device. The second part of this thesis deals with the design of an internet and a mobile application, which is able to collect all measured data processes using cluster analysis and then shares the results with other participating devices. Tha practical results is that a map of road surface defect is thus created, which is then displayed to road users. This thesis deals with theory of mobile device sensors, including signal processing, as well as the design creation of the internet and mobile application.
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Rozšířená realita pro platformu Android / Augmented Reality for Android PlatformNohejl, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes design and implementation of augmented reality system for Android platform using location sensors. The application serves as a navigation and displays geographical points of interest. Thesis deals with augmented reality on mobile devices, describes design of own framework and mentions the details about implementation of selected problems. Finally, the results are evaluated.
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9DOF modul pro měření orientace prostoru / 9DOF module for orientation measurementHojdík, Matej January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with a design of 9DOF module for the evaluation of orientation in space. The thesis includes a theoretical description of sensors, mathematical apparatus for rotating and the Kalman filter. The practical part deals with the design of hardware, firmware and software, whereby the mathematical formulas set out in the theoretical part are applied. In the last part a testing of the created module is presented.
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Inerciální navigační jednotka / Inertial Navigation UnitDvořák, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the design and realisation of inertial navigation unit INS. The unit is capable to measure, store and send data to a PC in real-time for a later offline processing. The first part of the thesis introduces the reader with the basic principles of accelerometers, gyroscopes and MEMS sensors. An introduction to coordinate systems and measuring errors is also included. The second and third part of the thesis deals with the analysis of the solution and the implementation of the INS unit. The fourth part of the document is dedicated to the software for the INS unit. This thesis concludes with explanation how the gathered data are processed.
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Akvizice a klasifikace pohybu / Acquisition and classification of motionTichá, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the acquisition and classification of movement using accelerometer and gyroscope data. The theoretical part contains biomechanics of movement, sensors used in the motion analysis and customization options and classification of measured data. A description of the components of the acquisition system, its implementation and placement on the body of the measured person are introduced in this work as well. To verify the functionality of the device, measured data was compared with the data measured by mobile application Sense-it. Classification of motion was inplemented by two methods in the Matlab software environment. The first one uses a vector of three parameters, the other classifies the movement by the absolute value of the difference in signal deflections.
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Kretskortsdesign för uppkopplat cykellåsKuylenstierna, Edvin January 2020 (has links)
The goal with this degree project has been to design a circuit board for an existing bicycle lock that will be able to prevent bicycle theft by sending an alarm. The bicycle lock will be communicating with the radio protocol LoRa and send an alarm with the position to the user. An alarm is detected using an accelerometer which detects changes in movement and the position is obtained with the help of a GPS receiver. The method for the project has been divided into four parts which is the following: component selection, component verification, programming of development card and finally design of circuit board. The components of the system have been tested using Arduino and breadboard to verify that the concept works. After that, a circuit board has been designed that can meet the defined requirements for this work.
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Utveckling av en Quadcopter / Development of a QuadcopterPersson, Mikael, Andersson, Tim January 2013 (has links)
Examensarbetets mål är att bygga en Quadcopter som kan flyga och styras via en radio-sändare i alla riktningar, stabilisera sig själv i luften, kunna landa autonomt och den skall även motverka krock i framåtgående riktning.För att uppnå grundmålet att kunna flyga så implementerades en PID-kontroller som används för att stabilisera Quadcoptern i luften genom att reglera motorer efter sensor-orientering. Denna sensororientering fås kombinera vinkeldata från en accelerometer och ett gyroskop.För att uppnå målet med autonom landning så användes en ultraljudssensor. En egen algoritm utvecklades för att läsa avstånd från marken. Avståndet från marken användes som grund för att skapa en egen algoritm för den autonoma landningen.Quadcoptern kan i slutprodukten stabilisera sig själv i luften, styras via radio och landa autonomt. Säkerhetsfunktioner som att aktivera autonom landning ifall Quadcoptern kommer utanför radions täckning är implementerade och även en brytare som stänger av motorerna. Det enda som inte implementerades var krocken i framåtgående riktning eftersom att en ultraljudssensor inte var lämpad för detta användningsområde. / The goal of the thesis is to build a quadcopter that can fly and be controlled via a radio transmitter in all directions, stabilizing itself in the air, to land autonomously and detect collisions in the forward direction.In order to achieve the basic goal of being able to fly, a PID controller was implemented which is used to stabilize the Quadcopter in the air by controlling the motors with help from sensor orientation. This sensor orientation is obtained from a complementary filter that merges angle data from an accelerometer and a gyroscope. Both an accelerometer and a gyroscope are required to automatically stabilize the Quadcopter in the air.To achieve the goal of autonomous landing an ultrasonic sensor was used. An algorithm was developed to read the distance from the ground which was a basis for creating our own algorithm for autonomous landing.The Quadcopter has the ability to stabilize itself in the air, be controlled via a radio transmitter and land autonomously. A safety feature that enables autonomous landing if the Quadcopter travels outside the radio coverage is implemented and also a switch that turns off the engines. The only thing that wasn’t implemented was the crash avoidance in the forward direction because the ultrasonic sensor was not suited for this application.
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Measuring movement of golfers with an accelerometerJung, Changsu January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze a golfer’s movement and provide the feedback related to the golfer’s skill with the simple and novel ways. A golfer can easily measure golf swings and get feedback based on his performance using an Android smart phone without expensive or complicated devices. In this thesis, we designed and implemented an Android application using an accelerometer sensor to analyze swing data for identifying critical points and to give various kinds of feedback based on the data. The feedback helps golfers to understand their swing patterns, timing and speed so it makes them improve their skills.
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Effects of driving style on passengers comfort : A research paper about the influence of the bus driver´s driving style on public transport usersRubira Freixas, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The comfort of the public transport user is of vital importance to guarantee a pleasant service. The driver's style on coaches and buses is a significant factor that influences the comfort of the users. The driver of a vehicle is clearly implicated in the production of motion sickness since it is the driver who regulates the accelerations than cause passenger sickness (Mark Turner & Michael J. Griffin, 1999). Therefore it is necessary to explain the relationship between passenger comfort and driver behaviour. The driver’s driving style has been described by recording the accelerations (X-Y-Z directions) of a bus with an accelerometer. This data has been processed afterwards to obtain four indicators that describe the driving style of the driver. The four indicators are: 1) Longitudinal acceleration and braking levels, 2) Longitudinal jerks, 3) Lateral cornering acceleration levels, and 4) uneven speed, so-called "Pump driving". Comfort ratings from the passengers has been collected on board different buses from the Södertälje and Kallhäll areas where passengers were asked to grade their experience during their current journey. This information has been analysed together with the indicators. The final result is an algorithm that provides a comfort rating by analysing the acceleration of a bus.
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