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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifikace faktorů ovlivňujících vysoký úhyn zvěře na silnicích / Identification of factors influencing large measure of road-kill of game.

MACHAČ, Radek January 2010 (has links)
The bachelor´s thesis monitors an effect of motor traffic on selected species of game. The aim of this work was to review knowledge about protection of animals on surface communications and to survey and evaluate numbers of game killed on area of interest by motor traffic. Monitoring had been provided near České Budějovice in the southern Bohemia from August 2009 to October 2009. Killed individuals were documented by members of local hunting association, and on the basis of my own observations. The most frequently killed game species were brown hare and roe deer, from the other animal species common mole and both eastern and western hedgehog. But a lot of animals might not been found, so the results can be misinterpreted. The proposal of precaution which should improve the situation is an important part of the thesis.

Occupational Safety Surveillance Using a Statistical Monitoring Approach

Schuh, Anna Kristine 10 May 2013 (has links)
When unsafe conditions arise in a workplace, they may result in employee accidents and fatalities. However, if these problems are detected early, new hazard controls and safety initiatives can be introduced in order to actively reduce or prevent the occurrence of these events. Unfortunately, many safety systems currently monitor and report data that has been aggregated over long time periods, making it difficult to realize and respond to pattern shifts in a timely manner. When monitoring a process over time, a commonly used tool is statistical process control charting. Traditionally used in manufacturing, control charts indicate a deviation from historically "normal" or "in-control" behavior and have become increasingly common in healthcare and public health monitoring. This dissertation studies the use of control charts to monitor the frequency of occupational safety incidents, with the overarching goal of investigating the effects of data aggregation on the detection performance of these charts. Specifically, this dissertation 1) qualitatively establishes the need for more frequent monitoring of safety incidents; 2) investigates the comparative performance of control charts with aggregated and non-aggregated data for the detection of increased accident frequency, using a case study with data from an industrial partner; 3) more generally compares the performance of these charts for a Poisson process with a range of simulated process shifts; and 4) discusses the potential future challenges of including accident severity in quantitative safety monitoring systems. The comprehensive results indicate that lower degrees of data aggregation are preferred, and suggestions for better data collection and employee communication practices are offered to aid the transition for companies. / Ph. D.

Úprava křižovatky silnic I/43 x II/150 u Boskovic / Editing an intersection of roads I/43 x II/150 Boskovic

Kortová, Anna January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis deals with alteration of intersection of roads I/43 and II/150 near Boskovice, with focus on safety. Aim of the thesis was to decrease accident frequency in this location, while keeping the traffic fluent. First step was the evaluation of recorded speed and intensity on this crossroad and comparing it to the causes of accidents. Second step was to design solutions for this crossroad, and for one of these solutions was developed a design documentation.

Bezpečnost provozu na komunikacích / Road Safety

Šimicová, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
In the era of the intensive operation on the communication, a question of the safety of the operation becomes one of the most important topics. This thesis deals with an analysis of the various factors, which just participate in the safety of operation on road in the Czech Republic. The thesis results from the comparative analysis of the traffic accident frequency in the allotted period and it takes an interest in how different factors (especially technical parameters of vehicles and human behaviour) influence the safety on highways.

Developing accident-speed relationships using a new modelling approach

Imprialou, Maria-Ioanna January 2015 (has links)
Changing speed limit leads to proportional changes in average speeds which may affect the number of traffic accident occurrences. It is however critical and challenging to evaluate the impact of a speed limit alteration on the number and severity of accidents due primarily to the unavailability of adequate data and the inherent limitations of existing approaches. Although speed is regarded as one of the main contributory factors in traffic accident occurrences, research findings are inconsistent. Independent of the robustness of their statistical approaches, accident frequency models typically use accident grouping concepts based on spatial criteria (e.g. accident counts by link termed as a link-based approach). In the link-based approach, the variability of accidents is explained by highly aggregated average measures of explanatory variables that may be inappropriate, especially for time-varying variables such as speed and volume. This thesis re-examines accident-speed relationships by developing a new accident data aggregation method that enables improved representation of the road conditions just before accident occurrences in order to evaluate the impact of a potential speed limit increase on the UK motorways (e.g. from 70 mph to 80 mph). In this work, accidents are aggregated according to the similarity of their pre-accident traffic and geometric conditions, forming an alternative accident count dataset termed as the condition-based approach. Accident-speed relationships are separately developed and compared for both approaches (i.e. link-based and condition-based) by employing the reported annual accidents that occurred on the Strategic Road Network of England in 2012 along with traffic and geometric variables. Accident locations were refined using a fuzzy-logic-based algorithm designed for the study area with 98.9% estimated accuracy. The datasets were modelled by injury severity (i.e. fatal and serious or slight) and by number of vehicles involved (i.e. single-vehicle and multiple-vehicle) using the multivariate Poisson lognormal regression, with spatial effects for the link-based model under a full Bayesian inference method. The results of the condition-based models imply that single-vehicle accidents of all severities and multiple-vehicle accidents with fatal or serious injuries increase at higher speed conditions, particularly when these are combined with lower volumes. Multiple-vehicle slight injury accidents were not found to be related with higher speeds, but instead with congested traffic. The outcomes of the link-based model were almost the opposite; suggesting that the speed-accident relationship is negative. The differences between the results reveal that data aggregation may be crucial, yet so far overlooked in the methodological aspect of accident data analyses. By employing the speed elasticity of motorway accidents that was derived from the calibrated condition-based models it has been found that a 10 mph increase in UK motorway speed limit (i.e. from 70 mph to 80 mph) would result in a 6-12% increase in fatal and serious injury accidents and 1-3% increase in slight injury accidents.

The modelling of accident frequency using risk exposure data for the assessment of airport safety areas

Wong, Ka Yick January 2007 (has links)
This thesis makes significant contributions to improving the use of Airport Safety Areas (ASAs) as aviation accident risk mitigation measures by developing improved accident frequency models and risk assessment methodologies. In recent years, the adequacy of ASAs such as the Runway End Safety Area and Runway Safety Area has come under increasing scrutiny. The current research found flaws in the existing ASA regulations and airport risk assessment techniques that lead to the provision of inconsistent safety margins at airports and runways. The research was based on a comprehensive database of ASA-related accidents, which was matched by a representative sample of normal operations data, such that the exposure to a range of operational and meteorological risk factors between accident and normal flights could be compared. On this basis, the criticality of individual risk factors was quantified and accident frequency models were developed using logistic regression. These models have considerably better predictive power compared to models used by previous airport risk assessments. An improved risk assessment technique was developed coupling the accident frequency models with accident location data, yielding distributions that describe the frequency of accidents that reach specific distances beyond the runway end or centreline given the risk exposure profile of the particular runway. The application of the proposed methodology was demonstrated in two case studies. Specific recommendations on ASA dimensions were made for achieving consistent levels of safety on each side of the runway. Advances made in this study have implications on the overall assessment and management of risks at airports.

Vyhodnocení potřeby "Truck center" na dálnici D1 v úseku Praha - Brno / Evaluating the Need for Truck Centres on the D1 Motorway between Prague and Brno

Spáčil, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a design of truck-centres count and location near the motorway D1. This design is a result of aspects which can influent truck-centres‘ count, size and location. There are derived the aspects on the basis of calculation of freight transport intensity till the year 2030 and its concurrence to accident frequency, traffic flow regulation, and also its concurrence to management of personnel labour (AETR), means of eventual maintenance need and means of vehicles’ reparation, services for motorway attendants and finally its concurrence to possibilities of controls by public authorities and police. In order to regulate freight transport traffic flows is calculated size of parking spaces and suggested their appropriate locations.

Предиктивни модел фреквенције саобраћајних незгода на руралним путевима / Prediktivni model frekvencije saobraćajnih nezgoda na ruralnim putevima / Accident frequency prediction model for rural roads

Mićić Spasoje 07 December 2019 (has links)
<p>Примарни задатак ове докторске дисертације је развој предиктивног<br />модела фреквенције саобраћајних незгода на руралним путевима.<br />Секундарни циљ је процјена ефеката саобраћајних и геометријских<br />варијабли на фреквенцију саобраћајних незгода. Резултати<br />истраживања су показали да је најбоље перформансе, у погледу<br />слагања са стварним подацима и предвиђања саобраћајних незгода, у<br />односу на друге конкурентске моделе показао НБ модел. Постављено<br />ограничење брзине има највећи релативни утицај на фреквенцију<br />укупног броја саобраћајних незгода и саобраћајних незгода са<br />настрадалим лицима. На фреквенцију саобраћајних незгода са<br />материјалном штетом највећи релативни утицај има дужина сегмента.</p> / <p>Primarni zadatak ove doktorske disertacije je razvoj prediktivnog<br />modela frekvencije saobraćajnih nezgoda na ruralnim putevima.<br />Sekundarni cilj je procjena efekata saobraćajnih i geometrijskih<br />varijabli na frekvenciju saobraćajnih nezgoda. Rezultati<br />istraživanja su pokazali da je najbolje performanse, u pogledu<br />slaganja sa stvarnim podacima i predviđanja saobraćajnih nezgoda, u<br />odnosu na druge konkurentske modele pokazao NB model. Postavljeno<br />ograničenje brzine ima najveći relativni uticaj na frekvenciju<br />ukupnog broja saobraćajnih nezgoda i saobraćajnih nezgoda sa<br />nastradalim licima. Na frekvenciju saobraćajnih nezgoda sa<br />materijalnom štetom najveći relativni uticaj ima dužina segmenta.</p> / <p>The primary objective of this doctoral dissertation is the development of the<br />accident frequency predictive model on rural roads. The secondary objective<br />is to evaluate the effects of traffic and geometric variables on the accident<br />frequency. The results of the research showed that the best performance, in<br />terms of goodness-of-fit measures and predicting accidents, was shown by<br />the NB model in comparison with other competing models. Posted speed<br />limit has the highest relative influence on the accident frequency of the total<br />number of accidents and the fatal and injury accidents. The independent<br />variable segment lenht has the greatest relative influence on the accidents<br />with property damage frequency.</p>

Vybrané způsoby zlepšení orientace řidiče v dopravním prostoru / Selected Methods of Improvement for the Driver's Orientation on the Roads

Černoch, Adam January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find suitable measures which will lead to the improvement of driver orientation in traffic spaceleading to lower the accident rate in the area. The theoretical part describes the traffic surveys that relate to the topic. Furthermore, the work mentioned detectors used for the implementation of automated traffic surveys. The theoretical part also describes methods that can be used to analyze the selected location and then design the ideal modification. At the end gives an overview of the various measures. In the practical part are different methodologies used for the analysis of selected intersections. Firstly, the analysis of observed conflict situations, including making conflicting diagram, under which was designed to measure. Then, the analysis of traffic accidents. Again, the result was a proposal for possible actions. The main objective was to compare and appreciation of both methodologies and proces design measures to improve driver orientation in the selected location.

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