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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamics of variable density ratio reacting jets in unsteady, vitiated crossflow

Wilde, Benjamin R. 12 January 2015 (has links)
Jet in crossflow (JICF) configurations are often used for secondary fuel injection in staged-fuel combustion systems. The high temperature, vitiated crossflow in these systems is inherently unsteady and characterized by random, turbulent fluctuations and coherent, acoustic oscillations. This thesis presents the results of an experimental investigation into the dynamics of non-reacting and reacting jets injected into unsteady, vitiated crossflow. The flow structure and flame stabilization of jets with different momentum flux and density ratios relative to the crossflow are characterized using simultaneous time-resolved stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (SPIV) synchronized with OH planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF). A modified trajectory scaling law is developed to account for the influence of near-field heat release on the jet trajectory. The second part of this work focuses on the response of a JICF to crossflow forcing. Acoustic drivers are used to excite natural resonances of the facility, which are characterized using the two-microphone method. Spectral analysis of SPIV results shows that, while the jet response to crossflow velocity fluctuations is often negligible, the fluctuating crossflow pressure induces a significant fluctuating jet exit velocity, which leads to periodic jet flapping. The flame response to crossflow forcing is studied using flame edge tracking. An analytical model is developed that predicts the dependence of the jet injector impedance upon important JICF parameters. In the final part of this work, vortex tracking and Mie scattering flow visualization are used to investigate the effect of near-field heat release on the shear layer dynamics. A phenomenological model is developed to explain the effect of combustion on the shear layer stability of density stratified, reacting JICF. The results of this study demonstrate the important effects of near-field heat release and crossflow acoustics on the dynamics of reacting JICF.

Control of soot formation in laminar flames by magnetic fields and acoustic waves / Contrôle de formation de suie dans des flammes laminaires par champs magnétiques et vagues acoustiques

Jocher, Agnès 24 February 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse consiste en l'étude expérimentale et numérique des processus de formation des particules de suie au sein des flammes laminaires non-pré-mélangées et partiellement prémélangées sous l'influence d'un champ magnétique ou d'une stimulation acoustique. Dans une premiére étape, la capacité du code CIAO à prédire la fraction volumique de suie dans une flamme axisymétrique est étudiée. Par la suite, deux flammes subissant une stimulation acoustique ont été étudiées. Les résultats peuvent être utilisés pour améliorer les modèles de suie futurs, en particulier concernant les différentes échelles temporelles de la chimie en phase gazeuse, et la formation d'hydrocarbures polyaromatiques (PAH) et de suie couplée avec des flux transitoires. Pour étudier la formation des particules de suie sous l'influence de gradients de champ magnétique, un brûleur de type Santoro est utilisé. Les techniques de mesure utilisées dans le cadre de cette thèse sont l'imagerie directe à haute cadence, la technique Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) et la méthode d'Absorption/Emission Modulée (MAE). Une augmentation de la fraction volumique de suie intégrée a été mise en évidence lorsque le gradient de champ magnétique est ascendant. Une analyse de stabilité linéaire locale appliquée à l'écoulement non-visqueux est présentée pour une flamme sous l'influence de la perturbation magnétique envisagée. Le gradient de champ magnétique provoque alors une réduction du taux d'amplification. De fait, l'étude est complété par l'identification d'un domaine où les flammes qui oscillent naturellement peuvent être stabilisées et contrôlées par des gradients de champ magnétique. / In this thesis light is shed on the soot formation processes in laminar coflow flames influenced by magnetic field gradients and acoustic forcing. Both influences have been assessed experimentally and numerically. First, the CIAO in-house code's ability to predict soot volume fraction fields in a steady coflow flame is studied. Then, two acoustically forced cases were studied. These findings are used to improve future soot models, especially, concerning the different time scales of gas phase chemistry and the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and soot coupled with unsteady flows. To investigate soot formation under magnetic field gradients, a Santoro type burner is used. The measurement techniques applied in the course of this thesis are high-speed luminosity measurements, Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) and one- and two-color Modulated Absorption/Emission (MAE) techniques. The magnetic field impact on soot formation was first studied experimentally in steady laminar flames. A scaling of soot production similar to the increased integrated soot volume fraction with increased oxygen content in the coflow was documented. A local inviscid stability analysis is presented for an ethylene coflow flame to investigate the flame's response to small perturbations of the mean velocity, temperature, fuel, and oxygen massfraction under magnetic field exposure. The magnetic field is found to reduce the perturbations' growth rate. The magnetic field study is completed by identifying a domain where naturally oscillating flames can be stabilized and controlled by magnetic field gradients.

Experimental investigation of the response of flames with different degrees of premixedness to acoustic oscillations

Kypraiou, Anna-Maria January 2018 (has links)
This thesis describes an experimental investigation of the response of lean turbulent swirling flames with different degrees of premixedness (i.e. different mixture patterns) to acoustic forcing using the same burner configuration and varying only the fuel injection strategy. Special emphasis was placed on the amplitude dependence of their response. Also, the behaviour of self-excited fully premixed flames was examined. kHz OH* chemiluminescence was used to study qualitatively the heat release response of the flames, while kHz OH Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) was employed to understand the response of the flame structure and the behaviour of the various parts of the flame. The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) method was used to extract the dominant structures of the flame and their periodicity. In the first part of the thesis, self-excited oscillations were induced by extending the length of the duct downstream of the bluff body. It was found that the longer the duct length and the higher the equivalence ratio, the stronger the self-excited oscillations were, with the effect of duct length being much stronger. The dominant frequencies of the system were found to increase with equivalence ratio and bulk velocity and decrease with duct length. For some conditions, three simultaneous periodic motions were observed, where the third motion oscillated at a frequency equal to the difference of the other two frequencies. A novel application of the POD method was proposed to estimate the convection velocity from the most dominant reaction zone structures detected by OH* chemiluminescence imaging. For a range of conditions, the convection velocity was found to be in the range of 1.4-1.7 bulk flow velocities at the inlet of the combustor. In the second part, the response of fully premixed, non-premixed with radial fuel injection (NPR) and axial fuel injection (NPA) flames was investigated and compared. All systems exhibited a nonlinear response to acoustic forcing. The highest response was observed by the NPR flame, followed by the fully premixed and the non-premixed with axial fuel injection flame. The proximity of forced flames to blow-off was found to be critical in their heat release response, as close to blow-off the flame response was significantly lower than that farther from blow-off. In the NPR and NPA systems, it was shown that the acoustic forcing reduced the stability of the flame and the stability decreased with the increase in forcing amplitude. In the fully premixed system, the flame area modulations constituted an important mechanism of the system, while in the NPR system both flame area and equivalence ratio modulations were important mechanisms of the heat release modulations. The quantification of the local response of the various parts of the flame at the forcing frequency showed that the ratio RL (OH fluctuation at 160 Hz to the total variance of OH) was greater in the inner shear layer region than in the other parts in the case of NPR and NPA flames. In fully premixed flames, greater RL values were observed in large regions on the downstream side of the flame than those in the ISL region close to the bluff body. The ratio of the convection velocity to the bulk velocity was estimated to be 0.54 for the NPR flame, while it was found to be unity for the respective fully premixed flame. In the last part of the thesis, the response of ethanol spray flames to acoustic oscillations was investigated. The nonlinear response was very low, which was reduced closer to blow-off. The ratio RL was the highest in the spray outer cone region, downstream of the annular air passage, while RL values were very low in the inner cone region, downstream of the bluff body. Unlike NPR and fully premixed flames, in case of spray and NPA systems, it was found that forcing did not affect greatly the flame structure. The understanding of the nonlinear response of flames with different degrees of premixedness in a configuration relevant to industrial systems contributes to the development of reliable flame response models and lean-burn devices, because the degree of premixedness affects greatly the flame response. Also, the understanding of the behaviour of forced spray flames is of great interest for industrial applications, contributing to the development of thermoacoustic models for liquid fuelled combustors. Finally, the estimation of the convection velocity is of importance in the modelling of self-excited flames and flame response models, since the convection velocity affects the flame response significantly.

Impact of transverse acoustic modes on a linearly arranged two-phase flow swirling flames / Impacte des modes acoustiques transversaux sur une ligne des flammes swirlées en combustion diphasique

Caceres, Marcos 29 January 2019 (has links)
Les besoins énergétiques de la population mondiale ne cessent d’augmenter. Les prévisions indiquent par exemple une forte croissance de la demande du secteur du transport aéronautique. La recherche de systèmes toujours plus performants et moins polluants est nécessaire. Des nouveaux concepts pour la combustion ont été mis au point et appliqués aux turbines à gaz. Parmi eux il existe ceux basés sur la combustion en prémélange pauvre ou en prémélange pauvre pré-vaporisé dans le cas où le carburant utilisé est liquide. Les nouveaux systèmes énergétiques basés sur la combustion en régime pauvre sont prometteurs pour satisfaire les futures normes d’émissions polluantes, mais ils sont plus sensibles aux instabilités de combustion qui limitent leur plage de fonctionnement et peuvent détériorer irréversiblement ces systèmes. Dans ce domaine il reste des questions à aborder. En particulier celle du comportement des flammes tourbillonnaires en combustion diphasique soumises à des perturbations acoustiques. La plupart des moteurs aéronautiques utilisent des flammes de ce type, cependant leur dynamique et leurs interactions mutuelles, quand elles subissent les effets d’une perturbation acoustique, sont loin d’être bien comprises. Ce travail aborde ces questions et apporte des éléments de compréhension sur les mécanismes pilotant la réponse de l’écoulement diphasique et de la flamme, ainsi que des éléments de validation des modèles de prédiction des points de fonctionnement instables. TACC-Spray est le banc expérimental utilisé pour ce travail. Il a été conçu et développé au sein du laboratoire CORIA lors de ce doctorat qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet ANR FASMIC. Le système d’injection qui équipe ce banc expérimental reçoit trois injecteurs tourbillonnaires alimentés en combustible liquide (ici n-heptane), développés par le laboratoire EM2C. Ils sont montés en lignes dans le banc, celui-ci représentant ainsi un secteur d’une chambre annulaire. Le montage étant complexe et nouveau, un travail de développement de solutions techniques a été fait pour rendre possible l’équipement du TACC-Spray avec des capteurs de pression, température, photomultiplicateur ainsi que des diagnostiques optiques performants (e.g. LDA, PDA, imagerie à haute cadence). Pour cette étude, le système énergétique, composé par l’écoulement diphasique et la flamme, a été soumis à l’impact d’un mode acoustique transverse excité dans la cavité acoustique. La réponse du système a été étudiée en fonction de son positionnement dans le champ acoustique. Trois bassins d’influence du champ acoustique sur le système énergétique ont été choisis, à savoir: (i) le ventre de pression acoustique caractérisé principalement par des fortes fluctuations de pression, (ii) le ventre d’intensité acoustique présentant de forts gradients de pression et vitesse acoustique, (iii) le ventre de vitesse acoustique avec de fortes fluctuations de vitesse où la fluctuation de pression est résiduelle. L’approche de cette étude a consisté à étudier en premier lieu le système de référence en absence de forçage acoustique, les résultats sont recueillis dans la Partie I de ce manuscrit. En deuxième lieu le système énergétique est placé à chacune des positions d’intérêt dans le champ acoustique et la réponse de l’écoulement d’air sans combustion, la réponse de l’écoulement diphasique avec combustion et finalement celle des flammes, sont étudiées systématiquement. Les résultats de l’étude avec forçage acoustique sont rassemblés dans la Partie II du manuscrit. / The energy needs of population around the word are continuously increasing. For instance, forecasts indicates an important grow of the request of the aeronautic transportation sector. It is necessary to continue the research efforts to get more performants and less contaminating systems. New concepts for combustion have been developed and introduced to the gas turbine industry. Among these concepts it is found technologies based on lean-premixed combustion or lean-premixed prevaporized combustion when liquid fuels are employed. These novel energetic systems, making use of lean combustion, are promising to meet the future norms about pollutant emissions, but this make them more sensitive to combustion instabilities that limit their operating range and can lead to irreversible damage. In this domain, many questions still need to be considered. In particular that of the behavior of two-phase flow swirling flames subjected to acoustic perturbations. Indeed most of aero-engines operate with this type of flames, but the dynamics and mutual interaction of these flames, as they are submitted to acoustic perturbation, are not yet well understood. This work addresses these issues and gives some understanding elements for the mechanisms driving the response of the flow and of the flame to acoustic perturbations and delivers data to validate models predicting unstable operating points.The experimental bench employed for this work is TACC-Spray. It has been designed and developed in the CORIA laboratory during this PhD thesis which is inscribed in the framework of the ANR FASMIC project. The injections system that equips this bench is composed by three swirled injectors fed with a liquid fuel (here n-heptane), developed by the EM2C laboratory. They are linearly arranged in the bench such that this represents an unwrapped sector of an annular chamber. The setup, being new and complex, needed technical solutions developed during this work and applied then in order to equip TACC-Spray with pressure and temperature sensors, a photomultiplier as well as adequate optic diagnostics (LDA, PDA, high speed imaging systems). In this study, the energetic system, composed by the two-phase swirling flow and the spray flame, has been submitted to the impact of a transverse acoustic mode excited within the acoustic cavity. The system response has been studied as a function of its location in the acoustic field. Three basins of influence of the acoustic field on the energetic system have been chosen, namely: (i) the pressure antinode characterized mainly by strong pressure fluctuations, (ii) the intensity antinode where important acoustic pressure and velocity gradients are present, (iii) the velocity antinode with strong velocity fluctuations where the acoustic pressure is residual. The approach of the study presented here is to investigate in first place the energetic system free of acoustic forcing. The results concerning this first study are presented in the Part I of this manuscript. In second place, the energetic system is placed in each of the location of interest within the acoustic field and the response of the air flow without combustion, that of the two-phase flow with combustion and finally that of the spray flames, are systematically investigated. The results of the study under acoustic forcing are shown in Part II of the manuscript.

Étude de la réponse d'un écoulement avec transfert pariétal de masse à un forçage acoustique : application au refroidissement des chambres de combustion aéronautiques / Study of the response of flows with mass transfer at the wall to an acoustic forcing with application to the cooling of aero engine combustion chambers

Florenciano Merino, Juan Luis 12 July 2013 (has links)
L’étude présentée dans cette thèse relève de la mécanique des fluides expérimentale et numérique appliquée aux écoulements pariétaux de refroidissement de chambres de combustion aéronautiques. En présence de phénomènes thermo-acoustiques, comme les instabilités de combustion, il est important d’évaluer si les capacités de l’écoulement pariétal à protéger les parois de chambre restent suffisantes. C’est ainsi que nous nous sommes intéressés aux écoulements de paroi multiperforée soumis à une excitation acoustique. Dans ce but, le banc d’essais MAVERIC a été amélioré grâce à l’installation d’un système qui permet de forcer acoustiquement l’écoulement transverse dans lequel les jets pariétaux débouchent. Nous avons pu alors mettre en évidence la forte sensibilité de ce type d’écoulements à l’excitation acoustique. Le bon accord entre les résultats expérimentaux et les simulations numériques aux grandes échelles (LES) effectuées est très encourageant dans le cas d’un forçage par onde stationnaire. Le forçage par onde progressive, étudié uniquement par simulations numériques, s’est révélé être capable de modifier significativement la topologie de l’écoulement. Enfin, à partir de l’outil numérique AVBP-AVTP qui permet le couplage de calculs fluide-solide, nous avons réalisé une étude de l’influence de la présence d’une excitation acoustique sur le comportement thermique de l’écoulement autour d’une paroi multiperforée de chambre de combustion. / This experimental and numerical study in the field of fluid mechanics deals with jets-in cross flow configurations that are relevant for the cooling of aero engine combustion chambers. Indeed, in presence of instabilities it is important to determine to which extent the film cooling is able to do its job of preserving the combustion chamber walls from the thermal load. The test facility MAVERIC has been upgraded in order to acoustically force the crossflow in which the jets are discharging. The strong sensitivity of the overall flow unsteady properties to the presence of the acoustic forcing has been clearly evidenced. The agreement between the experimental results and large-eddy simulations proved to be quite encouraging for a stationary acoustic wave whereas the case of a propagating acoustic wave investigated only numerically reveals also quite a significant change of the flow topology. In this context, the effect of the acoustic forcing on the wall thermal behavior has been analyzed thanks to the use of the fluid-solid coupled AVBP-AVTP solver.

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