Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acoustic waveguide"" "subject:"coustic waveguide""
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Acoustic Frequency Domain ReflectometryTheis, Logan Bartley 19 December 2024 (has links)
Acoustic Frequency Domain Reflectometry (AFDR) is a novel technique employing frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) methods in solid acoustic waveguide reflectometry. It is particularly suited to dispersion compensation and phase compensation due to the measurement domain being the frequency domain. This work rigorously analyzes, develops, and experimentally demonstrates AFDR, alongside various compensation methods and demodulation techniques. Distributed measurement of temperature is tested using several novel signal processing algorithms for strain determination and is estimated to have a resolution of 0.58 °C over a 20 cm gauge length. An error correction algorithm to improve SNR in the measurement of strain is proposed and validated. The sensing system has a theoretical spatial resolution of 2 mm and an estimated sensing resolution limit of about 1 cm. AFDR and the associated signal processing developments are positioned to be transformative across many areas of acoustics, with significant potential for distributed sensing along an acoustic waveguide. / Doctor of Philosophy / Acoustic Frequency Domain Reflectometry (AFDR) is demonstrated as a novel method for using acoustic waves to sense different material parameters. Acoustic waves can be guided down various structures, such as a metal wire. Rather than sending out a short burst of acoustic power and analyzing its echoes in the metal wire, this technique uses a constant source of acoustic waves with varying frequency, instead recording how the electrical characteristics of the acoustic source change as frequency changes. Since the measurement is made across frequency, this method is particularly suited to correct for various aspects of the acoustic wave that change with frequency in an otherwise undesirable way. The ability to compensate for acoustic wave speeds that change with frequency as well as imperfections intrinsic to the tuning itself using multiple new methods is demonstrated. Distributed measurement of temperature is tested using various signal processing algorithms, and estimated to have a resolution of 0.58 °C for a 20 cm sensing length. The validated sensing system theoretically has the ability to resolve changes over 2 mm, and the resolution over which sensing may be possible is estimated to be 1 cm. AFDR and the associated signal processing developments are positioned to be transformative across many areas of acoustics, with significant potential for distributed sensing along an acoustic waveguide.
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Thin film acoustic waveguides and resonators for gravimetric sensing applications in liquidFrancis, Laurent A. 01 February 2006 (has links)
The fields of health care and environment control have an increasing demand for sensors able to detect low concentrations of specific molecules in gaseous or liquid samples. The recent introduction of microfabricated devices in these fields gave rise to sensors with attractive properties. A cutting edge technology is based on guided acoustic waves, which are perturbed by events occurring at the nanometer scale. A first part of the thesis investigates the Love mode waveguide, a versatile structure in which a thin film is guiding the acoustic wave generated in a piezoelectric substrate. A systematic analysis of its sensitivity was obtained using a transmission line model generalized to discriminate the rigid or viscous nature of the probed layers. We developed a novel integrated combination of the Love mode device with a Surface Plasmon Resonance optical sensor to quantify the thickness and the composition of soft layers. The electromagnetic interferences in the recorded signal were modeled to determine the phase velocity in the sensing area and to provide new mechanisms for an enhanced sensitivity. The experimental aspects of this work deal with the fabrication, the important issue of the packaging and the sensitivity calibration of the Love mode biosensor. A second part of the thesis investigates nanocrystalline diamond under the form of a thin film membrane suspended to a rigid silicon frame. The high mechanical and chemical resistance of nanocrystalline diamond, close to single-crystal diamond, open ways to membrane based acoustic sensors such as Flexural Plate Wave and thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBAR). A novel dynamic characterization of the thin film is reported and the properties of composite FBAR devices including a diamond thin film membrane and a piezoelectric aluminum nitride layer are assessed using the perturbation theory. This study is applied to evaluate the high sensing potential of the first prototype of an actual diamond-based composite FBAR.
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Thin film acoustic waveguides and resonators for gravimetric sensing applications in liquidFrancis, Laurent A. 01 February 2006 (has links)
The fields of health care and environment control have an increasing demand for sensors able to detect low concentrations of specific molecules in gaseous or liquid samples. The recent introduction of microfabricated devices in these fields gave rise to sensors with attractive properties. A cutting edge technology is based on guided acoustic waves, which are perturbed by events occurring at the nanometer scale. A first part of the thesis investigates the Love mode waveguide, a versatile structure in which a thin film is guiding the acoustic wave generated in a piezoelectric substrate. A systematic analysis of its sensitivity was obtained using a transmission line model generalized to discriminate the rigid or viscous nature of the probed layers. We developed a novel integrated combination of the Love mode device with a Surface Plasmon Resonance optical sensor to quantify the thickness and the composition of soft layers. The electromagnetic interferences in the recorded signal were modeled to determine the phase velocity in the sensing area and to provide new mechanisms for an enhanced sensitivity. The experimental aspects of this work deal with the fabrication, the important issue of the packaging and the sensitivity calibration of the Love mode biosensor. A second part of the thesis investigates nanocrystalline diamond under the form of a thin film membrane suspended to a rigid silicon frame. The high mechanical and chemical resistance of nanocrystalline diamond, close to single-crystal diamond, open ways to membrane based acoustic sensors such as Flexural Plate Wave and thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBAR). A novel dynamic characterization of the thin film is reported and the properties of composite FBAR devices including a diamond thin film membrane and a piezoelectric aluminum nitride layer are assessed using the perturbation theory. This study is applied to evaluate the high sensing potential of the first prototype of an actual diamond-based composite FBAR.
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Körperoszillation und Schallabstrahlung akustischer Wellenleiter unter Berücksichtigung von Wandungseinflüssen und Kopplungseffekten : Verändern Metalllegierung und Wandungsprofil des Rohrresonators den Klang der labialen Orgelpfeife? / Oscillation and sound radiation of acoustic waveguides, with regard to the influences of material and synchronisationBergweiler, Steffen January 2005 (has links)
Am Beispiel der Orgelpfeife wurde der Einfluss der Wandungsgeometrie
des akustischen Wellenleiters auf die Schallabstrahlung untersucht.
Für verschiedene Metalllegierungen wurden unterschiedliche Profile
der Orgelpfeifenwandung verglichen: ein konisches Wandungsprofil mit
zur Mündung hin abnehmender Wandungsstärke und ein paralleles
Wandungsprofil mit konstanter Wandungsstärke. Für eine hohe
statistische Sicherheit der Ergebnisse wurden sämtliche
Untersuchungen an vier mal zehn Testpfeifen durchgeführt. Mit
Ausnahme der beschriebenen Unterschiede sind die Pfeifen von
gleichen Abmessungen und auf gleichen Klang intoniert.<br><br>
Die Überprüfung der Wandungseinflüsse auf den Klang besteht aus drei
verschiedenen Untersuchungen: Erstens, einer subjektiven
Hinterfragung der Wahrnehmbarkeit in einem Hörtest. Zweitens wurde
der abgestrahlte Luftschall objektiv gemessen und das Spektrum der
Pfeifen in seinen Komponenten (Teiltöne, Grundfrequenz) verglichen.
Drittens wurde mit einer neuartigen Messtechnik die Oszillation des
Pfeifenkörpers (ein einem akustischen Monopol entsprechendes "Atmen" des Querschnitts) untersucht. Die Ergebnisse belegen die
Wahrnehmbarkeit unterschiedlicher Wandungsprofile als auch klare
objektive Differenzen zwischen den emittierten Schallspektren. Ein
Atmen mit guter Korrelation zur inneren Druckanregung bestätigt den
Einfluss wandungsprofilabhängiger Oszillationen auf den Klang der
Orgelpfeife. Schließlich wurde die Interaktion zweier in Abstand und
Grundfrequenz nah beieinander liegender Orgelpfeifen überprüft. Als
Ursache des dabei wahrnehmbaren Oktavsprung des Orgeltons konnte
eine gegenphasiger Oszillation des Grundtons beider Pfeifen
nachgewiesen werden. / The influence of the wall geometry of an acoustic waveguide on the
sound radiation has been investigated on the example of the steady
sound quality of an organ pipe. At the example of two different pipe
materials two different pipe wall geometries were compared: a
wedge-shaped conical wall profile with a decreasing wall strength
towards the pipes open end and a constant wall profile with no
change in wall strength, respectively. For statistic safety all
investigations were exercised on a large test pipe series of 4 by 10
pipes, unique to our knowledge. Apart from the described
differences, all pipes are produced and intonated to be as equal as
The verification of the wall geometries influences is based on three
investigations: First, a subjective evaluation of the audible
differences was performed. Second, differences in the broad spectra,
the level of the harmonics partials and in the fundamental frequency
were detected in an anechoic chamber. Third, with a new measurement
technique we examined the oscillation of the pipe body (monopolic
breathing of the pipe bodies cross-section) as source of the
detected differences in the sound. The results show clear audible
difference which are supported by measurable differences in airborne
sound and body oscillations of the investigated pipes. Finally the
interaction of two organ pipes closely space in frequency and
distance has been investigated. The subjective impression of
frequency doubling was detected as an anti-phase phase oscillation
of the fundamental tone of both pipes leading to a dominance of the
second harmonic.<br><br>
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Asymptotic Analysis Of The Dispersion Characteristics Of Structural Acoustic WaveguidesSarkar, Abhijit 06 1900 (has links)
In this work, we study the coupled dispersion characteristics of three distinct structural-acoustic waveguides, namely: -(1) a two-dimensional waveguide, (2) a fluid-filled circular cylindrical shell and (3)a fluid-filledelliptic cylindrical shell. Our primary interest is in finding coupled wavenumbers as functions of the fluid-structure coupling parameter(µ). Using the asymptotic solution methodology, we find the coupled wavenumbers as perturbations over the uncoupled wavenumbers of the component systems (the structure and the fluid). The asymptotic method provides us with analytical expressions of the coupled wavenumbers for small and large values of µ. The dispersion curves obtained from these extreme values of µ help in predicting the nature of the continuous transition of the wavenumber branches over the entire range of µ. Since the coupled wavenumbers are obtained as perturbations over the uncoupled wavenumbers, the perturbation term characterizes the effect of one medium over the other in terms of additional mass or stiffness. As is common in asymptotic methods, a particular form of the asymptotic expansion remains valid over a certain frequency range only. Hence, different scalings of the asymptotic parameter are used for different frequency ranges. In this regard, the method adopted uses principles of Matched Asymptotic Expansion (MAE).
As mentioned above, we begin the study with a two-dimensional structural acoustic waveguide. Depending on the boundary condition at the top-edge of the fluid-layer (rigid or pressure-release), two cases are separately analyzed. In both these cases, only a single perturbation parameter (µ) is used. This is followed by the study of the axisymmetric mode vibration of a fluid-filled circular cylindrical shell. Here, in addition to , we include the Poisson’s ratio as another asymptotic parameter. The next problem studied is the beam mode (n =1)vibration of the same fluid-filled circular cylindrical shell. Here, the frequency is used as an asymptotic parameter (in addition to ) and the derivations proceed in two separate parts, one for the high frequency and the other for the low frequency. Having completed the n = 0 and n = 1 modes of the cylindrical shell, the higher order shell modes are studied using the simpler shallow shell theory. For the final system, viz., the elliptic cylindrical shell, another asymptotic parameter in the form of the eccentricity of the cross-section is used.
Having derived the analytical expressions for the coupled wavenumbers and obtained the dispersion curves, a unified behavior of structural-acoustic systems is found to emerge. In all these systems, for small , the coupled wavenumbers are close to the in vacuo structural wavenumber and the wavenumbers of the rigid-walled acoustic duct. The measure of closeness is quantified by . As µ increases, these wavenumber branches get shifted continuously till for large µ, the coupled wavenumber branches are better identified as perturbations to the wavenumbers of the pressure-release acoustic duct. At the coincidence region, the coupled structural wavenumber branch transits to the coupled acoustic wavenumber branchand vice-versa. As a result, at coincidence frequencies, while the uncoupled wavenumber branches intersect, due to the coupling, there is no longer an intersection. These common characteristics are shared amongst all the systems despite the difference in geometries. This suggests that the above discussed features capture the essential physics of sound-structure coupling in waveguides.This workthus presents a novel unified view-point to the topic.
Along the way, some additional novel studies are conducted which do contribute to the completeness of the work. The free wavenumbers determined from the asymptotic expressions are usedto calculate the forced response of the two-dimensional waveguide due to a δ forcing. Using this analysis, we are able to come up with a novel explanation of the observation that with coupling the dispersion curves cannot intersect. Additionally, the effect of bulk flow in the acoustic fluid is also comprehensively studied for the easier case of the two-dimensional waveguide. Further, the well-known universal dispersion relation for the higher order circumferential modes of the in vacuo circular cylindrical shell is re-derived using a simpler method.
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Écoulements induits en guide d'onde acoustique fort niveau / Induced flows in acoustic waveguide high levelReyt, Ida 20 November 2012 (has links)
La propagation d'une onde acoustique en guide est associée, pour de forts niveaux, à un certain nombre de phénomènes de l'acoustique non linéaire. Parmi ces phénomènes, les écoulements redressés (ou vent acoustique), l'effet d'une discontinuité et la transition à la turbulence, à l'étude dans ce mémoire, sont associés à la génération d'écoulements induits. L'étude expérimentale de ces phénomènes repose sur l'adaptation des méthodes de vélocimétrie Laser : Vélocimétrie Laser par effet Doppler (VLD) et Vélocimétrie par Images de Particules (PIV) à la mesure des différents écoulements. Ainsi, des mesures PIV en sortie de convergent, viennent compléter des mesures VLD réalisées antérieurement. Dans l'espoir de mieux appréhender les spécificités de la transition à la turbulence en guide d'onde acoustique, l'évolution de la couche limite de Stokes est étudiée pour des amplitudes de vitesse acoustique croissantes. Une étude expérimentale des écoulements redressés dans un guide d'onde à section carrée est proposée et les spécificités liées à cette géométrie sont recherchées. En outre, l'évolution des tourbillons du vent acoustique en guide d'onde cylindrique est analysée lorsque le vent devient rapide et certains facteurs pouvant être à l'origine de cette évolution sont modifiés. La répartition harmonique dans le guide est ainsi modifiée, puis l'influence des conditions thermiques est abordée en couplant les mesures de vitesses à des mesures de température moyenne dans le guide et en paroi. Une comparaison avec des résultats issus de simulations numériques permet de conforter l'évolution des écoulements redressés observée. / High amplitude acoustic propagation in a guide is associated with several non linear phenomena including acoustic streaming, discontinuity effects and transition to turbulence. Those phenomena are studied in this work and are all associated with acoustically induced flows. The present experimental study therefore is based on velocimetry laser techniques: Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), wich are fitted to the measurement of the different flow velocity components. Firstly, PIV measurements at the exit of a convergent enable to complement previous LDV measurements. Then, in order to a better understanding of the specificity of transition to turbulence in acoustics, the evolution of the Stokes boundary layer is studied for increasing acoustic velocity amplitudes. Then an experimental study of acoustic streaming in a square channel is reported, and the influence of the geometry is examined. Moreover, the evolution of acoustic streaming vortices in a cylindrical waveguide is analyzed for fast streaming and some parameters that could control such evolution are modified. The harmonicdistribution inside the guide is changed and then the influence of thermal conditions is studied by coupling velocity measurements and mean temperature measurements inside the waveguide and along the wall. Some comparisons between measured streaming velocities and numerical simulation results are presented.
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