Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tct off naming"" "subject:"tct oof naming""
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Da terra ao mar: um estudo de microtoponímia caiçara em Iguape/SP / From land to sea: a study of caiçara microtoponymy in Iguape, SP (Brazil)Silveira, Roseli da 02 October 2015 (has links)
A Toponímia, o estudo dos nomes de lugar, estuda os nomes próprios que assumem a função de nomear os acidentes físicos ou antropoculturais de uma determinada localidade, constituindo a nomenclatura geográfica do lugar. No caso desta pesquisa, a toponímia estudada é a de Iguape, município do litoral sul paulista. O estudo sistemático dos nomes das ruas, avenidas, praças, rios, córregos, morros, etc, no interior do município, constitui um estudo de microtoponímia. Como tal, o presente estudo se insere no projeto Atlas Toponímico do Estado de São Paulo e este, por sua vez, no projeto maior que é a elaboração do Atlas Toponímico do Brasil. A metodologia empregada, tanto em um como no outro projeto, segue o método das áreas de Dauzat e a classificação dos nomes de lugar de George Stewart, que a Profª Drª Maria Vicentina de Paula do Amaral Dick, da USP, adaptou à realidade brasileira para a classificação dos topônimos, formulando uma taxionomia composta de vinte e sete taxes. Por meio da pesquisa linguístico-semântica e etimológica dos 412 termos-ocorrência encontrados em Iguape, pôde-se depreender a intencionalidade do denominador e sua motivação. Constatou-se que o maior contingente é de numerotopônimos e que todas as camadas étnico-linguísticas que compõem o Português Brasileiro estão representadas na toponímia de Iguape. Os topônimos de origem portuguesa, concentrados no Centro do município, revelaram a intenção de homenagear figuras importantes da municipalidade - predomínio, portanto, de antropotopônimos e axiotopônimos. O léxico de origem brasílica, disperso nos demais bairros, registrou a presença de uma natureza exuberante, de acordo com os semas ligados a água, vegetação, animais, formas do relevo, entre outros. A contribuição do léxico africano se deu com apenas um topônimo, mas que guarda a memória e a história da escravidão no Brasil. Ou seja, os topônimos em Iguape refletem a interinfluência do homem (branco, negro ou indígena) e do meio (físico e cultural), permeados pela língua. / Toponymy that is, the study of place names studies the proper nouns that assume the role of naming land forms or cultural anthropological features of a given locality, composing the geographical nomenclature of that place. In the case of this research, the studied toponymy was extracted from Iguape, a coastal municipality in the south of São Paulo State. The systematic study of the names of streets, avenues, squares, rivers, creeks, hills, etc. within the municipality constitutes a study of microtoponymy. As such, this work informs the project Atlas Toponímico do Estado de São Paulo, which in turn is a part of a larger project: the development of the Atlas Toponímico do Brasil. The methodology used in both projects draws from Dauzat\'s \"area method\" and George Stewart\'s classification of names, adapted to the Brazilian context by University of São Paulo\'s Prof. Dr. Maria Vicentina de Paula do Amaral Dick, who elaborated a taxionomy composed of 27 taxa for the classification of the toponyms. Through linguistic-semantic research and the etymological origin of the 412 term-occurrences found in Iguape, we have managed to infer namers\' intentionality and motivation. We have verified that the largest share of them consists of numerotoponyms and that all the ethnolinguistic layers that compose Brazilian Portuguese are represented in Iguape\'s toponymy. Toponyms of Portuguese origin, centralized in the downtown area, reveal the intention of honoring important people from the municipality, which indicates the prevalence of anthropotoponyms and axiotoponyms. The lexicon of Brazilian origin, spread throughout the other neighborhoods, register the presence of exuberant nature, expressed by semes linked to water, vegetation, animals and land relief, among other. The contribution of the African lexicon is restricted to only one toponym, which keeps the reminiscences and the history of slavery in Brazil. In other words, toponyms in Iguape reflect the cross-influence of humans (either white, black or indigenous) and the environment (either physical or cultural), permeated by language.
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Da terra ao mar: um estudo de microtoponímia caiçara em Iguape/SP / From land to sea: a study of caiçara microtoponymy in Iguape, SP (Brazil)Roseli da Silveira 02 October 2015 (has links)
A Toponímia, o estudo dos nomes de lugar, estuda os nomes próprios que assumem a função de nomear os acidentes físicos ou antropoculturais de uma determinada localidade, constituindo a nomenclatura geográfica do lugar. No caso desta pesquisa, a toponímia estudada é a de Iguape, município do litoral sul paulista. O estudo sistemático dos nomes das ruas, avenidas, praças, rios, córregos, morros, etc, no interior do município, constitui um estudo de microtoponímia. Como tal, o presente estudo se insere no projeto Atlas Toponímico do Estado de São Paulo e este, por sua vez, no projeto maior que é a elaboração do Atlas Toponímico do Brasil. A metodologia empregada, tanto em um como no outro projeto, segue o método das áreas de Dauzat e a classificação dos nomes de lugar de George Stewart, que a Profª Drª Maria Vicentina de Paula do Amaral Dick, da USP, adaptou à realidade brasileira para a classificação dos topônimos, formulando uma taxionomia composta de vinte e sete taxes. Por meio da pesquisa linguístico-semântica e etimológica dos 412 termos-ocorrência encontrados em Iguape, pôde-se depreender a intencionalidade do denominador e sua motivação. Constatou-se que o maior contingente é de numerotopônimos e que todas as camadas étnico-linguísticas que compõem o Português Brasileiro estão representadas na toponímia de Iguape. Os topônimos de origem portuguesa, concentrados no Centro do município, revelaram a intenção de homenagear figuras importantes da municipalidade - predomínio, portanto, de antropotopônimos e axiotopônimos. O léxico de origem brasílica, disperso nos demais bairros, registrou a presença de uma natureza exuberante, de acordo com os semas ligados a água, vegetação, animais, formas do relevo, entre outros. A contribuição do léxico africano se deu com apenas um topônimo, mas que guarda a memória e a história da escravidão no Brasil. Ou seja, os topônimos em Iguape refletem a interinfluência do homem (branco, negro ou indígena) e do meio (físico e cultural), permeados pela língua. / Toponymy that is, the study of place names studies the proper nouns that assume the role of naming land forms or cultural anthropological features of a given locality, composing the geographical nomenclature of that place. In the case of this research, the studied toponymy was extracted from Iguape, a coastal municipality in the south of São Paulo State. The systematic study of the names of streets, avenues, squares, rivers, creeks, hills, etc. within the municipality constitutes a study of microtoponymy. As such, this work informs the project Atlas Toponímico do Estado de São Paulo, which in turn is a part of a larger project: the development of the Atlas Toponímico do Brasil. The methodology used in both projects draws from Dauzat\'s \"area method\" and George Stewart\'s classification of names, adapted to the Brazilian context by University of São Paulo\'s Prof. Dr. Maria Vicentina de Paula do Amaral Dick, who elaborated a taxionomy composed of 27 taxa for the classification of the toponyms. Through linguistic-semantic research and the etymological origin of the 412 term-occurrences found in Iguape, we have managed to infer namers\' intentionality and motivation. We have verified that the largest share of them consists of numerotoponyms and that all the ethnolinguistic layers that compose Brazilian Portuguese are represented in Iguape\'s toponymy. Toponyms of Portuguese origin, centralized in the downtown area, reveal the intention of honoring important people from the municipality, which indicates the prevalence of anthropotoponyms and axiotoponyms. The lexicon of Brazilian origin, spread throughout the other neighborhoods, register the presence of exuberant nature, expressed by semes linked to water, vegetation, animals and land relief, among other. The contribution of the African lexicon is restricted to only one toponym, which keeps the reminiscences and the history of slavery in Brazil. In other words, toponyms in Iguape reflect the cross-influence of humans (either white, black or indigenous) and the environment (either physical or cultural), permeated by language.
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Dire l’événement quand il surgit. Les journées d’avril 2002 au Venezuela dans trois quotidiens nationaux : une analyse discursive / Discourse analysis about an event : the coup d'état against Hugo Chavez (in April, 2002) in the Venezuelan daily newspapersSamouth, Eglantine 30 November 2011 (has links)
En avril 2002, le président du Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías est éloigné du pouvoir pendant environ quarante-huit heures et remplacé par un président provisoire, Pedro Carmona Estanga, qui dissout l’ensemble des pouvoirs publics. Malgré sa brièveté, cet épisode a marqué l’histoire du Venezuela et témoigne de façon paroxystique des antagonismes sociaux et politiques que connaît ce pays. La présente recherche a pour but d’analyser la construction discursive de cet événement dans un corpus de trois quotidiens nationaux, en observant comment s’esquisse son sens au moment où il surgit. Dans un premier temps, nous exposons le contexte historico-politique et médiatique dans lequel se sont déroulés ces événements, avant de nous interroger sur la notion d’événement. Il en ressort que l’événement n’est pas une réalité saisissable en tant que telle, mais une réalité signifiée, dans laquelle le langage joue un rôle fondamental. Dans un deuxième temps, nous examinons de quelle manière l’apparition de l’événement se matérialise dans le dispositif des journaux, en accordant une attention particulière aux différents niveaux de titres. La troisième partie de la thèse est consacrée à l’étude la nomination de l’événement, tout d’abord, dans les titres et les Unes, puis à l’intérieur des articles. Les analyses de corpus montrent que le discours des journaux face à cet événement se caractérise par une certaine indétermination, par un usage abondant de l’implicite et par une tendance à l’effacement des journalistes derrière des faits qui semblent s’imposer comme une évidence. / In April 2002, the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, was removed from power for approximately forty-eight hours and replacing by an acting president, Pedro Carmona Estanga, who disbanded all of the public authorities. In spite of its brevity, this episode marked the history of Venezuela and testifies acutely to the social and political antagonisms experienced by this country. This research aims to analyse the discursive construction of this event within a corpus of three national daily newspapers, by observing how its meaning takes shape during the moment the events took place. Firstly, I present the historical and political context in which these events occurred and media’s situation in Venezuela, before exploring the notion of the event in general terms. As a result, I show that the event is not a reality that can be captured as such, but is in fact a signified reality, in which language plays a fundamental role. Secondly, I examine in what ways the event is materialised in the dailies’ structure, while according particular attention to the various hierarchical levels of the headlines. The third part of the thesis is dedicated to the study of the event naming act, firstly in the headlines and front pages, then within articles. The corpus analyses show that the discourse of the newspapers in front of this event are characterised by a certain vagueness, by abundant usage of implicit modes of address and by the journalists’ tendency to hide behind facts that seem to impose themselves naturally.
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