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Posouzení kontaminace pracovního ovzduší v podniku Gumotex a.s. Břeclav těkavými organickými látkami / Evaluation of the contamination of working environment in the Gumotex Breclav joint stock companyPetrušová, Pavlína January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the assessment of volatile organic compounds contamination of selected working environment in Gumotex, joint stock company using passive sampling. The theoretical part contains description of these compounds and their reactions in the atmosphere, practical use of these substances and their effect on human health. The possibilities of passive sampling and determination of these substances are described as well. The experimental part contains analysis of volatile organic compounds at two selected workplaces in Gumotex, joint stock company using passive samplers Radiello. Final determination by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector was preceded by adsorption surface extraction of sampler with carbon disulfide. In conclusion, obtained data are compared with the permissible exposure limits and maximum allowable concentrations, which are defined by the National Health Institute.
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Atmosferski transport i modelovanje raspodele između čvrste i gasovite faze policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika / Atmospheric transport and modelling ofgas-particle partitioning of polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbonsRadonić Jelena 25 April 2009 (has links)
<p>Sprovedeno istraživanje u okviru<br />disertacije obuhvata procenu distribucije<br />16 EPA primarnih policikličnih aromatičnih<br />ugljovodonika između gasovite i čvrste<br />faze u atmosferi, na selektovanim<br />lokalitetima urbanog, industrijskog i<br />ruralnog područja na teritoriji Zapadnog<br />Balkana. Rezultati eksperimentalnog<br />određivanja predstavljali su osnovu za<br />evaluaciju reprezentativnih modela<br />rasprostiranja poluisparljivih organskih<br />jedinjenja kroz površinski atmosferski sloj<br />i raspodele gas/suspendovane čestice,<br />čime je dat uvid u mehanizme koji<br />dominiraju atmosferskom distribucijom<br />policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika.<br />Metodom dijagnostičkih odnosa<br />realizovana je kvalitativna karakterizacija<br />izvora emisije PAH u atmosferu.<br />Korekcijom postojećih empirijskih i<br />teorijskih izraza koji opisuju gas/čestičnu<br />particiju PAH, razvijen je matematički<br />model raspodele policikličnih aromatičnih<br />ugljovodonika u ambijentalnom vazduhu.</p> / <p>Gas-particle distribution of 16 EPA primary<br />polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the<br />atmosphere at the selected sampling sites<br />in urban, industrial and rural area of the<br />Western Balkan countries has been<br />analyzed within the doctoral dissertation.<br />On the basis of obtained experimental<br />data, representative models of transport<br />through surface atmospheric layer and gasparticle<br />partitioning of the semivolatile<br />organic compounds have been evaluated,<br />giving the overview on mechanisms which<br />govern atmospheric distribution of<br />polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Using<br />the method of diagnostic ratio, qualitative<br />characterization of emission sources of<br />PAHs in the atmosphere has been realized.<br />Through correction of actual empirical and<br />theoretical expressions, explaining gasparticle<br />partitioning of PAHs,<br />mathematical model of distribution of<br />polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the<br />ambient air has been developed.</p>
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Développement de méthodes d'échantillonnage rapides et d'analyses différées au laboratoire : détermination de l'évolution temporelle des concentrations des COVs et COSVs et compréhension des processus physico-chimiques en air intérieur / Development of rapid air sampling methods followed by analyses in laboratory : determination of temporal variations of volatile organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds concentrations to highlight indoor physico-chemical processesLiaud, Céline 20 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se consacre à la mise au point de techniques d’échantillonnage suivies d’analyses réalisées au laboratoire pour mettre en évidence les espèces majoritaires en air intérieur et caractériser leurs variations temporelles. Le développement analytique a été effectué pour 52 COVs et pour 16 HAPs associés à la phase particulaire de l’air. Les prélèvements des COVs ont été réalisés au moyen d’un préleveur automatique permettant d’échantillonner l’air sur des tubes extraits par désorption thermique et analysés par chromatographie gazeuse couplée à la détection FID. Pour la quantification des HAPs, le prélèvement des particules est effectué par un impacteur à cascade à trois étages permettant de fractionner l’aérosol en fonction de leur diamètre aérodynamique. Les HAPs sont quantifiés par chromatographie liquide haute performance couplée à la détection par fluorescence. Ces deux techniques ont été mises en application dans le cadre de la 1ère campagne intensive du projet MERMAID. / This work aims at developing rapid and simple air sampling techniques followed by laboratory analyses to highlight the occurrence of the main species in indoor air and to describe their temporal variations. The analytical development was focused on 52 VOCs belonging to a wide variety of chemical families to determine their concentrations. The sampling step was performed using an automatic sampler allowing the sampling of air on adsorbent tubes. These tubes were then thermally desorbed and analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to FID. Another analytical development was conducted to determine the particle bound PAHs concentrations. The sampling of particles was realized by the mean of a 3-stages cascade impactor allowing an aerosol fractionation depending on their aerodynamic diameter. Finally, quantification of PAHs was realized by liquid chromatography coupled to fluorescence detection. These two techniques were applied in a field campaign in the frame of the MERMAID program.
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