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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acceptable Ads guidelines, its effect on user experience and ad-noticeability

Weidenmark, Joel January 2020 (has links)
The Acceptable Ads Standard is a set of guidelines developed by the biggest ad-blocker company AdBlock Plus as an attempt to alleviate the largest need for ad-blocking programs; ads being annoying, irrelevant, and too intrusive. The guidelines inflict rules regarding how ads can be presented in order to be acceptable, thereby not disturbing the consumer. If a website follows these guidelines, their ads will not get blocked. The terms ad-avoidance and ad-irritation has been established by Cho et al. and Baek et al. [4]. The term ad-noticeability was added to these in order to express the behavior of seeing an ad, but not necessarily understanding what it’s trying to mediate. This study aims to examine the Acceptable Ads guidelines’ effect on user experience and ad-noticeability through a quantitative and qualitative study. The two studies were conducted with the help of two specially made test suites in the form of two websites, one with acceptable and one with non-acceptable ads. All participants went through the same set of tasks on the websites. In the quantitative study, data regarding what ads the participants’ had seen and what their experiences’ had been like was collected. Through the qualitative study, it was possible to get more elaborate answers to why certain ads were seen or missed and to get more in-depth answers regarding the participants’ experiences. Through the study, it was found that there is a difference in ad-noticeability and the user experience of ads between websites that contain either acceptable or non-acceptable ads. The results suggest that the Acceptable Ads guidelines affect user experience positively, i.e. leading to less ad-irritation or annoyance, but also affect ad-noticeability negatively. It was also found that cognitive ad-avoidance was greatly affected by task-oriented focus, both in cases with and without ads following acceptable / The Acceptable Ads Standard är en samling med riktlinjer utvecklade av det största företaget inom ad-blockers, AdBlock Plus. Dessa riktlinjer utvecklades som ett försök att motverka de största anledningarna till att konsumenter installerar ad-blockers: att reklam är irriterande, irrelevant, eller för påträngande. Dessa riktlinjer skapar regler för hur onlinereklam ska presenteras för att vara acceptabelt, och därmed inte störa konsumenterna. Om en hemsida följer dessa regler är tanken att deras reklam inte ska bli blockerad av installerade ad-blockers. Termerna ad-avoidance (“reklamundvikelse”) och ad-irritation (“reklamirritation”) har blivit etablerade av Cho et al. och Baek et al [4]. Termen ad-noticeability (att notera reklam) har blivit tillagt till dessa för att uttrycka beteendet att se reklam, utan att nödvändigtvis förstå den. Denna studie riktar sig till att undersöka Acceptable Ads påverkan på användarupplevelse och hur mycket reklam som noteras genom en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ studie. Dessa två studier genomfördes med hjälp av två specialtillverkade testsviter i formen av två hemsidor: en hemsida med acceptabel reklam och en med oacceptabel reklam. Alla testdeltagare gick igenom samma uppgifter på dessa hemsidor. I den kvalitativa studien fanns ett fokus på att samla in data gällande vad testdeltagare sett och upplevt. Genom den kvalitativa studien var det möjligt att få mer djupgående svar på varför viss reklam hade missats och hur deltagarna hade upplevt reklamen. Genom studien hittade man att det var skillnad på hur mycket reklam som noteras och på hur testdeltagare upplever reklam på hemsidor med acceptabel kontra oacceptabel reklam. Resultaten föreslår att riktlinjerna från Acceptable Ads påverkar användarupplevelsen positivt genom att minska irritation men också att de har en negativ påverkan på hur mycket reklam som noteras. Det visade sig också att kognitiv reklamundvikelse var mycket påverkat av ett uppgiftsorienterat fokus, både i fall med och utan acceptabel reklam.

The role of religiosity and ad skepticism on the perception of sexually offensive advertising

Sugiarto, Catur 16 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le rôle de la religion et du scepticisme vis-à-vis de la publicité dans l’évaluation par les consommateurs de visuels publicitaires sexuellement choquants. L’étude qualitative 1 a pour objectif d’explorer les questions éthiques et culturelles contribuant au développement du scepticisme envers publicités sexuellement choquantes. La méthodologie choisie s’est composé 22 entretiens semi-directifs auprès de consommateurs indonésiens. Les publicités à contenu sexuel choquant sont perçues comme trompeuses et irritantes et que les consommateurs développent fréquemment une forme de scepticisme face à ces visuels. L’étude qualitative 2, une netnographie montrent que les consommateurs ont la capacité de juger le motif de l'utilisation du contenu sexuel créé par le marketing que nous avons identifié comme le symptôme du scepticisme publicitaire. Enfin, l’étude quantitative a poursuivi une méthode quasi-expérimentale afin d’étudier le rôle du scepticisme, de la religiosité et des exécutions publicitaires sur les réactions des consommateurs envers les publicités sexuellement choquantes et les conséquences pour la marque. 1024 réponses de consommateurs indonésiens ont été recueillies au moyen de questionnaires en ligne. Les sceptiques expriment non seulement une attitude négative envers les publicités, ils sont aussi moins intéressés par la marque qui est mise en avant. Les résultats suggèrent également que les facteurs de religiosité influencent l'effet d’exécution de la publicité (congruence de publicité) sur l’irritation perçue, l’attitude envers la publicité, et l’embarras ressenti. / This doctoral thesis aims to understand the role of religion and advertising skepticism in shaping consumers’ perspective and behavior regarding sexually appealing advertising. The first qualitative study explores the ethical and cultural issues regarding sexually appealing advertising with 22 semi-structured interviews among Indonesian consumers. Results show that sexually appealing advertising is perceived as deceptive and irritating and that ad skepticism is a frequent response to the excessive use of sexual content in ads. The second qualitative study is a netnography which aims to better understand the characteristics of skepticism toward sexually appealing ads and identify its consequences on consumers’ attitude and behavior. Results show that consumers have the capability to judge the motive behind the use of sexual content created by the marketer that we identified as the symptom of the ad skepticism. Finally, the quantitative study was performed with a quasi-experiment method in order to investigate the role of skepticism toward sexually appealing advertising, religiosity, and advertising executions on consumers’ ad reactions and brand consequence. 1024 responses from Indonesian samples were collected through web-based questionnaires. The skeptics not only express the negative attitude toward the ads, they are also less interested in the brand being advertised. Results also suggest that religiosity influence the effect of ad-execution construct (i.e. ad congruity) on perceived ad irritation, attitude toward the ad, and embarrassment.

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