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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trestná činnost související se zneužíváním návykových látek / Crimes related to the abuse of addictive substances

Faltus, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Crimes related to the abuse of addictive substances Abstract The diploma thesis deals with the drug crimes and it is split into four chapters. In the first chapter author describes the addictive substances from the historical point of view. Firstly from the general historical point of view and secondly from the law historical point of view. The author also uses the ineffective laws that regulated the addictive substances from the nineteenth century and recent laws, which regulate the addictive substances. In the second chapter there are described the most common addictive substances which the application praxis mostly struggles with. Author describes those addictive with the focus on their influence on the human organism and the possibility ty consider how they influence the controlling and the recognizing abilities. The third chapter is the most extensive and it focuses on the crimes related to the abuse of addictive substances from the point of view of the substantive law. In this chapter, there are described facts of the drug crimes. Namely handling with narcotic and psychotropic substances and poisons according to § 283 TZ, possession of narcotic and psychotropic substance according to § 284 TZ, unauthorized cultivation of plants containing the narcotic o psychotropic substance according to § 285 TZ,...

Trestný čin opilství podle § 360 tr. zák. / The crime of habitual drunkenness under s. 360 of the Criminal Code

Kárász, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The subject matter of this thesis is a crime of habitual drunkenness under s. 360 of the Act No. 40/2009 - Criminal Code. The offense of drunkenness is atypical one among other offenses and unique in many ways. The aim of this work is to intelligibly and comprehensively describe the issue of the crime of drunkenness and aspects associated with it. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the possible starting points and concepts. There are three basic approaches on the issue of the crime of drunkenness and four more which are based on the concept of so-called rauschdelikt. The second chapter examines the historical development of this issue in our country. There were different regimes over time and each of them approached resolved legal issues differently. For proper grasp and understanding of the current legal situation it is therefore necessary to look back in history. This chapter overviews the most important legislation, case law, and it also contains comparison of historical development with the present one, amended with regard to the development of the institute of insanity. Chapter three is the basis of this work. It consists of a detailed analysis of current legislation and careful analysis of the elements contained in s. 360 of the Criminal Code, then again...

Informovanost dívek ve věku 16-18 let o rizicích užívání alkohol, tabáku, marihuany a kofeinu v těhotenství / Awareness of girls aged 16-18 about the risks of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and caffeine use in pregnancy

Chotěborová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the awareness of a selected group of girls aged 16-18 about the risks of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and caffeine use in pregnancy. The aim is to find out their knowledge of this topic and on the basis of the obtained data to create a suitable pedagogical output. It should supplement and deepen their knowledge. Girls' awareness of the risks of using selected substances in pregnancy is determined by means of a questionnaire survey of a knowledge nature of 85 respondents. The results show that their knowledge is 59% and therefore it is appropriate for them to supplement it with the help of pedagogical output. KEYWORDS Awareness, girls, addictive substances, pregnancy

Vyrų asmenybės bruožų (pagal Eysenck'ą), agresyvumo ir priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimo sąsajos su agresijos apraiškomis nusikaltimo metu / Men's personality traits (according to Eysenck), aggressvness, and addictive substance use interface with the criminal aggression

Mieldažytė, Laura 20 December 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - nustatyti ar nuteistųjų asmenybės bruožų, agresyvumo ir priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimas siejasi su agresijos apraiškomis nusikaltimo metu. Tyrime dalyvavo 197 vyrai (nuteistieji), kurių vidutinis amžius 26,87 metų. Tiriamuosius sudarė 108 Pravieniškių 1-ųjų pataisos namų nuteistieji, kurių vidutinis amžius 25,04 metai ir 89 Pravieniškių 3-ųjų pataisos namų nuteistieji, kurių amžiaus vidurkis – 29,09 metai. Jauniausias tiriamasis 18 metų, o vyriausias 60. Asmenybės bruožų įvertinimui buvo naudojamas H. ir S. Eysenck klausimyno lietuviškas variantas, kurį sudaro 101 teiginys, agresyvumui įvertinti - A.Bass – Darki klausimynas, alkoholio vartojimui – CAGE skalė, o rūkymo ir narkotinių medžiagų vartojimo įvertinimui buvo įtraukti atskiri klausimai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog vyrų grupės psichotiškumo, ekstraversijos ir neurotiškumo skalių vidurkiai yra aukštesni už normas lietuviškoje populiacijoje, tuo tarpu melo skalės vidurkis yra mažesnis už normos. Taip pat pastebėta, jog nuteistieji su labiau išreikštu agresyvumu pasižymi aukštesniais psichotiškumo ir ekstraversijos rodikliai, o aukštesni neurotiškumo rodikliai siejasi su aukštu agresyvumu ir priešiškumu. Nuteistieji intensyviau vartojantys opiodus, haliucinogenus, stimuliantus, slopinančias medžiagas ir alkoholį ir narkotines medžiagas (polinarkomanija) kartu yra aukštesnio psichotiškumo. Tuo tarpu aukštesnio neurotiškumo nuteistieji intensyviau rūko ir vartoja alkoholį. Intensyviau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study is to determine whether the convicts of personality traits, of aggression and use of addictive substances related to criminal aggression. The subjects of the study were 197 men (convicts), with a mean age of 26.87 years. The research included 105 convicts in Pravieniskes penitentiary No. 1 and 89 convicts in Pravieniskes penitentiary No.3. Age of participants was from 18 to 60 years old. Lithuanian version of H. and S. Eysenck personality (EPQ) was used. Respondents were asked to fill in the form of 101 questions. Assess the aggression was used A. Bass - Dark questionnaire and assess the alcohol consumption - CAGE scale. Smoking and drug use were included in the assessment of individual issues. The results of the study showed that men's group of psychoticism, extraversion and neuroticism scales are higher than average rates of the Lithuanian population, while the scale lies below the average rate. It was also noted that inmates with more aggressiveness expressed have higher rates of psychoticism and extraversion, and higher neuroticism indicators associated with high aggressiveness and hostility. Convicts step using opiates, hallucinogens, stimulant, suppress substances and alcohol and drugs with a higher psychoticism. Meanwhile, higher neuroticism convicts intensify smoking and use alcohol. The more intensive use alcohol is more pronounced condemnation of extraversion. The inmates who more intensive use alcohol, kanabinoid, hallucinogens, stimulant and... [to full text]

Interdisciplinární přístup k prevenci zneužívání návykových látek u dětí mladšího školního věku v regionu Praha 12 / Interdisciplinary approach to prevention in the abuse of addictive substances for school aged children in the region of Prague 12

Kadlecová, Dagmar January 2010 (has links)
The object of this thesis is my own proposal of program to prevention in the abuse of addictive substances for school aged children. The theoretical part presents the issue of abusing addictive substances, primary prevention and approaches to primary prevention in the Czech Republic and abroad and a prevention in the region of Prague 12. The practical part describes research in schools in the region of Prague 12. It includes the results of the research done and the proposal of program to prevention in the abuse of addictive substances for school aged children.

Analýza evropských harm reduction časopisů určených uživatelům nelegálních návykových látek / Analysis of European Harm Reduction magazines targeting illegal addictive substances users

Debnárová, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
Starting point: The subject matter of this degree work is Analysis of European Harm Reduction magazines targeting illegal addictive substances users with the exception of marihuana. The research complex is formed from 11 magazines. The common criteria for their selection was a processing of the first number published in 2015. Twenty-nine variables were monitored in all magazines. This work was inspired by Jany Reekers'article (Adiktologie, 2012) where the author tried to map out magazines for addictive substances users all over the world. Aims: The object of this study is to map out magazines for illegal addictive substances users which are published in Europe. The magazines for marihuana users are not subsumed in this work. The further object is to detail the magazines from the viewpoint of formal criteria and do their content analysis. Methods: The analysis of documents, one of the basic types of the research in qualitative approach was used in this study. Acquired data was processed via Coding manual of the printed report about addictive substances and themes which involve them: The appplication for magazines coding which are given for problem illegal addictive substances users (Gabrhelík et A1., 2012). The basic research complex consisted of 11 magazines, 14 magazines were identified. Results:...

Návykové látky v těhotenství (alkohol a tabák) / Addictive substances in pregnancy (alcohol and tobacco)

Jakubíková, Olga January 2017 (has links)
Addictive substances in the pregnancy (alcohol, tobacco) Abstract of the thesis Introduction: The pregnancy is very specific period in the life of woman, who wants to bring the new life. The real and ideal situation set family life without addictive substances, which are evrywhere in our time. But it's not in every life of everybody and alcohol and tobacco are available to everyone without respect of age or this other condition. The requirement of pregnant women are hard of time not only of paramedics but also of their family members. Claim: The aim of this work is to find out information and knowledges of women about un/using addictive substances in their pregnancy, their health literacy in their healthy and the health of their unborn baby by using addictive substances in their pregnancy. Methods: The datas in this problems were raised by form of structured questionaire composited from socialdemografic datas (age, education, parity, sosial status), from Fagerstrӧm test of nicotine addiction (FTND (Fagerstrӧm, 1991). Also there were CAGE test (Mayfield,1974). The research group was composed from pregnant women, who fulfilled criterions: pregnant women in the prenatal consclusing, where they are passed from their gynecologist to obstetric clinic,it means from 36th week of gravidity. Women were chosen by...

Vývoj právní úpravy tzv. drogových trestných činů / Development of legal regulation of drug related crimes

Kabelíková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
in English Title: Development of legal regulation of drug related crimes The thesis analyzes current criminal legislation in the area of drug-related crimes, compares it with previously effective legislation and outlines ambiguities in interpretation of selected legal terms. Increased attention is paid to legislative changes of the past five years which determine the current situation and future legislative development. The author predominantly focuses on problematic issues and challenged provisions related to the discussed topic which she then examines in detail. In order to provide the reader with a full picture of the topic, opinions of academic and professional authorities are presented. Furthermore, judicial practice of mainly Supreme Court is emphasized, as it plays a key role in interpretation of law. Alongside currently applicable court rulings, obsolete judicature is also quoted in order to help the reader understand the background of the legislation and especially its previous precipitous development. The thesis is divided in five chapters. The first chapter introduces the reader into the topic of addictive substances and defines relevant legal terminology. The second chapter deals with the current legislation in the area of narcotic and psychotropic substances in international, European...

Trestné činy v dopravě související s užíváním návykových látek. / Traffic criminal offences incurred while intoxicated addictive substances.

Hrušková, Marie January 2017 (has links)
BIBLIOGRAPHIC IDENTIFICATION University: Charles University Faculty: 1. lékařská fakulta Clinic of Addictology School year: 2016/2017 Autor's first name and surname: Bc. Marie Hrušková Specialization: Addictology Supervisor: Mgr. Hana Fidesová, PhD. Pages: 102 The name of thesis: Traffic criminal offenses incurred while intoxikated addictive substances. Abstract Background: Until the investigations indicate that addictive substances in transport are serious social and security problem. Studies attribute the most efficient for drivers caught several times - repeatedly with a concentration of 1.5 g / kg and higher, unfortunately, but at higher concentrations higher probability of risk of addiction, which is due to natures rehabilitation programs, counterproductive, because mastering addiction is not the goal of the course (Ferguson et. all., 2001). Goals: The aim of this paper is to explore the issue of traffic offenses where the offender is in a state of excluding fitness to drive, which brought about the consumption of addictive substances and follow-up upon return of a driving license in the period from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2015. Research questions: a) What is the age of the offenders at the time of the offense proceedings in a state that excludes eligibility? b) What is the source of livelihood...

Prevence závislostí při vzdělávání žáků s potřebou podpory ve vzdělávání z důvodu sociálního znevýhodnění / Prevention of addictions in the education of pupils with the need for support in education due to social disadvantage

Myškovská, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the prevention of addictions in the education of pupils with social disadvantage. The theoretical part deals with the period of adolescence and describes its biological and psycho - social aspects. The attention is focused mainly on pupils with the need for support in education due to social disadvantage. The thesis defines this term, deals with individual manifestations of social disadvantage and supports these pupils. The following part is dedicated to the topic of addiction and risks of development of addiction in adolescents. Thetheoretical part also describes specific risks of substance and non-substance dependencies. The last chapter introduces the theme of prevention in school and preventive program. The practical part consists of there search were three elementary schools in Prague participated. The thesis describes them and analysis their preventive programs. The research was based on the methods of the questionaire, which was presented to pupils and interviews with prevention methodologies and pupils of the sixth grade. The research aimes on finding specific recommendations for the prevention of addictions in the education of pupils with social disadvantage. These recommendations include, for example, meetings with abstinent, demontration of the...

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