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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika zneužívání léků a návykových látek ve stáří / Misuse of Drugs and Addictive Substances in the Old age

Bártová, Alžběta January 2011 (has links)
Anotation The aim of this thesis is to draw attention to the issue of medical drug and addictive substance abuse in the old age. It describes the bio-psycho-socio-spiritual changes and needs of the elderly which are often connected with the start of harmful use of medical drugs. It lists the substances which are most commonly abused in the old age and it demonstrates the theory by means of concrete casuistries. Overuse of and addiction to addictive substances is not investigated enough by either addictology, geriatrics or social work. The aim of this thesis is to discuss the whole problem area from the point of view of social work, which should be paying more attention to it.

Návykové látky v těhotenství a jejich možný vliv na vývoj dítěte / Addictive substances during pregnancy and their possible effect on child development

Majerová, Jiřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis "Addictive Substances and their Possible effect on Child Development" deals with the effects of addictive drugs used by pregnant women on their child's development. Firstly, the text focuses on common valid definitions and characteristics of addictive substances. The addictive substances are divided into two categories - illegal and legal drugs. Initially, key groups of addictive substances are described and then their individual representatives are portrayed briefly. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the period of prenatal development, which will serve as a comprehensive overview on the subject and will logically connect individual chapters. Another part of the thesis focuses on the characteristics of drug-addicted mothers, describes the specific traits of drug addicted pregnant women. Moreover, in this part pregnant women with dual diagnosis are described. Last but not least, the theoretical part of the thesis will explain complications that arise in infants right after childbirth, especially the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) or infection. There will also be discussed the long-term consequences such as disorders associated with attention, behavior disorders, learning or congenital malformation. This work aims to find out whether children of...

PROHIBICE DROG V PODMÍNKÁCH VZÁJEMNÉ SUBSTITUCE NÁVYKOVÝCH LÁTEK V ČESKÉ REPUBLICE / Prohibition of drugs in condition of their mutual substitution with other addictive substances in the Czech Republic

Vilimovský, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This thesis analyzes regulation, prescription and prohibition of drugs in condition of their mutual substitution with other addictive substances in the Czech Republic; thesis investigates prices' and cross-prices' elasticities of substances and their markets. Comparison is made between regulated legal markets of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, non-prohibitively regulated markets of pharmaceuticals and prohibited markets of illegal drugs. The thesis concludes that the demand for drugs is not price elastic. The demand for drugs is price inelastic but not perfectly price inelastic, as can be deduced based on the concept of A Theory of Rational Addiction developed by Gary S. Becker. The price of drugs, therefore, to some extent affects consumption. This opens the room to influence demand through pricing mechanism. The thesis also verifies The Theory of Economic Regulation developed by George J. Stigler and confirms that due to some substitution relationships between addictive substances it is possible speculate about the interests of producers of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and pharmaceuticals for prohibition of drugs. Interests of producers of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes confirm their mutually complementary linkages.

Substances psychoactives : politiques et responsabilité de l'État : le point de vue des Français / Psychoactive substances : State policy and responsibility : the French point of view

Bataille Camus, Julie 25 June 2013 (has links)
La première étude porte sur les conditions de l’acceptabilité des politiques de l’Etat face aux drogues: 225 sujets tout-venant ont jugé du degré d’acceptabilité dans 28 scénarios issus de la combinaison de trois facteurs: campagnes d’information, demande intérieure en drogue, action de l’État (du laissez-faire à l’interdiction). La seconde étude porte sur les conditions de la responsabilité de l’État dans le cas d’un décès lié à la consommation de substance: 234 sujets ont jugé du degré de responsabilité dans 80 scénarios issus de la combinaison de cinq facteurs: relation consommation/maladie, temps depuis lequel la nocivité est connue, généralité du risque, consommation, action de l’État (du monopole à l’interdiction des ventes). Nos études s’appuient sur une méthode issue de la théorie fonctionnelle de la cognition (Anderson, 1981). La première étude permet d’identifier trois clusters: les régulationnistes (42%), en faveur d’une réglementation totale par l’État, les radicaux (32%), pour qui aucune des politiques n’est acceptable, les prohibitionnistes (26%), en faveur d’une interdiction totale à condition que des campagnes soient menées. La politique du laissez-faire est jugée par tous comme étant la plus inacceptable. La seconde étude fait apparaître trois clusters: un plus au centre (44%), un plus à gauche (38%), un plus à droite (17%). Celui de droite a tendance à attribuer moins de responsabilité à l’État et est plus sensible aux preuves scientifiques. Un consensus montre que l’État se dégage de toute responsabilité seulement s’il interdit totalement les ventes. Dans les autres cas, l'État est perçu comme partiellement responsable quand la santé d'un consommateur se détériore. / Our first study relates to the conditions of perceived acceptability of State policies regarding drugs: 225 randomly selected subjects judged the degree of State policy acceptability in 28 scenarios derived from the combination of three factors: information campaigns, interior drug demand, State policy (from laisser-faire to prohibition). Our second study relates to the conditions of perceived State responsibility when a death linked to substance consumption occurred: 234 subjects judged the degree of State responsibility in 80 scenarios derived from the combination of five factors: relationship between consumption/disease, amount of time since the substance toxicity is known, risk generality, consumption, State action (from State monopoly to sale interdiction). Our studies rely on a method derived from the functional theory of cognition (Anderson, 1981). The first study identifies three clusters: the regulationists (42%), who favor total regulation by the State, the radicals (32%), for who none of the policies are acceptable, and the prohibitionists (26%), who favor a total interdiction with the condition of information campaigns. The policy of the laissez faire is judged by all groups as being the most inacceptable. In the second study, three clusters are separated: centrist-dominated (44%), leftist-dominated (38%) and rightist-dominated (17%). The rightists tend to attribute less responsibility to the state and are less sensitive to scientific evidences than the leftists. A consensus between groups is that the State is freed from responsibility when sales are totally forbidden. In other cases, the State is perceived as partially responsible when a consumer’s health deteriorates.

Paauglių savigarbos, priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimo ir patiriamų problemų sąsajos / Adolescents self-esteem, addictive substance use and experienced problems correlations

Anikinas, Aleksandras 21 December 2009 (has links)
Problema. Visuomenėje stebimas paauglių elgesio problemos augimas ir sveikatos blogėjimas. Daugelis socialinių problemų, tokių kaip savižudybės, rūkymas, alkoholio ir narkotinių medžiagų vartojimas, nesugebėjimas prisitaikyti bendruomenėje yra susiję su asmens neigiama savigarba. Tyrusieji šiuos reiškinius nustatė, kad paauglystėje tarp savigarbos ir žalingų įpročių yra ryšys. Todėl siekiant pažinti ir įvertinti paauglio psichologinę savijautą, svarbu išanalizuoti psichologinius mechanizmus, sąlygojančius priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimo ir patiriamų problemų sąsajų su savigarba atsiradimą. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti paauglių priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimo ir patiriamų problemų sąsajas su savigarba. Metodai. Tyrime naudota anketa, kurią sudaro klausimai apie alkoholio, tabako ir kitų priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimą, M. Rosenberg savigarbos skalė ir paauglių problemų atrankos testas. Tiriamasis kontingentas. Tiriamasis darbas buvo atliekamas Ignalinos rajono gimnazijoje I-II klasių moksleiviams. Dalyvauti tyrime sutiko 200 moksleivių, tačiau teisingai anketas užpildė 154 moksleiviai: 61 berniukas (39,6%) ir 93 mergaitės (60,4%). Paauglių amžius nuo15 iki 17 metų, amžiaus vidurkis 16 metų. Rezultatai. Paauglių savigarba yra susijusi su priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimu ir patiriamomis problemomis. Didelę reikšmę paauglių priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimui bei jų agresyviam elgesiui turi paauglių savigarba. / Background. In nowadays society there is a big growth in adolescents behavior problems and health deterioration. Most of the social problems, such as suicides, smoking, use of alcohol and drugs, adaptability difficulties in different social groups, are related to negative self-esteem. Researchers have found that there is a link between adolescents self-esteem and addiction. On purpose to understand and assess psychological well-being of a teenager, it is important to analyze psychological mechanisms, which can influence development of correlation problems in self-esteem and addictive substances use with experienced problems. Objective. Find correlations between teenagers‘ self-esteem and addictive substances use with experienced problems. Measures. In this study it was used a questionnaire, which includes questions about the use of alkohol, tobacco and other addictive substances, M. Rosenberg self-esteem scale and adolescent problems scale screening test. Participants. Research work was carried out in Ignalina gymnasium for I-II year students. 200 students agreed to participate in a study, but only 154 students completed questionaires correctly: 61 boy (39.6%) and 93 girls (60.4%). Age of adolescents was between 15 and 17, avarage age - 16 years old. Results. Adolescents self-esteem is strongly related to addictive substance use with experienced problems. There is a great importance of adolescents self-esteem to addictive substance use and their aggressive behavior... [to full text]

Paauglių įsitraukimo į kompiuterinius žaidimus, agresyvumo ir gimimo eiliškumo pagal Adlerį sąsajos su priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimu / Adolescent involvement in computer games, aggression by Adler birth order interface with substance use

Pasalauskaitė, Giedrė 11 June 2012 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti kaip įsitraukimas į kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimą siejasi su paauglių agresyviu elgesiu bei kaip gimimo eiliškumas siejasi su įsitraukimu į kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimą ir priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimu. Atliktame tyrime dalyvavo 224 10, 11 ir 12 klasių Jurbarko Giedraičio-Giedriaus gimnazijos mokiniai, kurių amžius 16 - 19 m. 14 apklausoje dalyvavusių paauglių yra mergaitės, 75 – berniukai. Kiekvienas tiriamasis turėjo užpildyti po keletą klausimynų: Įsitraukimą į kompiuterinius žaidimus matuojančią skalę ir Buss – Durkee klausimyną paauglio agresyvumo lygiui vertinti. Tiriamųjų buvo paprašyta atsakyti į 116 anketos klausimų. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad didesnis įsitraukimas į kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimą siejasi su didesne fiziniu agresyviu elgesiu tarp merginų. Fizinis agresyvus elgesys tarp vaikinų nesiskiria skirtingo įsitraukimo į kompiuterinius žaidimus grupėse. Verbalinis agresyvus elgesys vienodai būdingas tiek mažiau įsitraukusiems į kompiuterinius žaidimus paaugliams, tiek ir daugiau įsitraukusiems. T skirtų paaugliams ir M skirtų subrendusiesiems kategorijų kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimas nesisieja su didesniu paauglių agresyviu elgesiu. Taip pat didesnis įsitraukimas į kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimą nesisieja su didesniu priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimu tarp vaikinų. Didesnis įsitraukimas į kompiuterinių žaidimų žaidimą siejasi su didesniu merginų alkoholio ir kitų narkotinių medžiagų vartojimu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this work was to determine how involvement in computer game play is associated with adolescent aggressive behaviour and how birth order refers to the access to computer game play and consumption of addictive substanes. The research was conducted with 224 students from 10, 11 and 12 classes in Jurbarkas Giedraitis - Giedrius High School, aged 16 - 19. There were 14 girls and 75 boys among surveyed teenagers. Each had to answer several questionnaires: involvement in computer games, measuring scale and Buss – Durkee questionnaire to access the level of adolescent aggression. Subjects were asked to answer 116 questions. The results showed that greater involvement in computer game play associated with greater physical agressive behaviour among girls. The physical aggressive behaviour among boys is no different to the involvement of different groups of computer games. Verbal aggressive behaviour is equally inherent for less or more involving in computer games among teenagers.T for teens and M for mature categories, computer games play is not associated with greater aggressive behaviour among teenagers. It is also greater involvement in computer game play is not associated with higher consumption of addictive substance using among boys. Increased involvement in comouter game play is associated with increased female using of alcohol and other drugs. Birth order in the family is not associated with higher consumption of addictive substance using and greater... [to full text]

Airių, lietuvių bei Airijoje gyvenančių lietuvių sveikatą žalojančio elgesio ypatumai / Specific Features of Forms of Health destructive Behaviour of Lithuanians, Irish and Lithuanians living in Ireland

Žemaitaitienė, Vida 29 January 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti lietuvių, airių ir Airijoje gyvenančių lietuvių sveikatą žalojančio elgesio ypatumus. Tyrime dalyvavo 422 (237 moterys ir 185 vyrai) 18- 65 metų tiriamieji: iš jų 147 lietuviai, 133 airiai ir 142 Airijoje gyvenantys lietuviai. Siekiant nustatyti rūkymo vartojimo intensyvumą, naudota dalis klausimų iš A.Goštauto (1999) mokymo medžiagos sveikatos psichologijos kursui; alkoholio vartojimui tirti paimta PSO Alkoholio vartojimo sutrikimų nustatymo testas (AUDIT); narkotinių medžiagų vartojimui tirti paimta PSO alkoholio, rūkymo ir kitų narkotinių medžiagų vartojimo nustatymo testas (ASSIST V3); nepakankamam fiziniam aktyvumui tirti naudota Tarptautinio fizinio aktyvumo klausimyno trumpoji, lietuviška versija, paimta iš oficialaus International Physical Activity Questionnaire; nesveikos mitybos įpročiams įvertinti paimtas G. Turconi, M. Celsa (2003) mitybos klausimynas (A Dietary Questionnaire on food habits, eating behaviour and nutritional knowledge); rizikingam varavimui įvertinti naudotas J. Reason ir D. Parker (1990) Vairuotojų elgesio klausimynas (Drive Behavior Questionaire). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad Airijoje ir Lietuvoje gyvenantys lietuviai rūko daugiau nei airiai; Airijoje ir Lietuvoje gyvenantys lietuviai bei airiai vartoja alkoholį vienodai vyrų grupėje, Airijoje gyvenančios lietuvės vartoja daugiau alkoholio nei Lietuvoje gyvenančios lietuvės bet mažiau nei airės; Airijoje bei Lietuvoje gyvenantys lietuviai ir airiai pagal narkotinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Aim of the Survey: determine specific features of health destructive behaviour of Lithuanians, Irish and Lithuanians living in Ireland. 422 subjects (237 females and 185 males), aged 18- 65, participated in the survey: 147 Lithuanians, 133 Irish and 142 Lithuanians living in Ireland. In order to determine cigarette consumption and smoking intensity, a portion of questions, provided in A.Goštautas teaching material (1999), prepared for health psychology course, has been used; to conduct survey on alcohol consumption, The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), developed by WHO, has been applied; to conduct survey on drug consumption, The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST V3), developed by WHO, has been used; to conduct survey on lack of physical activity, a short Lithuanian version of official International Physical Activity Questionnaire has been used; to assess unhealthy nutrition habits, A Dietary Questionnaire on Food Habits, Eating Behaviour and Nutritional Knowledge by G. Turconi, M. Celsa (2003) has been applied; to assess risky driving behaviour, A Drive Behaviour Questionnaire by J. Reason and D. Parker (1990) has been applied. Survey results have demonstrated that Lithuanians living in Ireland and Lithuania smoke more than Irish; Lithuanians living in Ireland and Lithuania and Irish consume alcohol equally in a group of surveyed males, Lithuanian women living in Ireland consume more alcohol than Lithuanian women living... [to full text]

Životní styl a péče o vlastní zdraví zdravotnických pracovníků / Lifestyle and personal health care health workers

PRŮCHOVÁ, Štěpánka January 2014 (has links)
Currently, the debate over what constitutes a healthy lifestyle is very much debated in the media. Generally speaking, most people have a choice about what type of lifestyle they choose to lead. The characteristics of a healthy lifestyle include certain life habits including one's attitude toward diet and exercise. The type of lifestyle that we choose to live can influence our health and also the possibility of contracting certain diseases. Up to 50% of good health is dependent on a healthy lifestyle, whilst the other 50% is influenced by genetics, life conditions, and the environment one lives in. .

Životní styl učitelů na druhém stupni ZŠ v Příbrami / The lifestyle of teachers at the primary school in Příbram

TRNOVSKÁ, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the lifestyle of lower secondary level teachers at the basic schools in Příbram. The theoretical part, which provides the grounding for the empirical part, describes the key term of lifestyle and the selected factors which have an essential impact on the choice of lifestyle considering the influences which directly or indirectly impact the choice. The topic is a very broad one therefore this thesis focuses on the most important aspects which are the subjective and objective agents impacting lifestyle positively or negatively. The empirical part deals with the research which was conducted via a questionnaire which was constructed to obtain the information concerning the lifestyle of teachers of lower secondary level schools in Příbram. The data was then statistically evaluated. The results were compared to the current knowledge in the field. The results show that teachers are threatened by insufficient physical exercise. 66 % or the respondents stated that they do not devote any time to physical exercise, also a high percentage of the respondents stated they can recognize some signs of being stressed. On the other hand, a positive finding was the fact that 76 % of teachers eat four to five times a day and 77 % of the respondents eat fruit and vegetables. Another positive finding was the fact that over half of the respondents do not smoke and 73 % stated there are content in their current job.

Možnosti prevence závislosti na návykových látkách na druhém stupni základní školy / The possibilities of the dependence on the addictive drugs on the second grade at the primary school

NOVÁČKOVÁ, Dana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis has a theoretic and an empiric character. The theoretical part deals with a term the addiction on drugs and characterizes its particular types and stages. It describes possible demonstrations of addictions, causes and conditions of origin of addictions and its influence on human?s development and his or her life in a social group and in his or her family. The thesis is occupied with kinds, possibilities and efficiency of chosen types of drugs prevention and school?s possibilities of diagnosing and addiction managing. The practical part considers with finding contemporary condition of drugs addictions on the second grade at primary schools in České Budějovice and with types of preventions which are used in these schools.

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