Spelling suggestions: "subject:"advertising communmunication"" "subject:"advertising commoncommunication""
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Návrh komunikačního mixu vybraného podniku / Proposal of Communication Mix of the Selected CompanyKonečná, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of the current communication mix of the selected company, identifies the marketing deficiencies and proposes new tools of the communication mix. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part explains the theoretical background. The second part of the thesis deals with internal and external analysis and the third part contains own proposals for new elements of communication mix of the selected company.
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Marketingová komunikace vybrané společnosti / Marketing communication of selected companyGrecová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the communication mix of the traditional Czech company Šohaj služby s.r.o. This thesis is divided into two basic parts – theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is focusing on the fundamental literature related to the topic, which provides the reader essential information on this issue and helps him to better understand the practical part. The second part is focused on the company itself. It is analysed by using selected marketing models. It is evaluated how the company communicates with customers and provides them its products. In conclusion, it is suggested some possibilities how to improve communication with its current and potential customers.
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Návrh komunikačního mixu / Proposal of Communication MixZavadilová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on improving communication mix of selected businessman, Mgr. Ivo Zavadil, who operates in the sale of sports equipment. This work is is divided into three main parts. The first part describes theoretical knowledge, which is then used as a base for the next parts. The second part describes the activities of the selected company and analysis of the current marketing and communication mix. In the last part is the proposal of communication mix, which will be in the company applied
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Marketingová komunikace realitní kanceláře / Marketing Communication of a Real Estate AgencyTomášková, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with analysis of marketing communication. The theoretical part presents basic marketing and marketing communication terms. The practical part contains basic information on the reality estate office Lotos Reality. Next, it analyses the marketing communication of this specific company. By the means of questionnaire survey the proposals to improve the marketing communication were worked out and they are summarized in the conclusion
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Análisis del gasto en comunicación publicitaria como determinante de la supervivencia de las PYMES del EcuadorSalas Luzuriaga, Edgar Leonardo 23 October 2020 (has links)
[ES] En Ecuador la creación de empresas o el emprendimiento ha sido objetivo de políticas de desarrollo de empleo y mejora de la competitividad. Organizaciones internacionales que generan lineamientos de políticas económicas como la Comisión Europea, la OCDE, la CEPAL o el Banco Mundial muestran estudios detallados sobre impactos de acciones de emprendimiento en los programas públicos; sin embargo, para Ecuador, los análisis de esos programas no siempre están claras. Estos no consideran, o desconocen, datos existentes respecto a la rotación empresarial, su naturaleza, el gasto en comunicación y su impacto en la eficiencia. Para la creación de empresas, los emprendedores consideran entre otros desafíos, la conservación de su negocio, realizando todo lo posible para su adaptación a los entornos competitivos de la mejor forma posible. Las investigaciones sobre supervivencia empresarial indican que un poco más del 50% de estas empresas no llegará a cumplir los cinco años de vida. Antes de los tres años aparecen los riesgos más altos de cierres prematuros. El estado del arte sobre los factores que afectan a la creación de empresas y su desempeño es amplio en el campo de la economía, y también en el del emprendimiento como campo específico de la disciplina de la gestión de negocios. Distintas aportaciones se han realizado en estos campos de investigación estudiando la incidencia que tienen los elementos del capital humano del emprendedor, la empresa recién creada, y sus condiciones del entorno. Este trabajo, además de encontrar la influencia de los factores internos de la empresa, se enfoca principalmente en el análisis del gasto en la publicidad por medio de su comunicación en medios masivos y no tradicionales que garanticen la supervivencia de empresas creadas en Ecuador en los períodos del 2007 al 2017. La participación de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) en la producción y el empleo de una economía, en contraste con las altas tasas de mortalidad que estas presentan, revela la pertinencia de observar las posibles causas de cierres prematuros, relacionándola con variables internas de la empresa como su tamaño inicial, su rentabilidad y endeudamiento, además de algunas con su ambiente microeconómico, como el crecimiento promedio del sector económico donde compite. / [EN] In Ecuador the creation of companies or own businesses has been the focus of employment growth policies and improvement of competitiveness rules. International organizations that
Issue economic policies recommendations such as the European Commission, the OECD, ECLAC, or the World Bank report favorably of the empowerment of entrepreneurship in public programs; however, for Ecuador, the analytical basis of these programs is not always clear. Often, the programs do not consider or are unaware of the existing information on business turnover, its nature, communication spending, and its impact on efficiency. Other challenges, the conservation of their business, doing everything possible to adapt to the competitive environment in the best possible way. Research on business survival indicates that over more than 50% of these companies did not reach the age of five.
The literature on the factors that affect the creation of new companies and their performance is quite abundant in the field of industrial economics, and also in that of entrepreneurship as a specific field of the discipline of business management. Several of the contributions that have been made in these research fields have analyzed the impact of the characteristics of the entrepreneur 's human capital, of the newly created company, as well as the conditions of the environment.
This work, in addition to finding the influence of the internal factors of the company, focuses mainly on the analysis of advertising spending through its communication in mass and non- traditions media that guarantee the survival of companies created in Ecuador in 2007 to 2017 periods.
The significant participation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the production and employment of an economy, in contrast to the high mortality, rated that these present reveals the relevance of analyzing the possible causes of premature closings. These causes can be related to the internal variables of the company, such as its initial size, profitability, and indebtedness and some of its microeconomics setting, such as the average growth of the economic sectors where it competes. / [CA] En Equador la creació d'empreses ha segut objectiu de polítiques de creixement de l'ocupació i de la millora de la competitivitat. Organitzacions internacionals que emeten recomanacions de política econòmica com la Comissió Europea, l'OCDE, la CEPAL o el Banc Mundial informen favorablement sobre la potenciació de la iniciativa emprenedora en els programes públics; no obstant, per a Equador, les bases analítiques d'eixos programes no sempre estan clares. En freqüència els programes no consideren o desconeixen, la informació existent sobre rotació empresarial, la seua naturalesa, la despesa en comunicació i el seu impacte en l'eficiència. A partir de la creació de l'empresa, els emprenedors inicien, entre altres desafius, la conservació del seu negoci, realitzant tot lo possible per a la seua adaptació a l'entorn competitiu de la millor forma possible. Les investigacions sobre supervivència empresarial indiquen que una miqueta més del 50% d'estes empreses no aplegarà a complir els cinc anys de vida. És més, abans dels tres anys apareixen els més alts riscs de tancaments prematurs. La literatura sobre els factors que afecten a la creació de noves empreses i al seu exerciti és prou abundant en el camp de l'economia industrial, i també en el del emprenedoria com a camp específic de la disciplina de la gestió de negocis. Moltes de les aportacions que s'han realitzat en estos camps d'investigació han analitzat la incidència que les característiques del capital humà del emprenedor, de l'empresa recent creada, aixina com de les condicions de l'entorn. Este treball, a més de trobar la influència dels factors interns de l'empresa, s'enfoca principalment en l'anàlisi de la despesa en la publicitat a través de la seua comunicació en mitjans massius i no tradicionals que garanteixin la supervivència d'empreses creades en Ecuador en els períodes del 2007 al 2017. L'important participació de les menudes i mitjanes empreses (pimes) en la producció i l'ocupació d'una economia, en contrast en les altes taxes de mortalitat que estes presenten, revela la pertinència d'analitzar les possibles causes dels seus tancaments prematurs. Dites causes es poden relacionar en variables internes de l'empresa, com la seua mida inicial, la seua rendibilitat i endeutament, i algunes en el seu entorn, com el creiximent mitjà del sector econòmic on competeix. / Salas Luzuriaga, EL. (2020). Análisis del gasto en comunicación publicitaria como determinante de la supervivencia de las PYMES del Ecuador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153076
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Marketingový výzkum důvodů firem ke sponzorování sportu v době ekonomické krize / Marketing research of reasons of companies to sports sponzorship in times of economic crisisDvořák, Josef January 2011 (has links)
Marketing research of reasons of companies to sports sponzorship in times of economic crisis Objectives: The aim of this work is using marketing research to determine how reasons of companies to sports sponsorship are changed in times of economic crisis. In assessing the reason of companies we observe whether size and regional focus of the company have an impact on sports sponsorship. Work shows differences in sponsorship of sport before the crisis and during crisis. Methods: Gain of necessary information has been made by questionnaire. Questionnaires were sent by emails to participated companies. Results: Financial crisis didn't touched sport branch so much how it was expected. Results show that companies sponsored more sport branches than in past. This doesn't mean there were more financial resources in sport. For smaller companies amount of money increased in percent for sponsoring, but for bigger companies is situation opposite. We can say just the same in absolute amount also. It's thus possible that sport gained less financial resources during financial crisis, because degradation affected bigger companies. We can say smaller companies were hit by crises in smaller extent than bigger companies. Key words: marketing communication, communication mix, sponsorship, sports advertising,...
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Homem homem, homem com H e homem-imagem: masculinidades midiáticas nas culturas do consumo / Man man man with H and man - image: masculinities in culture media consumptionPostinguel, Danilo 17 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-13T14:10:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Danilo Postinguel.pdf: 3997294 bytes, checksum: 759d1375a7b417d83637d0ac60768c5f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-03-17 / This dissertation is focused on media representations of masculinity produced and transmitted in communication societies and cultures of consumption. Interested us even realize how these
representations dialogue with social realities and wider cultural contexts related to symbolic disputes, economic processes and social imaginary negotiating the place and forms of masculinities seen as desirable and/or acceptable by modern western societies. Thus, we focused discussions around notions and representations of masculinity mediated communication dynamics and consumption practices. Our main objective was to analyze how the media masculinities circulating by communication companies and consumption, mobilize different perspectives of masculinity. Our secondary objectives were: a) in addition to drafting a theoretical and conceptual framework (on the concepts of communication and consumption of masculinity and media representation), b) to identify and question as presented in the media these masculinities representations, using theoretical axes featured, c) propose categories of masculinity that could be glimpsed through the analysis of selected advertisements and, d) historically resume construction of masculinity to understand how was the process of crystallization and the gaps to think of masculinities in the plural, in its broad sense. As for the theoretical foundation, we have the contribution of Don Slater, Elisabeth Badinter, Everardo Rocha, Norval Baitello, Pedro Paulo de Oliveira, Rose de Melo Rocha, Socrates Nolasco, Tania Hoff among many other theorists who contribute to think the triad communication, masculinities media and consumption practices. This theoretical bricolage provided build a methodology to seek better contemplate the purpose of this research. In this way, we develop flexible multi-methodological tools, which took centered on the image in the Brazilian socio-cultural context and, globally, in cultures of consumption. Thus, because it is the choice of a contemporary object - new and other masculinities - still under construction in our culture, given its multiple investigative perspective, we chose to analyze the Brazilian advertising communication briefs between the 1960s and 2010. Among the measured results highlight that even see that there was a majority media confirmation of traditional masculinity in the collected corpus, however, this material presented elements that allowed to rethink where to go or what is the restriction that must exist to define what a media representation of masculinity. Given this result, we launched the possibility, from the Reception Studies, to understand how men perceive the offer of masculinities in media communication and advertising and later as the consumption of these imagistic representations reflected in the establishment of consumption and gender identities from what circulates in this sphere of consumption, entitled by us Consumosfera. / Esta dissertação é centrada nas representações midiáticas de masculinidades produzidas e veiculadas nas sociedades comunicacionais e nas culturas do consumo. Interessou-nos ainda perceber como estas representações dialogam com realidades sociais e contextos culturais mais amplos, relacionados a disputas simbólicas, processos econômicos e imaginários sociais que negociam o lugar e as formas de masculinidades tidas como desejáveis e/ou aceitáveis pelas modernas sociedades ocidentais. Assim, foram privilegiadas as discussões em torno de noções e representações de masculinidade mediadas por dinâmicas de comunicação e práticas de consumo. Nosso objetivo principal foi o de analisar como as masculinidades midiáticas que circulam pelas sociedades comunicacionais e do consumo, mobilizam diferentes perspectivas de masculinidades. Nossos objetivos secundários foram: a) além de elaborar uma estrutura teórico-conceitual (sobre as concepções de comunicação e consumo, de masculinidade e de representação midiática), b) identificar e problematizar como se apresentaram nas representações midiáticas essas masculinidades, recorrendo aos eixos teóricos destacados, c) peças publicitárias selecionadas e, d) retomar historicamente a construção da masculinidade para entender como se deu o processo de cristalização e as brechas para se pensar em masculinidades no plural, em seu sentido lato . Quanto à fundamentação teórica, contamos com a contribuição de Don Slater, Elisabeth Badinter, Everardo Rocha, Norval Baitello, Pedro Paulo de Oliveira, Rose de Melo Rocha, Sócrates Nolasco, Tânia Hoff dentre tantos outros teóricos que contribuem para pensar a tríade comunicação, masculinidades midiáticas e práticas de consumo. Esta bricolagem teórica propiciou construirmos uma metodologia que melhor buscasse contemplar o propósito desta pesquisa. Neste percurso, desenvolvemos ferramentas multi-metodológicas flexíveis, que tomavam como centralidade a imagem no contexto sociocultural brasileiro e, de maneira global, nas culturas do consumo. Assim, por se tratar da escolha de um objeto contemporâneo novas e outras masculinidades , ainda em construção em nossa cultura, dadas suas múltiplas perspectivas investigativas, optamos por analisar a comunicação publicitária brasileira de cuecas entre as décadas de 1960 e 2010. Entre os resultados aferidos destacamos que, mesmo visualizando que houve uma majoritária confirmação midiática da masculinidade tradicional no corpus coletado, no entanto, esse material apresentou elementos que possibilitaram repensar até onde deve ir ou qual é o cerceamento que deve existir para delimitar o que é uma representação midiática de masculinidade. Diante deste resultado, lançamos a possibilidade, a partir dos Estudos de Recepção, de entender como os homens percebem a oferta de masculinidades na comunicação midiática e publicitária e posteriormente como o consumo dessas representações imagéticas refletem na constituição de identidades de consumo e de gênero a partir daquilo que circula nessa esfera do consumo, intitulada por nós de Consumosfera .
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Um segredo que se espalha: consumo e estratégias de produção discursivas de O Segredo / A secret that spreads: discursive strategies consumption and production of The SecretAbujamra, Marisa Baruch Portela 25 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-13T14:10:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Marisa Baruch Portela Abujamra.pdf: 2633848 bytes, checksum: c39e90e25053cee436345501347004aa (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-03-25 / The self-help literature has become, in contemporary times, a sales phenomenon, with the spread of a varied amount of products and intense movement of advertisements in the media space. In this universe of self-help titles, the book The Secret is considered a sales success of the genre. Launched in 2007 in Brazil, by Ediouro, it has occupied for a long time the bestseller lists and caused a major development of products that carry the name and seal of The Secret, transforming itself into what we call franchise. The advertising of these products through the covers of books, DVDs, CDs, sales websites, Facebook, etc. is considerable, just observe, when entering a bookstore, that books of this genre occupy the best shelves. Thus, this research investigates the logic and production strategies of advertising discourses of The Secret in the different media where they circulate through the study of the consumer society, having consumption as a cultural practice as referential. Our aim is to understand how the advertising discourse has been used at the service of communication, intending to map the spaces of circulation of these discourses, to identify how they develop their models, and to observe the rhetoric in its discursive composition. In a mediatic society like ours, The Secret and its outspreads are transformed into cultural products under the logic of this cultural industry, being offered for consumption and producing senses through advertising discourses, which requires attention and effort to understand the dynamics and sociocultural impacts of communication processes and consumption practices. The French Discourse Analysis and the rethoric studies articulated to communication studies will be the structure for the theoretical and methodological grounding that permeates the approach to the advertising discourse, as disclosure process in the consumer society. Our clipping for the research are the covers and back covers of the books, book sales websites, Facebook and Twitter. The results will be presented through an analysis that must propose the interlacements between the theoretical constructs and empirical research. / A literatura de autoajuda tornou-se, na contemporaneidade, fenômeno de vendas, com a disseminação de uma quantidade variada de produtos e circulação intensa de mensagens publicitárias no espaço midiático. Nesse universo de títulos de autoajuda, o livro O Segredo é considerado sucesso de vendas do gênero. Lançado em 2007 no Brasil, pela editora Ediouro, ocupou por um bom tempo as listas dos mais vendidos e causou um grande desdobramento de produtos que levam a logomarca de O Segredo, transformando-se no que podemos chamar de franquia. A publicidade desses produtos, por intermédio das capas dos livros, DVD, CD, sites de vendas, Facebook, etc., é considerável, e basta observar, ao entrar numa livraria, como esse gênero ocupa as primeiras prateleiras. Assim, esta pesquisa procura investigar a lógica e as estratégias de produção dos discursos publicitários de O Segredo nos diversos suportes por onde circula, por intermédio do estudo da sociedade de consumo e tendo como referencial o consumo como prática cultural. Pretende-se compreender como o discurso publicitário vem sendo empregado a serviço da comunicação, com a intenção de mapear os espaços de circulação desses discursos, identificar como se desenvolvem os seus modelos, observar a retórica na sua composição. Numa sociedade midiatizada como a nossa, O Segredo e seus desdobramentos são transformados em produtos culturais e estão sob a lógica da indústria cultural, sendo oferecidos para consumo e produzindo sentidos através dos discursos publicitários, o que demanda atenção e esforço para entender as dinâmicas e os impactos socioculturais dos processos comunicacionais e das práticas de consumo. A Análise de Discurso de linha francesa e os estudos sobre retórica articulados aos estudos de comunicação serão a estrutura para a fundamentação teórico-metodológica que permeia a aproximação com o discurso publicitário, como processo de divulgação na sociedade de consumo. Nosso recorte para a pesquisa são as capas e contra capas dos livros, os sites de vendas de livros, o Facebook e o Twitter. Os resultados encontrados serão apresentados por intermédio de uma análise que deverá tencionar os entrelaçamentos entre os constructos teóricos e a pesquisa empírica.
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Sociální síť Facebook jako efektivní nástroj firemní komunikace / Social Network Facebook as an Effective Tool for Business CommunicationSénášiová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on corporate communication through social network Facebook. It deals with the promotion and success of advertising communication on fan pages. The output is recommendations that may significantly contribute to the added value of the company not only in the meaning of increased sales, bud also to increase brand awareness.
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Návrh komunikačního mixu ve vybrané společnosti / Proposal of Communication Mix in Selected CompanyMatyšková, Dana January 2019 (has links)
Topic of diploma thesis is communication mix of Arkon Flow Systems, s.r.o. company. It focuses on specific communication mix of a product and it compares theoretical basis with real conditions. Diploma thesis also contains communication mix improvement suggestions for the distributors, customers and end users. Benefit of this study would be production, sales and profit growth in the field of measuring and regulation instruments. Diploma thesis focuses on international markets in Latin America, especially in Peru.
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