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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of Stream Bank Restoration to Improve Water Quality in a Semi-Arid Stream

Neenan, Johnathan 01 December 2019 (has links)
Human watershed activities such as converting land cover to agriculture and livestock grazing have negatively impacted stream water quality worldwide. One such case is Utah’s Upper Sevier River where a loss of woody bank vegetation (reduced shading) and accelerated bank erosion (increased fine sediment inputs) has led to increased stream temperature and water turbidity. As a result, the state of Utah sought to improve water quality conditions using streambank restoration. While commonly recommended and performed, the effectiveness of this sort of restoration has rarely been quantified. Here, I evaluated a restored reach of the Upper Sevier River near Hatch, UT using continuous monitoring data and a historical photo analysis. As Utah wishes to continue performing this type of restoration in additional locations on the Upper Sevier River, I applied a simple sediment budget model to test its value in informing future streambank restoration decisions. Continuous monitoring data at the upstream and downstream extent of restoration showed that both stream temperature and turbidity increased downstream along the restored reach. In addition, I found that stream temperature violated Utah’s cold-water stream threshold at both sites but did not violate thresholds for rainbow trout. Turbidity violated state and biological thresholds at both sites. I was unable to conclude whether the streambank restoration directly altered water quality because I lacked monitoring data before restoration occurred. Results of the historical aerial photo analysis showed that restoration practitioners were successful in reducing cut bank erosion. My use of SIAM as a simple sediment budget model proved insufficient due to poor data quality and quantity. Overall, streambank restoration was successful at reducing cut bank erosion, and I recommended monitoring future restoration before and after project completion, identifying and monitoring upstream sources of fine sediment, and pursuing more comprehensive sediment models to inform future streambank restoration.


Fernandes, Luiz Marchiotti 23 September 2008 (has links)
This work approaches the organization of aerial images by remote sensor, maps, photos, topographical letters, in the System SIE, module library, of the System of Libraries used in the Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. Some steps for the inclusion of bibliographical registers are presented and registering item, which those compose the search system, by Internet from the university site. The choice for using a free software as a result from analysis of the four great available programs in the market such as Aleph, Pergamum, Gnuteca and SIE. Those systems available, the SIE, the module library was considered the most appropriate for the purpose in question. The application of the test pilot, carried out through in the Sector Library of the Center of Agricultural Sciences component of the System of Libraries of this related institution. It was confirmed the relevancy for this choice because the results were positive and meaningful. In this way, the System SIE becomes of great value for the information managers. It corresponds to be a useful tool for the dissemination of the information. It is a major importance for all the users in potential of this and other institutions of education. / Este trabalho aborda a organização de imagens de sensoriamento remoto, mapas, fotos aéreas, cartas topográficas, no Sistema SIE, módulo biblioteca, do Sistema de Bibliotecas utilizado na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria UFSM. São apresentados os passos para a inclusão de registros bibliográficos e itens de um registro, que compõem o sistema de busca, via Internet, do site da própria universidade. A escolha por se trabalhar com software livre resultou da análise dos quatro grandes programas disponíveis no mercado: Aleph, Pergamum, Gnuteca e SIE. Desses sistemas, o SIE, módulo biblioteca foi considerado o mais apropriado para a finalidade em questão. A aplicação do teste piloto, realizado na Biblioteca Setorial do Centro de Ciências Rurais componente do Sistema de Bibliotecas da referida instituição, confirmou a pertinência dessa escolha, uma vez que os resultados obtidos por meio dele foram positivos. Desse modo, o Sistema SIE faz-se de grande valor para os gestores da informação, haja vista que corresponde a uma ferramenta útil para a disseminação da informação, sendo de fundamental importância para todos os usuários em potencial desta e de outras instituições de ensino.

Utveckling av biotopdatabas och tillämpning av landskapsekologisk analys i Huddinge kommun

Bovin, Mattias January 2014 (has links)
På grund av ökad urbanisering och exploatering av grönområden i stadsnära miljöer fragmenteras och reduceras arters habitat vilket bland annat ligger till grund för den globalt minskade biologiska mångfalden. För att stärka och förbättra arters möjlighet till spridning i landskapet, och därmed säkra en hög biologisk mångfald, efterfrågas insamling av data och utveckling av nya metoder för att identifiera ekologiska kärnområden och för att analysera habitatnätverk. Syftet med den här studien är därför att 1) kartera och sammanställa biotoper i en biotopdatabas utifrån tolkning av infraröda flygbilder med digital stereofotogrammetri, 2) undersöka olika metoder att samla in data med hjälp av laser- och höjddata, och 3) att tillämpa landskapsekologisk analys på underlag i biotopkarteringen. Resultatet validerar att tolkning av infraröda flygbilder med digital stereofotogrammetri är en utmärkt källa för att kartera biotoper som medför en tolkningsnoggrannhet på 86 %. Valideringen av kateringen genomfördes med fältkontroller som utvärderades i felmatriser. En metod har även undersökts baserat på tidigare studier för att uppskatta busk- och krontäckning med hjälp av laserdata, men eftersom det saknas validering av resultatet bör den användas som en indikator för att visuellt uppskatta busk- och krontäckning i dagsläget. Fortsättningsvis har ett topografiskt fuktighetsindex (TWI) tillämpats med hjälp av höjddata för att uppskatta fuktighet i vegetationstäckta områden. Eftersom det saknas validering och tröskelvärden för att avgöra hur TWI ska klassificera olika fuktighetsgradienter, bör verktyget endast användas som en indikator för att visuellt uppskatta fuktighet tillsammans med tolkning av infraröda flygbilder. Om metoderna valideras med fältmätningar kan de bidra med att förbättra kvaliteten och tidseffektivisera kartering av biotoper. Biotopkarteringen fungerar som ett bra underlag vid tillämpning av landskapsekologisk analys. Med hjälp av MatrixGreen var det möjligt att modellera potentiella habitatnätverk för två olika arter inom studieområdet. På grund av en del problem med modelleringen i MatrixGreen bör resultaten beaktas med ett kritiskt angreppssätt, men kan eventuellt användas som ett underlag för framtida artinventeringar. / Due to urbanisation and exploitation of green areas in cities during the last decades, the rate of habitat fragmentation has increased, resulting in a decline in the global biodiversity. In order to strengthen the possibilities of species migration, and to secure a high biodiversity, there is an increasing demand in the collection of data and in the exploration of methods to identify ecological core areas and to analyse habitat networks at a landscape level. Therefore, this study aims to 1) map and organise biotopes in a biotope database using interpretation of colour infrared aerial photos in digital stereophotogrammetry, 2) to explore different methods using laser and elevation data in order to improve the collection of ecologically important attributes, and 3) to apply landscape ecological analysis on the collected biotope data. The results validate interpretation of colour infrared aerial photos with digital stereophotogrammetry as a key source in mapping biotopes with an overall accuracy of 86 %. A method to estimate bush and crown cover has been explored based on previous studies using laser data. It has however not been validated in this study and should therefore be used as an indicator and as support for visual estimation of bush and crown coverage using CIR aerial photo interpretation. Furthermore, a topographic wetness index (TWI) was applied using elevation data in order to estimate moisture regimes in vegetated areas. It should also be used as an indicator due to lack of verification and limitations of arranging TWI values in relation to different moisture regimes. However, if these two methods are validated using field collected data for example, they hold significant potential in improving mapping accuracies and mapping rates of different biotopes. Collected biotope data are well suited in the application of landscape ecological analysis. Using MatrixGreen, it was possible to analyse potential habitat networks of two different species within the study area. Due to some problems in the least cost path modeling in MatrixGreen, the results should be carefully assessed, but could probably be used as a background material for future species inventories.

Klasifikace objektů v obraze podle textury / Texture-Based Object Recognition

Hutárek, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
Main subjects of this thesis are texture classification and texture-based object recognition. Various texture features are being explored, including several variants of local binary patterns (LBP). A novel modification of LBP (weighted spatial LBP) is proposed, with intention to improve on the spatial coverage of the traditional LBP. Rarely used color texture features are being discussed as well. Artificial neural networks and support vector machines are used to classify all the aforementioned features. Using these methods, framework for the texture classification and image segmentation is implemented. Comprehensive texture database is employed to test its performance under different conditions. In the end, the system is applied to solve a real-world problem - the segmentation of aerial photos.

Geografia de la brisa marina a Mallorca

Alomar Garau, Gabriel 12 July 2012 (has links)
El fenomen atmosf��ric de les brises marines adopta a l���illa de Mallorca caracter��stiques protot��piques, i la seva efectivitat permet una f��cil constataci�� com�� i la subseq��ent verificaci�� cient��fica. Operant simult��niament des de les diferents costes, les brises adquireixen un car��cter unitari i centr��pet que ocasiona converg��ncies d���aire a ��rees de l���interior, a on la precipitaci�� estival tendeix a focalitzar-se. L���espai agrari de Mallorca s���ha conformat hist��ricament amb el massiu desplegament territorial d���infrastructures de base cereal��stica, fonamentalment eres de batre. El principal factor de la seva localitzaci�� ��s la disponibilitat de vent, tot constituint unitats de significaci�� e��lica susceptibles d���interpretar-se en clau clim��tica. La seva georeferenciaci�� per fotointerpretaci�� de l���ortofotografia de l���any 1956 s���ha tradu��t en un mapa sint��tic d���eres, m��s una metodologia in��dita per a determinar indirectament les direccions del vent a cada empla��ament. El model ���anemogr��fic��� resultant s���ajusta amb relativa bondat amb les simulacions del sistema de brises precedents. / El fen��meno atmosf��rico de las brisas marinas adopta en la isla de Mallorca caracter��sticas protot��picas, y su efectividad permite una f��cil constataci��n com��n y la subsiguiente verificaci��n cient��fica. Operando simultaneamente desde las diferentes costas, las brisas adquieren un car��cter centr��peto que ocasiona convergencias de aire en ��reas del interior, donde la precipitaci��n estival tiende a focalizarse. El espacio agrario de Mallorca se ha conformado hist��ricamente con el masivo despliegue territorial de infraestructuras de base cereal��stica, fundamentalmente eras de trillar. El principal factor de su localizaci��n es la disponibilidad de viento, constituyendo unidades de significaci��n e��lica susceptibles de interpretarse en clave clim��tica. Su georeferenciaci��n por fotointerpretaci��n de la ortofotografia del a��o 1956 se traduce en un mapa sint��tico de eras, m��s una metodolog��a in��dita para determinar indirectamente las direcciones del viento en cada emplazamiento. El modelo ���anemogr��fico��� resultante se ajusta con relativa bondad con las simulaciones del sistema de brisas precedentes. / In Mallorca, sea breeze presents prototypical characteristics. It is so consistent that its effectiveness allows for easy common as well as scientifc verification. Daytime breezes operate simultaneously from different coasts, and penetrate inland. Its centripetal nature causes wind convergences in certain inland areas, where summer rainfall tend to focus. The agricultural area has historically made with massive territorial deployment of cereal production infrastructure, mainly threshing floors, the main factor of its location being the quantity of the wind resources available. These are small circular spaces that can be interpreted in relation to climate. A synthetic chart of threshing floors and a methodology designed to indirectly determine the dominant wind directions at each site have been developed, based on their geo-referencing by photo-interpretation of the ortho-photographs of 1956. The resulting ���anemographic��� model fits nicely with the main features of the sea breezes identifed by the theoretical-experimental and numerical simulations already tested.

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