Spelling suggestions: "subject:"allergens"" "subject:"1allergens""
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Reatividade clínica em pacientes com asma sensibilizados aos ácaros Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus e Blomia tropicalis / Clinical reactivity in patients with asthma sensitized to dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Blomia tropicalisCarla Bisaccioni 22 May 2013 (has links)
A asma é uma doença crônica inflamatória das vias aéreas, de importância mundial pela sua elevada prevalência, com considerável impacto na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Dentre os diferentes fenótipos de asma, a asma alérgica constitui a maioria dos casos. Dentre os diferentes desencadeantes de exacerbações na asma, os aeroalérgenos têm papel de destaque, sendo os ácaros o grupo mais importante e prevalente. Entre os ácaros, os mais relevantes para estudo são o Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) e a Blomia tropicalis (Blo t), com importância significativa nos países tropicais. Pacientes podem ser sensibilizados a esses dois ácaros ou a um deles somente, mas a positividade do teste in vivo ou in vitro não significa reatividade clínica e que haja concordância com o alérgeno relevante para o desencadeamento dos sintomas. A reatividade cruzada entre esses dois ácaros vem sendo estudada. In vivo, há poucos trabalhos demonstrando a reatividade cruzada entre Der p e Blo t e analisando a correlação entre os testes cutâneos e os de provocação brônquica. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a reatividade clínica em pacientes com asma sensibilizados a ambos os ácaros, Der p e Blo t. Para isso, pacientes com asma do Ambulatório do Serviço de Imunologia Clínica e Alergia do HC-FMUSP foram selecionados. Broncoprovocações específicas foram realizadas com os dois ácaros, em diferentes momentos. Dezoito pacientes com asma foram selecionados, e trinta e seis provocações foram realizadas. Todas as provocações com o ácaro Der p foram positivas. Em relação à Blo t, o resultado foi positivo em 93% dos testes. No presente estudo, houve concordância na maioria dos casos entre a presença de sensibilização aos ácaros estudados e a positividade na boncoprovocação. Portanto, as sensibilizações aos ácaros identificados no teste cutâneo são relevantes para o desencadeamento dos sintomas de asma nesses pacientes / Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways of global importance due to its high prevalence, with considerable impact on quality of life of patients. Among the different phenotypes of asthma, allergic asthma constitutes the majority of cases. Among the different triggers of asthma exacerbations, aeroallergens have the leading role, being mites group more important and prevalent. Among the mites, the most relevant to the study are Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) and Blomia tropicalis (Blo t), with significant importance in tropical countries. Patients can be sensitive to these two mites or only one of them, but the positivity of test in vivo or in vitro clinical reactivity and does not mean that there is agreement with the relevant allergen for the triggering of symptoms. The cross-reactivity between these two mites has been studied. In vivo, there are few studies demonstrating the cross-reactivity between Der p and Blo t analyzing the correlation between skin tests and bronchial provocation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical reactivity in patients with asthma sensitized to both house dust mites, Der p and Blo t. For this reason, patients with asthma, Ambulatory Service of Clinical Immunology and Allergy HCFMUSP were selected. Specific bronchial provocation tests were performed with both mites at different times. Eighteen patients with asthma were selected, and thirty-six provocations were performed. All provocations with the mite Der p were positive. Regarding Blo t, the result was positive in 93% of tests. In the present study, there was agreement in most cases between the presence of sensitization to mites and positivity in bronchial provocation test. Therefore, sensitization to mites in skin test identified is relevant to the triggering of asthma symptoms in these patients
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Exposition cumulée aux contaminants de l'air intérieur susceptibles d'induire des affections respiratoires chroniques de l'enfant / Cumulative exposure to indoor air contaminants known or suspected to induce chronic respiratory affections in childrenDallongeville, Arnaud 03 July 2015 (has links)
Depuis quatre décennies, la prévalence des affections respiratoires chroniques de l'enfant a considérablement augmenté dans les pays développés. Les conditions de survenue de ces affections sont complexes, mais de nombreux travaux suggèrent la contribution importante de l'exposition par inhalation aux polluants de l'air intérieur. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse vise à évaluer l’exposition cumulée à une gamme de polluants chimiques et biologiques de l’air intérieur dans un échantillon donné de logements. Il a également pour objectif de créer une typologie des logements en fonction de leur multi-contamination, et vise à construire des modèles explicatifs des concentrations des polluants en fonction des caractéristiques de l’habitat et des habitudes de vie des occupants.Une enquête environnementale a été menée dans 150 logements issus de la cohorte Pélagie, suivie en Bretagne depuis 2002. Des prélèvements ont permis de mesurer la concentration de 8 aldéhydes, 4 THM, 22 autres COV, 9 COSV et 4 genres de moisissures dans l’air de ces logements. Celles-ci, ainsi que 4 allergènes ont également été dosés dans des échantillons de poussières. Les paramètres d’ambiance (température, humidité relative et dioxyde de carbone) ont été mesurés. Un questionnaire renseigné par les familles a permis de collecter des informations sur les logements et leurs occupants : structure et historique du bâtiment, revêtements, ménage, chauffage, aération, utilisation de certains produits ou réalisation d’activités particulières. Ces données ont été analysées par des approches statistiques multivariées, et des modèles de régression linéaire et logistique ont été mis en oeuvre pour relier les concentrations des contaminants aux caractéristiques des logements. Ces mesures ont mis en évidence une contamination importante et systématique des logements par une grande part des contaminants chimiques et biologiques, à des niveaux parfois élevés au regard d’études comparables et des valeurs guides lorsqu’elles existent. Des analyses en composantes principales ont permis de mettre en évidence des sous-groupes de composés qui ont pu être interprétés en termes de sources, et de sélectionner un certain nombre de composés traceurs représentatifs de chaque sous-groupe. Une analyse factorielle multiple a permis de répartir les logements en 7 classes, chacune présentant un profil de multi-contamination particulier. Enfin, les modèles de régression linéaire et logistique construits pour les composés traceurs permettent d’expliquer entre 5 et 60% de la variabilité des concentrations, et mettent en évidence la multiplicité des sources, l’importance de la description précise des environnements intérieurs, et l’impact des paramètres d’ambiance sur ces concentrations. Ce travail décrit donc une contribution importante à l’évaluation des expositions aux contaminants de l’air intérieur et fournit un certain nombre d’éléments quant à la prédiction des expositions dans les environnements intérieurs. / For the last four decades, the prevalence of chronic respiratory affections in children has increased dramatically in developed countries. Occurring conditions of these affections are complex, but many studies suggest the important contribution of inhalation exposure to indoor air pollutants. In this context, this thesis aims to assess the cumulative exposure to a range of chemical and biological pollutants in indoor air in a given sample of dwellings. It also aims to create a typology of these dwellings based on their multi-contamination, and to build explanatory models for concentrations of pollutants based on characteristics of the dwellings and lifestyle of the occupants. An environmental survey was conducted in 150 dwellings from the Pelagie cohort, followed in Brittany since 2002. We measured the concentration of 8 aldehydes, 4 THMs, 22 other VOCs, 9 SVOCs and 4 mold genera in the air of these dwellings. Molds as well as four allergens were also measured in dust samples. Ambient parameters (temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide) were also measured. A questionnaire completed by families allowed collecting information on dwellings and their occupants: structure and history of the building, wall and floor coatings, cleaning, heating and ventilation habits, use of certain products or performing specific activities. These data were analyzed by multivariate statistical approaches, and linear and logistic regression models were used to link the concentrations of the contaminants with the housing characteristics. These measures showed an important and systematic contamination of the dwellings by a large amount of both chemical and biological contaminants, sometimes at relatively high levels regarding comparable studies and guideline values when they exist. Principal components analysis allowed to identify subgroups of compounds that could be interpreted in terms of sources, and to select representative compounds of each subgroup. A multiple factor analysis was used to classify the dwellings into 7 categories, each with a special multi-contamination profile. Finally, linear and logistic regression models built for the representative compounds explained between 5 and 60% of the variability of the concentrations, and highlighted the multiplicity of sources, the importance of a precise description of indoor environments, and the impact of the ambient parameters on these concentrations. This work thus describes an important contribution to the exposure assessment to indoor air contaminants and provides elements for prediction of exposures in indoor environments.
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