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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Minimize Exponence: Economy Effects on a Model of the Morphosyntactic Component of the Grammar

Siddiqi, Daniel A. January 2006 (has links)
Working within the morphosyntactic framework of Distributed Morphology (DM, Halle and Marantz 1993, 1994) within the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1995), this dissertation proposes a new economy constraint on the grammar, MINIMIZE EXPONENCE, which selects the derivation that realizes all its interpretable features with the fewest morphemes. The purpose of this proposal is to capture the conflicting needs of the grammar to be both maximally contrastive and maximally efficient.I show that the constraint MINIMIZE EXPONENCE has a number of effects on analyses of morphosyntactic phenomena. I propose that, in order to satisfy MINIMIZE EXPONENCE, the roots in a derivation fuse with the functional heads projected above them, resulting in a simplex head that contains both a root and interpretable features. Following the tenets of DM, this head is now a target for the process of Vocabulary insertion. Since the target node contains both content and functional information, so too can Vocabulary Items (VIs) be specified for both types of information. This allows VIs such as eat and ate to compete with each other. This competition of forms linked to the same root allows for a new model of root allomorphy within the framework of DM. In this model of root allomorphy, following proposals by Pfau (2000), VIs that realize roots participate in competition in the same was as do VIs that realize abstract morphemes. Since root VIs are participating in competition and are specified for both content and formal features, the need for licensing through secondary exponence as proposed by Harley and Noyer (2000) is removed from the framework. Further, since eat and ate in this model are different VIs with different specifications that compete with each other for insertion, this model of root allomorphy also eliminates the need for readjustment rules as proposed by Halle and Marantz (1993, 1994) and elaborated on by Marantz (1997). This new model of root allomorphy allows for an account of the blocking of regular inflection in English nominal compounds (e.g. *rats-catcher), which was problematic for theorists working with DM, given the tenets of the framework.I also show that the fusion of roots and functional elements driven by MINIMIZE EXPONENCE allows for a new account of subcategorization. The model of subcategorization presented here falls out of the following facts: 1) arguments are introduced by functional heads; 2) those heads fuse with the root they are projected above, resulting in the node containing both the root and the features of the functional heads; 3) since the root now contains both the root and the formal features, the corresponding VI can be specified for both; 4) VIs that realize roots can also be specified for compatibility or incompatibility of the features of the functional heads that license argument structure. The result here is an underspecification model of subcategorization that predicts a number of behaviors of verbs with respect to their argument structure that it is difficult for a full specification model to account for. Those include polysemy (I ran the ball to Mary) and structural coercion (I thought the book to Mary).

Phonology limited

Green, Antony D. January 2007 (has links)
Phonology Limited is a study of the areas of phonology where the application of optimality theory (OT) has previously been problematic. Evidence from a wide variety of phenomena in a wide variety of languages is presented to show that interactions involving more than just faithfulness and markedness are best analyzed as involving language-specific morphological constraints rather than universal phonological constraints. OT has proved to be a highly insightful and successful theory of linguistics in general and phonology in particular, focusing as it does on surface forms and treating the relationship between inputs and outputs as a form of conflict resolution. Yet there have also been a number of serious problems with the approach that have led some detractors to argue that OT has failed as a theory of generative grammar. The most serious of these problems is opacity, defined as a state of affairs where the grammatical output of a given input appears to violate more constraints than an ungrammatical competitor. It is argued that these problems disappear once language-specific morphological constraints are allowed to play a significant role in analysis. Specifically, a number of processes of Tiberian Hebrew traditionally considered opaque are reexamined and shown to be straightforwardly transparent, but crucially involving morphological constraints on form, such as a constraint requiring certain morphological forms to end with a syllabic trochee, or a constraint requiring paradigm uniformity with regard to the occurrence of fricative allophones of stop phonemes. Language-specific morphological constraints are also shown to play a role in allomorphy, where a lexeme is associated with more than one input; the constraint hierarchy then decides which input is grammatical in which context. For example, [ɨ]/[ə] and [u]/[ə] alternation found in some lexemes but not in others in Welsh is attributed to the presence of two inputs for the lexemes with the alternation. A novel analysis of the initial consonant mutations of the modern Celtic languages argues that mutated forms are separately listed inputs chosen in appropriate contexts by constraints on morphology and syntax, rather than being outputs that are phonologically unfaithful to their unmutated inputs. Finally, static irregularities and lexical exceptions are examined and shown to be attributable to language-specific morphological constraints. In American English, the distribution of tense and lax vowels is predictable in several contexts; however, in some contexts, the distributions of tense [ɔ] vs. lax [a] and of tense [æ] vs. lax [æ] are not as expected. It is shown that clusters of output-output faithfulness constraints create a pattern to which words are attracted, which however violates general phonological considerations. New words that enter the language first obey the general phonological considerations before being attracted into the language-specific exceptional pattern.

Morphological variation and change in the Rigveda: The Case of -au vs. -ā:

Dawson, Hope C. 19 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Uma abordagem localista para morfologia e estrutura argumental dos verbos complexos (parassintéticos) do português brasileiro / A localist approch to morphology and argument structure of complex verbs (parasynthetic) of Brazilian Portuguese

Indaiá de Santana Bassani 06 December 2013 (has links)
O objeto empírico desta tese é um subgrupo de verbos complexos do português brasileiro. Os dados estudados são formações sincronicamente transparentes e composicionais com prefixos a-, eN- e eS- e sufixos -ec-, -iz-, -e- e -ej-, incluindo os chamados verbos parassintéticos, e formações originalmente complexas, porém duvidosas quanto à complexidade atualmente. O corpus contém 380 verbos selecionados a partir de dicionário e organizados por critérios de frequência. O objetivo geral descritivo enfoca questões relativas às propriedades e ao comportamento dos afixos, das raízes e das vogais temáticas. A discussão é organizada em torno dos níveis de estrutura morfológica, morfofonológica, argumental e eventual. O objetivo geral teórico do trabalho consiste em discutir as propostas da Semântica Lexical, da Sintaxe Lexical e da Morfologia Distribuída. Como resultados, o estudo oferece uma primeira classificação em verbos parcialmente transparentes e totalmente transparentes. Aqueles são analisados como fruto de um processo de reanálise histórica comparado ao desaparecimento de preverbos. O estudo mostra que existe um continuum entre formações completamente fossilizadas, reanalisadas como simples, em processo de mudança e completamente transparentes e composicionais. Uma segunda classificação se refere a formações com significado composicional e não-composicional. Os dados não-composicionais são estruturalmente analisados através de uma releitura da restrição de localidade na interpretação das raízes e do uso da noção de polissemia das raízes. Os verbos totalmente transparentes e composicionais são descritivamente classificados em verbos de mudança de estado, de lugar (location), de posse concreta (locatum), de posse abstrata, de reconfiguração e verbos de modificação de v. A característica mais robusta dessa subclasse é a obrigatoriedade de um argumento interno interpretado como objeto afetado (tema ou experienciador, em menor escala) da mudança expressa pelo evento. A investigação aponta que esses prefixos podem ser a realização fonológica de um núcleo misto de natureza lexical e funcional que é responsável por introduzir o argumento interno na estrutura e relacioná-lo à semântica da raiz. Tal núcleo possui minimamente o traço [+r] (relacional) e, em poucos casos, apresenta especificação direcional [+dir]. Com isso, a ideia de que esses prefixos são morfemas direcionais é desmistificada, pois essa informação interna ao verbo complexo é residual e decadente. Em geral, os prefixos se comportam como alomorfes e não há fortes evidências de associação exclusiva de um prefixo a uma determinada estrutura argumental ou classe semântica. Os sufixos são analisados como realizações de núcleos funcionais de tipo v[+voice], v[-voice] e v[+voice, -télico] e também se observa que a ocorrência sufixal em tipos de eventos não se dá de modo tão sistemático como afirma a literatura prévia. A teoria de alomorfia prospota em Embick (2010), baseada em localidade e linearidade, se mostra efetiva para analisar a escolha dos alomorfes dos vi núcleos R (relacionador), v e Th (Vogal temática). O tipo semântico da raiz influencia o tipo de verbo formado, mas pode ser manipulado a fim de sofrer coerção por um processo metonímico ou estrutural. A principal conclusão a partir dos resultados obtidos é que a morfologia verbal do português brasileiro pode revelar tendências em relação à estrutura argumental e a estrutura de eventos, mas não reflete correlações suficientemente regulares ou consistentes. / The empirical object of this dissertation is a subgroup of complex verbs of Brazilian Portuguese. The dataset is composed by synchronically and compositional formations containing the prefixes a-, eN- e eS- and the suffixes -ec-, -iz-, -e- e -ej- and originally complex formations which are dubious in relation to its synchronic complexity. The corpus contains 380 verbs selected from a dictionary and organized by frequency criteria. The general descriptive goal encompasses topics on properties and behavior of affixes, roots and theme vowels and the discussion is guided by the levels of morphological, morphophonological, argument and event structure. The general theoretical goal of this dissertation is to discuss Lexical Semantics, Lexical Syntax and Distributed Morphology proposals. As empirical results, the study offers a primary classification in terms of partially and totally transparent verbs. Partially transparent verbs are treated as resulting from a historical reanalysis process compared to the well known process of disappearance of preverbs. It is assumed that there is a continuum from forms which are: 1) completely fossilized; 2) reanalyzed as simple; 3) forms in process of change; 4) completely compositional and transparent. A secondary classification refers to compositional and noncompositional formations. Non-compositional data are structurally analyzed by means of a new reading on the literature on locality restriction on the interpretation of roots and the use of the notion of root polysemy. Completely compositional and transparent verbs are empirically classified into change of state, change of location, change of abstract and concrete possession, reconfiguration and verbs of modification of v. The strongest characteristic of this subclass is the obligatory presence of an internal argument interpreted as an affected object (theme or experiencer, to a less extent) of the change denoted by the event. The investigation points out that the prefix may be considered as the phonological realization of a head with a mixed lexical functional nature, which is responsible for introducing the internal argument in the structure and relating it to the root semantics. This head has at least the feature [+r] and, in a few cases, it may present directional information [+dir]. Considering this, the assumption that these prefixes are directional morphemes is debunked since this kind of information within a complex verb is residual and decayed. In general, prefixes behave as allomorphs and there are not strong evidences of an exclusive association of a prefix and a certain kind of argument structure or semantic class. The suffixes are analyzed as realizations of three functional heads: v[+voice], v[-voice] and v[+voice, -telic] and it is observed that suffix occurrence in event type is not systematic as previous literature claims. The theory of allomorphy proposed in Embick (2010), which is based on locality and linearity, was efficient in accounting for selection of allomorphs of R, v and Th heads. Finally, semantic type shows influence on verb type but this information can be viii manipulated in order to derive structural or metonymical coercion. The main conclusion to be drawn from the results is the fact that Brazilian Portuguese verbal morphology may reveal certain tendencies in argument and event structure, but it does not reflect sufficiently regular or consistent correlations.

Uma abordagem localista para morfologia e estrutura argumental dos verbos complexos (parassintéticos) do português brasileiro / A localist approch to morphology and argument structure of complex verbs (parasynthetic) of Brazilian Portuguese

Bassani, Indaiá de Santana 06 December 2013 (has links)
O objeto empírico desta tese é um subgrupo de verbos complexos do português brasileiro. Os dados estudados são formações sincronicamente transparentes e composicionais com prefixos a-, eN- e eS- e sufixos -ec-, -iz-, -e- e -ej-, incluindo os chamados verbos parassintéticos, e formações originalmente complexas, porém duvidosas quanto à complexidade atualmente. O corpus contém 380 verbos selecionados a partir de dicionário e organizados por critérios de frequência. O objetivo geral descritivo enfoca questões relativas às propriedades e ao comportamento dos afixos, das raízes e das vogais temáticas. A discussão é organizada em torno dos níveis de estrutura morfológica, morfofonológica, argumental e eventual. O objetivo geral teórico do trabalho consiste em discutir as propostas da Semântica Lexical, da Sintaxe Lexical e da Morfologia Distribuída. Como resultados, o estudo oferece uma primeira classificação em verbos parcialmente transparentes e totalmente transparentes. Aqueles são analisados como fruto de um processo de reanálise histórica comparado ao desaparecimento de preverbos. O estudo mostra que existe um continuum entre formações completamente fossilizadas, reanalisadas como simples, em processo de mudança e completamente transparentes e composicionais. Uma segunda classificação se refere a formações com significado composicional e não-composicional. Os dados não-composicionais são estruturalmente analisados através de uma releitura da restrição de localidade na interpretação das raízes e do uso da noção de polissemia das raízes. Os verbos totalmente transparentes e composicionais são descritivamente classificados em verbos de mudança de estado, de lugar (location), de posse concreta (locatum), de posse abstrata, de reconfiguração e verbos de modificação de v. A característica mais robusta dessa subclasse é a obrigatoriedade de um argumento interno interpretado como objeto afetado (tema ou experienciador, em menor escala) da mudança expressa pelo evento. A investigação aponta que esses prefixos podem ser a realização fonológica de um núcleo misto de natureza lexical e funcional que é responsável por introduzir o argumento interno na estrutura e relacioná-lo à semântica da raiz. Tal núcleo possui minimamente o traço [+r] (relacional) e, em poucos casos, apresenta especificação direcional [+dir]. Com isso, a ideia de que esses prefixos são morfemas direcionais é desmistificada, pois essa informação interna ao verbo complexo é residual e decadente. Em geral, os prefixos se comportam como alomorfes e não há fortes evidências de associação exclusiva de um prefixo a uma determinada estrutura argumental ou classe semântica. Os sufixos são analisados como realizações de núcleos funcionais de tipo v[+voice], v[-voice] e v[+voice, -télico] e também se observa que a ocorrência sufixal em tipos de eventos não se dá de modo tão sistemático como afirma a literatura prévia. A teoria de alomorfia prospota em Embick (2010), baseada em localidade e linearidade, se mostra efetiva para analisar a escolha dos alomorfes dos vi núcleos R (relacionador), v e Th (Vogal temática). O tipo semântico da raiz influencia o tipo de verbo formado, mas pode ser manipulado a fim de sofrer coerção por um processo metonímico ou estrutural. A principal conclusão a partir dos resultados obtidos é que a morfologia verbal do português brasileiro pode revelar tendências em relação à estrutura argumental e a estrutura de eventos, mas não reflete correlações suficientemente regulares ou consistentes. / The empirical object of this dissertation is a subgroup of complex verbs of Brazilian Portuguese. The dataset is composed by synchronically and compositional formations containing the prefixes a-, eN- e eS- and the suffixes -ec-, -iz-, -e- e -ej- and originally complex formations which are dubious in relation to its synchronic complexity. The corpus contains 380 verbs selected from a dictionary and organized by frequency criteria. The general descriptive goal encompasses topics on properties and behavior of affixes, roots and theme vowels and the discussion is guided by the levels of morphological, morphophonological, argument and event structure. The general theoretical goal of this dissertation is to discuss Lexical Semantics, Lexical Syntax and Distributed Morphology proposals. As empirical results, the study offers a primary classification in terms of partially and totally transparent verbs. Partially transparent verbs are treated as resulting from a historical reanalysis process compared to the well known process of disappearance of preverbs. It is assumed that there is a continuum from forms which are: 1) completely fossilized; 2) reanalyzed as simple; 3) forms in process of change; 4) completely compositional and transparent. A secondary classification refers to compositional and noncompositional formations. Non-compositional data are structurally analyzed by means of a new reading on the literature on locality restriction on the interpretation of roots and the use of the notion of root polysemy. Completely compositional and transparent verbs are empirically classified into change of state, change of location, change of abstract and concrete possession, reconfiguration and verbs of modification of v. The strongest characteristic of this subclass is the obligatory presence of an internal argument interpreted as an affected object (theme or experiencer, to a less extent) of the change denoted by the event. The investigation points out that the prefix may be considered as the phonological realization of a head with a mixed lexical functional nature, which is responsible for introducing the internal argument in the structure and relating it to the root semantics. This head has at least the feature [+r] and, in a few cases, it may present directional information [+dir]. Considering this, the assumption that these prefixes are directional morphemes is debunked since this kind of information within a complex verb is residual and decayed. In general, prefixes behave as allomorphs and there are not strong evidences of an exclusive association of a prefix and a certain kind of argument structure or semantic class. The suffixes are analyzed as realizations of three functional heads: v[+voice], v[-voice] and v[+voice, -telic] and it is observed that suffix occurrence in event type is not systematic as previous literature claims. The theory of allomorphy proposed in Embick (2010), which is based on locality and linearity, was efficient in accounting for selection of allomorphs of R, v and Th heads. Finally, semantic type shows influence on verb type but this information can be viii manipulated in order to derive structural or metonymical coercion. The main conclusion to be drawn from the results is the fact that Brazilian Portuguese verbal morphology may reveal certain tendencies in argument and event structure, but it does not reflect sufficiently regular or consistent correlations.

Υπολογιστική επεξεργασία της αλλομορφίας στην παραγωγή λέξεων της ελληνικής

Καρασίμος, Αθανάσιος 29 August 2011 (has links)
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή παρουσιάζει ένα συστηματικό και συγκεκριμένο τρόπο προσέγγισης και ανάλυσης της αλλομορφίας σε θεωρητικό, ενώ παράλληλα αποδεικνύει επιτυχώς τη δυνατότητα επεξεργασίας του φαινομένου σε υπολογιστικό επίπεδο στα Ελληνικά. Προηγούμενες έρευνες δεν ασχολήθηκαν με την αλλομορφία στο σύστημα παραγωγής των Ελληνικών, ενώ οι γενικότερες προσπάθειες μηχανικής μάθησης και ανάλυσης της αλλομορφίας ήταν εξαιρετικά περιορισμένες και μερικώς επιτυχημένες στη μορφολογική ανάλυση. Αντίθετα, η παρούσα εργασία ορίζει το φαινόμενο της αλλομορφίας με αυστηρά μορφολογικά κριτήρια, καθορίζει τα περιβάλλοντα εμφάνισης και παρουσιάζει με παραδείγματα τη συστηματική συμμετοχή σε όλες τις διαδικασίες σχηματισμού λέξεων. Πιο συγκεκριμένα παρουσίασε συγκριτικά τις αλλομορφικές συμπεριφορές θεμάτων και προσφυμάτων, περιορισμούς που διέπουν την επιλογή αλλομόρφου και την πεποίθηση της προβλεψιμότητας και κανονικότητας του φαινομένου. Εξετάζοντας την αλλομορφία υπολογιστικά επισημαίνουμε την έλλειψη καθορισμένης στρατηγικής για την αντιμετώπισή της, καθώς και την επιλεκτική επεξεργασία των αλλομόρφων. Μετά την επιλογή των στρατηγικών της μηχανικής μάθησης, η αλλομορφία των παραγώγων δοκιμάστηκε αρχικά στο LINGUISTICA, το gold standard υλοποιημένο μοντέλο ΜεΜΜ, όπου ο συγκεκριμένος αλγόριθμος απέτυχε όχι μόνο να αναλύσει σωστά τις παράγωγες λέξεις, αλλά και να εντοπίσει αλλόμορφα. Επιπλέον, δοκιμάζουμε ένα επιβλεπόμενο μοντέλο Μέγιστης Εντροπίας, το AMIS, για την πρόβλεψη της αλλομορφίας των ονοματικών αλλομόρφων σε επίπεδο θεμάτων και επιθημάτων. Ο ΑλλοMantIS καταφέρνει να επιτύχει μία state-of-the-art επίδοση και θέτει τις αρχικές βάσεις για την υπολογιστική πρόβλεψη των αλλομορφικών αλλαγών. Για την τελική υπολογιστική προσέγγιση της αλλομορφίας προτείνουμε ένα συνδυαστικό μοντέλο, το οποίο θα συνδυάζει διαφορετικές στρατηγικές, αυτής της χρήσης των αλλο-κανόνων σε συνεργασία με το μοντέλο χαρακτηριστικών για την πρόβλεψη της αλλομορφίας. Θεωρούμε ότι η παρούσα διατριβή καλύπτει και παρουσιάζει με συστηματικότητα την υπολογιστική αντιμετώπιση της αλλομορφίας στην παραγωγή της ΚΝΕ κρίνοντας με βάση τα αποτελέσματα των πειραμάτων. / This thesis presents a systematic approach and analysis of allomorphy, while successfully demonstrates the possibility of treating the phenomenon in computational level in Greek. Previous research did not deal with allomorphy at the derivation process of Greek, while the overall efforts of morphology learning and analysis of allomorphy was extremely limited and partially successful in morphological analysis. In contrast, our work analyses the phenomenon of allomorphy with strict morphological criteria, defines the morphological environments of allomorph participants and presents examples of systematic participation in all word formation processes. More specifically, there are presented the allomorphic behavior of stems and derivational suffixes, restrictions governing the allomorphs selection and proofs of predictability and regularity of the phenomenon. We highlight the lack of defined computational strategy for dealing with allomorphy and the selective treatment of allomorphs. We test the allomorphy of derived words initially with LINGUISTICA, the gold-standard UML model. This model’s algorithm not only fails to analyze properly the derived words, but also to identify allomorphy. In addition, we test a supervised maximum entropy model (AMIS), which help us to predict the nominal allomorphy of stems and derivational suffixes. We build AlloMantIS, which manages to achieve a state-of-the-art performance and establish a solid ground for the computational prediction of allomorphic changes. Finally we propose a combination computational model for allomorphy, which combines different strategies that use allomorphic rules in cooperation with a model of characteristics for predicting allomorphy. We believe that this thesis is covered and presented a systematic theoretical and computational treatment of allomorphy in Modern Greek derivation based on the results of experiments.

Typologie contrastive des pronoms personnels en hongrois et en mordve erzya / Contrastivity typology of personal pronouns in Hungarian and Erzya Mordvin language

Hevér-Joly, Krisztina 29 January 2015 (has links)
La présente thèse constitue une étude typologique contrastive des allomorphies pronominales dans deux langues finno-ougriennes : en hongrois et en mordve erzya. On entend ici par typologie contrastive une approche typologique fondée sur la mise en contraste des structures de deux ou plusieurs langues, y compris des langues de la même famille linguistique, afin d’explorer des propriétés à la fois spécifiques et universelles. De ce point de vue, le hongrois et le mordve s’avèrent particulièrement pertinents en termes de structuration des systèmes de marques pronominales, en raison de propriétés morphologiques caractéristiques de l’ouralien central et oriental, tels que l’existence d’une double conjugaison (subjective et objective, voire « objective définie », en mordve), qui induit des séries allomorphiques complexes, tout en suivant des principes réducteurs universels (syncrétisme, sous-spécification et surspécification de certaines marques ou conditions de marquage morphonologique). Cette thèse comprend neuf chapitres, distribués sur trois volets. Le premier volet décrit les structures et les étapes de la modélisation des systèmes pronominaux dans les deux langues. Dans le premier chapitre, nous présentons des généralités historiques et structurales du hongrois et du mordve erzya, ainsi que la place que ces langues occupent parmi les langues finno-ougriennes, du point de vue de la classification et de la typologie. Une série de particularités importantes pour la compréhension des deux systèmes, en termes d’organisation structurale, concerne les propriétés allomorphiques des unités fonctionnelles et relationnelles de type pronominal, telles que l’harmonie vocalique, les suffixes casuels, le système verbal, et l’ordre des mots. Le deuxième chapitre concerne le lien entre les pronoms personnels et des catégories grammaticales fondamentales telles qu’animacité, nombre, personne, définitude, et aboutit à la conclusion que c’est le pronom personnel qui est particulièrement marqué par ces catégories grammaticales – les mêmes qui peuvent avoir, dans les langues du monde, une incidence sur la construction ou l’organisation des systèmes de classes flexionnelles. Le troisième chapitre présente une approche historiographique du hongrois et du mordve erzya; le quatrième chapitre propose une réanalyse de la flexion pronominale erzya, en suivant les mêmes principes que ceux jadis préconisés par András Kornai dans son analyse du système de la flexion nominale du hongrois (Kornai 1994), dans la mesure où ce modèle morphologique traite l’affixation comme une opération sur des traits combinés. Le deuxième volet de cette recherche développe des études de cas exploratoires dans une perspective de TAL : un corpus d’erzya littéraire et un corpus d’erzya biblique sont analysés contrastivement en suivant les démarches et le paramétrage requis par le logiciel Trameur. Le troisième volet sort de l’analyse des registres stylistiques au sein d’une langue donnée pour revenir à une typologie contrastive structurale hongrois-mordve. Dans le dernier chapitre, nous proposons une synthèse de ces deux aspects de la typologie contrastive : contrastes de registres intralangue, contraste de structures interlangues, en fonction d’un ensemble de paramètres partagés. La synergie entre la méthode lexicométrique et la typologie générale constitue l’un des principaux apports heuristiques de cette thèse, dont le but est de développer une typologie des langues finno-ougriennes qui tienne davantage compte de la contrastivité des structures et de leur relativisme que des grands traits catégoriels interlangues, davantage sujets aux biais empiriques et méthodologiques que peuvent recéler les grands corpus. / This dissertation provides a contrastive and typological study of pronoun allomorphy in two Finno-Ugric languages: Hungarian and Erzya Mordvin. Contrastive typology is a typological approach aiming at contrasting the structures of two or more languages, including from the same language family, to explore specific and universal properties. From this standpoint, Hungarian and Mordvin are particularly relevant as to the structure of pronoun markers, due to some morphological characteristics of the central and eastern languages of the Uralic language family, such as double conjugation paradigms (subjective and objective, moreover the "objective definite inflectional paradigm" in Mordvin). This results in complex allomorphic patterns, while following universal principles (syncretism, sub-specification and over-specification of certain markers, or the conditions of morphonologic exponence). The first part describes the structures and modelling stages of the pronominal system in both languages. In the first chapter, we present historical and structural generalities about the Hungarian and Mordvin Erzya languages, and the place they occupy within the Finno-Ugric group, from the point of view of classification and typology. A series of important features to understand the two systems in terms of structural organization, concerns the allomorphic properties of functional and relational units of pronominal type such as vowel harmony, the casual suffixes, the verbal system, and word order. The second chapter deals with the relationship between personal pronouns and basic grammatical categories such as animacity, number, person, definiteness, and concludes that it is the personal pronoun that is most marked by these grammatical categories - the same that may affect, in the languages of the world, the construction or organisation of inflectional classes. The third chapter is a historiographical approach of Hungarian and Erzya to show the outline of the research on the evolutionary periods of both systems. The fourth chapter provides a reanalysis of pronominal inflection in Erzya, following the same principles as those previously recommended by András Kornai's analysis of the nominal inflection system of Hungarian (Kornai, 1994), as it deals with the morphological model considering affixation as an operation on the combined features. The second part of this research develops exploratory case studies from the perspective of NLP (French: TAL) a literary corpus and a biblical corpus of Erzya are analysed following the steps and the settings required by the Trameur software. The third part departs from the contrastive analysis of stylistic registers within a given language to return to a Hungarian-Mordvin contrastive structural typology. In the last chapter, we propose a synthesis of these two aspects of contrastive typology: contrasting registers of intralanguage, contrast-linguistic structures, based on a set of shared parameters. The synergy between the lexicometric method and the general typology is one of the main contributions of this thesis’s heuristics to develop a typology of Finno-Ugric languages that takes greater account of the contrastivity of structures and their relativism as major categorical traits of interlanguage, resulting more sensitive to empirical and methodological biases that may conceal a large corpus.

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