Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alternative new"" "subject:"allternative new""
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Det här är en svart dag för Sverige : En komparativ studie i nyhetsdiskurs mellan Dagens Nyheter och Fria Tider i deras rapportering om knivådet i Västerås kontra skolattacken i Trollhättan / This is a black day for Sweden : A comparative study of news discourse between traditonal media and right wing populist mediaTimm, Jimmy, Wahlström, Jens January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med den här kvalitativa innehållsanalysen har varit att undersöka hur ett högerpopulistiskt nyhetsmedie kontra ett traditionellt nyhetsmedie gestaltar knivdådet på Ikea i Västerås samt skolattacken i Trollhättan som skedde med kort mellanrum hösten 2015. De båda dåden fick stor uppmärksamhet och den redan intensiva debatten om invandring blossade upp ytterligare. Detta på grund av att dådet i Västerås begicks av en asylsökande, och det i Trollhättan av en ung svensk man med högerextrema åsikter som valde sina offer utifrån deras etniska ursprung.Det teoretiska ramverket innehåller tidigare forskning om alternativmedier, populism och journalistik. Vi har valt att använda oss utav två betydande teorier inom medieforskningen. Först gestaltningsteorin, främst med Scheufele och Entmans forskning som utgångspunkter. Sedan diskurs, med forskning av Foucalt och Fairclough. Valet av metod till vår studie är kritisk diskursanalys. Detta för att metoden lämpar sig väl för att undersöka politiska budskap i texter och tyda gestaltningar och diskurser. Det studerade materialet består utav fyra stycken nyhetsartiklar, två för respektive nyhetshändelse. Två stycken artiklar från den högerpopulistiska nättidningen Fria Tider samt två stycken från den mer etablerade morgontidningen Dagens Nyheter. Dessa jämförde vi sedan med varandra i en komparativ studie. Diskurser i dessa nyhetsartiklar har brutits ut med hjälp av ett analysschema för att operationalisera vårfrågeställning. Resultaten visar på två helt skilda nyhetsdiskurser och olika sätt att gestalta händelserna. Fria Tider gestaltar händelser till förmån för sin invandringskritiska agenda medans Dagens Nyheter agerar som en slags motpol med en betydligt mer objektiv gestaltning av händelserna. Den här studien vill bidra till förståelsen för vårt polariserade medieklimat, samt den oberoende journalistikens viktiga roll i samhället i en tid av nedskärningar och mediekonvergens. Det behövs en öppnare samhällsdebatt om frågor gällande invandring och kriminalitet för att inte ytterligare öka polariseringen av medielandskapet. / The purpose with this essay is to study how a right-wing populist alternative news medium, versus a more mainstream news medium, reports on two different news events. First off is the stabbings at the furniture store Ikea in Västerås, second is the attack on students at a middle school in Trollhättan by a masked adolescent armed with a sword. Both of which took place in the fall of 2015 in Sweden. Both events gained much attention from the news media, and sparked the already intense political debate on immigration issues. This due to the facts that the perpetrator at Ikea in Västerås was a refugee seeking asylum in Sweden, and the masked assailent in Trollhättan showed interest in right-wing extremist content on the internet as well as targeting students and faculty of immigration background.The theoretical framework consists of earlier research on populism, alternative media as well ason traditional journalism. We chose to work mainly with two distinguished theories within media and communication studies. The first theory is framing, based mainly on research done by Scheufele and Entman. The second theory is discourse, as defined by Foucalt and Fairclough. The method used for the study is a critical discourse analysis. This method together with the twotheories have been proven useful when studying political discourses and framing in political news articles similar to the ones we picked for our essay. The material used for this study consists off our news articles of which two are linked to each news event or “case”. Two of the articles are published by Fria Tider, a right-wing populist alternative news medium, while the other two by Dagens Nyheter, a well established and more mainstream oriented morning news paper. Different frames and discourses have been revealed in the material after our analysis, based on our schematics in an attempt to operationalise.The results points towards two widely different news discourses and ways of framing the news content. Fria Tider portrait the events in favour of their agenda of critical views on immigration and immigrants, whereas Dagens Nyheter acts as a counterpart with far more objective framing of the events. This study seeks to build a better understanding of today’s polarised media landscape, as well as the importance of independent journalism and news media in a society where the mass media experience cutbacks and convergence. A more explicit and honest public debate regarding immigrational issues is needed, to avoid further polarisation of the media landscape.
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Yttrandefrihet eller hets mot folkgrupp? : En kvalitativ analys av traditionella kontra alternativa nyhetsmediers gestaltning av koranbränningarna i Malmö 2020 / Yttrandefrihet eller hets mot folkgrupp? : En kvalitativ analys av traditionella kontra alternativa nyhetsmediers gestaltning av koranbränningarna i Malmö 2020Larsson, Alfred, Lindskog, Anton January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to examine how traditional news media vis-à- vis alternative news media in Sweden portrayed the Quran burnings and the riots which followed during august in the summer of 2020. With the basis in framing theory and intermedia agenda setting we examined these research questions: How do the news papers frame the Quran burnings? What discourses are reproduced? How do the traditional news papers and the alternative news papers framing of the Quran burnings differ from each other? The qualitative methods used in this bachelor thesis were Robert Entmans framing theory combined with Rens Vliegenthart & Stefaan Walgraves intermedia agenda setting theory. Also, we used different theories regarding populism, clash of civilizations and freedom of speech in order to find various themes in the reporting. For instance, the study applies Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of the carnivalesque to examine how the alternative news paper Samnytt framed the Quran burnings. Through examining news articles, we discovered several preexisting frames and some additional ones. The results showed that the traditional news papers framed the Quran burnings in a laconic way as an intolerant act against Muslims, while the alternative news papers framed the Quran burnings as a clash of civilizations and simultaneously as an act of freedom of speech. In relation to the alternative news papers overly dramatic and sensationalistic discourse, the traditional news papers discourse was more moderate. In this way the populist discourse in the alternative news media and their focus on the “man on the street” is an example of how the alternative news media defines itself as an opposition to the hegemonic “elite” news media institutions. In the alternative news papers, we also found one specific frame concerning anti-Semitism in Malmö, which was not given the same amount of attention by the traditional news papers. The result of this study shows differences in framing, in line with previous research regarding alternative news media and populism, that could be an example of how the alternative news media is born and defines itself as an alternative to a narrative they deem wrong or lacking in traditional news media. This is primarily an effect of the fact that the traditional news papers lacked diversity in their interviewees since they mostly relied on authority sources, or in one case their own opinion piece writer, to tell the story. The results of this study highlights processes and effects that lies at the core of several phenomenon in this sphere, therefore it should be used to further the research on framing, alternative news media and populism. / <p>En kvalitativ analys av traditionella kontra alternativa nyhetsmediers gestaltning av koranbränningarna i Malmö 2020. </p>
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Sociological Translations at Inter Press Service (IPS)Cherchari, Elena 20 December 2021 (has links)
This interdisciplinary project investigates the extents and limits of alternative news translation in the era of globalization and virtualization and is guided by the insights drawn from actor-network theory, material semiotics, ethnomethodology, anthropology, news sociology, and the philosophy of translation. It visually represents the semiotic, sociological and material components of news translation as well as describes the patterned and concerted actions of human and non-human actors that go into making news stories in the context of IPS, a global news agency. A contribution is made to both theoretical knowledge and the development of the conceptual research method, which is given scarce attention in translation studies as compared to prevailing empirical research.
A meta-semiotic concept of sociological translation that I formulate helps bridge the gap between tackling ‘translation’ in terms ofJakobson’s triadic classification as either an intralingual, interlingual or intersemiotic phenomenon, and the recurrent metaphorical usage of ‘translation’ in the humanities, social sciences and beyond. The concept is informed by the networked ontology of actor-network theory and embodies the idea that meanings and translation are created by means of social interactions rather than by language alone. It is suggested that sociological translation stands for any linguistic, material-semiotic transformations and social articulations, which are all enmeshed with IPS journalistic and interlingual translation practices.
On the other hand, in view of the absence of methodological tools for studying nonlanguage-based translation in translation studies, I have assembled my own methodology drawing on the traditions of the wider humanities and the social sciences. My case study adopts Law’s ideas on method assemblage and Latour’s elaborations on infra-reflexivity which are well-suited for conveying the serendipity and messiness of ‘real-life’ research. It incorporates traditional ethnography, virtual ethnography and digital methods. Visualizing a network of sociological translations at different junctures as well outlining a holistic map of the concept allows one to observe the practices of journalist-editor-translators from both micro- and macro-perspectives.
Finally, the studied phenomenon reflects modern conditions of life: non-stopping globalization and virtualization and is transdisciplinary in nature. Delineating and comparing the articulations of sociological translation in a wider connected and virtual context illuminates the concept’s mechanisms and contributes to the scholarly awareness of the complexity of news translation in a digital age.
In conclusion, the thesis offers a new conceptual space within TS—translational sociology—which would strike up a conversation between TS and other disciplines in the social sciences with the goal of cross-fertilization of knowledge and finding better-informed interdisciplinary solutions to the shared problems including their linguistic, discursive and cultural aspects.
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Le journalisme amateur à l'ère d'internet : illusion populaire ou nouvel espace de liberté d'expression ? / Amateur journalism in the internet era : popular illusion or space for freedom of expressionJin, Minjung 21 November 2012 (has links)
Rendue possible par les NTIC, une nouvelle forme de journalisme numérique privilégiant la parole publique a pris son essor. Les amateurs se retrouvent désormais au coeur de l’actualité en tant que source ou témoin. Ce phénomène est présent partout dans le monde, mais la Corée du Sud est considérée comme le pays où la participation des amateurs est la plus active. Dans ce pays, les expériences du journalisme « citoyen » sont liées à la logique d’une alternative aux médias de masse. Le succès du site OhmyNews, considéré comme précurseur du journalisme participatif, est dû à la volonté des Coréens de se saisir d'une liberté de parole dont ils ont été privés jusqu'à la fin des années 80. Initiés par ce succès, de multiples pure players et d’innombrable plateformes participatives sont apparus. Ce phénomène a favorisé le développement du journalisme « amateur » et a engendré la fin de l’ère du monopole des médias traditionnels. Le journalisme amateur à l'heure d'internet est-il et a-t-il les moyens d'être une véritable voix d'expression populaire ? Cette recherche montre que la pratique des amateurs permet une nouvelle forme de l'expression médiatique, mais produit désormais une surabondance de l’expression privée. En particulier, les sites-portails génèrent des recettes publicitaires en exploitant le contenu apporté par les utilisateurs en privilégiant de l’information divertissante. Leur domination sur le marché des médias en ligne est le facteur le plus inquiétant non seulement pour les médias traditionnels mais également pour l’avenir de l’information. En parallèle, nous avons observé l’évolution de la culture de la participation politique depuis l’explosion d’Internet. Les internautes informés par diverses plateformes ont participé activement dans les lieux de discussion proposés par la plupart des sites d’actualités. Ces espaces numériques, en favorisant l’apparition d’une nouvelle scène de débat public, ont accru les capacités de mobilisation des citoyens. Mais, cela a finalement provoqué un contrôle trop sévère d’Internet par l’Etat. Dans ce contexte, le journalisme amateur nous semble instrumentalisé par la logique du marché, tandis que l’espace de la parole citoyenne est de plus en plus réduit dans le champ politique. / Thanks to the NTIC, a new form of digital journalism has arisen, which favours public speech. Amateur journalists now find themselves at the heart of the news, as a source or as a witness. This phenomenon is observed everywhere in the world, but South Korea is thought to be the country where amateur journalists are the most involved. In this country, experiments in "citizen" journalism are linked to the logic of an alternative to mass media. The success of the website Ohmynews, considered as the forerunner of participative journalism, is due to the Koreans' desire to grasp the freedom of speech they have been deprived of until the end of the 80s’. Following this success, numerous pure players and countless participative platforms have appeared. This phenomenon has fostered the development of "amateur" journalism and triggered the end of an era of traditional media monopoly. Still one may asks whether, in the internet era, amateur journalism has the means to be a real voice for popular expression. This research shows that the practice of journalism by amateurs allows a new form of media expression, but at the same time produces a superabundance of private expression. In particular, portal sites generate advertising revenues and highlights entertainment news among the content brought by the users. Their domination over the market of online media is the most worrying factor not only for traditional media but also for the future of information as a whole. At the same time, we have observed, in the internet population, an evolution in the culture of political involvement. The net surfers, who are informed through various platforms, have actively taken part in the spaces of discussion available on most news information websites. These digital spaces have encouraged the emergence of a new scene of public debate which, have increased the means of mobilization of digital citizens. But in the end, it has provoked very severe measures of State control. In this context, it appears that amateur journalism is undermined due to the prevailing rules of marketing, and that the space for citizen speech is more and more reduced.
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