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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancement of Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste by Microwave Pretreatment

Shahriari Zavareh, Haleh 03 October 2011 (has links)
This study evaluates the enhancement of anaerobic digestion (AD) of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) by microwave pretreatment (MW) at high temperatures (115, 145 and 175°C). The highest level of solubilization was achieved at 175ºC, with a supplemental water addition of 30% (SWA30). Pretreatments combining two modalities; MW heating in presence or absence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was also investigated. Biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests were conducted on the whole OFMSW, as well as on the liquid fractions. The whole OFMSW pretreated at 115 and 145 ºC showed little improvement in biogas production over control. When pretreated at 175 ºC, biogas production decreased due to formation of refractory compounds, inhibiting digestion. For the liquid fraction of OFMSW, the effect of pretreatment on the cumulative biogas production (CBP) was more pronounced for supplemental water addition of 20% (SWA20) at 145 ºC. Combining MW and H2O2 modalities did not have a positive impact on OFMSW stabilization and enhanced biogas production. Based on the BMP assay results, the effects of MW pretreatment (145 ºC) on the AD of OFMSW (SWA20) were further evaluated in single and dual stage semi-continuous digesters at hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 20, 15, 12 and 9 days. Overall, MW pretreatment did not enhance the AD of the whole waste at the HRTs tested. However, the use of a dual stage reactor digesting non pretreated whole OFMSW had the best performance with the shortest HRT of 9 days. Conversely, for free liquid after pretreatment in two stage reactors at 20 day HRT methane production was tripled. In general, the performance of the dual stage digesters surpassed that of the single stage reactors. Cyclic BMP assays indicated that using an appropriate fraction of recycled effluent leachate can be implemented without negatively effecting methanogenic activity and biogas production. Based on the results obtained in this study, digestion of OFMSW by dual stage reactors without pretreatment appears to provide the best potential for waste stabilization in terms of biogas production and yield, process stability and volumetric loading rates.

Study of the effect of process parameters on the thermophilic anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge, evaluation of a thermal sludge pre-treatment and overall energetic assessment

Ferrer i Martí, Ivet 08 October 2008 (has links)
El consum energètic representa un 30 % dels costos d'operació en sistemes intensius de tractament d'aigües residuals urbanes. En depuradores convencionals que utilitzin un sistema de fangs activats, entorn al 15-20 % de l'energia és consumida en la línia dels fangs, que inclou el bombeig, l'espessiment, l'estabilització i la deshidratació. Per tant, la optimització de la gestió dels fangs pot contribuir substancialment en la reducció dels costos de tractament d'aigües residuals. La digestió anaeròbia termofílica és més eficient que la mesofílica i pscicrofílica, en termes de producció de biogàs i metà, eliminació de sòlids volàtils (SV) i destrucció de patògens. El procés es pot accelerar mitjançant el pre¬tractament dels fangs, afavorint la seva solubilització i hidròlisi. L'objecte d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral fou estudiar l'impacte dels paràmetres del procés en la digestió anaeròbia termofílica dels fangs de depuradora urbana, avaluar l'efecte del pre-tractament tèrmic dels fangs a baixa temperatura, i valorar processos alternatius des del punt de vista energètic. Els resultats experimentals presentats s'obtingueren mitjançant l'operació de dos reactors de laboratori durant prop de dos anys. En aquest període es va estudiar l'efecte de la temperatura del procés, del temps de retenció dels fangs (TRF), de la velocitat de càrrega orgànica (VCO) i del pre-tractament a 70 ºC en la digestió anaeròbia dels fangs de depuradora. El procés fou avaluat en termes de la producció d'energia (biogàs i metà) i de la qualitat del fang digerit (contingut de SV i d'àcids grassos volàtils (AGV), facilitat de deshidratació i higienització). S'analitzà l'estabilitat del procés a mesura que es reduïa el TRF i s'incrementava la VCO, i es comparà l'eficiència en períodes d'estabilitat corresponents a les diferents condicions operacionals. Finalment, s'avaluaren els resultats des del punt de vista energètic, mitjançant el càlcul de balanços i ratis energètics teòrics, que es compararen amb els resultats obtinguts a partir de dades experimentals d'altres estudis. També s'utilitzà un model cinètic de primer ordre. Les conclusions que es desprenen d'aquest treball es resumeixen a continuació: Durant la digestió anaeròbia dels fangs, la transició d'un reactor mesophilic (43 ºC) a termofílic (50 ºC) es podria dur a terme sense alterar el procés, treballant a TRF elevats (≥ 30 dies) i VCO baixes (≤ 0.5 kg SV m-3reactor d-1). En aquestes condicions, les principals diferències entre reactors termofílics (50-55 ºC) i mesofílics (38-43 ºC) fan referència a una certa acumulació d'AGV (0.5-2.5 g L-1) i millora de la destrucció de patògens (E. coli ≤ 102 UFC mL-1). La digestió termofílica a 50 ºC i 55 ºC dóna lloc a resultats similars pel que fa a la producció de biogàs, estabilització, higienització i facilitat de deshidratació de l'efluent, si no varien els altres paràmetres operacionals. La producció de metà tendeix a incrementar proporcionalment a la VCO, és a dir al TRF i el contingut de SV als fangs alimentats. Així mateix, la qualitat de l'efluent (contingut de SV i AGV, facilitat de deshidratació dels fangs) també depèn de la VCO. D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts a 55 ºC, la producció de metà s'incrementà 2-3 vegades (de 0.2 a 0.4-0.6 m3CH4 m3reactor d-1) en disminuir el TRF de 30 a 15-10 dies, incrementant la VCO de 0.5 a 2.5-3.5 kg SV m3reactor d-1. En canvi, el procés es desestabilitzà amb la reducció del TRF a 6 dies i VCO per sobre de 5 kg SV m3reactor d-1. Les següents concentracions poden ser útils per detectar i prevenir la desestabilització d'un digestor termofílic de fangs: AGV totals (2.5 g L-1), acetat (0.5 g L-1), rati acetat/propionat (0.5), alcalinitat intermèdia (1.8 g CaCO3 L-1), rati alcalinitat intermèdia/alcalinitat parcial (0.9), rati alcalinitat intermèdia/alcalinitat total (0.5), contingut de metà al biogàs (55 %). El pre-tractament a 70 ºC afavoreix la solubilització dels fangs, incrementant la proporció de matèria orgànica soluble respecte la matèria orgànica total del 5 % al 50 % en 9-24 h; seguit d'una progressiva generació d'AGV després de 24h. Durant la subseqüent digestió anaeròbia de fangs pre¬tractats (9-48 h), s'incremetà la producció de biogàs en un 30-40 %, treballant a 55 ºC i 10 dies de TRF. El rendiment de producció de biogàs fou un 30 % superior amb fangs pre-tractats (0.28-0.30 vs. 0.22 L·gVS¬1) i el contingut de metà al biogàs també fou superior (69 % vs. 64 %). La digestió anaeròbia termofílica de fangs pot donar lloc a una producció neta d'energia, durant estacions fredes i càlides, si s'utilitzen reactors amb aïllament tèrmic de les parets i amb recuperació energètica a partir del biogàs i dels fangs digerits. En aquest cas, l'eficiència energètica de reactors termofílics treballant a la meitat de TRF (10-15 dies) que reactors mesofílics (20-30 dies) seria similar, per la qual cosa el cabal diari podria ser doblat, o el volum del reactor reduït, amb el conseqüent estalvi en el cost de tractament dels fangs. A més, un sistema en dues etapes (70/55 ºC) produiria més energia neta que un sistema en una sola etapa (55 ºC) amb un TRF de 10 dies. De totes maneres, la quantitat d'energia neta generada augmenta amb el volum del digestor donat que, malgrat la disminució en la producció de metà a TRF creixents, la producció d'energia segueix essent superior al consum, i per tant com més quantitat de fangs hi hagi al digestor, més energia es produirà. / Energy consumption accounts for some 30 % of the total operating costs of intensive sewage treatment systems. In conventional wastewater treatment plants employing an activated sludge process, around 15-20 % of this energy is used in the sludge treatment line, including sludge pumping, thickening, stabilisation and dewatering. Therefore, optimisation of sludge management can substantially contribute in the reduction of wastewater treatment costs. Thermophilic anaerobic digestion is more efficient than mesophilic anaerobic digestion, in terms of biogas production, volatile solids (VS) removal and pathogens destruction. The process might be further accelerated by sludge pre-treatment, promoting sludge solubilization and hydrolysis. The aim of this PhD Thesis was to study the impact of process parameters on the thermophilic anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge, to evaluate the effect of implementing a low temperature pre¬treatment step, and to assess alternative processes from an energy perspective. The experimental results presented were obtained by operating two lab-scale reactors for almost two years. During this period, the effect of process temperature, sludge retention time (SRT), organic loading rate (OLR) and 70 ºC sludge pre-treatment on the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge was studied. The process was evaluated in terms of energy production (i.e. biogas and methane production) and the quality of the effluent sludge (i.e. VS and volatile fatty acids (VFA) content, sludge dewaterability and hygienisation). Focus was put on the stability of the process at decreasing SRT and increasing OLR. Process efficiency during stable performance under each operating condition assayed was compared. Finally, the results were assessed from an energy perspective, by means of theoretical energy balances and ratios; and compared to the results obtained with experimental data from other studies. A first order kinetic model was also used. The conclusions drawn from the different issues dealt in this work are summarised as follows: During anaerobic sludge digestion, the transition from a mesophilic (43 ºC) to a thermophilic operation (50 ºC) may be carried out without disturbing the process, by operating the reactors at high SRT ( ≥ 30 days) and low OLR (≤ 0.5 kg VS m-3reactor d-1). Under such conditions, some VFA accumulation (0.5-2.5 g L-1) and enhanced pathogen destruction (residual E. coli ≤ 102 CFU mL-1) would be the main differences of thermophilic (50-55 ºC) compared to mesophilic (38-43 ºC) reactors. Thermophilic sludge digestion at 50 ºC and 55 ºC should be similar in terms of biogas production and effluent stabilisation, hygienisation and dewaterability; provided that other process parameters are the same. Methane production rate tends to increase proportionally to the OLR, thus to the SRT and VS concentration in the feed sludge. Similarly, the quality of the effluent sludge (VS content, VFA content and sludge dewaterability) is also affected by the OLR. According to the results obtained at 55 ºC, methane production rate increased by 2-3 times (from 0.2 to 0.4-0.6 m3CH4 m3reactor d-1) by decreasing the SRT from 30 to 15-10 days; increasing the OLR from 0.5 to 2.5-3.5 kg VS m3reactor d-1. However, process unbalance resulted from SRT reduction to 6 days, with OLR above 5 kg VS m3reactor d-1. The following concentrations might be useful to detect and prevent digester failure during thermophilic sludge digestion: total VFA (2.5 g L-1), acetate (0.5 g L-1), acetate/propionate ratio (0.5), intermediate alkalinity (1.8 g CaCO3 L-1), intermediate alkalinity/partial alkalinity ratio (0.9), intermediate alkalinity/total alkalinity ratio (0.5), methane content in biogas (55 %). The 70 ºC sludge pre-treatment may initially promote sludge solubilization, increasing the concentration of soluble to total organic matter from 5 to 50 % within 9-24 h; which is followed by a progressive VFA generation after 24 h. Subsequent anaerobic digestion of pre-treated sludge samples (9¬48 h) could increase biogas production by 30-40 % working at 55 ºC with a SRT of 10 days. Biogas yield is some 30 % higher with pre-treated sludge (0.28-0.30 vs. 0.22 L·gVSfed-1) and methane content in biogas is also higher with pre-treated sludge (69 vs. 64 %). Thermophilic anaerobic sludge digestion would result in net energy production, during cold and warm seasons, provided that digesters with wall insulation and with energy recovery from both the biogas produced and the effluent sludge are used. In this case, the energetic efficiency would be similar for thermophilic digesters working at half the SRT (10-15 days) of mesophilic digesters (20-30 days), meaning that the sludge daily flow rate could be doubled, or the reactor volume reduced, with subsequent savings in terms of sludge treatment costs. Furthermore, two-stage systems (70/55 ºC) may result in higher net energy production compared to single-stage systems (55 ºC) at 10 days SRT. However, the amount of surplus energy generated increases with digester volume. In spite of the decrease in methane production rate at increasing SRT, energy production is still higher than energy consumption, and therefore the bigger the amount of sludge in the digester, the higher the energy production.

Bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)-contaminated soil: process evaluation through composting and anaerobic digestion approach

Sayara, Tahseen A. S. 11 May 2010 (has links)
Among the different available remediation technologies, it is well-known that bioremediation methods which mainly depend on microorganisms to degrade, transform, detoxify or break down the contaminants, they are recognized as cost-effective and environmental-friendly methods. In fact, microorganisms “engine of bioremediation process” carry out their normal duty under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, which without doubt extends and motivates the desires to make use of such abilities to reduce environmental threats caused by various contaminants. However, to achieve satisfactory results during any bioremediation process, providing optimal conditions for microorganisms is considered as an essential/crucial task. Composting as one of the applied bioremediation technologies used to remediate soils contaminated with organic contaminants like PAHs still needs more investigation although a valuable effort has been devoted to elucidate the behaviour of this process in the remediation of PAHs-contaminated soils. However, till recently, anaerobically treatment of PAHs-contaminated soil received less attention as it was believed that PAHs are poorly or even impossible to be degraded under such conditions. Therefore, the present study tried to touch both aerobically bioremediation of PAH-contaminated soil through composting and anaerobically treatment of the same soil under strict methanogenic conditions. For both remediation approaches, the effect of some controlling factors had been also evaluated through experiment design methodology employing central design (CCD) technique. Regarding the composting process, the obtained results demonstrated that this technology is an advantageous and indisputable method to decontaminate PAHs-contaminated soils within short period. Additionally, compost derived from the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (OFMSW) was found to enhance the contaminants (PAHs) removal rate to high extent. Moreover, a lucid correlation between the contaminants removal rate and the compost stability degree was observed, such that more stable composts better enhanced the remediation process as these composts are believed to have a considerable fraction of humic matter which facilitates the desorption of the contaminants, and get more available as a consequence. At the same time, treatments with stable composts do not produce high temperature during the composting process, and normally they are in the mesophilic ranges which are more favourable for such bioremediation process. Bioaugmentation of the process through introducing white-rot fungi with desired catalytic capacity (Trametes Versicolor) in attempt to accelerate the degradation process demonstrated that no effect or enhancement was achieved through such approach. In the second part of the research, anaerobically treatment of PAHs-contaminated soil has been investigated under strict methanogenic conditions employing two types of inocula; thermophilic and mesophilic. The obtained results demonstrated the effectiveness of such biological treatments in this field. Nevertheless, the process was relatively less effective compared with composting. Furthermore, under these conditions and due to unclear reasons, reversible results were obtained as PAHs concentrations were increased with prolonged incubation, indicating the reversed bioformation of PAHs under such oxygen-deficient conditions. Therefore, future work should be devoted to clarify the reasons behind this behaviour.

An Evaluation of Alternatives for Enhancing Anaerobic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge

Pickel, Jessica Lee January 2010 (has links)
Waste activated sludge (WAS) is one of the largest by-products of biological wastewater treatment. Anaerobic digestion of WAS is beneficial for several reasons. In an ever increasingly energy conscientious world the production of renewable energy resources is becoming more important, and thus the production of methane has been seen as a valuable product. To achieve efficient conversion of organic matter to methane, the biomass in the digester must be provided optimal operating conditions, as well as adequate retention times, that will allow for substrate metabolism and prevent bacteria washout. Two approaches have been taken in this research to achieve improved biodegradation. Initially microwave pretreatment was employed to improve the biodegradability of the sludge, then the addition of a submerged hollow fibre membrane separation unit was used to allow for a longer SRT while maintaining the hydraulic residence time (HRT). The impact of microwave pretreatment on WAS characteristics was assessed for both the low temperature operations and the high temperature operations. An increase due to pretreatment on the filtered to total COD ratio when comparing the feed to the microwaved feed was established to be 200 % for low temperature operations and 254 % for high temperature operations. For the low temperature operations, CODT destruction, VS destruction, and organic nitrogen destruction were all higher for the test digester than the control digester indicating that the microwaving of the WAS increased the biodegradation in the anaerobic digester. For the high temperature operation, CODT destruction and organic nitrogen destruction were improved with microwave application, however VS destruction did not support this. The measured biogas data indicated that microwaving did influence the volume of biogas produced during anaerobic digestion of WAS for both the low and high temperature operations, and hence the VS destruction data for the high temperature operations was determined to be incorrect. For the membrane operations both the CODT and the VS destruction calculations indicated that at the same SRT the test digester was capable of more biodegradation than the control digester. The control digester organic nitrogen reduction was calculated to be higher than for the test digester, suggesting that the control digester removed more organic nitrogen than the test digester, however, these results were likely due to the lower HRT of the test digester compared to those of the control digester. A greater volume of biogas was produced by the test digester than the control digester; however, the composition of the gas from both digesters was similar, although the percentage of methane produced by the test digester was higher than that produced by the control digester. The higher destruction by the test digester indicated that the presence of the membrane unit and the decoupling of the HRT and SRT improved the biodegradation capability of the digesters. The results of the membrane performance study indicated that for a hollow fibre anaerobic membrane bioreactor, stable operations could be achieved with a total solids concentration of 2.01 %+/-0.34, an HRT of 15 days and an SRT of 30 days. With a constant flux of 14 L/m2-h +/-0.68 the average TMP was 0.079 kPa/min+/-0.08. No cleaning was required to achieve this, however the operations consisted of 20 minutes of permeation followed by 5 hours and 40 minutes of relaxation. The critical flux was determined to be in the range of 18 to 22 L/m2-h.

An Evaluation of Alternatives for Enhancing Anaerobic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge

Pickel, Jessica Lee January 2010 (has links)
Waste activated sludge (WAS) is one of the largest by-products of biological wastewater treatment. Anaerobic digestion of WAS is beneficial for several reasons. In an ever increasingly energy conscientious world the production of renewable energy resources is becoming more important, and thus the production of methane has been seen as a valuable product. To achieve efficient conversion of organic matter to methane, the biomass in the digester must be provided optimal operating conditions, as well as adequate retention times, that will allow for substrate metabolism and prevent bacteria washout. Two approaches have been taken in this research to achieve improved biodegradation. Initially microwave pretreatment was employed to improve the biodegradability of the sludge, then the addition of a submerged hollow fibre membrane separation unit was used to allow for a longer SRT while maintaining the hydraulic residence time (HRT). The impact of microwave pretreatment on WAS characteristics was assessed for both the low temperature operations and the high temperature operations. An increase due to pretreatment on the filtered to total COD ratio when comparing the feed to the microwaved feed was established to be 200 % for low temperature operations and 254 % for high temperature operations. For the low temperature operations, CODT destruction, VS destruction, and organic nitrogen destruction were all higher for the test digester than the control digester indicating that the microwaving of the WAS increased the biodegradation in the anaerobic digester. For the high temperature operation, CODT destruction and organic nitrogen destruction were improved with microwave application, however VS destruction did not support this. The measured biogas data indicated that microwaving did influence the volume of biogas produced during anaerobic digestion of WAS for both the low and high temperature operations, and hence the VS destruction data for the high temperature operations was determined to be incorrect. For the membrane operations both the CODT and the VS destruction calculations indicated that at the same SRT the test digester was capable of more biodegradation than the control digester. The control digester organic nitrogen reduction was calculated to be higher than for the test digester, suggesting that the control digester removed more organic nitrogen than the test digester, however, these results were likely due to the lower HRT of the test digester compared to those of the control digester. A greater volume of biogas was produced by the test digester than the control digester; however, the composition of the gas from both digesters was similar, although the percentage of methane produced by the test digester was higher than that produced by the control digester. The higher destruction by the test digester indicated that the presence of the membrane unit and the decoupling of the HRT and SRT improved the biodegradation capability of the digesters. The results of the membrane performance study indicated that for a hollow fibre anaerobic membrane bioreactor, stable operations could be achieved with a total solids concentration of 2.01 %+/-0.34, an HRT of 15 days and an SRT of 30 days. With a constant flux of 14 L/m2-h +/-0.68 the average TMP was 0.079 kPa/min+/-0.08. No cleaning was required to achieve this, however the operations consisted of 20 minutes of permeation followed by 5 hours and 40 minutes of relaxation. The critical flux was determined to be in the range of 18 to 22 L/m2-h.

Characterization of microbial community dynamics during anaerobic digestion of wheat distillery waste

2015 September 1900 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion of agricultural wastes provides an opportunity for renewable energy production while reducing emissions of greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane from crop and livestock production. While anaerobic digestion is possible under a wide range of temperatures and reactor configurations, it does require a stable methanogenic community composed of hydrolytic and fermentative bacteria and methanogenic archaea in order to maintain robust methane production. Research focused on characterizing and optimizing the microbial community during anaerobic digestion is increasingly exploiting DNA-based methods. In addition to providing an in-depth phylogenetic survey, these techniques permit examination of dynamic changes in α- and β-diversity during the digestion process and in response to perturbations in the system. This study used universal target amplification, next generation sequencing, and quantitative PCR to characterize the Bacteria and Archaea in digestate from thermophilic batch anaerobic digesters processing different combinations wheat ethanol stillage waste and cattle manure. The results indicated that the bacterial community was composed primarily of Firmicutes, with Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes also numerically abundant. While less phylogenetically diverse, the archaeal community showed robust populations of both hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogens. A core microbiome present across all reactors was identified and differences in the relative abundances of the bacteria within the core community suggested significant niche overlap and metabolic redundancy in the reactors. A time-course study correlating the abundances of individual Bacteria and Archaea to methane production and volatile fatty acid catabolization identified several microorganisms hypothesized to be critical to both hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis. Individual Bacteria most closely related to Clostridium spp. and Acetivibrio spp. were 10-1000-fold less abundant in reactors suffering from volatile fatty acid accumulation and inhibition of methanogenesis. Additionally, failing reactors were devoid of robust populations of acetoclastic methanogens. Microorganisms identified as critical during the time-course study were targeted for isolation in vitro and a robust methanogenic consortium consisting of at least 9 bacteria and both a hydrogenotrophic and an acetoclastic methanogen was stably propagated. Addition of this bioaugmentation consortium to digesters experiencing classic symptoms of acid crisis resulted in reduced acetate accumulation and initiation of methanogenesis. One acetoclastic methanogen, most likely a novel species from the genus Methanosarcina, showed particularly robust growth in the recovered bioaugmented reactors, increasing 100-fold in the first 7 days post-treatment. A combination of Illumina shotgun and Roche 454 paired-end sequencing chemistry was used to generate a high quality draft genome for this organism. Analysis of the annotated genome revealed diverse metabolic potential with a full complement of genes for acetoclastic, hydrogenotrophic and methylotrophic methanogenesis pathways represented. Taken as a whole, this thesis provides the foundation for using microbial community characterization to inform anaerobic digester design and operation. By identifying organisms of interest, correlating their abundance to specific biochemical functions and confirming their hypothesized functions in situ, microorganisms critical for robust methane production were acquired. The logical extension of this work is to establish monitoring tools for microorganisms identified as critical to specific performance parameters, to enumerate them in real-time, and to use that data to improve reactor operation.

Using an ADM-Based Model to Explore Human Intestinal Flora Behaviour

Moorthy, Arun Senthan 03 January 2012 (has links)
The human colon is an anaerobic environment densely populated with bacterial species, creating what is known as the human intestinal microbiome; an ecosystem imperative to physiological function with regards to metabolism of non-digestible residues, growth of cells and immune protection from invading organisms. As such, quantifying, and subsequently developing an understanding of the behaviour of this microbial population can be of great value. Unfortunately, because of the physical inaccessibility of many parts of the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract, routine experimentation with this environment is not practical. However, theoretical modelling techniques including in vitro and in silico simulation/experimental platforms provide a means by which further studying of intestinal microflora can be approached. Perfecting these theoretical models is an important step in further understanding colon microbiota. An existing in silico model of carbohydrate digestion in the colon, developed by Munoz-Tamayo et al. (2010) has been used as a platform for experimentation with the intention of of discovering features which may be removed and/or added to improve the performance and reliability of the design. The model is an adaptation of the waste-water engineering based mathematical model ADM1 (Anaerobic Digestion Model 1), developed to incorporate biochemical and environmental specifications as well as physical structures particular to the human colon. The model is then a system of 102-ordinary differential equation with 66 parameters.Simulations with the default model configuration as well as variations of input variables, namely dietary fiber consumption and system flow rate, were completed to study the effect on average biomass concentration, demonstrating significant sensitivity to input variables and an unexpected linearity based on the non-linearity of the original complex system. Simulations and further study suggest that advancements in in silico modelling of the colon rely on the development of a metric or scheme that can effectively compare mathematically generated data with that collected through traditional experimentation. Also, experimenting with various reactor configurations as a basis for mathematical modelling may prove simpler configurations capable of generating comparable data to more complicated designs which may then also be applicable to existing in vitro representations of the colon.

BIOGAS DEVELOPMENT SCENARIOS TOWARDS 2020 IN RWANDA: The contribution to the energy sector and socio-economic and environmental impacts

Access to modern energy is essential to achieve sustainable development and poverty reduction. However, with about 321 kWh per capita, Rwanda is ranked among the countries that have a lower consumption of primary energy in the world. More than 86 percent of its total energy comes from the traditional biomass energy such as forests, agricultural residues and by-products from crops that lead to environmental degradation and ecological imbalance and negative impacts on human health as well. In addition, only 301,500 ha of forest are available for fuel wood and other uses such as construction for a total population of 10.5 million. Therefore, decentralized energy sources in small-scale are presented to improve access to "appropriate" energy, which are beneficial to human health and environmental perspectives. The anaerobic digestion of biomass, popularly called “biogas”, is one of the appropriate energy technologies for cooking and/or lighting purposes (both in households and in institutions), which receives special attention in Rwanda since 2007. Three main objectives of this study were to assess the current biogas sector in Rwanda, to make projections of biogas development by 2020 and finally to analyze the socio-economic and environment benefits of biogas use to the Rwandan community. The fieldwork conducted in two districts per province in addition to services that are in the capital, was based on the structured questionnaire, discussion with key people and see the state of biogas built. Therefore, in this study we used the "Appropriate Energy Model” to measure the degree of biogas dissemination, which educates for “geographical, institutional, entrepreneurial and socio-cultural “aspects. The results showed that the temperature conditions in the country are generally conducive to the operation of a digester. However, the drought period between June and August, water scarcity in some regions and a low potential for digester feeding impede the propagation of biogas to a large number of people.  The Rwandan entrepreneurs do not face institutional barriers to start-up biogas companies since the bureaucratic system in registration of a company is transparent. The installation costs of biogas plant are so high that they hamper the dissemination of biogas; however biogas technology does not contradict the socio-cultural conditions of Rwandans. Based on projections of potential biogas in Rwanda in 2020, following three scenarios for 2020 biogas development were identified: 1,135,000 biogas plants can be built in 2020 by considering a global basis the potential biogas available If 70% of the population will live in grouped settlements in 2020, 70% of Rwandan households will use biogas if additional resources as livestock and subsidies were provided to the poor families. Only 10% of the population (251,000households) will be eligible for biogas installation Reducing the consumption of firewood after biogas operation provides annual coverage of approximately 0.306 ha of forest area per household. Therefore, each household biogas would reduce annual GHG emissions of about 4.1 tonnes of CO2 and could possibly lead to Rwanda an annual income of about USD 21 due to the reduction of CO2 emissions in a hypothetical rate USD 5 per ton of CO2 if registered under the CDM.

Enhancement of Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste by Microwave Pretreatment

Shahriari Zavareh, Haleh 03 October 2011 (has links)
This study evaluates the enhancement of anaerobic digestion (AD) of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) by microwave pretreatment (MW) at high temperatures (115, 145 and 175°C). The highest level of solubilization was achieved at 175ºC, with a supplemental water addition of 30% (SWA30). Pretreatments combining two modalities; MW heating in presence or absence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was also investigated. Biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests were conducted on the whole OFMSW, as well as on the liquid fractions. The whole OFMSW pretreated at 115 and 145 ºC showed little improvement in biogas production over control. When pretreated at 175 ºC, biogas production decreased due to formation of refractory compounds, inhibiting digestion. For the liquid fraction of OFMSW, the effect of pretreatment on the cumulative biogas production (CBP) was more pronounced for supplemental water addition of 20% (SWA20) at 145 ºC. Combining MW and H2O2 modalities did not have a positive impact on OFMSW stabilization and enhanced biogas production. Based on the BMP assay results, the effects of MW pretreatment (145 ºC) on the AD of OFMSW (SWA20) were further evaluated in single and dual stage semi-continuous digesters at hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 20, 15, 12 and 9 days. Overall, MW pretreatment did not enhance the AD of the whole waste at the HRTs tested. However, the use of a dual stage reactor digesting non pretreated whole OFMSW had the best performance with the shortest HRT of 9 days. Conversely, for free liquid after pretreatment in two stage reactors at 20 day HRT methane production was tripled. In general, the performance of the dual stage digesters surpassed that of the single stage reactors. Cyclic BMP assays indicated that using an appropriate fraction of recycled effluent leachate can be implemented without negatively effecting methanogenic activity and biogas production. Based on the results obtained in this study, digestion of OFMSW by dual stage reactors without pretreatment appears to provide the best potential for waste stabilization in terms of biogas production and yield, process stability and volumetric loading rates.

Application of Microwaves and Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion to Wastewater Sludge Treatment

Gabriel Coelho, Nuno Miguel 24 April 2012 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge can be improved if hydrolysis of particulate substrates is enhanced and available substrate is made more accessible by both breakup of the sludge matrix floc and rupture of the cell wall. Microwave (MW) pretreatment was suggested and studied as a way to improve digestion efficiency. The work done focuses on the effects of MW pretreatment on the characteristics of the sludge, due to thermal and athermal effects. It also evaluates the effects some process variables in the activated sludge process have on the pretreatment efficiency as well as the effect operating conditions in the downstream anaerobic digestion process have on the biodegradability efficiency of those sludges. Effects of athermal and thermal MW radiation were measured by use of a customized MW oven capable of providing MW radiation with uncoupled thermal and athermal effects. Athermal radiation was capable of increasing substrate present in the soluble phase of sludge, and had a positive effect in the digestion of athermal samples. The increases in biogas production and substrate solubilisation were smaller in magnitude than the increases measured for MW thermal tests. Further refining of the tests with athermal and thermal sludge, involved separation by size class of the solubilized substrate by means of ultrafiltration (UF), and revealed that changes in particle size distribution were significant not only for MW thermal tests, but also for athermal tests, with a particular emphasis in proteins in athermal tests. These changes had an effect on the biodegradability of the sludges by class size, with thermally pretreated sludge producing more biogas for smaller particles size classes but also exhibiting more inhibition. Tests were made with several combinations of sludge with different ages and subject to different MW pretreatment temperatures. The work showed that sludge age or solids retention time (SRT) has a significant effect on the pretreatment efficiency with maximum biogas improvements measured at different MW pretreatment temperatures depending on the SRT of the sludge tested, and with different behaviour for mesophilic and thermophilic digestion. Mesophilic tests showed greater improvements in terms of digestion effiency on average, but thermophilic tests showed more uniform performance, with a higher baseline efficiency. The presence of an optimum of MW pretreatment temperature and sludge SRT for maximal biogas production is more defined for mesophilic conditions than for thermophilic conditions. Semi-continuous studies were conducted with several combinations of single and two stage mesophilic and thermophilic digestors treating MW pretreated sludge and non-pretreated sludge. Staging and thermophilic digestion allowed the maintenance of a stable digestion process with high biogas productions and high solids removal efficiencies with production of sludge with good bacteriological characteristics for an very low residence time (5 d).

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