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Humor nas anedotas do Juha / Humour in the anecdotes of JuhaHage, Wafah Mustafa El 18 April 2012 (has links)
A partir de algumas considerações sobre o humor e as narrativas jocosas na comunicação e na linguagem, esta pesquisa se concentra no estudo de um personagem folclórico misto de sábio e bobo largamente conhecido entre os falantes da língua árabe pelo nome Juha e de algumas anedotas por ele protagonizadas, pondo em foco as suas principais características e os temas relacionados: sociedade, política, miséria, entre outros; além de apontar a presença de algumas anedotas em diferentes livros, do século X ao XXI, inclusive numa coletânea editada por Mussa Kuraiem em São Paulo na década de 60 do século passado, o livro Giha, Hoja e Nasredin, que constitui o corpus desta dissertação. / Starting from some considerations about humor and playful narratives in communication and language, this research focuses on the study of a mix of wise and foolish folkloric character - widely known among the speakers of the Arabic language by the name Juha - and on some anecdotes played by him, bringing into focus their main characteristics and issues: society, politics, poverty, among others, while pointing out the presence of some anecdotes in different books, from X to XXI century, including a collection edited by Mussa Kuraiem in São Paulo in the 60s of the last century. This book, Giha, Hoja and Nasredin, forms the corpus of this dissertation.
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The Fevered RoadBombardier, Cooper Lee 09 June 2014 (has links)
"The Fevered Road" is a memoir about coming to know oneself through what is lost and finding the liberation available in moments of absolute failure. The thesis explores the themes of failure, loss, identity, and rites of passage through the lens of the early 1990s, AIDS, murder, family, queerness, travel, and punk rock. The research is based primarily on journals, letters, correspondence with local historians, newspaper reports, internet sources, Massachusetts Department of Correction documents, and the author's personal recollection of events. The narrative is centered around the experience of two deaths in the author's early twenties, and is presented in a hybrid bookended/braided structure of the present and the chronological backstory.
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Humor nas anedotas do Juha / Humour in the anecdotes of JuhaWafah Mustafa El Hage 18 April 2012 (has links)
A partir de algumas considerações sobre o humor e as narrativas jocosas na comunicação e na linguagem, esta pesquisa se concentra no estudo de um personagem folclórico misto de sábio e bobo largamente conhecido entre os falantes da língua árabe pelo nome Juha e de algumas anedotas por ele protagonizadas, pondo em foco as suas principais características e os temas relacionados: sociedade, política, miséria, entre outros; além de apontar a presença de algumas anedotas em diferentes livros, do século X ao XXI, inclusive numa coletânea editada por Mussa Kuraiem em São Paulo na década de 60 do século passado, o livro Giha, Hoja e Nasredin, que constitui o corpus desta dissertação. / Starting from some considerations about humor and playful narratives in communication and language, this research focuses on the study of a mix of wise and foolish folkloric character - widely known among the speakers of the Arabic language by the name Juha - and on some anecdotes played by him, bringing into focus their main characteristics and issues: society, politics, poverty, among others, while pointing out the presence of some anecdotes in different books, from X to XXI century, including a collection edited by Mussa Kuraiem in São Paulo in the 60s of the last century. This book, Giha, Hoja and Nasredin, forms the corpus of this dissertation.
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Participation politique des citoyens et citoyennes : le cas des femmes en Côte d'Ivoire : essai historiqueChourouba, Farma Marie-Madeleine 25 April 2018 (has links)
Cette étude a tenté d'analyser d'un point de vue historique le rapport des femmes ivoiriennes à la politique moderne et les diverses attitudes et comportements qui en découlent. Il s'agissait de saisir la perception qu'ont les femmes de la politique en tant que «direction des affaires de l'État» et leur place dans la sphère politique. De l'analyse des récits de vie d'une vingtaine de femmes et de l'observation directe des comportements et attitudes des femmes face au coup d'État militaire qui a eu lieu le 24 décembre 1999 en Côte d'Ivoire, il ressort que les femmes ivoiriennes sont moins attentives à la politique que les hommes. Elles la rejettent dans sa forme et dans ses pratiques. En effet, écartées du processus de socialisation politique moderne (1945- 1960), elles ne disposent toujours pas d'outils nécessaires pour participer à la vie politique. Représentée comme un jeu et un espace exclusivement masculin, la politique apparaît comme un phénomène étranger à l'espace féminin. Les pratiques de cette politique ne répondent pas à leurs critères de la féminité qui se vit comme une fonction sociale, voire une mission. L'idéal féminin dominant est celui d'une femme mariée assumant effectivement son rôle de femme au foyer et de mère. Pour accéder au jeu et à l'espace politique, les femmes sont contraintes dans une certaine mesure de renier leur féminité et de se transformer symboliquement en hommes honoraires. En règle générale, elles préfèrent laisser cet espace aux hommes sacrifiant à la division sexuelle des tâches sociales. Elles investissent des lieux de pouvoir moins formalisés, tels que, les associations, les groupements agricoles, les œuvres de charité. Dans ces lieux, elles parviennent à synchroniser et à harmoniser leurs fonctions premières de femmes avec d'autres tâches sociales. Elles s'y forment, s'informent et établissent un dialogue, parfois, un rapport de force avec le pouvoir politique. Elles y puisent les instruments de leur participation et constituent des groupes de pression pouvant influer sur les décisions du cercle de gouvernement. Contrairement aux hommes qui abordent le métier politique dans un esprit de carrière personnelle, dans leur grande majorité, les femmes ont plutôt, une vision utilitariste de la politique. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2014
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At the End of the PeninsulaFine, Jonathan David 01 January 2012 (has links)
In 1865, a settler named James John laid out a small neighborhood at the end of the north Portland peninsula, near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. For a half century, until its annexation to Portland in 1915, St. Johns was an independent municipality. Factories lined the waterfront, and a full complement of businesses in the small downtown area--grocers, bakers, hardware stores, clothing shops--catered to all the residents' needs. St. Johns was always a working-class town with a strong sense of identity. But after World War II, as Portland grew, St. Johns began to seem defined less by self-sufficiency than by isolation and neglect. Mom-and-Pop shops had a hard time staying in business. Junkyards and drinking establishments proliferated. Residents began to realize the full extent of decades of industrial pollution on the St. Johns waterfront. At some point, St. Johns officially became the poorest neighborhood in Portland, a distinction it still holds today. But St. Johns never lost the loyalty of its residents. This thesis is about some of the people and places that embody the neighborhood's eclectic and stubborn character. As St. Johns undergoes a gradual and perhaps inevitable transformation into a trendier, more upscale area, time is running short to meet the old-timers and try to understand the neighborhood through their eyes. This thesis attempts to capture the essence of a neighborhood with a rich past, a colorful present, and a promising but uncertain future.
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The Death of Mrs. SmithEason, Martin P. 01 September 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Agresseuses ou victimes? : les femmes accusées de violence mineure devant la justice pénale à Québec (1820-1870)Cadrin, Meggie Sue 17 June 2024 (has links)
Cette étude se penche sur l'implication des femmes dans les délits de violence mineure à Québec entre 1820 et 1870. Ces années sont ciblées en raison de la modification des mentalités de l'époque, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la place des femmes au sein de la société, mais aussi le contexte socio-économique de Québec. À cette période, la ville de Québec est l'un des ports les plus importants en Amérique du Nord ce qui fait d'elle l'une des plaques tournantes du commerce international du bois et de la construction navale. Cette effervescence économique amène d'importantes vagues d'immigration provenant de la Grande-Bretagne et transitant par la ville. En confrontant le paradigme des femmes victoriennes considérées comme « respectables » aux réalités de la vie urbaine, cette étude s'intéresse à l'usage de la violence mineure féminine et à la manière dont les institutions judiciaires traitent ces justiciables. L'analyse non seulement du phénomène de violence mineure féminine, mais aussi de l'identité des accusées et de leur expérience judiciaire permettra d'explorer un pan de l'histoire sociojudiciaire qui n'a été qu'effleuré par les historiens québécois. En explorant l'intersection du genre, de la violence, de la criminalité et de la justice, ce mémoire propose de poursuivre et nuancer les études existantes sur les femmes qui transgressent les normes sociales par leur caractère « déviant », « criminel » et « violent ». / This thesis focuses on the involvement of women in minor violent offenses in Quebec City between 1820 and 1870. This period is interesting due to its change in social mentalities, particularly regarding women's place in society, but also Quebec's socio-economic context. At that time, Quebec City was one of the most important ports in North America and one of the main hubs of the international timber trade and shipbuilding. This economic growth also brought large waves of immigration from Great Britain transiting through the city. By confronting the paradigm of Victorian women considered "respectable" with the realities of urban life, this study focuses on the way women use minor violence, in addition to how legal institutions judge these offenses. Analyzing not only the phenomenon of minor female violence, but also the identity of the offenders and their judicial experience, will bring light to a part of socio-judicial history that had not previously been studied by Quebec contemporary historians. By exploring the intersection of gender, violence, crime and justice, this thesis proposes to pursue and provide nuance to existing studies on women who transgress social norms through their "deviant", "criminal" and "violent" characters.
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Expérience vécue des feux de forêt et de l'évacuation chez les résidents de Fort McMurrayThériault, Laura 27 January 2024 (has links)
Peu d'études ont examiné la portée de l'expérience subjective pendant et après une catastrophe naturelle. Ce mémoire doctoral a exploré les perceptions des personnes touchées par les incendies et l'évacuation de Fort McMurray en 2016. Les objectifs étaient de documenter (1) l'expérience de l'évacuation, et (2) les conséquences biopsychosociales des feux de forêt telles que perçues par les personnes évacuées de Fort McMurray 3 mois et 3 ans après l'évacuation. Cette étude comprenait deux collectes de données, l'une auprès de 393 personnes évacuées 3 mois après l'évacuation à l'aide d'un questionnaire en ligne, et l'autre auprès de 31 participants (parmi ceux qui ont participé à l'évaluation des 3 mois) interrogés par téléphone 3 ans après l'évacuation. Huit thèmes décrivant l'expérience d'évacuation sont ressortis de l'analyse : la préparation à l'évacuation, la nature traumatique perçue de l'évacuation, les problèmes rencontrés lors des déplacements, l'assistance reçue et fournie, les conditions de vulnérabilité, la présence d’inconforts physiques, la relocalisation, l'absence de problème/de réponse. Sept catégories de conséquences négatives sont ressorties : les pertes matérielles et financières, les impacts émotionnels/troubles de santé mentale, les déficiences cognitives, les changements comportementaux, les réflexions spirituelles/existentielles, les altérations sociales et les conditions physiques. Quatre catégories de conséquences positives sont ressorties : la croissance posttraumatique, la résilience/absence de conséquences, l'altruisme et la cohésion communautaire. Cette étude a montré un large éventail de conséquences perçues des feux de forêt et de l’évacuation par les habitants de Fort McMurray. Les résultats suggèrent l'importance d'adapter les interventions aux besoins des évacués et de fournir de l’aide aux victimes sur une longue période.
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Entre o sábio e o tolo: deslizamentos arquetípicos nas anedotas do Juḥā / The wise fool: archetype displacement in the anecdotes of JuḥāXavier, Luana Molena 05 December 2016 (has links)
Juḥā é personagem cômica e chamada por muitos nomes distintos, que ficou mais amplamente conhecida nos países do Oriente Médio. Esta dissertação visa à análise da composição dos deslizamentos arquetípicos nas anedotas dessa personagem e o papel desses deslizamentos na produção do cômico. Com esse fim, uma amostra das anedotas contidas na complicação \"Giha, Hoja e Nasredin\" - feita por Mussa Kuraiem - teve suas funções narrativas e mecanismos de continuidade narrativa evidenciados, de acordo com os modelos propostos na obra \"Análise Estrutural da Narrativa\". A fim de demonstrar a quebra lógica e a dissolução da narrativa como sua consequência, estudos a respeito do cômico permeiam este trabalho. Como base para o levantamento e demarcação dos arquétipos que emergem das anedotas, utilizou-se, dentre outras, a pesquisa de Hasan El-Shamy e Jane Garry acerca de arquétipos e motivos folclórico-literários. Por fim, este trabalho demonstra a sobreposição dos arquétipos do tolo e do sábio, e indica que a produção de efeito cômico é simultânea ao momento de sobreposição arquetípica e ao de quebra lógica. Concluiu-se que o cômico, nas anedotas analisadas, não está apenas vinculado ao deslizamento arquetípico, mas também ao tipo de quebra cômica (disjuntor) e à adequação da narrativa ao gênero anedótico. Constatou-se também a existência de ciclos temáticos nas anedotas do Juḥā além da ocorrência de nuances arquetípicas subjacentes ao par arquetípico tolo-sábio. / Juḥā is a comic character, called by many different names and most widely known in the Middle Eastern countries. This master\'s thesis has analyzed the structure of archetype displacements in the anecdotes of the abovementioned character, as well as the role of those displacements in the production of the comic effect. To this end, this study identified narrative functions and mechanisms of narrative continuity in a sample of the anecdotes featured in the compilation named \"Giha, Hoja e Nasredin\", organized by Mussa Kuraiem. This research relied upon works on humor in order to describe the resolution of the narrative as an eventual result of its logical rupture. Additionally, studies on archetypes and folk motifs, such as El-Shamy and Garry\'s, helped identify and outline the archetypes which emerge from the anecdotes. The results of this research show two archetypes overlapping in the anecdotes. They also indicate that humor, the logical rupture and the archetype overlap all tend to rise simultaneously from the text. This paper concludes that, particularly for the selected anecdotes, humor is not solely linked to the archetype displacement, once it also depends on the type of logical rupture (known as switch) and on how suitable the narrative is to the anecdotic literary genre. Apart from all that, this research points out to the existence of thematic cycles in the anecdotes of Juḥā, as well as complementary archetypes underlying the wise-fool archetypal pair.
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Entre o sábio e o tolo: deslizamentos arquetípicos nas anedotas do Juḥā / The wise fool: archetype displacement in the anecdotes of JuḥāLuana Molena Xavier 05 December 2016 (has links)
Juḥā é personagem cômica e chamada por muitos nomes distintos, que ficou mais amplamente conhecida nos países do Oriente Médio. Esta dissertação visa à análise da composição dos deslizamentos arquetípicos nas anedotas dessa personagem e o papel desses deslizamentos na produção do cômico. Com esse fim, uma amostra das anedotas contidas na complicação \"Giha, Hoja e Nasredin\" - feita por Mussa Kuraiem - teve suas funções narrativas e mecanismos de continuidade narrativa evidenciados, de acordo com os modelos propostos na obra \"Análise Estrutural da Narrativa\". A fim de demonstrar a quebra lógica e a dissolução da narrativa como sua consequência, estudos a respeito do cômico permeiam este trabalho. Como base para o levantamento e demarcação dos arquétipos que emergem das anedotas, utilizou-se, dentre outras, a pesquisa de Hasan El-Shamy e Jane Garry acerca de arquétipos e motivos folclórico-literários. Por fim, este trabalho demonstra a sobreposição dos arquétipos do tolo e do sábio, e indica que a produção de efeito cômico é simultânea ao momento de sobreposição arquetípica e ao de quebra lógica. Concluiu-se que o cômico, nas anedotas analisadas, não está apenas vinculado ao deslizamento arquetípico, mas também ao tipo de quebra cômica (disjuntor) e à adequação da narrativa ao gênero anedótico. Constatou-se também a existência de ciclos temáticos nas anedotas do Juḥā além da ocorrência de nuances arquetípicas subjacentes ao par arquetípico tolo-sábio. / Juḥā is a comic character, called by many different names and most widely known in the Middle Eastern countries. This master\'s thesis has analyzed the structure of archetype displacements in the anecdotes of the abovementioned character, as well as the role of those displacements in the production of the comic effect. To this end, this study identified narrative functions and mechanisms of narrative continuity in a sample of the anecdotes featured in the compilation named \"Giha, Hoja e Nasredin\", organized by Mussa Kuraiem. This research relied upon works on humor in order to describe the resolution of the narrative as an eventual result of its logical rupture. Additionally, studies on archetypes and folk motifs, such as El-Shamy and Garry\'s, helped identify and outline the archetypes which emerge from the anecdotes. The results of this research show two archetypes overlapping in the anecdotes. They also indicate that humor, the logical rupture and the archetype overlap all tend to rise simultaneously from the text. This paper concludes that, particularly for the selected anecdotes, humor is not solely linked to the archetype displacement, once it also depends on the type of logical rupture (known as switch) and on how suitable the narrative is to the anecdotic literary genre. Apart from all that, this research points out to the existence of thematic cycles in the anecdotes of Juḥā, as well as complementary archetypes underlying the wise-fool archetypal pair.
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