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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Venoconstrição induzida por angiotensina  II em ratos normotensos e hipertensos: estudo de mecanismos de ação, localização e expressão de receptores AT1 e AT2. / Angiotensin II induced venoconstriction in normotensive and hypertensive rats: study of action mechanisms, localization and expression of AT1 and AT2 receptors.

Loiola, Rodrigo Azevedo 08 November 2007 (has links)
Neste estudo, avaliamos e caracterizamos o efeito de Ang II em leito venular mesentérico (LVM) e anéis de veia porta (AVP) de wistar e SHR. A reatividade vascular para Ang II foi estudada na presença e ausência de diferentes antagonistas para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na venoconstrição induzida por Ang II. Nossos resultados sugerem que a Ang II induz venoconstrição através da ativação de receptores AT1 e AT2 em Wistar e receptor AT1 em SHR. Essa venoconstrição parece ser contrabalanceada pelo receptor B2 em ambas as espécies. NO contribue para este efeito em wistar e metabólitos da COX em SHR. Há redução da venoconstrição induzida por Ang II em AVP de SHR que pode estar relacionado a redução da expressão protéica de receptores AT2. Esses resultados indicam diferentes mecanismos de regulação do tônus venoso de ratos wistar e SHR em resposta a Ang II que podem ter relevância no controle do retorno venoso e débito cardíaco. / In this study we have evaluated and characterized the effect of Ang II in the isolated perfused mesenteric venular bed (MVB) and portal vein rings (PVR) of SHR and wistar rats. Vascular reactivity to Ang II was studied in the absence and presence of different antagonists to elucidate the mechanisms involved in Ang II-induced venoconstriction. Our results suggest that Ang II induces venoconstriction by activation of AT1 and AT2 receptors in wistar and AT1 receptor in SHR. These venoconstriction seems to be counterbalanced by B2 receptor in both species. NO might contribute to this effect in wistar and COX metabolites in SHR. There is a decrease in Ang II induced venoconstriction in PVR of SHR that might be related to the decrease of protein expression of AT2 receptor. These results indicate different mechanisms of regulation of venous tonus of the SHR and wistar rats induced by Ang II that can be relevant in the control of the venous return and cardiac output.

Cardiovascular oxidative stress: recent findings on ACE2 And MAO

Pena Silva, Ricardo Alfonso 01 July 2012 (has links)
Oxidative stress is associated with development and progression of cardiovascular disease. Angiotensin II produces oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, and its actions may be attenuated by the activity of angiotensin converting enzyme type 2 (ACE2) which converts angiotensin II to the vasoprotective peptide angiotensin (1-7). Similarly, increased oxidative stress is associated with aortic valve stenosis in humans and mice. In my thesis studies, I explore mechanisms of modulation and generation of oxidative stress in cerebral arteries and heart valves. First, I tested the hypothesis that ACE2 deficiency increases oxidative stress and vasomotor dysfunction in cerebral arteries, and examined the role of ACE2 in vascular aging. Vasomotor function was assessed in the basilar artery ex vivo of adult and old ACE2 deficient (ACE2-/y) and wild type (WT or ACE2+/y) mice. ACE2 was present, but at relatively low levels in cerebral arteries. Systolic blood pressure was similar in adult and old ACE2-/y and ACE2+/y mice. Maximal dilatation to acetylcholine was impaired in the basilar artery from adult ACE2-/y mice compared to adult ACE2+/y. In old mice, maximal vasodilatation to acetylcholine was impaired in ACE2+/y mice and severely impaired in ACE2-/y mice. The antioxidant tempol improved responses to acetylcholine in adult and old ACE2-/y and ACE2+/y mice. Nitrotyrosine staining in the basilar artery was increased in adult ACE2-/y mice and in old ACE2-/y and ACE2+/y mice relative to adult ACE2+/y, which indicates that oxidative stress was higher in cerebral arteries from ACE2 deficient mice and old mice. Expression of NADPH oxidase subunits Nox2 and p47phox, and of pro-inflammatory molecules Rcan1 and TNF alpha; was increased in cerebral arteries from old ACE2-/y and ACE2+/y mice. Additionally, I tested the hypothesis that serotonin induces oxidative stress in human heart valves, and examined mechanisms by which serotonin may increase reactive oxygen species (ROS). Superoxide (O2.-) was measured in heart valves from explanted human hearts that were not used for transplantation. Superoxide levels (lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence) were increased in homogenates of cardiac valves and pulmonary artery after incubation with serotonin. A non-specific inhibitor of flavin-oxidases (DPI), or inhibitors of monoamine oxidase-MAO (tranylcypromine and clorgyline), prevented serotonin-induced increase in O2.-. Dopamine, another MAO substrate which is increased in patients with carcinoid syndrome, also increased superoxide levels in heart valves, and this effect was attenuated by clorgyline. Apocynin did not prevent increases in O2.- during serotonin treatment. Addition of serotonin to recombinant human MAO-A generated superoxide, and this effect was prevented by an MAO inhibitor. In conclusion, I have demonstrated that ACE2 deficiency impairs vasomotor function in cerebral arteries from adult mice and augments endothelial dysfunction during aging. Oxidative stress plays a critical role in cerebrovascular dysfunction induced by ACE2 deficiency and aging. I have also identified a novel mechanism whereby MAO-A can contribute to increased oxidative stress in human heart valves and pulmonary artery exposed to serotonin and dopamine.

Entstehung von oxidativen Stressmarkern in DNA und RNA nach der Behandlung mit den Hormonen Angiotensin II und Aldosteron in vitro und in vivo : Vergleich von drei Analysemethoden zum Nachweis von 8-Oxo-2'-desoxyguanosin in LLC-PK1-Zellen / Formation of oxidative stress markers in DNA and RNA after treatment with aldosterone and angiotensin II in vitro and in vivo

Mandel, Philipp January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The detection of oxidative stress markers has gained increasing importancy in the early investigation of diseases like diabetes, cancer or hypertension. 8 oxo 2' deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) is the main marker, which is used for the intracellular detection of oxidative stress levels. However, the oxidative stress markers 8 oxoguanine (8-oxoGua), a product of the DNA base excision repair and 8 oxoguanosine (8-oxoGuo), a marker for oxidative damaged RNA have received less attention up to now. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) plays an important role in the regulation processes of the blood pressure system. During hypertension angiotensin II (Ang II) and aldosterone (Aldo) are released in high concentrations over a longer period leading to non-physiological effects of the RAAS hormones. Subsequently, an increase of the intracellular oxidative stress level in kidney cells can be measured. The aim of this thesis is the in vitro and in vivo detection of the oxidative damage in DNA and RNA by measuring oxidative stress markers, especially 8-oxodG which is triggered by Ang II and Aldo. In vitro experiments were carried out in LLC-PK1, a cell line originated from porcine kidney cells. It could been shown that Ang II and Aldo led to a dose-dependent increase of DNA damage in the cells. A time-dependent increase was detected for the first 30 minutes of the treatment. For the rest of the experimental set up (4 h) the level of detected DNA damage remained constant. The FPG comet assay and the immunocytochemical staining showed a significant increase of 8-oxodG in the cells, whereas the HPLC-MS/MS measurement only detected a small increase of 8-oxodG in the DNA. The FPG enzyme, which recognises also other oxidized purines besides 8-oxodG, which led to an overestimation of 8-oxodG in the comet assay. Also, the 8 oxodG antibody, which was used in the immunocytochemical analysis, detected higher amounts of 8-oxodG most likely due to its side reactions with other oxidized DNA structures. One of the main advantages of the last mentioned methods is the direct measurement in damaged cells, whereas the HPLC-MS/MS requires an isolation of the DNA. During this isolation process the oxidative stress markers can be oxidized and the detection can become imprecise. The main purpose of the in vivo experiments was the detection of the oxidative stress marker 8-oxoGua, 8-oxodG and 8-oxoGuo in the urine of test animals. The treatment of C57BL/6 mice and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats with the RAAS hormones led to an increase of the blood pressure, higher DNA damage due to oxidative stress as well as an increased excretion rate of oxidative stress markers. The inhibition of the angiotensin II type 1- or mineralocorticoid receptor and a mutation of the AT1a gene could show, that the DNA damage is independent from the hypertension. In addition, it was shown that the NOX4 is not alone responsible for the oxidative stress. Other NADPH oxidases must contribute to the induction of oxidative stress inside the cell. Moreover, the activation of the Nrf2 pathway has an influence on the effect of Aldo in SD rats. The excretion rate of the oxidative stress markers in the 20 h urine of the treated animals showed how the equilibrium between the DNA repair and the oxidative stress level was changing over time. The measurement of 8-oxoGuo became more and more popular, because up to the fact that 80 % of the DNA is translated into RNA. Overall, the detection of 8-oxodG and 8-oxoGuo is feasible for monitoring the disease or the healing process, because the measurement is non-invasive. The detection of 8-oxodG and 8-oxoGuo in nucleic acids is a first step into the field of basic research methods, because it reveals a snapshot of the nucleic acid damage in the cell at a specific time point. Usually, there will be an overestimation of the oxidative stress marker resulting from the analytical method. Although, it is possible to detect an underestimation of oxidative stress markers in tissue samples if not all cell types are damaged equally. Therefore, a primary goal should be the detection of a stable oxidation product of guanine to insure a reliable detection strategy and for a better understanding of the equilibrium of DNA oxidation and repair. / Der Nachweis von oxidativen Stressmarkern hat bei der Untersuchung von Krankheiten wie Diabetes, Krebs und Hypertonie an großer Bedeutung gewonnen. Vor allem 8-Oxo-2’-desoxyguanosin (8-oxodG) wird gezielt mit verschiedenen Methoden gemessen und als Marker für oxidativen Stress herangezogen. Daneben haben 8 Oxoguanin (8-oxoGua), als Produkt aus der Basenexzisionsreparatur der DNA, sowie 8-Oxoguanosin (8-oxoGuo), als Biomarker für oxidativ geschädigte RNA, bisher weniger Aufmerksamkeit bekommen. Das Renin-Angiotensin Aldosteron System (RAAS) spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Regulierung des Blutdrucks. Im Falle einer Hypertonie werden Angiotensin II (Ang II) und Aldosteron (Aldo) über einen langen Zeitraum in erhöhter Konzentration ausgeschüttet. Dieser Umstand bewirkt eine nicht physiologische Wirkung der Hormone des RAAS, welche zu einer Induktion von oxidativem Stress führt. Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit ist es, die oxidative Schädigung, ausgelöst durch Ang II und Aldo, in der DNA und der RNA in vitro und in vivo nachzuweisen und dabei speziell den Biomarker 8-oxodG zu untersuchen. In-vitro-Experimente wurden mit LLC PK1-Zellen, einer Schweinenierenzelllinie, durchgeführt. Ang II und Aldo lösten einen dosisabhängigen Anstieg der DNA Schäden in LLC PK1 Zellen aus. Eine Zeitabhängigkeit wurde für die ersten 30 Minuten gezeigt. Für die restliche Zeit (4 h) blieb der nachgewiesene DNA Schaden konstant. Der FPG Comet-Assay und die immunzytochemische Färbung zeigten jeweils eine signifikante Zunahme von 8-oxodG in LLC-PK1-Zellen an, während die HPLC MS/MS Messung nur geringe Veränderungen nachwies. Das FPG Enzym erkennt neben 8-oxodG auch andere oxidierte Purine und sorgte so für eine Überbestimmung des DNA-Schadens. Bei der immunzytochemischen Färbung entsteht die Überbestimmung durch Kreuzreaktionen des 8 oxodG Antikörpers mit oxidierten Strukturen in der DNA. Der Vorteil beider Analysemethoden ist die direkte Messung von Schädigungen in der Zelle, während die HPLC-MS/MS eine Isolierung der Nukleinsäuren voraussetzt. Bei diesem Schritt kann es zur Oxidation der Marker für oxidativen Stress kommen, welche einen genauen Nachweis erschwert. In vivo-Versuche hatten zum Ziel, die oxidativen Stressmarker 8-oxoGua, 8-oxodG und 8-oxoGuo im Urin nachzuweisen. Die Behandlung der C57BL/6-Mäuse und Sprague Dawley-Ratten (SD-Ratten) mit den Hormonen des RAAS zeigten einen Anstieg des Blutdrucks, erhöhte DNA Schäden durch oxidativen Stress sowie erhöhte Exkretionsraten der oxidativen Stressmarker. Durch eine Inhibierung des Angiotensin II-Typ1- oder Mineralkortikoidrezeptors sowie die Mutation des Gens AT1a konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Schädigungen unabhängig vom Blutdruck sind. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass neben NOX4 auch andere NADPH Oxidasen für den oxidativen Stress verantwortlich sein müssen. Eine Aktivierung des Nrf2 Signalweges in den SD-Ratten hat Einfluss auf die Wirkung von Aldo. Die Exkretionsrate der oxidativen Biomarker im 20-h-Urin der behandelten Tiere zeigen, wie sich das Gleichgewicht zwischen DNA-Reparatur und oxidativem Stress verändert. Da 80 % der DNA in RNA umgeschrieben werden, ist der Nachweis von 8 oxoGuo in den Fokus gerückt. In der praktischen Anwendung kann mit der Messung von 8 oxodG und 8-oxoGuo ein Krankheits- oder Heilungsprozess auf nicht invasive Weise verfolgt werden. Der Nachweis von 8-oxodG und 8-oxoGuo in den Nukleinsäuren stellt einen Einstieg für die Grundlagenforschung dar, da sie nur eine Momentaufnahme der Nukleinsäureschädigung in der Zelle zeigen. Meist findet eine Überbestimmung, ausgelöst durch die Messmethode, statt. In Gewebeproben kann eine Unterbestimmung vorliegen, falls nicht alle Zelltypen vom oxidativen Stress betroffen sind. Daher sollte es ein vorrangiges Ziel sein, ein stabileres Oxidationsprodukt des Guanins nachzuweisen, um das Gleichgewicht der DNA-Oxidation und Reparatur besser zu verstehen.

Characterization of [11C]Methyl-Losartan as a Novel Radiotracer for PET Imaging of the AT1 Receptor

Antoun, Rawad 09 March 2011 (has links)
The Angiotensin II Type 1 (AT1) receptor is the main receptor responsible for the effects of the renin-angiotensin system, and its expression pattern is altered in several diseases. [11C]Methyl-Losartan has been developed based on the clinically used AT1 receptor antagonist Losartan. The aim of this work is to characterize the pharmacokinetics, repeatability and reliability of measurements, binding specificity and selectivity of [11C]Methyl-Losartan in rats using in vivo small animal positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, ex vivo biodistribution and in vitro autoradiography methods. Also, we aim to measure the presence of metabolites in the kidney and plasma using high-performance liquid chromatography. We have demonstrated in vivo that [11C]Methyl-Losartan is taken up in the AT1 receptor-rich kidneys and that it is displaceable by selective AT1 receptor antagonists. Using ex vivo biodistribution, we have confirmed these results and demonstrated that [11C]Methyl-Losartan binds selectively to the AT1 receptor over the AT2, Mas and β-adrenergic receptors. In vitro autoradiography results confirmed these renal binding selectivity studies. [11C]Methyl-Losartan was also shown to have one and two C-11 labeled metabolites in the plasma and kidneys, respectively. In conclusion, [11C]Methyl-Losartan is a promising agent for studying the AT1 receptor in rat models with normal and altered AT1 receptor expression using small animal PET imaging.

Characterization of [11C]Methyl-Losartan as a Novel Radiotracer for PET Imaging of the AT1 Receptor

Antoun, Rawad 09 March 2011 (has links)
The Angiotensin II Type 1 (AT1) receptor is the main receptor responsible for the effects of the renin-angiotensin system, and its expression pattern is altered in several diseases. [11C]Methyl-Losartan has been developed based on the clinically used AT1 receptor antagonist Losartan. The aim of this work is to characterize the pharmacokinetics, repeatability and reliability of measurements, binding specificity and selectivity of [11C]Methyl-Losartan in rats using in vivo small animal positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, ex vivo biodistribution and in vitro autoradiography methods. Also, we aim to measure the presence of metabolites in the kidney and plasma using high-performance liquid chromatography. We have demonstrated in vivo that [11C]Methyl-Losartan is taken up in the AT1 receptor-rich kidneys and that it is displaceable by selective AT1 receptor antagonists. Using ex vivo biodistribution, we have confirmed these results and demonstrated that [11C]Methyl-Losartan binds selectively to the AT1 receptor over the AT2, Mas and β-adrenergic receptors. In vitro autoradiography results confirmed these renal binding selectivity studies. [11C]Methyl-Losartan was also shown to have one and two C-11 labeled metabolites in the plasma and kidneys, respectively. In conclusion, [11C]Methyl-Losartan is a promising agent for studying the AT1 receptor in rat models with normal and altered AT1 receptor expression using small animal PET imaging.

Evaluation of Hospital Readmissions for Older Heart Failure Patients in Taiwan

Chen, Wei-Ling 28 July 2011 (has links)
Research Objectives Heart failure (HF) is a common condition in persons older than 65 years. Existing literature indicated that hospital readmission rates after discharge for heart failure patients are immensely high. However, previous studies showed that almost half of the early hospital readmissions could be prevented. Moreover, Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and Angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) are the commonly used medications for heart failure patients to control blood pressure. Nevertheless, studies indicated that these two medications could also cause the risk of hospital readmission. Little studies examined the associations of medication use and hospital readmission of heart failure patients in Taiwan. This study aims to investigate the influence factors of hospital readmissions among heart failure patients in Taiwan. Study Design We collected the data from National Health Insurance (NHI) database during the period from year 2000 to 2006. Based on the rule of Bureau of National Health Insurance in Taiwan, the 14-day readmission is considered as a poor quality indicator. We categorized readmissions into 4 groups (14-day, 30-day, 180-day and over 180-day) and evaluated each group¡¦s demographic, hospital characteristics, medical resource utilization, Charlson Comorbidity Index and medication utilizations of ACE inhibitor and ARB. We conducted descriptive analyses by using chi-square and t tests and applied multivariate logistic regression analyses to estimate the probabilities of hospital readmissions of heart failure patients. Population Studied Patients aged 50 or older with heart failure were identified based on the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). Principle Findings Among 1920 heart failure patients, 19.9% of them were readmitted within 14 days, 7.6% were readmitted within 30 days and 26% were readmitted within 180 days. The medical resource utilizations such as average inpatients cost per patient, average outpatients cost per patient, total medical cost, average of inpatients times per patient and average of outpatients times per patient were significantly higher in patients with readmissions than those without readmission. Age, Charlson Comorbidity Index, patients who had been treated with ACE inhibitors and patients who had been treated with ARB were significantly affected the probabilities of readmissions. Conclusion The heart failure patients with readmissions had significantly higher medical resource utilizations than those without readmission. The medication uses of ACE inhibitors or ARB were significantly affected the probabilities of hospital readmissions. By understanding more about the influence factors of readmissions among heart failure patients, we may provide continue improvements of quality of care and reduce unnecessary medical costs. This study results provide useful reference for policy-makers to establish effective disease management program and appropriate health care financing arrangement in the future.

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor alone or in combination with angiotensin II type I receptor blocker in patients with chronicproteinuric nephropathies: a systemic reviewof clinical trials

Ho, Kwun-wai., 何冠威. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medical Sciences / Master / Master of Medical Sciences

Characterization of [11C]Methyl-Losartan as a Novel Radiotracer for PET Imaging of the AT1 Receptor

Antoun, Rawad 09 March 2011 (has links)
The Angiotensin II Type 1 (AT1) receptor is the main receptor responsible for the effects of the renin-angiotensin system, and its expression pattern is altered in several diseases. [11C]Methyl-Losartan has been developed based on the clinically used AT1 receptor antagonist Losartan. The aim of this work is to characterize the pharmacokinetics, repeatability and reliability of measurements, binding specificity and selectivity of [11C]Methyl-Losartan in rats using in vivo small animal positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, ex vivo biodistribution and in vitro autoradiography methods. Also, we aim to measure the presence of metabolites in the kidney and plasma using high-performance liquid chromatography. We have demonstrated in vivo that [11C]Methyl-Losartan is taken up in the AT1 receptor-rich kidneys and that it is displaceable by selective AT1 receptor antagonists. Using ex vivo biodistribution, we have confirmed these results and demonstrated that [11C]Methyl-Losartan binds selectively to the AT1 receptor over the AT2, Mas and β-adrenergic receptors. In vitro autoradiography results confirmed these renal binding selectivity studies. [11C]Methyl-Losartan was also shown to have one and two C-11 labeled metabolites in the plasma and kidneys, respectively. In conclusion, [11C]Methyl-Losartan is a promising agent for studying the AT1 receptor in rat models with normal and altered AT1 receptor expression using small animal PET imaging.

Pharmacogenetic studies of antihypertensive treatment : with special reference to the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system /

Kurland, Lisa, January 2001 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Univ., 2002. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Venoconstrição induzida por angiotensina  II em ratos normotensos e hipertensos: estudo de mecanismos de ação, localização e expressão de receptores AT1 e AT2. / Angiotensin II induced venoconstriction in normotensive and hypertensive rats: study of action mechanisms, localization and expression of AT1 and AT2 receptors.

Rodrigo Azevedo Loiola 08 November 2007 (has links)
Neste estudo, avaliamos e caracterizamos o efeito de Ang II em leito venular mesentérico (LVM) e anéis de veia porta (AVP) de wistar e SHR. A reatividade vascular para Ang II foi estudada na presença e ausência de diferentes antagonistas para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na venoconstrição induzida por Ang II. Nossos resultados sugerem que a Ang II induz venoconstrição através da ativação de receptores AT1 e AT2 em Wistar e receptor AT1 em SHR. Essa venoconstrição parece ser contrabalanceada pelo receptor B2 em ambas as espécies. NO contribue para este efeito em wistar e metabólitos da COX em SHR. Há redução da venoconstrição induzida por Ang II em AVP de SHR que pode estar relacionado a redução da expressão protéica de receptores AT2. Esses resultados indicam diferentes mecanismos de regulação do tônus venoso de ratos wistar e SHR em resposta a Ang II que podem ter relevância no controle do retorno venoso e débito cardíaco. / In this study we have evaluated and characterized the effect of Ang II in the isolated perfused mesenteric venular bed (MVB) and portal vein rings (PVR) of SHR and wistar rats. Vascular reactivity to Ang II was studied in the absence and presence of different antagonists to elucidate the mechanisms involved in Ang II-induced venoconstriction. Our results suggest that Ang II induces venoconstriction by activation of AT1 and AT2 receptors in wistar and AT1 receptor in SHR. These venoconstriction seems to be counterbalanced by B2 receptor in both species. NO might contribute to this effect in wistar and COX metabolites in SHR. There is a decrease in Ang II induced venoconstriction in PVR of SHR that might be related to the decrease of protein expression of AT2 receptor. These results indicate different mechanisms of regulation of venous tonus of the SHR and wistar rats induced by Ang II that can be relevant in the control of the venous return and cardiac output.

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