Spelling suggestions: "subject:"annealing."" "subject:"nnealing.""
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Energibalans av två glödgningsugnar inom ett integrerat stålverkFärnström, Dennis January 2017 (has links)
Av den globala energianvändningen så upptar stålindustrin hela 5 % och sett till CO2 – utsläppen som orsakats av mänskliga faktorer så upptar stålindustrin hela 7 %. Stålindustrin är en energikrävande industri och därför är det viktigt att se över dess energianvändning för en nutida och framtida hållbarhet. Ugnar är en av de bidragande faktorerna till den höga energianvändningen och de drivs på icke förnybara bränslen, därför är studier kring detta av hög relevans. Moderna tekniker gällande ugnar i dagens läge riktar sig mycket åt förbränningstekniken, d.v.s. förbränningen av bränslet som ugnarna drivs på. Oxyfuel-tekniken innebär att bränslet förbränns med ren syrgas istället för luft, vilket i huvudsakligt syfte är för att höja förbränningsverkningsgraden. Att använda brännare som kan återvinna rökgaser är också en modern teknik för energieffektiv ugnsdrift. Outokumpu är ett världsledande företag inom tillverkningen av rostfritt stål och anläggningen i Avesta är ett integrerat verk, det betyder att ståltillverkningen i Avesta omfattar hela processen från råmaterial och skrot till färdig produkt. Anläggningen består av tre huvudsakliga verk som kallas stålverket, varmbandsverket och slutligen Linje 76 & Z-High vilket är avdelningen som dessa två glödgningsugnar befinner sig. Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna rapport är att uppvisa en energibalans av två glödgningsugnar inom Outokumpus anläggning i Avesta, avgränsningarna är också tydliga då energibalansen drar sig ifrån den första ugnens inlopp till den andra ugnens utlopp. Och det är den termiska energieffektiviteten som har studerats, d.v.s. hur mycket energi man får ut av den olja som sätts in. Framtagandet av data har genomförts med hjälp av historiska data gällande ugnarnas drift under ett tidsspann på 3 månader tillbaka i tiden, även manuella temperaturmätningar har genomförts. En verkningsgrad har tagits fram för varje ugn och ugnarna tillsammans, verkningsgraderna har beräknats genom att väga förhållandet mellan hur mycket energi som det glödgade materialet har tagit upp, med hur mycket olja som har använts under samma tidsspann. De huvudsakliga resultaten till denna studie tyder sig på att ugnarna är effektiva till att värma stålet och har relativt små transmissionsförluster från ugnarnas omslutande areor. Däremot så finns potential att kunna återvinna mer värme ifrån rökgaser i avgaspannan. / The steel industry occupies the whole 7 % of the global carbon dioxide emissions caused by human factors and 5 % of the global energy usage. The steel industry is an energy intense industry and it’s therefore important to analyze its energy use for its future sustainability. Furnaces are driven on non-renewable fuels and are one of the devoting components to the high energy consumption, so studies of this are of high relevance. Regarding modern techniques of furnaces in today’s mode are much concentrated on the combustion, which means the combustion of the fuel that supplies the furnaces with heat. Oxy-fuel technology means that the fuel is combusted with pure oxygen instead of air, and its purpose is to increase the combustion efficiency. A second modern technology is the usage of burners that are able to recycle flue gases as an increase of energy efficiency. Outokumpu is a world leading company in the manufacture of stainless steel and the plant in Avesta is an integrated steel mill, which means the steel production cover the entire process from scrap and raw material to finished product. The plant consists of three main works called the steel mill, hot rolling mill and KBR L76 which is the department for these annealing furnaces. The main objective of this report is to present an energy balance of two annealing furnaces at the Outokumpu plant in Avesta. The boundary of the study is clear, the energy balance will take part from the inlet of the first furnace to the outlet of the second one. It’s the thermal energy efficiency that has been studied, that is to say how much energy you get from the fuel that is added. Information has been collected using historical data on the operation of the furnaces during a three month period of time, also manual temperature measurements has been carried out. By calculations an efficiency has been developed for each furnace and the furnaces together. This has been carried out by weighing the proportion of the amount of heat that all material have accumulated, with the amount of oil used during the same time. The results of this study mainly indicate that the furnaces are effective in heating the steel, and its heat losses from the surrounding areas are small. On the other hand, there is potential for recycling more heat regarding the use of flue gases in the exhaust-boiler.
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Static recrystallization and grain growth of accumulative roll bonded aluminum laminatesLienshöft, Laura, Chekhonin, Paul, Zöllner, Dana, Scharnweber, Juliane, Marr, Tom, Krauter, Tina, Hoeppel, Heinz Werner, Skrotzki, Werner 04 June 2020 (has links)
Aluminum laminates of high and technical purity layers were produced by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) at room temperature. To study the thermal stability, the laminates after 2 to 9 ARB cycles were annealed between 100 and 400 °C for one hour. Changes of the microstructure were analyzed by electron backscatter diffraction. For low ARB cycle numbers (4 or below) and 300 °C annealing temperature, the deformed technical pure layers start to recrystallize while the high-purity coarse recrystallized layers experience intralayer grain growth. For higher ARB cycle numbers (6 and 8) and an annealing temperature of 300 °C or above, the ultra-fine grained layers of technical purity are consumed by the layer overlapping growth of high-purity grains producing a banded grain structure. For 9 ARB cycles and at an annealing temperature of 400 °C, a globular grain structure develops with grain sizes larger than twice the layer thickness. The effect of impurities on recrystallization and grain growth of ARB laminates is discussed with regard to tailoring its microstructure by heat treatment. For further analyses, the results are compared with Potts model simulations finding a rather good qualitative agreement with the experimental data albeit some simplified model assumptions.
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A Comprehensive Coal Conversion Model Extended to Oxy-Coal ConditionsHolland, Troy Michael 01 July 2017 (has links)
CFD simulations are valuable tools in evaluating and deploying oxy-fuel and other carbon capture technologies either as retrofit technologies or for new construction. However, accurate predictive simulations require physically realistic submodels with low computational requirements. In particular, comprehensive char oxidation and gasification models have been developed that describe multiple reaction and diffusion processes. This work extends a comprehensive char conversion code (the Carbon Conversion Kinetics or CCK model), which treats surface oxidation and gasification reactions as well as processes such as film diffusion, pore diffusion, ash encapsulation, and annealing. In this work, the CCK model was thoroughly investigated with a global sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity analysis highlighted several submodels in the CCK code, which were updated with more realistic physics or otherwise extended to function in oxy-coal conditions. Improved submodels include a greatly extended annealing model, the swelling model, the mode of burning parameter, and the kinetic model, as well as the addition of the Chemical Percolation Devolatilization (CPD) model. The resultant Carbon Conversion Kinetics for oxy-coal combustion (CCK/oxy) model predictions were compared to oxy-coal data, and further compared to parallel data sets obtained at near conventional conditions.
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Evolutionary Optimization Applied to Usage of Solar Energy for Powering a Heat PumpThomasson, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
This paper researches the impact of different settings on an Infinite Impulse Response-filter (IIR-filter) used on a NIBE heat pump in combination with photovoltaic panels (PV-panel). The IIR-filter is applied to the level of the PV-panel’s power and its output is used by the heat pump’s control to harvest as much solar power as possible for supplying the heat pump with electricity. In some of the experiments weather data is used in the form of a forecast regarding the incoming cloudiness in the area, called “cloud coverage”. My objective is to find out which setting performs the best, and whether an evolutionary algorithm can find an optimal setting. The evolutionary algorithms I try are Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing and the Hill Climbing algorithm. Historical data is collected from one of NIBE’s active heat pumps running in a field test. The data is processed and experimented on using an algorithm that analyzes how close a certain setting of values for the coefficient used in the filter and sensitivity of the cloud coverage forecast performs compared to an ideal reference. By using an evolutionary algorithm a better solution to the usage of solar energy can be found, compared to the non-evolutionary algorithm, by using a combination of different values for the coefficient in the filter, and also the cloud coverage forecast, which decides when we should change to another value for the filter coefficient.
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The Course Scheduling Problem with Room ConsiderationsXiao, Lijian 26 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Zotavení a rekrystalizace austenitické oceli 08Cr18Ni10T / Recovery and recrystallization of austenitic steel 08Cr18Ni10TČech, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with influences of graded deformations, temperatures and holding times on the grains and subgrains size in steel 08Cr18Ni10T. In literary part of the thesis there are described static and dynamic annealing treatments, then also austenitic stainless steels and some selected types of their processing. In experimental part there is studied grain size on differently deformed samples annealed in temperature range 1050–1200 °C for 10, 50 and 100 minutes. Analysis of present structures units was perform by EBSD. Except of that, there were realized chemical analysis of selected inclusions and also hardness test were realised. Achieved measurement shown, that grain size of chosen steel is depended on all 3 variable values.
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Evoluční návrh ultrazvukových operačních plánů / Evolutionary Design of Ultrasound Treatment PlansMasárová, Mária January 2021 (has links)
Použitie zameraného ultrazvuku pomáha zachraňovať a uľahčovať ľudské životy, nakoľko práve jeho využitím môžeme liečiť epilepsiu, ničiť rakovinové bunky a zastavovať vnútorné krvácanie neinvazívnou cestou, ktorá predstavuje pre človeka prijateľnejšie a bezpečnejšie riešenie. Vzhľadom na to, že bezpečnosť a zdravie človeka je prioritou pri liečení závažných ochorení, sa táto práca zaoberá porovnaním rôznych evolučných algoritmov a ich použitím pri návrhu evolučných ultrazvukových operačných plánov. V práci sa využívajú dva typy médií, a to homogénne médium a heterogénne médium. Pri vyhodnocovaní algoritmov sa zameriavame na efektivitu s ohľadom na veľkosť populácie, počet evaluácií fitness funkcie a výpočetný čas. V homogénnom médiu sa ako najlepší algoritmus ukázal CMA-ES, ktorý v priebehu 20 sekúnd dokázal nájsť optimálne riešenie so 100% pokrytím cieľovej oblasti pre rotované zrnko ryže. Heterogénne médium je ale oveľa zložitejší problém, predovšetkým kvôli lebke, ktorá odráža a pohlcuje veľkú časť ultrazvuku. Tu sa ako najlepší preukázal algoritmus SA, ktorý našiel výsledok s 23% pokrytím cieľovej oblasti v prvom testovacom scenári. Doba výpočtu trvala približne 1 hodinu a 18 minút, čo značí že je čas veľmi znemožňujúci ("drahý") faktor.
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Vztah pevnosti a charakteru povrchové úpravy keramických materiálů leptáním a žíháním / Relation strength to nature of surface improvement of ceramic materials by etching and annealingVladyka, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The goal of diploma thesis is study of the effect of thermal annealing at different temperatures and different annealing durations on the surface structure of oxide ceramics based on Al2O3 and study of the samples porosity.
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Optimalizace konstrukce elektrických strojů / Optimizing design of electric machinesŠporcr, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
Semester theses focus on optimisation methods useful for construction electric machines. Contain elementary sorting optimization methods and brief description of their algorithms. In these theses is foreshadow how shape of asynchronous stator core should be optimized for better effectivity. Next chaps are discuss about application optimization methods to concrete induction motor.
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Implementace a testování vybraných optimalizačních metod pro úlohy odhadu parametrů simulačních modelů / Implementation and testing of selected optimization methods for the parameter estimation of simulation modelsZapletal, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of appropriate optimization algorithms for purposes of newly developed tool Mechlab’s parameter estimation, which serves for parameter estimation of simulation models in Matlab/Simulink. Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm had been chosen among other gradient methods. On the other hand, genetic algorithm and simulated annealing had been chosen from category of soft computing techniques to be implemented. Chosen algorithms were tested on artifical problem of mechanical oscilator and also on real datasets from electronic throttle. Proposed simulated annealing worked in both cases whith sufficient results, nevertheless was time-costly. For the oscilator problem, all the algorithms provided accurate solutions, but in the case of real dataset, Levenberg-Marquardt functionality was limited, while genetic algorithm still provided excelent results.
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