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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miniaturization of Microstrip Patch Antennas for Gps Applications

Holland, Steven S 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The desire to incorporate multiple frequency bands of operation into personal communication devices has led to much research on reducing the size of antennas while maintaining adequate performance. GPS is one such application, where dual frequency operation, bandwidth and circular polarization pose major challenges when using traditional miniaturization techniques. Various loading methods have been studied to reduce the resonant frequency of the antenna – high permittivity dielectric loading, slot loading and cavity loading – while examining their effects on bandwidth and gain. The objective of this thesis is to provide guidelines on what is achievable using these miniaturization methods and insight into how to implement them effectively.

Contribution à l'étude du rayonnement des conducteurs filaires / Contribution to the study of the radiation from thin-wire structures

Chaaban, Mohamed 31 May 2011 (has links)
Le travail de recherche proposé dans ce manuscrit consiste à modéliser le rayonnement électromagnétique de conducteurs filaires. En effet l’estimation du rayonnement est un enjeu majeur et l’utilisation de modèles exacts nous semble nécessaire. On propose donc dans ce mémoire une approche analytique qui permet de quantifier les niveaux de champs électromagnétiques rayonnés par les systèmes filaires. Dans un premier temps nous proposons un modèle analytique du calcul du champ électromagnétique rayonné par un système filaire basé sur un développement approfondi des équations de Maxwell. Ce formalisme est issu de la formulation intégrale du potentiel vecteur émis par une antenne filaire dont on supposera connu la distribution de courant. Le modèle analytique ainsi obtenu permet d’estimer aisément les champs sans avoir besoin de discrétiser ni le support de transmission ni l’espace d’observation. Pour enrichir notre modèle nous avons ensuite envisagé les cas où la distribution du courant le long des conducteurs était issu, soit de la théorie des lignes soit d’une simulation numérique basée sur la théorie des antennes, soit de mesures. Dans le cas où c’est la théorie des lignes qui est à la base de la détermination des courants distribués, nous proposons un formalisme analytique du champ électromagnétique rayonné basé uniquement sur la seule connaissance des courants et de leurs dérivées aux extrémités des conducteurs. Nous avons également montré que ce formalisme s’extrapole aisément au cas d’un réseau multifilaire. Dans le cas où la théorie des antennes ou des mesures sont à la base de la connaissance des courants distribués, on identifie ce courant par quelques pôles et résidus grâce à la méthode d’identification Matrix Pencil (MP). Le champ électromagnétique rayonné s’exprime alors par une série finie de termes intégrales. Ce formalisme reste analytique et présente l’avantage d’être adapté aux approches paramétriques et d’optimisations. Nos travaux de recherche ouvrent des perspectives de reconstruction de la distribution du courant par Matrix Pencil à partir de la connaissance du courant et de ses premières dérivées spatiales aux seules extrémités des conducteurs. Le champ électromagnétique rayonné sera alors déduit de notre modèle. / The research presented in this thesis is focused on the modelling of electromagnetic radiation from thin-wire configuration. The radiation assessment is one of the most important issues which strongly requires an accurate modelling. In this work, an analytic approach to evaluate electromagnetic field radiated from thin-wire structure sis proposed. In the first part, we propose an analytical model for calculation of the electromagnetic fields from wire structure derived from the Maxwell equations. This formalism arises from the integral formulation of the magnetic vector potential due to a known current distribution along a wire antenna. The analytical model enables one to readily calculate the fields without requirement of wire structure discretization or involving the propagation effect over the domain of interest. In order to improve the model, we subsequently analyze cases where the current distribution along the conductors is known, either obtained by using the transmission line theory, by numerical simulations based on the antenna theory, or by measurements. On the basis of the known current and its derivative at the ends of a two-wire configuration, obtained by using the transmission line theory, the proposed approach yields an analytical formalism for determination of the radiated electromagnetic field. This analytical formalism is readily extended to multiple wires structures, as well. Once the current distribution is determined by using the antenna theory, the proposed method extracts the corresponding poles and residues by using the Matrix Pencil Method (MPM). In this case, the radiated electromagnetic field is formulated just by few integral terms. The main advantage of the analytical formulation within the framework of the proposal approach is that the method is very suitable for parametric and optimisation studies. This research should be considered as an opener to the subject related to reconstruction of the current distribution by using the Matrix Pencil method (MPM) only based on the current and its first derivative at the wire structure ends. Consequently the radiated electromagnetic field may be subsequently readily calculated by using theproposed analytical model.

On millimeter and submillimeter wave focal plane arrays implemented with MEMS waveguide switches

Frid, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents research towards enabling micromachined millimeter and submillimeter wave focal plane arrays (FPAs). The FPAs operate under the following principle: a switch network consisting of microelectromechanical (MEMS) switches, integrated with micromachined waveguides, is used to feed an array of antenna elements, located in the focal plane of a high-gain quasi-optical system. Hence, it is possible to switch between a set of narrow beams in different directions. Such beam steering systems are needed for future millimeter and submillimeter wave imaging and communication systems. The contributions to future MEMS-switchable FPAs presented here are organized in three papers, as described below. Paper I presents a criterion on the spacing between adjacent FPA elements which results in -3 dB overlap between the switched beams, for the special case when an extended hemispherical dielectric lens is used as the optical system. A key step towards this criterion is a closed-form relation between the scan angle and the FPA element's position, which results in an expression for the effective focal length of extended hemispherical lenses. A comparison with full-wave simulations demonstrates an excellent agreement with the presented theoretical results. Finally, it is shown that the maximum feasible FPA spacing when using an extended hemispherical lens is about 0.7 wavelengths. Paper II presents a numerical study of silicon-micromachined planar extended hemispherical lenses, with up to three matching regions used to reduce internal reflections. The effective permittivity of the matching regions is tailor-made by etching periodic holes in the silicon wafer. The optimal thickness and permittivity of the matching regions were determined using TRF optimization, in order to yield the maximum wide-band aperture efficiency and small side-lobes. We introduce a new matching region geometry, referred to as shifted-type matching regions, and it is demonstrated that using three shifted-type matching regions results in twice as large aperture efficiency as compared to using three conventional concentric-type matching regions. Paper III presents a submillimeter-wave single-pole single-throw (SPST) 500-750 GHz MEMS waveguide switch, based on a MEMS-reconfigurable surface inserted between two waveguide flanges. A detailed design parameter study is carried out to select the best combination of the number of horizontal bars and vertical columns of the MEMS-reconfigurable surface, for achieving a low insertion loss in the transmissive state and a high isolation in the blocking state. A method is presented to model the non-ideal electrical contacts between the vertical cantilevers of the MEMS surface, with an excellent agreement between the simulated and measured isolation. It is shown that the isolation can be improved by replacing an ohmic contact by a new, capacitive contact. The measured isolation of the switch prototype is better than 19 dB and the measured insertion loss is between 2.5 and 3 dB. / Denna avhandling presenterar forskning som syftar till att möjliggöra fokalplans-gruppantenner (FPAs) för våglängder i millimeter och submillimeterområdet. Principen för en sådan FPAs funktion är följande: ett nätverk bestående av mikroelektromekaniska (MEMS) switchar, används för att välja mellan de olika antenn-elementen i en gruppantenn, som placerats i fokalplanet av ett optiskt system. Därmed blir det möjligt att välja från en uppsättning av smala lober i olika riktningar. Sådana lob-styrningssystem behövs för framtida radar- och kommunikationssystem i millimeter och submillimeterområdet. Resultaten är uppdelade i tre vetenskapliga artiklar, som beskrivs nedan. I den första artikeln (Paper I) presenteras ett villkor för avståndet mellan närliggande FPA-element som resulterar i -3 dB överlappning mellan de switchade loberna, för specialfallet då en förlängd hemisfärisk lins används som optiskt system. Det viktigaste steget mot att hitta detta villkor är att bestämma en analytisk relation mellan avsökningsvinkeln och FPA-elementens position. Detta resulterar i ett uttryck för den effektiva fokallängden för denna typ av lins. En utmärkt överensstämelse har funnits mellan dessa relationer och simuleringar. Slutligen visas det att de största möjliga FPA-avstånden för en förlängd hemisfärisk lins är ungefär 0.7 våglängder, vilket uppnås för linser med låg permittivitet. I den andra artikeln (Paper II) presenteras en numerisk studie av plana förlängda hemisfäriska linser, som kan produceras från en kiselskiva. Linserna har upp till tre matchningsregioner, som används för att reducera interna reflektioner. Den effektiva permittiviteten av de matchande regionerna skräddarsys genom etsning av periodiska hål i kiselskivan. Den optimala tjockleken och permittiviteten av de matchande regionerna har bestämts med hjälp av TRF-optimering, för att ge maximal bredbandig direktivitet och minimala sidlober. En ny geometri introduceras för matchningsregionerna, som vi kallar matchningsregioner av skiftad typ. Vi visar att användning av tre matchningsregioner av skiftad typ resulterar i en dubbelt så hög apertur-effektivitet, jämfört med att använda tre konventionella matchningsregioner av koncentrisk typ. I den tredje artikeln (Paper III) presenteras en MEMS-switch för rektangulära vågledare, för frekvensområdet 500-750 GHz. Baserat på en designparameterstudie har den bästa kombinationen av antalet horisontella rader och vertikala kolumner hos den MEMS-konfigurerbara ytan valts ut, för att uppnå låga förluster i det öppna tillståndet och hög isolation i det blockerande tillståndet. I artikeln presenteras en metod för att modellera icke-perfekta elektriska kontakter mellan de fixerade och de rörliga delarna i MEMS-ytan. Denna metod uppvisar en utmärkt överensstämmelse mellan den simulerade och den uppmätta isolationen. Vi visara att isolationen kan förbättras med hjälp av en ny typ av kapacitiv kontakt. Den uppmätta isolationen hos den presenterade switch-prototypen är högre än 19 dB, och den uppmätta förlusten är mellan 2.5 och 3 dB. / <p>QC 20161206</p>

Advanced radiating systems based on leaky waves and nondiffracting waves / Systèmes rayonnants complexes à ondes de fuite

Fuscaldo, Walter 27 February 2017 (has links)
La focalisation du champ électromagnétique dans les zones de champ proche et lointain est un sujet de forte actualité pour l'imagerie médicale et la radiométrie des microondes jusqu'aux ondes millimétriques. Dans ce cadre, la théorie des ondes de fuite est un formalisme élégant qui permet de décrire d'une même façon les problèmes radiatifs en champ proche et en champ lointain des microondes aux fréquences optiques. Dans cette thèse, on utilise la polyvalence de la théorie des ondes de fuite pour développer des systèmes rayonnants complexes afin de contrôler les caractéristiques radiatives en champ lointain aux fréquences submillimétriques et pour focaliser la radiation électromagnétique en champ proche aux fréquences millimétriques. Ainsi, l'utilisation de matériaux uniques comme le graphène et les cristaux liquides ont été considérés pour la conception des antennes à ondes de fuite, en obtenant des résultats très intéressants en termes de reconfigurabilité, d'efficience et de directivité. Dans ce contexte, une analyse théorique originale a fourni de nouvelles formules pour l'évaluation des caractéristiques radiatives (c.à.d. la largeur de faisceau, le niveau des lobes secondaires, etc.) des antennes à ondes de fuite. En effet, la largeur du faisceau de ces antennes est, jusqu'à présent, estimée au moyen des formules proposées pour la première fois dans les années '60 par Prof. Arthur A. OLINER. Ces formules ne tiennent en compte ni de la longueur de l'antenne (sauf pour des cas très particuliers), ni du rayonnement longitudinal, elles ne permettent donc pas une évaluation rigoureuse.En complément à la reconfigurabilité en champ lointain, les ondes de fuite offrent aussi la possibilité de focaliser la radiation en champ proche. Dans ce cas, on voit que les ondes de fuite peuvent être utilisées d'une façon efficace pour générer des faisceaux non diffractifs de Bessel à travers des systèmes rayonnants à bande étroite aux ondes millimétriques. De plus, le caractère non diffractif des faisceaux de Bessel peut aussi être utilisé pour générer des impulsions très localisées (comme les solitons en optiques) à travers la superposition continue des faisceaux de Bessel sur une large bande de fréquence. Dans ce cadre, une nouvelle formulation a été développée afin de comprendre les limitations physiques et technologiques concernant la génération des impulsions non diffractives et non dispersives, c.à.d. les X-waves. Les résultats ont montré qu'un type de systèmes rayonnants à large bande, notamment les antennes RLSA (en anglais « Radial Line Slot Array »), semblent très favorables pour la génération des X-waves. / In recent years, microwave, millimeter-wave, and THz applications such as medical and security imaging, wireless power transfer, and near-field focusing, just to mention but a few, have gained much attention in the area of ICT due to their potentially high social impact. On one hand, the need of highly-directive THz sensors with tunable radiating features in the far-field region has recently boosted the research activity in the design of flexible, low-cost and low-profile devices. On the other hand, it is of paramount importance to focus energy in the near-field region, and thus the generation of limited-diffraction waves in the microwave and millimeter-wave regime is a topic of recent increasing interest. In this context, leaky-wave theory is an elegant and extremely useful formalism which allows for describing in a common fashion guiding and radiating phenomena in both the near field and the far field, spanning frequencies from microwaves to optics passing through THz. In this PhD thesis we aim to exploit the intrinsic versatility of the leakywave approach to design advanced radiating systems for controlling the far-field radiating features at THz frequencies and for focusing electromagnetic radiation in the near field at millimeter waves. Specifically, the use of relatively new materials such as graphene and liquid crystals has been considered for the design of leaky-wave based radiators, achieving very promising results in terms of reconfigurability, efficiency, and radiating capabilities. In this context, an original theoretical analysis has provided new general formulas for the evaluation of the radiating features (e.g., half-power beamwidth, sidelobe level, etc.) of leaky-wave antennas. Indeed, the current formulations are based on several simplifying hypotheses which do not allow for an accurate evaluation of the beamwidth in different situations. In addition to the intriguing reconfigurable capabilities offered by leaky waves in far-field applications, interesting focusing capabilities can be obtained in the near field. In particular, it is shown that leaky waves can profitably be used to generate limited-diffraction Bessel beams by means of narrow-band radiators in the microwave range. Also, the use of higherorder leaky-wave modes allows for achieving almost the same performance in the millimeter-wave range, where previous designs were subjected to severe fabrication issues. Even more interestingly, the limited-diffractive character of Bessel beams can also be used to generate limited-diffraction pulses as superpositions of monochromatic Bessel beams over a considerable fractional bandwidth. In this context, a novel theoretical framework has been developed to understand the practical limitations to efficiently generate limited-diffraction, limited-dispersion pulses, such as X-waves, in the microwave/millimeter-wave range. As a result of this investigation, a class of wideband radiators has been thoroughly analyzed, showing promising capabilities for the generation of both zeroth-order and higher-order Xwaves. The latter may pave the way for the first localized transmission of orbital angular momentum in the microwave range.

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