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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Třeboňský archivář Antonín Markus a historik umění Zdeněk Wirth - rozbor a výběrová edice vzájemné korespondence / Antonín Markus, the archivist of the town of Třeboň, and Zdeněk Wirth, the arthistorian - analysis and selective edition of the common correspondence

HOMEROVÁ, Libuše January 2013 (has links)
As it is obvious from the title of the graduate work "Antonín Markus, the archivist of the town of Třeboň, and Zdeněk Wirth, the arthistorian - analysis and selective edition of the common correspondence, the authoress primary intended to prepare the analysis and elaboration of the edition of the unique epistular collection, which covers almost a half of century of the mutual friendship and cooperation of the two important representatives of the Czech cultural scene of the first and the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. The editated correspondence is a part of the personal inheritances of the both mentioned men which is saved in the State region archive in Třeboň (Antonín Markus) and in the Institute of the history of art of the Academy of sciences of the Czech republic (Zdeněk Wirth).The first part of the diploma work brings the general essay on the correspondence as an object of the scientist´s interest and the survey of the authors of the certain works on the edition analysis of correspondence of the various personalities. Next chapter introduces the used sources and special literature which the authoress used. The life stories of Antonín Markus, the longtime archivist of the Třeboň Schwarzenberg´s archive, and Zdeněk Wirth, our eminent arthistorian and organizator of the monument preservation, are presented in the individual biographies. Next part of the work shows the analysis of the correspondence from the view of the condition and amount, kind of communication, frequence of answering and the outer look of the individual documents, which is ensembled with the topic analysis of it´s content. The commented selected edition is followed by the editing notice and the name index. Other part brings of course the list of sources and used literature. The end of the diploma work includes the visual enclosures which suitably enrich the written part.

Čeští translátoři při českém guberniu v Praze v 18. století / The Czech translators at the local government in Prague in 18th century

PSOTKOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This M.A. thesis deals with the office of the Czech translator at the local government in Prague, which was established in 1749 as a part of the Repräsentation und Kammer. The first aim of our work is to describe and explain the agenda of this department, assess its activities within the contemporary context and justify its establishment. In doing so, we contribute to the historical research by describing the situation of the officials at the time of Maria Theresa and Joseph II, and furthermore we contribute also to the linguistical research by studying the role of Czech in the administration in 18th century. The introduction describes the situation of Czech language in the 18. century and analyzes the state of research. The further text is divided into three chapters. The first one shows the development of Bohemian local government in Prague where Czech translators were working. The most important part of the work is the second chapter, which expounds the history of the translator's office and provides biographies of individual translators. The third chapter presents the Apology of Czech written by the first known translator Matěj Rudolf Blažej which is interesting for us as an example of texts produced by the office in the 18th century and as a contribution to the Czech National Revival.

Klavírní koncert g moll, op. 33, Antonína Dvořáka - raná a konečná verze / Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in G Minor, op. 33, by Antonín Dvořák - Early and Final Version

Šmídová, Ludmila January 2016 (has links)
Ph.D. Thesis Abstract Piano Concerto in G Minor, op. 33, by Antonín Dvořák - Early and Final Version Critical Edition of the Score // Study about the Origin, the First Printing and the Performance Practice The dissertation is focused on the Concerto for Piano by Antonín Dvořák from 1876 - an outstanding composition not only in the Czech milieu but in all the European context as well - , which was a very long time condemned for its "unsuitable" piano part. The thesis summarizes all existing knowledge of the history of the origins and reception of the Dvořák's Piano Concerto, which is further verified on the basis of written contemporary sources (Dvořák's correspondence and contemporary press, sometimes yet unknown). Distorted and false pieces of information are corrected and supplemented with new findings (relating to the performances, interpreters, arrangements). Thanks to them, the author presents a new sight of the history of the reception of this composition from inception until the beginning of present century. For the first time all musical sources are examined in detail and relations between them studied (autograph with revisions between years 1876-1883, a copy of the score, which Leoš Janáček let made in 1878/9 and materials of the first printing J. Hainauer from 1883). Then author draws attention to...

Poslední lucemburská princezna. Životní osudy Elišky Zhořelecké v letech 1390 - 1425. / The Last Princess of Luxembourg. The Life of Elizabeth of Görlitz in the period between years 1390 - 1425.The Last Princess of Luxembourg.

Bolerazká, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Title: The Last Princess of Luxembourg. The Life Elizabeth of Görlitz in the Period between Years 1390 - 1425. Abstract: The thesis aims to describe the life of the last princess of the House of Luxembourg, Elisabeth of Görlitz. Based on an analysis of narrative and diplomatic material spanning between 1390 - 1425 it describes her life from birth until the moment she ultimately became a widow. Elisabeth of Görlitz (1390 - 1451) was the granddaughter of the emperor Charles the IV. and the Swedish king Albrecht I. During a significant period she used to be the only heir of the House of Luxembourg and therefore since her childhood she was an important woman from the political point of view. She married Anthony Duke of Brabant after several unsuccessful engagements. This marriage led Elizabeth to the Western Europe, where she spent the rest of her life. Thanks to this marriage, Luxembourg became the property of the newly married couple. After few years Anthony died in one of the most famous battles of Hundred Years' War - The battle of Agincourt. Soon after that, Elizabeth got married for the second time. Her second husband was John III the Pitiless, the former Prince-Bishop of Liège, which was during this time most known for his efforts of acquiring Holland and Zeeland. However, John died a few years after the...

Ilegální skupina okolo Karla Nesnídala jako součást sokolského odboje v kraji Hradec Králové / IThe Illegal group around Karel Nesnídal as a part of Sokol resistance in Hradec Králové region

Švecová Zborníková, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The topics of the thesis are the life stories of members of the Czechoslovak Sokol Community in the division VII. Hradec Králové, Karel Nesnídal, Josef Urban, Antonín Stiehl, František Weihrauch and Václav Válek after the Nazis involuntary terminated this organization on 8th October 1941. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the origin and structure of the Sokol resistance organization JINDRA, its activities in illegality (code names, passwords, specific encryption system), and to map the fate of these actors after contact with František Pecháček and follow-up connection with the group S21B and the paratrooper group Silver A. The work also deals with uncovering the organization after the arrest of Ladislav Vaněk, head of the JINDRA Group for Bohemia and Moravia, who decided to cooperate with the Gestapo to provide the secret German police the information about other members of the group and its content. The second part of the thesis deals with the arrest and imprisonment of Sokol officials, their conviction to death (Karel Nesnídal and other resistance fighters, leaders and officials of individual divisions) and to the special treatment (Urban, Válek, Weihrauch a Stiehl). The conclusion of the work is divided into the execution of Karel Nesnídal in the Plötzensee prison in Berlin, the death of his...

Vliv Tomáše a Jana Antonína Bati na rozvoj města Otrokovice / Influence of Thomas and Jan Atonín Bata on the town Otrokovice development

Malotová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
Theme that I dealt in my dissertation with, concerns of my hometown Otrokovice and also to the region in which the city is located. Describes the development and building of this place,and especially of city districtsBaťov,which took place here in the 20th and 30 the last century. Under the leadership of brothers Tomas and Jan Antonín Bata here arose ideal industrial town, the only of its kind in the country. This is not qustion just about new town plan, but also a new type of labor and social relations. In my work I deal with not only the sociological impact of this process on indigenous peoples but also a new way of educating young people, the concept of discipline and the phenomenon of collective consciousness. I also asked myself about the sustainable development of Down Otrokovice to the environmental and economic, and their possible future. There is also a comparison with the nearby Zlin, where Bata began the process of transforming. Mentioned town is still the center of the region and tradition bearers of this system.

Hudební kultura v konventu alžbětinek na Novém Městě Pražském / Music Culture of the Elisabethan Convent in Prague

Michl, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Music Culture of the Elisabethan Convent in Prague Jakub Michl Abstract The Sisters of Saint Elizabeth (Elizabethan Nuns) were a spiritual order primarily focused on administering healthcare. Therefore, music was never the main focus of the order's activities, as it often was in others, particularly educational orders. However, thanks to the uninterrupted historical continuity of the Prague convent, which was exempted from the restrictions of Joseph II's era, many sources illustrating the convent music culture were preserved, including an extensive collection of music. The dissertation aims to describe this music culture in the context of the order structure and its personal hierarchy, as part of the city of Prague and its civic institutions, and in its everyday life and characteristics such as enclosure, hospital service and recreational activities. Music in convents was always tightly bound to liturgy. In the case of the Elizabethan order, significant music production was focused on the order's main liturgical feasts such as S. Elizabeth, S. Francis of Assisi, Porciuncula, Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and also memorial services for deceased patrons of the convent. The convent cooperated with many lay musicians and composers such as F. X. Brixi, Z. V. Suchý, F. X. Labler, J. N. Bayer, among others. At the...

Gustáv Husák. Politická biografie se zvláštním zřetelem k česko-slovenským vztahům ve 20. století / Gustav Husák. A Political Biography with Special Emphasis on Czech-Slovak Relations in 20th Century

Macháček, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Bibliographic record: Michal MACHÁČEK: Gustáv Husák. A Political Biography with Special Emphasis on Czech-Slovak Relations in 20th Century, PhD. thesis, The Faculty of Arts at Charles University 2017, 476pp. [784 standard pages]. Abstract The dissertation thesis discusses public activities, thoughts and the political life of JUDr. Gustáv Husák, CSc. (1913-1991), who was involved in the Czech-Slovak public space for sixty years with a significant footprint even today. The text is based on a thorough research and is chronologically structured, intertwined with thematic areas, however an analytical approach prevails. The first chapter focuses on Husák's youth, the factors that led him to the communist movement, and his early activism. This is followed by a portrayal of the Husák's activities during the Second World War, his role in the resistance, participation in a propaganda trip to the Nazi conquered Ukraine, and his vision of Slovakia as a republic of the Soviet Union. His later involvement in the Slovak National Uprising provided the legitimacy of his later political career in the post-war era, when he successfully led the struggle for the communist monopoly of political power in Czechoslovakia and attempts to present the Communist Party of Slovakia as a national party. Next two chapters show the origins...

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