Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apples -- diseases anda tests."" "subject:"apples -- diseases anda pesar.""
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Studies on a new species of empusa.Dustan, Alan G. January 1922 (has links)
No description available.
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A comparison of the arthropods found in two integrated control blocks, a commercial control block, and an abandoned block of apples in Hampshire County, Massachusetts.Blyth, Edward J. 01 January 1976 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Inoculation of apple protoplast with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) /Li, Xiao Hua 01 January 1988 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Purification and properties of apple russet ring virus.Feng, Natalie I. M. 01 January 1971 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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The effects of CaCl2 and aqueous seaweed extract foliar sprays on spider mite predator/prey status and on several aspects of fruit quality of 'McIntosh' apple trees.Coli, William M. 01 January 1980 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Behavioral control of apple maggot fly (Rhagoletis pomonella) in Massachusetts commercial apple orchards.Hoffmann, Sara R. 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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The effect of the cedar rust disease on some of the normal processes of the apple leafDuShane, James Ross January 1916 (has links)
These experiments have proved conclusively the effect of cedar rust on the normal processes of the apple leaf. The diseased leaves use more oxygen and give off more carbon dioxide than the healthy leaves, and at the same time less starch and sugar is made than in the healthy leaves. When transpiration is reduced, the food supply - the soluble plant food - is accordingly reduced. The difficulty of diseased trees not being able to get sufficient food through insufficient transportation, by water, may be overcome by either of two methods - (1) irrigation or (2) fertilization, with neutral or slightly acid fertilizers, manure being an excellent material to use.
The first and most important method of cedar rust control is to cut the cedars for a distance of at least a half mile from the orchard. Second in importance is by timely sprayings, and third, is by feeding the trees. In order that cedar rust control is to be realized, cooperation in a community is essential. “Team work" is necessary in all lines of work and the orchardist should not forget this fact. / Master of Science
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Fungi associated with root rot of apple treesThomas, H. Earl January 1916 (has links)
Master of Science
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Biology of subterranean populations of woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann)(Homoptera:Aphididae), in apple orchardsDamavandian, M. R. 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD (Agric))--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A study was made of the basic biology of subterranean Eriosoma
lanigerum (Hausmann) populations in apple orchards in the Western Cape
Province of South Africa.
The absence of cornicles and the presence of a vulva could be used to
identify 1st instar nymphs and adults respectively. Body length, body width and
length of the hind femur are useful for separating 2nd
, 3rd and 4th instars.
However, separation of 2nd from 3rd instar nymphs was very unreliable.
Maximum population growth rate was at 23°C while at 30 °C
population growth was zero. The estimated minimum and maximum threshold
temperatures for development were 4.32 and more than 30°C respectively.
Numbers of underground E. lanigerum in soil samples taken using
mechanical and hand augers were similar. However, numbers of aphids in
samples were influenced by the distance from the trunk at which the samples
were taken and the presence and the type of root material in the samples.
More aphids were recorded close to the trunk, and at a given distance from
the trunk more aphids were recorded if there was root material in the sample,
especially if the roots were galled. early autumn (February, March) and declined during winter, especially if the
winter rainfall was high. These cycles coincided with the nitrogen cycles in the
Embryos were also present in all instars throughout the year. There
were more embryos in the 4th instar and adult aphids than in the other instars.
The highest number of embryos in the 4th instar and adult aphids occurred
during spring, which coincided with peak nitrogen levels in the roots of apple
trees. Nitrogen levels in root material adjacent to galls and in ungalled roots
were higher than in root galls.
A number of entomopathogenic fungi, including species of
Conidiobolus, Hirsufella and Beauveria were found. Their present contribution
to biological control is not known.
A straw mulch suppressed subterranean E. lanigerum population levels
at least as well as the soil insecticide, imidacloprid, currently in use. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Studie van die basiese biologie van ondergrondse bevolkings van
, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) is in appelboorde in die Weskaap Provinsie
van Suid-Afrika uitgevoer.
Die afwesigheid van kornikels en die aanwesigheid van 'n vulva kon
gebruik word om die 1ste instar nimfe en volwassennes onderskeidelik te
identifiseer. Liggaamslengte, liggaamsbreedte en die lengte van die agterste
femur kon gebruik word om die 2de
, 3de en 4de instars van mekaar te
onderskei. Onderskeiding tussen 2de en 3de instar nimfe was egter baie
Maksimum bevolkingsgroei het by 23°C plaasgevind, terwyl dit nul was
by 30 °C. Die beraamde minimum en maksimum temperature vir ontwikkeling
was by 4.32 en meer as 30°C onderskeidelik.
Getalle van ondergrondse E. lanigerum in grondmonsters wat geneem
is met gebruik van meganiese en hand bore was eenders. Getalle plantluise in
monsters is egter beïnvloed deur die afstand vanaf die stam waarby die
monsters geneem is en die teenwoordigheid van wortelmateriaal in die
monsters. Meer plantluise is aangeteken as daar wortelmateriaal in die
monsters was, en veral as daar galle op die wortels was. Die appelbloedluis was dwarsdeur die jaar ondergronds aktief.
Bevolkingsvlakke het gedurende die vroeë somer (November, Desember) en
vroeë herfs (Februarie, Maart) toegeneem, en gedurende die winter
afgeneem, veral as die winterreënval hoogwas.
Embrio's was ook teenwoordig dwarsdeur die jaar. Daar was meer
embrio's in die 4de instar en volwasse plantluise as in die ander instars. Die
hoogste aantal embrio's in die 4de instar en volwasse plantluise het in die lente
voorgekom, wat saamgeval het met piek stikstofvlakke in die wortels van
appelbome. Stikstofvlakke in wortelmateriaal aangrensend aan wortels en in
wortels sonder galle was hoër as in wortelgalle.
Talle entomopatogeniese swamme, insluitend spesies van
Conidiobolus, Hirsufella en Beauvaria IS gevind. Hulle huidige bydrae tot
biologiese beheer is nie bekend nie.
'n Strooideklaag het ondergrondse bevolkingsvlakke van E. lanigerum
tot ten minste dieselfde mate as die grondinsektedoder, imidacloprid, wat tans
in gebruik is, onderdruk.
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Pre-harvest determination of bitter pit potential in applesLotze, Elmi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric) (Horticulture))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Bitter pit fruit in commercial consignments of apples still poses an economic threat to
exporters from South Africa. Bitter pit develops pre-harvest, but gets progressively worse
during storage and is only traceable once the lesions appear after storage. Accurate, early
indications of bitter pit incidence will allow for remedial pre-harvest measures in the field,
e.g. Ca foliar applications, to reduce the potential losses. Similarly, the automatic detection of
a bitter pit fruit during packing will reduce financial losses by identifying unacceptable fruit
before shipping.
Fluorescence imaging is a fast, non-destructive technique, able to evaluate numerous fruits
individually. Results of pre-harvest imaging on apples to identify fruit susceptible to bitter pit
showed that pitted fruit were correctly classified, but misclassification of non-pitted fruit with
fluorescence imaging was still too high.
NIR-spectroscopy point meter readings could distinguish visible bitter pit lesions from
healthy tissue. Important wavelengths associated with visible bitter pit were identified. This
technique could also identify immature apples, more prone to bitter pit development. It could
however not distinguish between bitter pit and non-pitted fruit when applied randomly on the
calyx end of apples at harvest.
Pre-harvest foliar applications to increase fruit Ca content and reduce bitter pit incidence, is a
standard practice world wide. External Ca uptake by fruit was monitored to determine the
efficacy of applications during different stages of fruit development. Two periods of efficient
uptake of external Ca were identified, viz., cell division and the last few weeks before harvest.
Foliar Ca applications from 40 days after full bloom were more effective in increasing fruit Ca content and reducing bitter pit incidence than at 80 days after full bloom, which was
recommended previously.
Mineral analysis of fruit has been used with variable success to predict bitter pit prior to
harvest. The possibility of increasing the accuracy of existing predictive models by using
analysis of individual fruit rather than pooled samples, was investigated. By improving the
normality of different mineral distributions and decreasing the overlap between pitted and
non-pitted fruit classes, it was attempted to improve the reliability of predictions based on
variable threshold values. The Ca distribution showed a variation between pitted and nonpitted
classes, but still a significant overlap between classes reduced the accuracy of the
predictive capacity of this distribution. Even though our results produced a correct
classification of 85% for non-pitted fruit, which can be useful, this was still below the
required tolerance, of less that 2%, expected on the market.
The effect of pruning and fruit bearing position on two-year-old wood on dry mass and Ca
allocation of fruit was determined. ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit set was the lowest at the basal
bearing position compared to the other positions evaluated and was contrary to expectations.
Fruit in a terminal bearing position was superior to the basal position regarding total dry
weight and fruit size. Distal wood possibly inhibited growth and set on the basal position via
auxin distribution. Ca allocation differed between seasons and cultivars and could either be
influenced by bearing position or presence or absence of re-growth.
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