Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apples -- diseases anda tests."" "subject:"apples -- diseases anda pesar.""
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Characterisation of mites and peniciccium species associated with apple core rot diseasesVan der Walt, Lene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Plant Pathology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Dry core rot (DCR) and wet core rot (WCR) are among some of the most important postharvest
diseases of apples in South Africa. Mouldy core (MC) is also a symptom associated with
the core region of apples, but it is not of economical importance since apple tissue surrounding
the core region is not affected as is the case with DCR and WCR. The incidence of core rots in
harvested fruits can be as high as 12%, but in general ranges from 3 to 8%. Infections and losses
can also occur during fruit handling in pack houses and during storage. Additionally, yield losses
also occur prior to harvest within orchards due to premature fruit drop of core rot affected fruits.
The incidence of core rot diseases in apples differ among apple cultivars, with most Red
Delicious varieties being susceptible to the development of core rots, whereas core rots have
rarely been reported in other cultivars such as Granny Smith.
The etiology and epidemiology of WCR and DCR are poorly understood. Although many
fungal genera have been associated with the diseases, small-spored Alternaria species are mainly
associated with DCR, whereas Penicillium species including P. roquefortii, P. expansum and P.
funiculosum have mainly been associated with WCR. Dry core rot infections have long been
known to occur pre-harvest, whereas WCR is primarily known as a post-harvest disease where
infections take place during fruit handling in pack houses. Recently, Tarsonemus mites have also
been indicated as being a potential role player in the etiology of core rot diseases. The mites
have been hypothesised to carry pathogen spores into the core region of apples, and they may
also possibly cause small wounds that facilitate pathogen entry.
In South Africa, apple growers have recently reported WCR as being present prior to
harvest, which has not been reported previously. Therefore, the first aim of the study was to
investigate the incidence, as well as the causal agent/s of pre-harvest WCR. The incidence of
WCR ranged from 0% to 1.7% in eleven orchards, and was in general lower than that of DCR
(0.4% to 6%). Isolation studies from eight internal positions in WCR apples showed that
Penicillium was the predominant fungal genus in most of the positions, including the lesion area.
Morphological and molecular characterisation of Penicillium isolates from WCR showed that P.
ramulosum prov. nom. was the main species isolated from lesions, as well as other isolation
positions. However, this species was also the main species isolated from DCR, MC and
asymptomatic apples. Penicillium expansum was only isolated at low frequencies from WCR
and DCR apples. Other Pencillium species that were occasionally isolated included P. glabrum,
P. chloroloma, P. chermisinum and a putative new species with closest affinity to P. dendriticum
(P. species aff. dendriticum) on a DNA nucleotide sequence basis. Pathogenicity and virulence
studies using three different inoculation methods showed that P. expansum was the most virulent
species, followed by P. species aff. dendriticum. The P. ramulosum prov. nom. isolates varied in
their virulence, but were all considered to have low virulence.
The role of Tarsonemus mites in the etiology and epidemiology of core rot diseases is
poorly understood, and therefore the second aim of the study was to investigate some of these
aspects. The specific aims of the study were to (1) investigate the ecology of Tarsonemus mites
in Red Delicious and Granny Smith orchards during different apple developmental stages, (2)
determine if there is a significant association of Tarsonemus mites with diseased (WCR and
DCR) fruits and (3) determine if potential core rot pathogenic fungi are associated with the
mites. Tarsonemus mites were found in all of the investigated apple developmental stages (buds,
blossoms, 4cm diameter fruit, mature fruit and mummies), having the highest incidence in
mummies and mature fruits from Red Delicious and Granny Smith orchards. In Red Delicious
fruits the Tarsonemus mites were found within the core and/or calyx tube, whereas in Granny
Smith fruits the mites were restricted to the calyx tube. In Red Delicious fruits there was a
significant association between dry core rot as well as total core rot (wet- and dry-core rot) with
the presence of mites in the core, as well as total mites (mites in core and calyx tubes). Fungal
isolation studies from the Tarsonemus mites showed that they carried potential core rot fungal
pathogens within the genera Penicillium and Alternaria. The Penicillium species isolated from
the mites included two of the most virulent WCR species, P. expansum and P. species aff.
dendriticum. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Droë kernvrot and nat kernvrot is van die belangrikste na-oes siektes van appels in Suid-
Afrika. Beskimmelde kern word ook met die kern van appels geassosieer, maar hierdie toestand
is egter nie van ekonomiese belang nie, aangesien die weefsel rondom die kern nie geaffekteer
word soos in die geval van nat- en droë kernvrot nie. Die voorkoms van kernvrot in vrugte na
oes, kan vlakke van tot 12% bereik, maar oor die algemeen is die voorkoms tussen 3 en 8%.
Infeksie en verliese kan ook voorkom gedurende die hantering en verpakking van vrugte in
pakhuise en gedurende storing. Addisionele verliese in opbrengs kan ook voor-oes voorkom in
boorde. Dit is te wyte aan voortydige vrugval van appels wat besmet is met kernvrot. Die
voorkoms van kernvrot by appels verskil tussen kultivars. Meeste van die “Red Delicious”
variëteite is vatbaar vir die ontwikkeling van kernvrot. Die toestand is egter skaars by ander
kultivars soos Granny Smith.
Die etiologie en epidemiologie van nat- en droë kernvrot word nie goed verstaan nie. ‘n
Groot aantal swamgenera is al met kernvrot geassosieer. Klein-spoor Alternaria spesies word
hoofsaaklik met droë kernvrot geassosieer en Penicillium spesies, insluitende P. roquefortii, P.
expansum en P. funiculosum, word meestal met nat kernvrot geassosieer. Dit is lank reeds
bekend dat droë kernvrot as voor-oes siekte kan voorkom, maar nat kernvrot is algemeen bekend
as na-oes siekte waar infeksie tydens vrughantering en verpakking plaasvind. Daar is onlangs
aangedui dat Tarsonemus myte potensiële rolspelers in die etiologie van kernvrot is. Hipoteties
is die myte in staat om spore van die patogene in die kern van die appels in te dra, asook om
klein wonde te veroorsaak wat infeksie deur patogene vergemaklik.
In Suid-Afrika is nat kernvrot wat voor-oes in die boorde ontstaan onlangs deur boere
aangemeld; hierdie toestand is nog nie op ‘n vorige geleentheid aangemeld nie. Die eerste
doelwit van hierdie studie was dus om die voorkoms en veroorsakende organisme/s van voor-oes
nat kernvrot te ondersoek. Die voorkoms van nat kernvrot was tussen 0 en 1.7% in elf boorde en
was oor die algemeen laer as die voorkoms van droë kernvrot (0.4 tot 6%). Isolasiestudies uit agt
interne posisies van nat kernvrot appels het getoon dat Penicillium die dominante swamgenus in
die meeste posisies was, insluitend die letsels. Morfologiese en molekulêre karakterisering van
Penicillium isolate uit nat kernvrot letsels het aangedui dat P. ramulosum prov. nom. die spesie is
wat die meeste geïsoleer is vanuit die letsels, asook ander isolasie posisies. Dié spesie was egter
ook die mees algemene spesie wat uit nat- en droë kernvrot, asimptomatiese appels en appels wat
slegs swamgroei in die kern gehad het, geïsoleer is. Penicillium expansum was ook in lae getalle
uit nat- en droë kernvrotletsels geïsoleer. Ander Penicillium spesies wat ook soms geïsoleer is,
sluit P. glabrum, P. chloroloma, P. chermisinum, asook ‘n moontlik nuwe spesie wat op DNA
volgorde basis die naaste aan P. dendriticum (P. spesie aff. dendriticum) is. Studies wat
patogenesiteit en virulensie van die isolate ondersoek het, is ook uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak
van drie verskillende inokulasie metodes. Die studies het aangedui dat P. expansum die mees
virulente spesie is, gevolg deur P. spesie aff. dendriticum. Die P. ramulosum prov. nom. isolate
het variasie in virulensie getoon maar is oor die algemeen aanvaar om minder virulent te wees.
Die rol van Tarsonemus myte in die etiologie en epidemiologie van kernvrot word nie
goed verstaan nie en dus was die tweede doelwit van die studie om sommige van dié aspekte te
ondersoek. Die spesifieke doelwitte was (1) om die ekologie van die Tarsonemus myte in “Red
Delicious” en Granny Smith boorde tydens verskillende ontwikkelingstadiums van die appels te
ondersoek, (2) om te bepaal of daar ‘n betekenisvolle assosiasie van Tarsonemus myte met siek
(nat- en droë kernvrot) vrugte bestaan en (3) om te bepaal of potensiële kernvrot patogeniese
swamme geassosieer is met die myte. Tarsonemus myte is gevind in al die ontwikkelingstadiums
(knoppies, bloeisels, 4 sentimeter deursnee vrugte, volwasse vrugte en mummies) van appels wat
ondersoek is. Die hoogste voorkoms van myte was in die mummies en volwasse vrugte van “Red
Delicious”, asook Granny Smith kultivars gevind. In “Red Delicious” vrugte is myte in die kern
en/of kaliksbuis gevind, maar in die Granny Smith vrugte was die myte tot die kaliksbuis beperk.
In “Red Delicious” vrugte was daar ‘n betekenisvolle assosiasie tussen droë kernvrot, asook
totale kernvrot (nat en droë kernvrot) met die teenwoordigheid van myte in die kern, asook totale
myte (myte in die kern en kaliksbuis). Swam isolasiestudies vanaf die Tarsonemus myte het
aangetoon dat potensiële kernvrot swampatogene in die genera Penicillium en Alternaria wel by
die myte teenwoordig was. Die Penicillium spesies wat vanaf die myte geïsoleer is het twee van
die mees virulente nat kernvrot spesies ingesluit, nl. P. expansum en P. spesie aff. dendriticum.
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Assessment of inoculation techniques to evalute apple resistance to Phytophthora cactorumZondo, Patience Thembelihle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Phytophthora cactorum (Lebert & Cohn) Schrot. is the primary cause of crown, collar and
root rot diseases of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees worldwide. This pathogen is most
destructive in commercial apple orchards under waterlogged soil conditions and has recently
been identified as causing serious disease in some South African apple orchards. Crown,
collar and root diseases are difficult to control because of their unpredictability and
catastrophic nature. The use of resistant cultivars and rootstocks is economical and
environmentally considerate. Therefore the need to develop screening techniques that will
enable the selection of desirable disease resistant traits as part of an apple-breeding program in
South Africa was identified. The work undertaken in this study was aimed at optimizing
different techniques to test resistance.
Using two direct inoculation techniques (excised stem and intact stem) the
aggressiveness of lO isolates of P. cactorum on apple rootstocks was determined. The
susceptibilities of five apple rootstocks were also compared. Results have shown isolate by
rootstock interaction which means isolate aggressiveness was influenced by rootstocks tested.
The selectivity of isolates suggests that there may be several strains of the pathogen.
Population studies of the pathogen might contribute valuable information that could lead to
better interpretation of results. Rootstock susceptibility was monitored in vitro throughout the
season by inoculating at monthly intervals for 26-months. It was observed that during winter,
rootstock susceptibility was low compared to high susceptibility during summer. These
results have revealed new information regarding changes in the relative resistance of the
different rootstocks over the growing season, e.g. the susceptibility pattern of rootstock
MMl06 occurred 1 to -2 months later than that of other rootstocks. This finding has
important implications on the way in which resistance test results are interpreted, and
emphasizes the importance of not relying on point sampling. Furthermore, useful information
has been acquired regarding the epidemiology of the disease with regard to "windows of
susceptibility". The phenomenon of a phase shift in susceptibility of different rootstocks needs to be tested on a broader scale to assess whether it has any practical application on
resistance testing.
Although different inoculation techniques are applied in breeding programs, up to now
there is no consensus on which technique works best for seedling selections. Since large
numbers of individuals must be tested to improve the chances of detecting resistant genotypes,
mass inoculations of young seedlings is a rapid way of identifying resistant individuals. Two
different screening methods were tested during this study. Using the sand-bran technique,
seedlings were transplanted onto inoculated soil and the root mass was used as a measure of
resistance. In a second method zoospore inoculum was applied to seedlings growing in a
sand:bark mixture at different concentrations and the seedlings were subjected either to water
drenching or not. In both trials the aggressiveness of isolates differed significantly from each
other and only higher inoculum concentrations were effective in causing disease. The age of
seedlings used in tests emerged as an important factor. Seedlings under five-months-old
should not be used. Drenching inoculated seedlings enhanced disease development but the
production of sufficiently high numbers of zoospores was a laborious task. Thus, it is
recommended that the sand-bran inoculum technique be tested with the drenching treatment
for mass selection.
In conclusion this study confirms the importance of both choice of isolate and choice of
inoculation intervals in determining susceptibility of rootstocks to infection. In spite of the
fact that stem inoculation bioassays have limited resemblance to natural disease situations,
these bioassays are useful for obtaining an indication as to whether genotypes have a degree of
resistance and merit further testing. For this reason refinement of the stem inoculation
bioassay is worthwhile pursuing. With regard to seedling trials, both the sand-bran and the
zoospore technique appear promising but refinement of these techniques is necessary in order
to present a more practical way of testing large volumes of seedlings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Evaluering van inokulasietegnieke om weerstand teen Phytophthora cactorum in appels
te evalueer:
Phytophthora cactorum (Lebert & Cohn) Schrot. is die primêre oorsaak van kroon-, kraag en
wortelvrot van appelbome (Malus domestica Borkh.). Dit is die mees verwoestende patogeen
in kommersiële appelboorde waar daar versuipte toestande grond voorkom. P. cactorum is
onlangs identifiseer as die patogeen wat ernstige kroon- en kraag-verotting in Suid Afrikaanse
appelboorde veroorsaak. Kroon-, kraag- en wortelvrot is moeilik om te beheer as gevolg van
die onvoorspelbaarheid en rampspoedige aard van die siekte. Die gebruik van kultivars en
onderstamme wat weerstandbiedend is teen siektes en plae is omgewingsvriendelik en is
ekonomies van belang, dus het die behoefte ontstaan om inokulasietegnieke te ontwikkelom
weerstandige saailinge te identifiseer en te selekteer as deel van 'n appelteelprogram in Suid
Afrika. Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om verskillende inokulasietegnieke te toets en te
verfyn om weerstand in appelsaailinge te identifiseer.
Deur gebruik te maak van twee inokulasietegnieke (die afgesnyde loot- en intakte loot
tegniek), is die relatiewe aggressiwiteit van 10 isolate van P. cactorum en die vatbaarheid van
vyf appelonderstamme ondersoek. Resultate het aangetoon dat die aggressiwiteit van die
isolate gevarieer het na aanleiding van die onderstam wat getoets is. Die selektiwiteit van die
isolate is 'n aanduiding dat daar moontlik verskeie rasse van die patogeen voorkom.
Toekomstige studies op die populasiestruktuur van P. cactorum sal 'n belangrike bydrae
maak tot die interpretasie van resultate oor weerstand en weerstandsteling.
Die vatbaarheid van onderstamme was ook in in vitro proewe ondersoek deur
maandelikse inokulasies toe te pas oor 'n tydperk van 26 maande. Dit is opgemerk dat die
onderstamvatbaarheid gedurende die winter laag was in vergelyking met die somer. Nie al die
onderstamme het dieselfe gereageer gedurende verskillende toetstye nie. Hierdie resultate
toon aan dat die relatiewe weerstand van verskillende onderstamme oor die groeiseisoen
verskil, byvoorbeeld die vatbare reaksie van die onderstam 'l\.1MI06' het een tot twee maande
later voorgekom in vergelyking met ander onderstamme wat getoets is. Hierdie bevinding het belangrike implikasies op die interpretasie van weerstandstoetsing en beklemtoon die
moontlike tekortkominge in enkelproefwaarnemings. Bruikbare inligting ten opsigte van die
epidemiologie van die siekte is versamel wat beskryf kan word in terme van vensters van
vatbaarheid wat verskil van onderstam tot onderstam. Verdere ondersoeke in die verband
word aanbeveel.
Hoewel verskeie inokulasietegnieke bestaan om jong saailinge vir weerstand te toets, is
daar tot op hierdie stadium nog nie ooreenstemming oor die beste tegniek wat toegepas moet
word om saailingseleksie te doen nie. Omdat groot getalle saailinge getoets moet tydens die
seleksieproses sal massa-inokulasie van saailinge die aangewese metode wees. Twee
verskillende inokulasie tegnieke is getoets in die studie. Deur gebruik te maak van die sandsemel
tegniek, is saailinge geplant in geinfesteerde plantmedium, waartydens die wortelmassa
van saailinge gebruik is om die reaksie op infeksie te kwantifiseer. Die soëspoor
inokulasietegniek was toegepas op saailinge wat in 'n sand en basmengsel geplant is teen
verskillende inokulurnkonsentrasies. 'n Waterverdrenkingsbehandeling is ook getoets. In
albei hierdie proewe het die aggressiwiteit van die isolate van mekaar verskil. Slegs die hoër
inokulumkonsentrasies was effektief in die ontwikkeling van die siekte. Die ouderdom van
saailinge is ook uitgewys as 'n belangrike faktor wat 'n rol speel in weerstandstoetsing.
Saailinge jonger as 5 maande word nie aanbeveel vir hierdie toetse nie. Verdrenking van
saailinge het die voorkoms van die siekte verhoog, maar die produksie van groot getalle
soëspore was 'n beperkende faktor in die uitvoering van die proef Dit word aanbeveel dat die
sand-semel inokulasietegniek verder evalueer moet word onder verskeie toestande, onder
andere deur dit met verdrenkinghte kombineer.
Die belang van die keuse van isolaat en inokulasiedatum in bepaling van relatiewe
weerstand van onderstamme teen P. cactorum is tydens die studie bevestig. Afgesien van die
beperking van die staminokulasietegnieke in soverre dit verwyderd is van natuurlike infeksie,
word die tegnieke aanbeveel om 'n indikasie te kry van die relatiewe weerstand van
onderstamme. Beide die sand-semel en soëspoor tegnieke kan gebruik word om weerstandige
saailinge te identifiseer, maar tegniese verfyning van hierdie tegnieke is nodig om saailinge in
massa te evalueer.
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The biology and management of aerial populations of woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) (Homoptera: aphididae)Heunis, J. M. (Juanita Maria) 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The basic biology of Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) and its natural enemy,
Aphelinus mali (Haldeman), was investigated in the Western Cape Province of South
The first instar nymph can be identified by the absence of cornicles and the
adult female by the presence of the vulva. Body length and distance between cornicles
can be used to distinguish between the 2nd
, 3rd and 4th instars.
The development of E. lanigerum was negatively influenced by temperatures
above 27DC. The net replacement rate (Ro) and intrinsic rate of increase (rm) peaked at
20DC. The theoretical lower and upper threshold temperatures for development were
estimated at 4.48DC and 28.07DC, respectively.
Crawlers of E. lanigerum migrated from the roots up into the trees during
spnng to start new infestations. Colonies became visible from December and
maximum colony numbers were reached from the end of summer until autumn, at
which time most of the colonies were parasitised by A. mali. Colony numbers
declined at the end of autumn after high parasitism and the appearance of winged E.
lanigerum. The aphid overwintered on the tree. Chemical sprays, rain during spring
and high temperature influenced population numbers negatively.
E. lanigerum can be monitored by counting the unparasitised colonies in leaf
axils of half of each of 25 trees per 2 hectare plot with 5 unparasitised colonies as the
economic threshold. Sampling error was high at 40% but increasing the number of
trees did not reduce it. Presence-absence sampling, which will reduce the time
required for monitoring, did not seriously compromise the reliability of decisions
regarding the necessity for intervention. Chemicals containing nitrogen usually sprayed for bitterpit control stimulated
the settling of E. lanigerum crawlers on Granny Smith trees, while fruit weevil
barriers for the control of Phlyctinus callos us Boh. limited crawler movement into the
trees but did not prevent colonisation.
All the postembryonic developmental stages of E. lanigerum were parasitised
by A. mali. Complete parasitism of the population was never reached as younger
instars sheltered under other aphids and mummified aphids.
Development of A. mali was not influenced negatively by high temperatures.
The minimum developmental temperature and number of degree days needed for
development of the larval stage and emergence of the adult from the mummy were
.6.72°C and 172.41°D, and 10.27°C and 109.89°D respectively. Mummies collected
during early winter survived long periods of cold storage in postdiapause. The
rrummum threshold temperature for postdiapause development of A. mali was
Most chemicals tested against A. mali adults were highly toxic to the wasp,
except endosulfan and two growth regulators, flufenoxuron and fenoxycarb. The
mortality of adults exposed to the fungicides tested was low within the first 24 hours.
The percentage emergence from the mummies was high for all chemicals tested, but
more than 60% of the adults died soon after emergence from mummies treated with
chlorpyrifos. Nearly 30% of the adults died soon after they emerged from carbaryl
(XLR-Plus) and fenthion treated mummies. The growth regulators, flufenoxuron and
fenoxycarb, did not influence fecundity adversely. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die basiese biologie van Enosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) en sy natuurlike
vyand, Aphelinus mali (Haldeman), in die Weskaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika
Die eerste instar nimf kan aan die afwesigheid van kornikels en die
volwassenes aan die teenwoordigheid van die vulva uitgeken word. Die
liggaamslengte en afstand tussen die kornikels kan gebruik word om tussen instar 2, 3
en 4 te onderskei.
Die ontwikkeling van E. lanigerum word nadelig deur temperature bo 27°C
beïnvloed. Die netto vervangingstempo (Ro) en intrinsieke tempo van toename (rm)
was die hoogste by 20°C. Die teoretiese minimum en maksimum temperatuur
drempelwaardes vir ontwikkeling was 4.48°C en 28.07°C onderskeidelik.
In die lente beweeg E. lanigerum kruipers op vanaf die wortels tot in die bome
om nuwe kolonies te begin. Kolonies is sigbaar vanaf Desember en die hoogste
koloniegetalle word aan die einde van die somer tot die herfs bereik, wanneer die
meeste van die kolonies dan ook deur A. mali geparasiteer word. Teen laat-herfs neem
koloniegetalle af as gevolg van hoë parasitisme en die verskyning van gevleuelde E.
,lanigerum. E. lanigerum oorwinter op die appelboom. Chemiese behandelings, reën
gedurende die lente en hoë temperatuur beïnvloed koloniegetalle nadelig.
E. lanigerum kan deur die aantal ongeparasiteerde kolonies in die blaaroksels
van die helfte van 25 bome per 2 hektaar blok te tel, met 5 ongeparasiteerde kolonies
as die ekonomiese drempelwaarde, gemonitor word. Die steekproefnemingsfout was
hoog (40%), maar kon nie verminder word deur die aantal bome wat gemonitor is te
verhoog nie. Steekproefneming, vir aan- of afwesigheid van kolonies, wat monitortyd sal verminder, het min invloed op die betroubaarheid van besluitnemings oor die
noodsaaklikheid van bespuitings gehad.
Stikstofbevattende chemikalieë, wat vir die beheer van bitterpit gespuit word,
stimuleer vestiging van E. lanigerum kruipers op Granny Smith bome, terwyl
snuitkewerversperrings, vir die beheer van Phlyctinus callosus Boh., die opwaartse
beweging van kruipers in die bome beperk, maar nie kolonievorming van E.
lanigerum verhoed nie.
Alle postembrioniese ontwikkelingstadiums van E. lanigerum is deur A. mali
geparasiteer. Totale parasitisme is nooit bereik nie, omdat jonger instars onder ander
bloedluise en gemummifiseerde bloedluise skuil.
Die ontwikkeling van A. mali word nie deur hoë temperature benadeel nie. Die
minimum ontwikkelingstemperatuur en graaddae, nodig vir ontwikkeling van die
larwale stadium en die verskyning van die volwassene uit die mummie, was 6.72°C
met 172.4loD en 10.27°C met 109.89°D, onderskeidelik. Mummies wat vroeg in die
winter versamel is, het lang periodes van koelopberging oorleef. Die minimum
temperatuur drempelwaarde vir A. mali ontwikkeling in postdiapouse was 10.15°C.
Die meeste van die chemikalieë wat getoets is, was hoogs toksies vir die
volwasse wesp, behalwe endosulfan en die twee groeireguleerders, flufenoxuron en
fenoxycarb. Die mortaliteit van volwassenes wat aan swamdoders blootgestel is, was
laag binne die eerste 24 uur na blootstelling. Die persentasie uitkoms vanuit mummies
was hoog vir al die chemikalieë wat getoets is, maar met chlorpyrifos het 60% van die
volwassenes net na uitkoms doodgegaan. Ongeveer 30% van die volwassenes is dood
na verskyning vanuit mummies wat met carbaryl (XLR-Plus) en fenthion gespuit is.
Die groeireguleerders, flufenoxuron en fenoxycarb, het nie die vrugbaarheid van die
parasiet merkbaar beïnvloed nie.
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Small RNA profiling of virus-infected apple plantsVisser, Marike 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) is globally associated with latent infection in commercial apple trees. Little
is known about this plant-‐virus interaction. This study made use of
next-‐generation sequencing to investigate the effect of virus-‐infection on the expression of the different small RNA (sRNA) species
namely, miRNAs, nat-‐siRNAs, phasiRNAs, rasiRNAs, tRNA-‐derived
sRNAs and vsiRNAs. Broad and narrow size-‐range datasets were generated using sRNA libraries prepared from total and size-‐selected
RNA, respectively. Through bioinformatic data analyses, 130 genomic
loci were predicted to give rise to miRNAs, 85 of which were novel
MIR genes. Targets were predicted for the majority of miRNAs, a
few of which could be validated with a publicly available degradome
dataset. Cis-‐ and trans-‐natural antisense transcripts (NATs) were
identified, of which only the latter were highly enriched for sRNAs
in their overlapping regions. Transcript as well as genomic regions
were also identified that can give rise to phasiRNAs. For 25 of these
loci an in-‐phase miRNA target site was identified, half of which could
be validated with the degradome dataset. Nearly all apple repeat sequences in Repbase were associated with sRNA synthesis. sRNAs
derived from both ends of mature tRNAs were identified. These
sRNAs corresponded to tRFs and tRNA-‐halves. Reads associated
with tRNA-‐halves were prominent in the broad range datasets.
sRNAs, originating from the central regions of tRNAs, were also
observed. Analysis of the vsiRNAs suggested the presence of two
ASGV genetic variants in two of the samples, while the third sample
was infected with only one variant. Comparison of the vsiRNA profiles
generated from the two datasets highlighted the influence of library
preparation on the interpretation of results. Differential expression
analysis of the identified apple sRNA species showed no variation
between healthy and infected plants, except for the tRNA-‐derived
sRNAs, which did show altered expression levels. Taken together,
the various sRNA species characterised in this study significantly
extended the existing knowledge of apple sRNAs and provide a
broad platform for future functional studies in apple. This study
also presents the first and most comprehensive report on sRNAs
involved in ASGV infection in apple. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Appel gleufstam virus (ASGV) word wêreldwyd geassosieer met latente infeksie in kommersiële appelbome. Min inligting oor hierdie plant-‐virus interaksie is beskikbaar. Hierdie studie het van volgende-‐generasie volgordebepaling gebruik gemaak om die effek van virusinfeksie
op die uitdrukking van verskillende klein RNA (sRNA) spesies, nl.
miRNAs, nat-‐siRNAs, phasiRNAs, rasiRNAs, tRNA-‐afkomstige sRNAs
en vsiRNAs, te ondersoek. Datastelle met breë en smal grootte-‐verspreiding is gegenereer m.b.v. sRNA biblioteke wat onderskeidelik
voorberei is vanaf totale RNA en RNA van ‘n bepaalde grootte.
Deur middel van bioinformatiese data-‐ontleding is 130 genomiese
loci voorspel wat aanleiding kan gee tot miRNAs, waarvan 85 nuwe
MIR gene is. Teikens is voorspel vir die meerderheid van die miRNAs
en 'n aantal daarvan kon bevestig word m.b.v. 'n publiek-‐beskikbare
degradoom datastel. Cis-‐ en trans-‐natuurlike antisense transkripte
(NATs) is geïdentifiseer, waarvan slegs die laasgenoemde verryk
was vir sRNAs in hul oorvleuelende areas. Transkrip sowel as
genomiese areas, wat aanleiding kan gee tot phasiRNAs, is ook
geïdentifiseer. Vir 25 van hierdie loci is 'n in-‐fase miRNA teiken
geïdentifiseer, waarvan die helfte bevestig kon word met die degradoom datastel. Byna al die appel herhalende volgordes in
Repbase was geassosieer met sRNA sintese. sRNAs afkomstig van
beide kante van volwasse tRNAs is geïdentifiseer. Hierdie sRNAs
het ooreengestem met tRFs en tRNA-‐helftes. Volgordes geassosieer
met tRNA-‐helftes was prominent in die breë grootte-‐verspreiding
datastelle. sRNAs, afkomstig van die sentrale dele van tRNAs, is
ook waargeneem. Ontleding van die vsiRNAs het die teenwoordigheid
van twee ASGV genetiese variante in twee van die monsters aangetoon, terwyl die derde monster met slegs een variant geïnfekteer was. Die vergelyking van vsiRNA profiele, gegenereer
vanaf die twee datasteltipes, beklemtoon die invloed van biblioteek
voorbereiding op die interpretasie van resultate. Ontleding van die
differensiële uitdrukking van die geïdentifiseerde appel sRNA spesies
het geen verskil tussen gesonde en geïnfekteerde plante getoon
nie, behalwe vir die tRNA-‐afkomstige sRNAs, wat wel verandering die
vlak van uitdrukking getoon het. Die verskillende sRNA spesies wat
in hierdie studie geïdentifiseer is, het die bestaande kennis van appel
sRNAs aansienlik uitgebrei en bied 'n breë platform vir toekomstige
funksionele studies in appel. Hierdie studie bied ook die eerste, en
mees omvattende verslag oor sRNAs betrokke in ASGV infeksie in
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Orchard and bin treatment with entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) for the control of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella)Odendaal, Deidre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is the key pest of apples and pears worldwide. The withdrawal of certain fundamental chemicals from codling moth management spray programmes, due to concerns about human, environmental and ecosystem health, has resulted in the search for softer, more environmentally friendly, and safer control measures. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), naturally occur in the soil, and actively search for hosts. The interest in using EPNs from the families Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae as a control measure was sparked in 1953, when an EPN was discovered in an insect. The aim is to incorporate EPNs in an integrated pest management (IPM) programme, to ensure minimal residue and eventually residue-free pome fruit production in South Africa. In order to ensure EPN success, both the environmental and technical factors influencing their efficacy, were investigated in this study.
The biocontrol potential of three imported EPN isolates, being Steinernema feltiae and two isolates of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Hb1, Hb2), as well as a local isolate, Steinernema yirgalemense, were evaluated for the control of the codling moth under local conditions. All concentrations of S. yirgalemense, applied by immersion in a suspension of nematodes, gave > 98% control. The two formulated isolates of H. bacteriophora, Hb1-f and Hb2-f, gave < 30% control. When using the same nematode isolates, produced in vivo, S. yirgalemense still resulted in a higher codling moth control of > 90%, compared to 54% and 31% control of the H. bacteriophora Hb1 and Hb2 isolates, respectively. In follow up field trials, S. feltiae resulted in ≥ 80% control, and was thus more effective than both S. yirgalemense and the H. bacteriophora (Hb1) isolates, with 66% and 24%, and 24% and 9% control, for two separate trials, respectively. To validate the data obtained from the field trials, subsequent laboratory bioassays were conducted evaluating temperature regimes, following the same cycle as under natural conditions, with a constant humidity of 100%. Steinernema feltiae proved to be most effective, causing > 90% mortality, followed by S. yirgalemense, with 78% mortality. The two H. bacteriophora isolates (Hb1, Hb2) under the above-mentioned laboratory conditions, resulted in 73% and 59% control, respectively. Humidity thus seems to be the most important factor affecting EPN efficacy during above-ground applications. Steinernema feltiae proved to be a better candidate than S. yirgalemense for the control of the codling moth.
The efficacy of different EPN isolates in controlling diapausing codling moth larvae at different temperatures was also evaluated, under local conditions, using spray application. Steinernema feltiae and two isolates of H. bacteriophora Hb1 and Hb2, including two local isolates, S. yirgalemense and Steinernema jeffreyense, were evaluated. The use of S. jeffreyense resulted in the most effective control, with 67% mortality, followed by H. bacteriophora (Hb1) with 42%, and then by S. yirgalemense with 41%. Laboratory bioassays simulating field conditions revealed that S. feltiae was most virulent to codling moth larvae, with 67% mortality by infection, followed by S. yirgalemense with 58%, the H. bacteriophora strain Hb1 with 48%, and the Hb2 strain with 24%. A comparison of the infection and penetration rate of two isolates of H. bacteriophora (Hb1, Hb2), S. feltiae and S. yirgalemense, which was carried out in multiwell plates at 14°C and 25°C, respectively, confirms the dramatic effect of temperature on EPN efficacy. At 14°C, all treatments with EPN species resulted in slower codling moth mortality than they did at 25°C, as after 48 h, < 15% mortality was recorded for all species, whereas at the warmer temperature, > 98% mortality was recorded for all species. After the exposure of washed, cool-treated larvae to 25°C for 24 h, the application of both S. feltiae and S. yirgalemense resulted in 100% mortality, whereas the application of the two H. bacteriophora isolates, Hb1 and Hb2, resulted in 68% and 54% control, respectively, over the same time period. At 14°C, S. feltiae had the highest average penetration rate of 20 IJs/insect, followed by S. yirgalemense with 14 IJs/insect, whereas S. yirgalemense had the highest penetration rate at 25°C, with 39 IJs/insect, followed by S. feltiae, with 9 IJs/insect. The two H. bacteriophora isolates had higher average penetration rates at the higher temperature. This study has highlighted the biocontrol potential of S. jeffreyense, as well as showing that S. feltiae is a cold-active nematode, whereas the other three EPN isolates prefer warmer temperatures.
Stacked wooden fruit bins are regarded as preferred overwintering sites for codling moth diapausing larvae. Control strategies against the codling moth in South Africa have been hampered by the reinfestation of orchards by nearby stacked infested fruit bins or by the movement of bins between orchards. Worldwide, wooden fruit bins are systematically being replaced with plastic bins, which, in South Africa, will only be phased out over a few years. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of H. bacteriophora, S. feltiae, and S. yirgalemense, to disinfest miniature wooden fruit bins under controlled conditions in the laboratory. After dipping minibins in a suspension of 25 IJs/ml of all three EPN species, under optimum conditions of temperature and humidity, the highest percentage of control was obtained using S. feltiae (75%) followed by S. yirgalemense (57%), and then by H. bacteriophora (Hb1) (27%). The addition of adjuvants significantly increased (p < 0.001) S. feltiae infectivity to > 95%, whereas it did not result in a significant increase in H. bacteriophora or S. yirgalemense infectivity. The results indicated that H. bacteriophora would not be a suitable candidate to use for the control of the codling moth larvae in wooden fruit bins. The current preferred candidate for control would be S. feltiae, whose efficacy could be increased by means of the addition of an adjuvant.
During winter, when the whole codling moth population are larvae and in diapause, no control measures are applied in orchards. This study has shown that EPNs can be sprayed in orchards to lower the codling moth cohort emerging after winter, as well as be included in an IPM programme. EPNs can act as a second line of defence, through supplementary control, and ensure effective control of the codling moth larvae which survived chemical spray applications, to safeguard against resistant codling moth populations in the next season. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kodlingmot, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is ‘n belangrike plaag van appels en pere wêreldwyd. Die onttrekking van sekere fundamentele chemikalieë vanuit die kodlingmot beheerprogram weens die kommer oor menslike, omgewings en ekosisteemgesondheid, het gelei tot die soektog na sagter, meer omgewingsvriendelike en veiliger beheermaatreëls. Entomopatogeniese nematodes (EPNs) kom natuurlik in die grond voor en soek aktief na gashere. Die belangstelling in die gebruik van EPNs van die families Heterorhabditidae en Steinernematidae as 'n beheermaatreël is te danke aan die ontdekking van 'n EPN in ‘n insek in 1953. Die doel is om EPNs in 'n geïntegreerde plaagbeheerprogram (GPB) te inkorporeer om sodoende minimale residue te verseker en uiteindelik residu vrye produksie van kernvrugte in Suid-Afrika. Ten einde die sukses van EPNs te verseker, is beide die omgewings- en tegniese faktore wat hul doeltreffendheid beïnvloed in die studie ondersoek.
Die biologiese beheer potensiaal van drie ingevoerde EPN isolate, Steinernema feltiae en twee Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Hb1, Hb2) isolate, sowel as 'n plaaslike isolaat, Steinernema yirgalemense, is vir die beheer van kodlingmot onder plaaslike toestande geëvalueer. Alle konsentrasies van S. yirgalemense, wat deur indompeling in ‘n suspensie van nematodes toegedien is, het > 98% beheer tot gevolg gehad. Die twee geformuleerde isolate van H. bacteriophora, Hb1-f en Hb2-f, het < 30% beheer gegee. Met die gebruik van dieselfde nematode isolate, wat in vivo geproduseer is, het S. yirgalemense nog steeds 'n hoër kodlingmot beheer van > 90% opgelewer, in vergelyking met die 54% en 31% beheer van die H. bacteriophora Hb1 en Hb2 isolate, onderskeidelik. Steinernema feltiae het in opvolg veldproewe ≥ 80% beheer tot gevolg gehad en was dus meer effektief as beide S. yirgalemense en die H. bacteriophora (Hb1) isolate, met 66% en 24% en 24% en 9% beheer onderskeidelik in twee afsonderlike veldproewe. Om die resultate van die veldproewe te bevestig, is daaropvolgende laboratorium biotoetse uitgevoer en temperatuur regimes is geëvalueer deur die selfde siklus as onder natuurlike toestande te volg, met 'n konstante humiditeit van 100%. Die studie het bewys dat S. feltiae die mees doeltreffende isolate was met > 90% mortaliteit, S. yirgalemense het gevolg met 78% mortaliteit. Die twee H. bacteriophora isolate (Hb1, Hb2) het onderskeidelik onder bogenoemde laboratorium toestande 73% en 59% beheer tot gevolg gehad. Humiditeit blyk dus die belangrikste faktor te wees wat EPN se doeltreffendheid tydens bogrondse toediening affekteer. Die studie het bewys dat S. feltiae 'n beter kandidaat as S. yirgalemense vir die beheer van kodlingmot is.
Die doeltreffendheid van verskillende EPN isolate vir die beheer van diapause kodlingmot larwes sowel as EPN se aktiwiteit by verskillende temperature is ook onder plaaslike toestande, deur bogrondse bespuitings, geëvalueer. Steinernema feltiae en twee isolate van H. bacteriophora (Hb1, Hb2), S. yirgalemense en ‘n ander plaaslike isolaat, Steinernema jeffreyense, is geëvalueer. Die gebruik van S. jeffreyense, het tot die mees effektiewe beheer gelei, met 67% mortaliteit, gevolg deur H. bacteriophora (Hb1) met 42%, en dan S. yirgalemense met 41%. Laboratorium biotoetse wat veldtoestande simuleer, het bewys dat S. feltiae die mees doeltreffend teen kodlingmot larwes is, met 67% mortaliteit tydens infeksie, gevolg deur S. yirgalemense met 58%, die H. bacteriophora Hb1 isolaat met 48%, en die Hb2 isolaat met 24%. 'n Vergelyking van die infeksie- en penetrasie tempo van twee isolate van H. bacteriophora (Hb1, Hb2), S. feltiae en S. yirgalemense wat in 12-put plate teen 14°C en 25°C uitgevoer is, het die dramatiese effek van temperatuur op EPN doeltreffendheid bevestig. By 14°C het alle EPN spesies behandelings stadiger kodlingmot mortaliteit as by 25°C na 48h tot gevolg gehad. ‘n Mortaliteit van < 15% is vir alle spesies aangeteken terwyl by die warmer temperature is > 98% mortaliteit vir alle spesies aangeteken. Na die blootstelling van afgespoelde, koel behandelde larwes aan 25°C vir 24 uur, het die toediening van beide S. feltiae en S. yirgalemense, 100% mortaliteit van larwes tot gevolg gehad terwyl die toediening van die twee H. bacteriophora isolate, Hb1 en Hb2, onderskeidelik 68% en 54% beheer tot gevolg gehad, oor dieselfde tydperk. By 14°C, het S. feltiae die hoogste gemiddelde penetrasie tempo van 20 ILs/ larwe, gevolg deur S. yirgalemense met 14 ILs/ larwe tot gevolg gehad, terwyl S. yirgalemense die hoogste penetrasie tempo getoon het by 25°C met 39 ILs/ insek, gevolg deur S. feltiae met 9 ILs/ insek. Die twee H. bacteriophora isolate (Hb1 en Hb2) het ook hoër gemiddelde penetrasie tempo by die hoër temperatuur getoon. Hierdie studie het die biobeheer potensiaal van S. jeffreyense beklemtoon, asook weereens bevestig dat S. feltiae ‘n koue-aktiewe nematode is, terwyl die ander drie EPN isolate warmer temperature verkies.
Hout vrugtekratstapels, word beskou as ‘n ideale oorwintering skuiling vir kodlingmot diapause larwes. In Suid-Afrika word beheerstrategieë teen kodlingmot in die wiele gery deur die herbesmetting van boorde deur nabygeleë besmette hout vrugtekratte of deur die beweging van kratte tussen boorde. Hout vrugtekratte word wêreldwyd stelselmatig vervang met plastiek kratte. Dit sal egter eers oor ‘n aantal jare in Suid-Afrika uitgefaseer word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die potensiaal van H. bacteriophora, S. feltiae, en S. yirgalemense te evalueer deur miniatuur hout vrugtekratte onder gekontroleerde toestande in die laboratorium te disinfekteer. Na die onderdompeling van die mini vrugtekratte in 'n nematode suspensie van 25 ILs/ml van al drie EPN spesies, onder optimale toestande van temperatuur en humiditeit, is die hoogste persentasie van beheer met die gebruik van S. feltiae (74,85% ± 3.64%) verkry. Die byvoeging van toevoegings middels het S. feltiae se vermoë om te infekteer betekenisvol (p <0,001) tot > 95% verhoog, maar dit het nie tot 'n betekenisvolle toename in die infektiwiteit van H. bacteriophora of S. yirgalemense gelei nie. Die resultate dui daarop dat H. bacteriophora nie 'n geskikte kandidaat is om te gebruik vir die beheer van kodlingmot larwes in besmette hout kratte nie. Die voorkeurkandidaat tans vir beheer is S. feltiae, waarvan die doeltreffendheid verhoog kan word deur middel van die byvoeging van 'n bymiddel.
Gedurende die winter wanneer die hele kodlingmot populasie as larwes in diapause is, word geen beheer in boorde toegepas nie. Hierdie studie het getoon dat EPNs in boorde gespuit kan word om sodoende die opkomende kodlingmot populasie na die winter te verlaag en kan ook ingesluit word in 'n GPB program. Die EPNs kan as 'n tweede verdedigingslinie optree en doeltreffende beheer van kodlingmot larwes verseker wat chemiese bespuitings oorleef het, en sodoende beskerming teen weerstandige kodlingmot populasies in die volgende seisoen bied.
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Effect of iron on biological control of fire blight by Pseudomonas fluorescens A506Temple, Todd N. 27 May 2003 (has links)
Competitive exclusion has been the mechanism hypothesized to account for the
biological control of fire blight disease of pear and apple by the bacterium Pseudomonas
fluorescens A506 (A506). Recent laboratory assays demonstrated, however, that A506
produces an antibiotic that is toxic to the fire blight pathogen, Erwinia amylovora, when
cultured on media amended with iron (Fe����� or Fe�����). This study investigated this iron-dependent
antibiosis by A506 by: 1) examining bioavailability of iron to A506 on
blossom surfaces, 2) mutagenizing A506 to disrupt genes involved in antibiotic
production, and 3) evaluating suppression of fire blight by A506 when co-treated with an
iron chelate (FeEDDHA). Bioavailability of iron on blossoms was investigated with an
iron biosensor [iron-regulated promoter (pvd) fused to an ice nucleation reporter gene
(inaZ)] in A506. A506 (pvd-inaZ) expressed high ice nucleation activity (INA) on
blossoms indicating a low-iron environment unlikely to induce antibiosis by A506.
Spraying blossoms with FeEDDHA at concentrations ���0.1 mM significantly suppressed
INA by A506 (pvd-inaZ).
Transposon mutagenesis was used to generate and select mutants of A506
exhibiting altered antibiotic production profiles. One antibiotic-deficient mutant, A506
Ant���, was recovered; this mutant showed reduced epiphytic fitness on blossoms of apple
and pear trees compared to the parent stain, A506. Another mutant, A506 Ant���, lost the
characteristic fluorescent phenotype and exhibited iron-independent antibiotic production
in defined culture media. A506 Ant��� established high populations on blossoms of apple
and pear trees, similar to populations attained by A506, and reduced incidence of fire
blight between 20 to 40%, levels comparable to A506 in orchard trials.
In orchard trials, A506 was co-treated with FeEDDHA and fire blight suppression
was evaluated. Bacterial strains established high populations on blossoms when co-treated
with 0.1 mM FeEDDHA or in water. Significantly enhanced suppression of fire
blight incidence by antibiotic producing strains of A506 amended with 0.1 mM
FeEDDHA was observed in 2 of 5 trials, providing some evidence that iron-induced
antibiosis can be a contributing mechanism in disease control. Lack of disease control by
the antibiotic deficient strain, A506 GacS, and by 0.1 mM FeEDDHA alone added
support to this hypothesis. / Graduation date: 2004
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Host selection, reproductive biology, host-specific development and mortality of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Torticidae), in apple and pearMarti, Santiago Marti 12 July 2000 (has links)
The biology and behavior of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), was studied to
determine factors responsible for differences in susceptibility to moth damage among apple
and pear cultivars.
In release experiments, codling moth adults were intercepted in significantly greater
numbers in host (apple, pear) than in non-host (maple) trees, suggesting a directed response
rather than random movement to host trees. There was no correlation between adult
preference for certain hosts and the susceptibility of the hosts to codling moth attack. Adults
were guided by cues from the tree canopy, foliage and fruit. Cues from host fruit were less
important at the beginning of the season. Similar adult behavior patterns were observed in
different coding moth strains. However, moths reared on apples were guided more by
olfactory cues from fruit than sterilized moths reared on artificial diet.
The percentage of moths mating under caged conditions was higher in apple and
pear than in maple trees. In host plants, stimuli from fruit were not essential for mating.
The egg distribution in the field varied through the season depending on the host cultivar.
However, mean distance of eggs to fruit, as well as larval travel speed, was not different
among host cultivars. Selection of an oviposition site by the adult female was affected by
several factors, including visual, chemical, and tactile stimuli of host fruit, as well as
anatomical (pubescence) and chemical (oviposition stimulants) properties of leaves.
There were no differences in natural mortality and developmental rates of the egg
stage on host cultivars. However, there were significant differences in first instar larval
mortality among hosts over most of the season. Mortality was much higher on 'Anjou' than
on 'Bartlett' and 'Red Delicious', except at the end of the season. Differential first instar
mortality was due to the different rate of success in entering the fruit. The ability to
penetrate fruit was correlated with infestation levels observed in the field and related both to
neonate behavior and anatomical characteristics of host fruits.
Larval food source did not affect larval and pupal development rates, adult
fecundity, or egg viability. / Graduation date: 2001
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Within and between plant dispersal and distributions of adult females and immatures of Neoseiulus californicus and N. fallacis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in bean and apple plant systemsPratt, Paul D. (Paul David), 1970- 21 April 1997 (has links)
Intra- and interplant movement and dispersal of the predator mites Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) and Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) were studied on both lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) and apple (Malus pumila Miller) branch plant systems that were seeded with excess numbers of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch. Individuals of either predator were randomly selected from colonies of well-fed, mixed-age adult females and moved to test plants. When tested separately in each plant system, median leaf positions of N. californicus from the point of release were greater than those of N. fallacis at 1-8 d. A fan placed in front of a common source unit (1x3m) containing T. urticae and near equal densities of both predaceous mites, provided continuous air (wind) to 3 isolated receiver units located 2.5, 5, and 7.5 m downwind. Receiver units consisted of continuous bean foliage with excess T. urticae, but no predators. Wind speeds at the source and each receiver unit averaged 2.2, 0.9, 0.4, and 0.03 m/s respectively. As predators eliminated prey, N. fallacis dispersed earlier at higher prey densities and further downwind than N. californicus, but cumulative densities of each predator in all receiver units were alike after 20 d. Results of both plant movement studies supported the hypothesis that N. californicus has dispersal traits more like those of a generalist predator of spider mites than does N. fallacis. Spatial patterns of dispersal and biological control of pest mites are discussed in relation to predation types within the Phytoseiidae. / Graduation date: 1997
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AppleMgr, a prototype decision aid for apple pest managementHaley, Sue 09 March 1990 (has links)
Computer decision aids can help integrate and apply
diverse sources of information and expertise to problems of
integrated pest management (IPM) in agriculture and
forestry. AppleMgr combines a rule-based expert system with
databases and spreadsheets in a prototype decision aid
intended to be expanded and modified for use by extension
workers in the Northwest U.S. The program requires an IBMcompatible
microcomputer with hard disk. AppleMgr
concentrates on the two most important insect pests on apple
in the Northwest--codling moth, Cydia, pomonella (L.), and
San Jose scale, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comstock, and on
phytophagous mites, whose control largely depends on
predators. The primary goal of AppleMgr is to demonstrate
an improved process of decision making in apple IPM.
AppleMgr is composed of modules for diagnosis of pest
injury, identification of pest and natural enemy specimens,
and management. The first two modules arrive at conclusions
through backward-chaining inference from user observations.
The management module uses backward chaining supplemented
with external calculation programs to find the net benefit
of a pesticide application. A method is included to predict
yield and fruit size from crop samples. Cullage from
codling moth and San Jose scale, mite effect on fruit size,
probability of biological mite control and pesticide
efficacy are predicted from researchers' data and estimates.
Selected relative beneficial and adverse side effects of
pesticides are presented in spreadsheets.
An analysis of packing house records for apple crops
from eight orchards at three yields using 1987 and 1988
prices and packing charges showed that net crop value varied
by up to $8000 per acre. The variability in crop value and
the importance of adverse side effects of pesticides suggest
that the commonly-used "action thresholds" for treatment are
seriously inadequate. AppleMgr may point the way toward
more dynamic and realistic methods of IPM decision making. / Graduation date: 1990
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The screening of potential fungal antagonists of pseudothecial formation by the apple scab pathogen : Venturia inaequalisPhilion, Vincent January 1994 (has links)
In 1992, a research program was initiated to select suitable antagonists against the saprophytic (or winter) phase of the apple scab pathogen, Venturia inaequalis. An improved method for the mass screening of a vast collection of fungi was developed for this purpose. Some of the previously reported criteria such as leaf rheology and overwintering structure production proved unreliable or fastidious and cannot be used for in vitro antagonist selection. The main antagonism selection criterium retained was the in vitro inhibition of ascospore formation. To measure ascospore production, a simplified method of in vitro pseudothecia production was devised. This new method eliminates the need for prior conidia production by using a mycelial suspension and greatly reduces the risks of sterile mating by using a cocktail of Venturia inaequalis strains of different origins. Finally, the production cycle duration was reduced by varying the incubation temperature during the simulated winter. Moreover, a quick and efficient method of ascospore collection was developed. Ascospores were forcibly ejected in a large scale bubbler type apparatus in only one hour. This bubbler can be used for other studies including axenically produced ascospores. This new method compared favourably to the previously reported method and was used to screen a collection of about forty-two fungi. Six proved to significantly reduce the ascospore production of Venturia inaequalis. Two were as effective as Athelia bombacina, a previously reported antagonist of pseudothecia formation and inhibited over 98% of the ascospore production. These new organisms are now available for future field tests. Future selections from a large collection of saprophytes can now be based on a reliable and simple in vitro screening methodology.
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