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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Signification des âges ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹ Ar le long de détachements crustaux : exemples de l'île d'Ikaria (Cyclades, Grèce) et du massif du Tende (Corse alpine, France) / Significance of 40Ar/39Ar ages in the case of crustal detachments : the examples of the Ikaria Island (Cyclades, Greece) and the Tenda massif (Alpine Corsica, France)

Beaudoin, Alexandre 22 September 2017 (has links)
De nombreuses études ont montré l’impact de la déformation sur le système K-Ar, et donc les âges ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹ Ar. Ces études se limitent souvent à une comparaison des âges obtenus dans des roches déformées et un protolithe indemne de déformation. La première partie de cette étude a inversement consisté à étudier la distribution de la déformation à différentes échelles et à décrire finement les gradients d’intensité de la déformation. L’étude a porté sur deux protolithes de nature granitique, associés à une différence d’âge entre leur formation et les évènements tectonométamorphiques faible (< 1 Ma ; massif d’Ikaria) ou élevée (>240 Ma ; massif du Tende). Pour le premier cas, la déformation entraine une perte de 40Ar dans les clastes des phases potassiques, interprétée comme résultant de la réduction des tailles des domaines de diffusion qui n’est pas accentuée par une intensité de déformation croissante. Pour le second cas, l’héritageen 40Ar du protolithe se traduit par la circulation de fluides et de 40Ar externe au système via les structures se déformant activement, produisant parfois un vieillissement des âges grandissant dans la phengite des structures les plus localisantes, alors que sur d’autres coupes il est observé un rajeunissement plus logique. Pour les deux cas,l’interprétation des âges obtenus dans les phases néoformées pendant la déformation est ambiguë entre refroidissement,cristallisation et mélange, et nécessite un examen détaillé des données confrontées aux températures de fermeture possibles. Les interprétations indiquent pour le cas d’Ikaria une localisation de la déformation ductile en moins de 1-3Ma le long d’un gradient de second ordre d’une dizaine de mètre d’épaisseur. La localisation de la déformation à l’échelle d’une zone de cisaillement se réalise plus rapidement dans le cas de l’exhumation post-orogénique d’un MCC(~7 Ma) que dans le cas de l’exhumation de matériel continental impliqué dans un prisme de subduction (~14-10 Ma). / Numerous studies have shown the impact of deformation on the K-Ar system, and therefore ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹ Ar ages. These studies often do not provide data characterizing deformation and are limited to a comparison of the ages obtained indeformed rocks and an undeformed protolith. The first part of this study thus consisted in studying the strain distribution at different scales and finely describing strain intensity gradients. The study focused on two granitic protoliths, associated respectively with a difference in age between the formation of the protolith and the age of the tectonometamorphic events that is low (<1 Ma ; Ikaria Island) or inversely high (> 240 Ma ; Tenda massif). In the firstcase study, deformation results in a 40Ar loss in K-bearing phases, interpreted as resulting from the reduction of diffusion domains sizes which is not accentuated by an increasing strain intensity. In the second case study, the 40Arinheritance of the protolith results in fluids and extraneous 40Ar circulation through the actively deforming structures,ages in phengite being increasingly older approaching the most localizing structures in some sections, while others behave in an opposite way, more in line with the progressive strain localization in time. For both cases, interpretation of ages obtained in the newly formed phases during deformation is ambiguous between cooling, crystallization and mixing, and requires a detailed examination of the data confronted with the possible closing temperatures.Interpretations indicate for the Ikaria case study a strain localization in less than 1-3 Ma along a second order gradient of about ten meters in thickness. Strain localization at the scale of a shear zone occurs more rapidly in the case of a post-orogenic exhumation of a MCC (~ 7 Ma) than in the case of the exhumation of continental material involved in a subduction prism (~ 14-10 Ma).

Petrografia, litogeoquímica e datação Ar-Ar dos montes submarinos e dos rochedos de Martim Vaz - Cadeia Vitória-Trindade / Petrography, lithogeochemistry and Ar-Ar dating of the seamounts and Martin Vaz Islands - Vitória-Trindade Ridge

Anderson Costa dos Santos 27 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho de mestrado estudou a ilha de Martin Vaz e cinco montes submarinos da Cadeia Vitória-Trindade Columbia, Dogaressa, Davis, Jaseur e Montague. Martin Vaz é um conjunto de ilhas formado pela ilha principal - Martin Vaz, duas ilhotas íngremes e inacessíveis - a Ilha do Norte e a Ilha do Sul além de vários rochedos menores, como o Rochedo Agulha, espalhados a 48 km a leste de Trindade, perfazendo uma área total de 0,3 km. Martin Vaz, assim como os montes submarinos, pertencem a chamada Cadeia Vitória-Trindade, estão inseridos em um contexto tectônico regional cujo trend W-E sugere representar o track da pluma mantélica de Trindade quando da passagem da Placa Sul Americana sobre ela desde o Terciário (CROUGH et al., 1980; OCONNOR & DUNCAN, 1990, GIBSON et at., 1997). A petrografia das amostras de Martin Vaz indica haver basanitos parcialmente alteradas, melanocráticas, textura afanítica, porosas, apresentando vesículas em torno de 1,0-5,0 milímetros. Apresenta fenocristais de piroxênio além de alguns fenocristais de olivina verde-oliva translúcido variando de 1,0-3,0 milímetros. A ilha principal apresenta também diques e necks fonolíticos apresentando matriz microlítica alterada, orientada, de cor verde apresentando minerais ripiformes de cor branca (feldspato alcalino) e outros de cor violácea (titanoaugita) além de pequenos opacos. Pequenos fenocristais de aegerina-augita fortemente pleocroica, alguns apresentando geminação simples, por vezes zonado, apresenta extinção variando de c &#8743; &#945; ou X = 23 a 33 (medida de 10 grãos). Biotita laranja amarronzada com textura poiquilítica (1,0 mm), minúsculos cristais euédricos de titanita (raros), além de cristais pseudohexagonais isotrópicos alterados de analcita e carbonatos. As amostras utilizadas neste trabalho de mestrado possuem valor mínimo de 33.91 % SiO2 (TRIM-01D) e máximo de 52,2 (MVA-01) variando de ultrabásicas a básicas. Através da análise dos óxidos SiO2 e MgO é possível distinguir dois grupos de rochas para Martin Vaz: um ultramáfico magnesiano (<42% SiO2 e >7% MgO) e um básico (>45% SiO2) e, para os montes submarinos, dois grupos: um ultramáfico magnesiano (>9% MgO <42% SiO2) e um básico (>45% SiO2 e com valores de MgO em torno de 4%). As análises de Ar-Ar para as quatro amostras de Martin Vaz apresentam idades para o derrame de basanito variando de 320366 Ka (MVA-10) à 623127 Ka (MVA-04). A única amostra datada representando do dique de fonólito é a MVA-05B e obteve idade de 64984 Ka, indicando ser contemporânea ao derrame basanítico. / This master's thesis studied the island of Martin Vaz and five seamounts of the Vitoria-Trindade Ridge - Columbia, Dogaressa, Davis, Jaseur and Montague. Martin Vaz is a group of islands formed by the main island - Martin Vaz, two steep and inaccessible islands - the North Island and South Island and several smaller rocks, as the Agulha Rock, around 48 km east of Trindade,making a total area of 0.3 km. Martin Vaz and seamounts belong to the Vitoria-Trindade Ridge,and are embedded in a context where the W-E regional tectonic trend suggests to represent the track of the Trindade mantle plume when the South American Plate passed on it since the Tertiary (Crough et al. 1980; O'Connor & DUNCAN, 1990, Gibson et at. 1997). The petrography of the samples indicates that the basanites in Martin Vaz are partially altered, melanocratic,aphanitic texture, porous, presenting vesicles around 1.0 to 5.0 millimeters. Displays phenocrysts of pyroxene and some translucent olivine ranging from 1.0 to 3.0 millimeters. These basanitics samples are also described in the seamounts studied in this work and they are Columbia, Dogaressa, Davis, Jaseur and Montague seamounts. The main island has also phonolitic dikes and necks with altered oriented matrix featuring white sheet-like mineral (alkali feldspar) and purple (titanoaugite) beyond small opaques. Small aegerine-augite phenocrysts strongly pleocroic, which some have simple twinning and sometimes zoned. They presents extinction varying from X c &#8743; &#945; = 23 or 33. Kaersutite with poiquilitic texture (1.0 mm), tiny crystals of euhedral titanite (rare), and isotropic crystals pseudohexagonais altered nosean and carbonates are also observed The samples used in this study have minimum value of 33.91 wt% SiO2 (TRIM-01D) and a maximum of 52.2wt% (AMM-01) ranging from basic to ultrabasic. Through analysis of the oxides SiO2 and MgO is possible to distinguish two groups of rocks to Martin Vaz: an ultramafic magnesium (<42% SiO2 and> 7% MgO) and one basic (> 45% SiO2) and for seamounts, two groups: an ultramafic magnesium (> 9% MgO <42% SiO2) and one basic (> 45% SiO2 and MgO values around 4%). Ar-Ar Analyses for four samples of Martin Vaz present ages to basanites varying from 320 366 Ka (MVA-10) to 623 127 Ka (MVA-04). A single sample representing the phonolite dike dated is the MVA-05B and obtained age of 649 84 ka,indicating to be contemporary with basanite extrusion.

Petrografia, litogeoquímica e datação Ar-Ar dos montes submarinos e dos rochedos de Martim Vaz - Cadeia Vitória-Trindade / Petrography, lithogeochemistry and Ar-Ar dating of the seamounts and Martin Vaz Islands - Vitória-Trindade Ridge

Anderson Costa dos Santos 27 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho de mestrado estudou a ilha de Martin Vaz e cinco montes submarinos da Cadeia Vitória-Trindade Columbia, Dogaressa, Davis, Jaseur e Montague. Martin Vaz é um conjunto de ilhas formado pela ilha principal - Martin Vaz, duas ilhotas íngremes e inacessíveis - a Ilha do Norte e a Ilha do Sul além de vários rochedos menores, como o Rochedo Agulha, espalhados a 48 km a leste de Trindade, perfazendo uma área total de 0,3 km. Martin Vaz, assim como os montes submarinos, pertencem a chamada Cadeia Vitória-Trindade, estão inseridos em um contexto tectônico regional cujo trend W-E sugere representar o track da pluma mantélica de Trindade quando da passagem da Placa Sul Americana sobre ela desde o Terciário (CROUGH et al., 1980; OCONNOR & DUNCAN, 1990, GIBSON et at., 1997). A petrografia das amostras de Martin Vaz indica haver basanitos parcialmente alteradas, melanocráticas, textura afanítica, porosas, apresentando vesículas em torno de 1,0-5,0 milímetros. Apresenta fenocristais de piroxênio além de alguns fenocristais de olivina verde-oliva translúcido variando de 1,0-3,0 milímetros. A ilha principal apresenta também diques e necks fonolíticos apresentando matriz microlítica alterada, orientada, de cor verde apresentando minerais ripiformes de cor branca (feldspato alcalino) e outros de cor violácea (titanoaugita) além de pequenos opacos. Pequenos fenocristais de aegerina-augita fortemente pleocroica, alguns apresentando geminação simples, por vezes zonado, apresenta extinção variando de c &#8743; &#945; ou X = 23 a 33 (medida de 10 grãos). Biotita laranja amarronzada com textura poiquilítica (1,0 mm), minúsculos cristais euédricos de titanita (raros), além de cristais pseudohexagonais isotrópicos alterados de analcita e carbonatos. As amostras utilizadas neste trabalho de mestrado possuem valor mínimo de 33.91 % SiO2 (TRIM-01D) e máximo de 52,2 (MVA-01) variando de ultrabásicas a básicas. Através da análise dos óxidos SiO2 e MgO é possível distinguir dois grupos de rochas para Martin Vaz: um ultramáfico magnesiano (<42% SiO2 e >7% MgO) e um básico (>45% SiO2) e, para os montes submarinos, dois grupos: um ultramáfico magnesiano (>9% MgO <42% SiO2) e um básico (>45% SiO2 e com valores de MgO em torno de 4%). As análises de Ar-Ar para as quatro amostras de Martin Vaz apresentam idades para o derrame de basanito variando de 320366 Ka (MVA-10) à 623127 Ka (MVA-04). A única amostra datada representando do dique de fonólito é a MVA-05B e obteve idade de 64984 Ka, indicando ser contemporânea ao derrame basanítico. / This master's thesis studied the island of Martin Vaz and five seamounts of the Vitoria-Trindade Ridge - Columbia, Dogaressa, Davis, Jaseur and Montague. Martin Vaz is a group of islands formed by the main island - Martin Vaz, two steep and inaccessible islands - the North Island and South Island and several smaller rocks, as the Agulha Rock, around 48 km east of Trindade,making a total area of 0.3 km. Martin Vaz and seamounts belong to the Vitoria-Trindade Ridge,and are embedded in a context where the W-E regional tectonic trend suggests to represent the track of the Trindade mantle plume when the South American Plate passed on it since the Tertiary (Crough et al. 1980; O'Connor & DUNCAN, 1990, Gibson et at. 1997). The petrography of the samples indicates that the basanites in Martin Vaz are partially altered, melanocratic,aphanitic texture, porous, presenting vesicles around 1.0 to 5.0 millimeters. Displays phenocrysts of pyroxene and some translucent olivine ranging from 1.0 to 3.0 millimeters. These basanitics samples are also described in the seamounts studied in this work and they are Columbia, Dogaressa, Davis, Jaseur and Montague seamounts. The main island has also phonolitic dikes and necks with altered oriented matrix featuring white sheet-like mineral (alkali feldspar) and purple (titanoaugite) beyond small opaques. Small aegerine-augite phenocrysts strongly pleocroic, which some have simple twinning and sometimes zoned. They presents extinction varying from X c &#8743; &#945; = 23 or 33. Kaersutite with poiquilitic texture (1.0 mm), tiny crystals of euhedral titanite (rare), and isotropic crystals pseudohexagonais altered nosean and carbonates are also observed The samples used in this study have minimum value of 33.91 wt% SiO2 (TRIM-01D) and a maximum of 52.2wt% (AMM-01) ranging from basic to ultrabasic. Through analysis of the oxides SiO2 and MgO is possible to distinguish two groups of rocks to Martin Vaz: an ultramafic magnesium (<42% SiO2 and> 7% MgO) and one basic (> 45% SiO2) and for seamounts, two groups: an ultramafic magnesium (> 9% MgO <42% SiO2) and one basic (> 45% SiO2 and MgO values around 4%). Ar-Ar Analyses for four samples of Martin Vaz present ages to basanites varying from 320 366 Ka (MVA-10) to 623 127 Ka (MVA-04). A single sample representing the phonolite dike dated is the MVA-05B and obtained age of 649 84 ka,indicating to be contemporary with basanite extrusion.

A remote sensing and geospatial statistical approach to understanding distribution and evolution of ignimbrites in the Central Andes with a focus on Southern Peru

Brandmeier, Melanie 24 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Radiogenic Dating and Microstructure Analysis of Shear Zones Found Within the Seve Nappe Complex in the Åre Region, Jämtland, Scandinavian Caledonides / Radiometrisk datering och mikrostrukturanalys av skjuvzoner upptäckta i Seveskollankomplexet i Åreregionen, Jämtland, skandinaviska Kaledoniderna

Alessandrini, Cameron January 2017 (has links)
The North Atlantic Caledonides are a continent-continent collision type orogeny found in WesternScandinavia, Svalbard, Greenland and the British Isles. They are thought to have formed as a result of a complex history consisting of repeated ocean opening and closure. The tectonostratigraphy of the Scandinavian Caledonides consists of four allochthons that overlay the crystalline, autochthonous basement. The allochthons are thought to have been transported hundreds of kilometers eastward during the Scandian collision.To investigate the complex history of the Scandinavian Caledonides, a scientific drilling initiative called the Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) project began in 2014. The first phase of the project was to drill a borehole to approximately 2500m depth, to sample a thick section of the Lower Seve Nappe of the Middle Allochthon, as well as the underlying thrust zone.The current hypothesis is that the Middle Seve Nappe has been juxtaposed with the Lower Seve Nappe while still in the subduction channel. Both Seve nappes were emplaced onto the underlying units somewhat later. To test this hypothesis, Rb-Sr dating and Ar-Ar dating has been conducted on white and dark mica found in samples taken from the shear zones. Rb-Sr dating yielded an age of 413 ± 12 Ma and Ar-Ar dating yielded an average age of 424.1± 2.9 Ma. Since the Rb-Sr and Ar-Ar ages overlap, it is interpreted that the crystallization age of the samples is recorded in both cases. Likely, the rocks cooled rather quickly, resulting in a negligible difference in Rb-Sr and Ar-Ar ages. Comparing these results to previous age dating work completed in the same area illustrate a complex subduction/exhumation history. At c. 455 Ma, the Middle and Lower Seve nappes were subducted beneath an island arc and peak pressure metamorphic conditions were reached. Shortly afterwards,exhumation of the subducted sheet began, as a result of the buoyancy of the subducted crust, as well as tectonic under pressure caused by wedge extraction. At c. 424 Ma, the Middle Seve was juxtaposed over the Lower Seve while still in the subduction channel, and at c. 424 - 421.2 Ma both the Middle and Lower Seve nappes were exhumed and transported eastward, where they were thrust above the underlying Särv Nappe and Lower Allochthon, creating the lower shear zone which is the focus of this study. Data from this study will help to establish a coherent model of mid-Palaeozoic mountain building, and provide insight on how this mountain chain, as well as its Himalaya-Tibet analogue have formed. / Den kaledoniska bergskedjan är en kontinent-kontinent kollison orogenes som återfinns i västra Skandinavien, Svalbard, Grönland och på de brittiska öarna. Bergskedjan har formats som ett resultat av en komplicerad historia av repeterad öppning och stängning av Iapetushavet. Skandinaviska kaledoniderna består av fyra allochthoner som täcker urberggrunden. Allochthonerna tros ha blivit transporterade hundratals kilometer i östlig riktning under den Skandiska kollisionen.För att kunna utreda den komplicerade historia som de skandinaviska Kaledoniderna har så har ett borrningsprojekt tagits fram under år 2014 med namnet “Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides” (COSC). Det första skedet i projektet var att borra ett 2500 meter djupt borrhål för att ta prover från den undre Seveskollan som belägen i den mellersta allochthonen, samt den underliggande överskjutningszonen.Hypotesen är att den mellersta Seveskollan har placerats intill den undre Seveskollan då de befann sig i en subduktionskanal. Både mellersta och undre Seveskollan har placerats uppepå den underliggande bergsenheten något senare. För att testa hypotesen har Rb-Sr och Ar-Ar datering utförts på prover med vitt glimmer som tagits från skjuvzonen. Kompositionskartor av vitt glimmer påvisar inga uppenbara tecken på zonation, vilket innebär att glimmerkornen nyligen bildats eller omkristalliserats under skjuvning. Rb-Sr dateringen gav en ålder på 413 ± 12 miljoner år och Ar-Ar dateringen gav en ålder på424.1 ± 2.9 miljoner år. Detta tolkas som åldern på de omkristalliserade glimmerkornen.Resultatet har jämförts med tidigare åldersdateringar i samma område och påvisar en komplicerad subduktionshistoria. För 460 miljoner år sedan subducerade mellersta och undre Seveskollan under en öbåge. För ungefär 440 miljoner år började upplyftandet av de subducerade skollorna som ett resultat av bärkraften av den subducerande jordskorpan, även av tektoniska rörelser orsakad av en kilutdragning. För 424 miljoner år sedan blev mellersta Seveskollan placerad ovanpå undre Seveskollan när de befann sig i subduktionskanalen. Slutligen, för cirka 415 miljoner år sedan blev både den mellersta och undre Seveskollan upplyfta och transporterade i östlig riktning där de skjuvade över den underliggande Särvskollan och den undre allochthonen.Data från denna studie kommer att bidra till skapandet av en följdriktig modell av den mitt-Paleozoiskabergskedjebildningen  och

Noble gas components in Martian meteorites

Cartwright, Julia Ann January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the analysis of heavy noble gases (argon, krypton and xenon) and halogens (chlorine, bromine and iodine) in Martian meteorites. In the absence of a sample-return mission, Martian meteorite analysis is essential for establishing evidence for an active fluid system, evaluating the potential for life and understanding the formation and evolution of Mars. Noble gas analysis has multiple applications for Martian meteorite study, as described in this thesis. The noble gas isotopic signatures of Earth’s atmosphere, Martian atmosphere and Martian interior are sufficiently different that they can be distinguished through noble gas analysis. Analysis of bulk and mineral separates of shergottites showed that Martian atmospheric Xe was distributed evenly amongst samples, whilst terrestrially weathered samples contained elevated concentrations of terrestrial atmospheric Xe. Both atmospheric components were introduced by weathering. Shock redistribution is responsible for the distribution of Martian atmosphere into more retentive sites. Crustal contamination may be responsible for the presence or absence of detectable 129Xe from the Martian atmosphere. Halogen abundances can be determined as an extension of the Ar-Ar dating technique. As the halogen system on Earth acts as a tracer for important fluid related processes, Martian halogen abundances in meteorites may provide a tracer for the Martian fluid system. Analysis of bulk and mineral separates of nakhlites showed that halogens are distributed amongst minor phases and clear variation of Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios was observed amongst samples. Elevated I concentrations in low temperature releases of finds NWA 998 and MIL 03346 are consistent with terrestrial contamination. Analysis of Nakhla, (a meteorite fall), showed a trend of elevated Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios in crush and low temperature releases, consistent with Br/Cl ratios observed in Martian rocks, soils and weathering products. In contrast, high temperature releases had lower I/Cl and Br/Cl ratios, which are broadly comparable to the terrestrial mantle. This trend may represent mixing of hydrothermal fluids (low Br/Cl and I/Cl) and surface brines (high Br/Cl and I/Cl). An impact-induced hydrothermal system may provide a mechanism for mixing of both fluid types. The crystallisation ages of nakhlite meteorites were determined using the Ar-Ar dating technique. The apparent ages measured were similar to previous Ar-Ar analysis, and older than reported for other chronometers. Previously unrecognised components were observed, including evidence for a trapped hydrous fluid. This Cl-rich component showed strong correlation with 40Ar and had 40Ar/36Ar and 40Ar/129XeXS ratios consistent with Martian atmosphere. As this component was released during crush and low temperature analysis, fluid inclusions formed by percolation of brines from the Martian surface are likely hosts. Both finds showed clear evidence of a trapped component with 40Ar/36Ar ratios similar to either terrestrial atmosphere or the Martian interior. A further component observed in olivine phases had low 40Ar/36Ar ratios, and likely formed by the release of 36Ar formed by cosmic-ray spallation reactions on iron.

The Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the western Jiagenen Orogenic Belt and its Early Paleozoic-Mesozoic tectonic reworking / Evolution tectonique Néoproterozoïque de la chaîne de Jiangnan Occidental et sa réactivation au Paléozoïque inférieur Mésozoïque

Yan, Chaolei 29 October 2018 (has links)
La chaîne de collision d'âge néoprotérozoïque de Jiangnan, orientée NE-SW, marque la limite entre les blocs duYangtze et de Cathaysia. Son évolution tectonique reste encore débattue. Une des questions les plus controversées est l'âge de la collision entre les deux blocs. Afin d'acquérir une meilleure compréhension de ce problème, nous avons collecté des échantillons dans les couches sédimentaires situées au-dessus et au-dessous de la discordance dans le but de comparer les spectres d'âge des zircons détritiques et aussi de les confronter à ceux décrits dans les séries néoprotérozoïques des régions du Yangtze, Jiangnan et Cathaysia. En outre, nous nous sommes intéressés aux plutons granitiques d'âge néoproterozoïque de Sanfang et Yuanbaoshan, de type-S, situés dans la partie occidentale de la chaîne de Jiangnan afin de tracer l'évolution tectonique de la région depuis 830 Ma par la mise en œuvre de méthodes pluridisciplinaires : géologie structurale, géochronologie U-Pb, AMS, modélisation gravimétrique et thermochronologie Argon.Notre étude montre les résultats suivants : (i) La chaîne de Jiangnan s'est formée par la collision des blocs de Yangtze et Cathaysia entre ca. 865 and 830 Ma ; (ii) Les intrusions granitiques de 830 Ma se sont mises en place dans des formations encaissantes du groupe Sibao plissées et faillées. Les plutons ont été construits par accumulation latérale E-W de filons N-S, avec un écoulement horizontal du magma du sud vers le nord ; (iii). Un cisaillement ductile du haut vers l'Ouest a été reconnu dans la partie supérieure des plutons. Des âges Ar/Ar vers 420 Ma obtenus sur plusieurs grains de muscovite et biotite déformés impliquent que le cisaillement ductile peut être : a) formé pendant l'orogenèse du Paléozoïque inférieur de Chine du Sud, ou b) pendant la mise en place des plutons au Néoprotérozoïque dans une croûte chaude, sous la température de fermeture du chronomètre argon, puis lors de l'orogenèse du Paléozoïque inférieur, ce domaine crustal de Chine du Sud est passé au-dessous de 350°C; (iv) Durant la période 420-240 Ma, la région de Sanfang-Yuanbaoshana connu un refroidissement lent qui pourrait correspondre au ré-équilibrage isostatique de la croûte. / The Jiangnan Orogenic Belt is a NE-SW trending Neoproterozoic collisional suture, marking the boundary between the Yangtze Block and the Cathaysia Block. Its tectonic evolution is still debated. One of the most controversial questions is the timing of the collision between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks. In order to have a better understanding of this problem, we have collected the sedimentary rocks from the strata both overlying and underlying the Neoproterozoic unconformities to compare the detrital zircon age spectra between them, as well as to compare the detrital zircon spectra of Neoproterozoic sequences among the Yangtze, Jiangnan and Cathaysia regions. Moreover, we paid attention to the Neoproterozoic S-type granite plutons located in the western Jiangnan region in order to trace the crustal evolution in the Sanfang-Yuanbaoshan area since 830 Ma by multidisciplinary methods, including structural geology, geochronology, AMS, gravity modelling and Argon isotopic dating.Our study shows that : (i) The Jiangnan Orogenic Belt was built up due to the assembly of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks between ca. 865 and 830 Ma ; (ii) The 830 Ma granitic magma intruded into the pre-existing folds and faults in the Sibao group, the tongue-and/orsill-shaped plutonswere constructed by anE-W lateral accumulation of N-S oriented dykeswith adominantly northward horizontal magma flow from south to north ; (iii)A top-to-the-W ductile shearband has been identified on the top of plutons, (iv) the coherent mica Ar-Ar age of ca. 420 Ma, obtained from the deformed muscovite, implies that this shearing may be formed either a)during the Early Paleozoicorogeny, or b) during the Neoproterozoic plutons emplacement, then the plutons were exhumed by the Paleozoic orogeny ; (iv) During the 420-240 Ma period, the Sanfang-Yuanbaoshan area has experienced a slow cool ingrate, which may correspond to the isostatic re-equilibration of the crust.

Développement d'un outil chronostratigraphique pour les archives climatiques : datations absolues (K/Ar,⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar) et paléomagnétisme appliqués aux laves / Developing a chronostratigraphic tool for climatic archives : absolute dating (K/Ar and ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar) and paleomagnetism applied to lavas

Sasco, Romain 28 January 2015 (has links)
Développer une échelle de temps à haute résolution temporelle et commune aux différentes archives climatiques est une étape importante afin de quantifier avec précision les rapides variations climatiques passées et pour les placer dans un cadre chronologique unifié facilitant leurs inter-comparaisons et la quantification d’éventuels déphasages entre évènements, marqueurs ou archives climatiques.Le champ magnétique terrestre (CMT) regroupe l’ensemble des caractéristiques désirées pour développer un tel outil chronostratigraphique (expression dipolaire globale à la surface du globe, enregistrement dans diverses archives, variations en intensité indépendantes des variables climatiques). Bien que porteurs d’enregistrements continus, les sédiments ne donnent accès qu’aux variations relatives d’intensité du CMT. De plus, quand leur échelle de temps ne peut plus être placée sur celle des glaces polaires, elle est généralement obtenue par forçage orbital. Les laves, émises sporadiquement, enregistrent l’intensité absolue du CMT et sont datables par méthodes ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar et K-Ar (indépendantes des variables climatiques). Elles fournissent ainsi des couples âge-paléointensité (A-PI) permettant de calibrer les enregistrements sédimentaires et de les transférer sur des échelles de temps et d’intensité absolues. L’échelle de temps ainsi obtenue est par la suite transférable à diverses archives climatiques. Cette étude se focalise sur les derniers 200 ka. Les laves étudiées proviennent des jeunes volcans d’Ardèche et des phases récentes du volcanisme canarien. Les laves ardéchoises ont délivré des résultats de paléointensité non exploitables et des incertitudes trop importantes sur les âges. Aucun couple A-PI pertinent n’a donc été obtenu. Cependant, nos résultats géochronologiques démontrent l’importance de combiner les 2 méthodes de datation K-Ar et ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar pour tester l’exactitude et la signification géologique des âges obtenus. Pour ces laves, porteuses d’indices de contamination crustale et mantellique, nous suggérons que l’excès d’argon est situé dans des sites de rétention basses températures (<600°C). Les âges ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar obtenus, apparemment non affectés par l’excès d’argon, décomposent l’activité volcanique en 3 phases : 1 au Nord (180±30 ka) et 2 au Sud (31±4 ka et 24±8 ka).Les laves canariennes ont produit 14 nouveaux couples A-PI (dont 9 datés conjointement en K-Ar et ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar). Ces données ont été combinées à celles disponibles et triées de manière à ne garder que celles issues de protocoles d’analyses robustes et suffisamment précises. Les 51 données retenues ont été comparées aux courbes sédimentaires disponibles afin d’obtenir de nouvelles contraintes temporelles sur 0-200 ka. Sur 0-80 ka, les données confirment la bonne calibration de GLOPIS-75 initialement basée le minimum d’intensité de l’excursion du Laschamp et sur l’évolution du CMT entre 20 et 10 ka. En particulier, 3 de nos données réparties entre 45 et 60 ka sont cohérentes avec l’évolution du signal magnétique présentée par GLOPIS-75, complétant ainsi le jeu de contraintes sur cet intervalle. De 80 à 140 ka, les données retenues, bien qu’ayant des incertitudes temporelles parfois importantes, sont cohérentes avec les courbes sédimentaires validant ainsi leur niveau moyen de calibration sur cette période. Ces données confirment également la baisse d’intensité lors de l’épisode ancien du Blake à 120 ka, baisse d’intensité bien documentée par PISO-1500 mais très lissée sur SINT-2000. Avant 140 ka, les données sédimentaires et volcaniques disponibles sont trop incohérentes : aucune calibration n’a donc été entreprise sur cette période. Enfin, 2 données produites suggèrent un évènement géomagnétique bref vers 155 ka. Un tel événement n’est pas observé dans les courbes sédimentaires globales et les modèles disponibles vers 155 ka mais quelques études individuelles mentionnent localement un évènement géomagnétique vers 150 ka (Autriche, Russie et Mer de Chine). / The understanding of climatic mechanisms and rapid climate changes requires a high-resolution, robust, and precise timescale which allows long-distance and multi-archives correlations.An appropriate tool to construct such a timescale is provided by the Earth magnetic field (EMF). The EMF is independent from climatic variations and its past evolution, global at the surface of the Earth, is recorded by most of the geological/climatic archives. Sedimentary sequences provide continuous records of relative intensities of the EMF on timescales usually based on ice core age models or orbital tuning. Lavas, though discontinuously emitted through time, record the absolute intensity of the EMF during their cooling at the surface of the Earth. Lavas are dated using 2 complementary methods: ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar and K-Ar, both independent from climatic parameters. Lavas have therefore the potential to deliver tie-points (age-paleointensity couples) enabling the time calibration of sedimentary sequences and their transfer onto absolute intensity scale and chronological time scale. This timescale can then be transferred to other climatic archives. The present study focusses on the last 200 ka with lavas sampled from young volcanoes of Ardèche (South Massif Central, France) and recent phases of volcanism in the Canary Islands.Lava flows from Ardèche provided unexploitable paleointensity results and ages with large uncertainties. Therefore, they failed to provide suitable tie-points. However, our geochronological results evidence how crucial the combination of both the K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar methods is to test the accuracy and geological meaning of the ages. Ardèche lavas have abundant mantellic and crustal xenoliths, potential carriers of excess ⁴⁰Ar*. Our study suggests that the argon excess is located in sites that decrepitate at low temperature (<600°C). Because ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar ages are not affected by excess ⁴⁰Ar*, they provide reliable results. The new age dataset indicates that the volcanic activity of Ardèche can be divided in 3 phases: the oldest one (180±30 ka) took place in the northern part of the studied area and 2 younger phases are expressed in the South (31±4 ka and 24±8 ka).The study of the Canarian lavas produced 14 tie-points (9 out of 14 dated combining K-Ar and ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar results). These data have been added to the available ones for the same time period. The published data have been selected on the basis of robust analytical protocols and accuracy. The 51 data finally selected are compared to available sedimentary stacks. Over the last 80 ka, the volcanic data corroborate the calibration of GLOPIS-75, initially based on volcanic and archeomagnetic data between 10-20 ka and the low intensity observed in the Laschamp excursion. Three newly produced data, dated between 45 and 60 ka, extend the database initially used to older periods and they are also consistent with the initial calibration of GLOPIS-75. Between 80 and 140 ka, though volcanic data have significant uncertainties (in age and/or paleointensity), they are consistent with available sedimentary records and validate their calibration level on the long-term. At a shorter time scale, volcanic data corroborate the intensity low reached during the older phase of the Blake excursion (120 ka) by PISO-1500, whereas this low does not appear in SINT-2000. For ages older than 140 ka, not only the volcanic data are scattered, but also the sedimentary records are different from one another and no conclusions could be drawn. Finally, 2 of our data suggest a brief geomagnetic event around 155 ka. Such an event cannot be seen on available global sedimentary stacks or models, even though some individual studies report a local geomagnetic event around 150 ka (Austria, Russia, and China Sea).

History and geochemical evolution of igneous rocks forming the Panama land bridge since Late Cretaceous / Geschichte und geochemische Entwicklung der magmatischen Gesteine welche die Landbrücke von Panama seit der späten Kreide formen

Wegner, Wencke 22 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

40Ar/39Ar Dating of the Late Cretaceous

Gaylor, Jonathan 11 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
As part of the wider European GTS Next project, I propose new constraints on the ages of the Late Cretaceous, derived from a multitude of geochronological techniques, and successful stratigraphic interpretations from Canada and Japan. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, we propose a new constraint on the age of the K/Pg boundary in the Red Deer River section (Alberta, Canada). We were able to cyclostratigraphically tune sediments in a non-marine, fluvial environment utilising high-resolution proxy records suggesting a 11-12 precession related cyclicity. Assuming the 40Ar/39Ar method is inter-calibrated with the cyclostratigraphy, the apparent age for C29r suggests that the K/Pg boundary falls between eccentricity maxima and minima, yielding an age of the C29r between 65.89 ± 0.08 and 66.30 ± 0.08 Ma. Assuming that the bundle containing the coal horizon represents a precession cycle, the K/Pg boundary is within the analytical uncertainty of the youngest zircon population achieving a revised age for the K/Pg boundary as 65.75 ± 0.06 Ma. The Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary is preserved in the sedimentary succession of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation and has been placed ~8 m below Coal nr. 10. Cyclostratigraphic studies show that the formation of these depositional sequences (alternations) of all scales are influenced directly by sea-level changes due to precession but more dominated by eccentricity cycles proved in the cyclostratigraphic framework and is mainly controlled by sand horizons, which have been related by autocyclicity in a dynamic sedimentary setting. Our work shows that the Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin coincides with ~2.5 eccentricity cycles above the youngest zircon age population at the bottom of the section and ~4.9 Myr before the Cretaceous - Palaeogene boundary (K/Pg), and thus corresponds to an absolute age of 70.65 ± 0.09 Ma producing an ~1.4 Myr younger age than recent published ages. Finally, using advances with terrestrial carbon isotope and planktonic foraminifera records within central Hokkaido, Northwest Pacific, sections from the Cretaceous Yezo group were correlated to that of European and North American counterparts. Datable ash layers throughout the Kotanbetsu and Shumarinai section were analysed using both 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb methods. We successfully dated two ash tuff layers falling either side of the Turonian - Coniacian boundary, yielding an age range for the boundary between 89.31 ± 0.11 Ma and 89.57 ± 0.11 Ma or a boundary age of 89.44 ± 0.24 Ma. Combining these U-Pb ages with recent published ages we are able to reduce the age limit once more and propose an age for the Turonian - Coniacian boundary as 89.62 ± 0.04 Ma.

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