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Análise estratigráfica: uma contribuição ao projeto de restauro / Stratigraphic analysis a contribution to the restoration projectGenovez, Sarita Carneiro 20 April 2012 (has links)
O monumento histórico normalmente constitui-se por acúmulos de estratos, mudanças advindas de novas construções ou demolições que se sucedem no tempo e deixam marcas e testemunhos materiais. E é como tal que, do ponto de vista da ciência, cultura e ética, deverá ser compreendido. Isso faz com que seja imprescindível o domínio da estratigrafia pelos agentes que lidam com o patrimônio cultural. A estratigrafia ou análise estratigráfica abrange o estudo da estratificação, ou seja, o estudo das ações construtivas e destrutivas em um edifício. Contudo, no Brasil, a sua utilização ainda é incipiente, pouco difundida. A grande maioria dos profissionais utiliza apenas a microestratigrafia para as pinturas murais e não usa o método consolidado para edifícios com e sem revestimento. Por isso, o objetivo geral deste trabalho consiste numa apresentação e também numa reflexão sobre essa ferramenta de origem arqueológica como um dos instrumentos primordiais para projeto e obra de Restauro. A compreensão e reflexão com relação ao tema são alcançadas a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica na qual se analisam as experiências em andamento nos principais centros de estudo localizados na Itália e Espanha. A dissertação está dividida em quatro capítulos: o primeiro esclarece conceitos ligados à análise estratigráfica; o segundo e terceiro capítulos abordam a metodologia de aplicação desta ferramenta (sendo o segundo para edifícios sem revestimento e os métodos de datação e o terceiro para os edifícios com revestimento); o quarto capítulo tem o importante papel de abordar questões conceituais, técnicas e metodológicas do projeto de restauro a partir de casos concretos e, dessa forma, demonstrar que não basta apenas conhecer, mas saber o que fazer com este conhecimento. Assim, esta dissertação de mestrado pretende contribuir para a divulgação do método da estratigrafia no Brasil ao agrupar experiências internacionais significativas para a reflexão e a inovação das tradicionais condutas de conhecimento do edifício. Deve-se deixar claro que tal contribuição seria muito útil para formação de equipes especializadas e para instigar futuras pesquisas. / The historical monument is constituted by the juxtaposition of layers, changes that came from new constructions or demolitions, which succeed over time. They constitute material testimonials and impressions which must be comprehended through the perspectives of scientific, cultural and ethical studies. For so, the knowledge of Stratigraphy by cultural heritage specialists is indispensable. Stratigraphy - or Stratigraphic Analysis -consists of the study of constructive or destructive actions in a building. However, in Brazil, its use remains incipient and not widely disseminated. The majority of professionals applies microstratigraphy mostly to wall paintings, rarely using the broader and consolidated technique to coated or uncoated buildings. Therefore, it is the general objective of this work not to only make a presentation of Stratigraphy, but also to reflect upon this archaeological-based tool as a prime instrument for a restoration project and a field work. The understanding and reflection are based on bibliographical research, in which ongoing experiences from the main Italian and Spanish study centers are analyzed. This piece is divided in four chapters: the first clarifies stratigraphic analysis concepts; the second and third chapters approach the methodology and its application as a tool (the second chapter comprises uncoated buildings and dating methods; whereas the third one is about coated buildings); the fourth chapter brings forth the importance of discussing restoration project concepts, techniques and methods, by using concrete cases in order to perceive the need of not only knowing the theoretical concepts, but also understanding how to apply them. This thesis intends to help disclosing the stratigraphic method in Brazil by gathering significant international experiences with the aim of stimulating reflection and innovation regarding traditional aspects in building interventions. It is important to stress that such contribution would be very useful in professional formation and in stimulating future researches.
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Análise estratigráfica: uma contribuição ao projeto de restauro / Stratigraphic analysis a contribution to the restoration projectSarita Carneiro Genovez 20 April 2012 (has links)
O monumento histórico normalmente constitui-se por acúmulos de estratos, mudanças advindas de novas construções ou demolições que se sucedem no tempo e deixam marcas e testemunhos materiais. E é como tal que, do ponto de vista da ciência, cultura e ética, deverá ser compreendido. Isso faz com que seja imprescindível o domínio da estratigrafia pelos agentes que lidam com o patrimônio cultural. A estratigrafia ou análise estratigráfica abrange o estudo da estratificação, ou seja, o estudo das ações construtivas e destrutivas em um edifício. Contudo, no Brasil, a sua utilização ainda é incipiente, pouco difundida. A grande maioria dos profissionais utiliza apenas a microestratigrafia para as pinturas murais e não usa o método consolidado para edifícios com e sem revestimento. Por isso, o objetivo geral deste trabalho consiste numa apresentação e também numa reflexão sobre essa ferramenta de origem arqueológica como um dos instrumentos primordiais para projeto e obra de Restauro. A compreensão e reflexão com relação ao tema são alcançadas a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica na qual se analisam as experiências em andamento nos principais centros de estudo localizados na Itália e Espanha. A dissertação está dividida em quatro capítulos: o primeiro esclarece conceitos ligados à análise estratigráfica; o segundo e terceiro capítulos abordam a metodologia de aplicação desta ferramenta (sendo o segundo para edifícios sem revestimento e os métodos de datação e o terceiro para os edifícios com revestimento); o quarto capítulo tem o importante papel de abordar questões conceituais, técnicas e metodológicas do projeto de restauro a partir de casos concretos e, dessa forma, demonstrar que não basta apenas conhecer, mas saber o que fazer com este conhecimento. Assim, esta dissertação de mestrado pretende contribuir para a divulgação do método da estratigrafia no Brasil ao agrupar experiências internacionais significativas para a reflexão e a inovação das tradicionais condutas de conhecimento do edifício. Deve-se deixar claro que tal contribuição seria muito útil para formação de equipes especializadas e para instigar futuras pesquisas. / The historical monument is constituted by the juxtaposition of layers, changes that came from new constructions or demolitions, which succeed over time. They constitute material testimonials and impressions which must be comprehended through the perspectives of scientific, cultural and ethical studies. For so, the knowledge of Stratigraphy by cultural heritage specialists is indispensable. Stratigraphy - or Stratigraphic Analysis -consists of the study of constructive or destructive actions in a building. However, in Brazil, its use remains incipient and not widely disseminated. The majority of professionals applies microstratigraphy mostly to wall paintings, rarely using the broader and consolidated technique to coated or uncoated buildings. Therefore, it is the general objective of this work not to only make a presentation of Stratigraphy, but also to reflect upon this archaeological-based tool as a prime instrument for a restoration project and a field work. The understanding and reflection are based on bibliographical research, in which ongoing experiences from the main Italian and Spanish study centers are analyzed. This piece is divided in four chapters: the first clarifies stratigraphic analysis concepts; the second and third chapters approach the methodology and its application as a tool (the second chapter comprises uncoated buildings and dating methods; whereas the third one is about coated buildings); the fourth chapter brings forth the importance of discussing restoration project concepts, techniques and methods, by using concrete cases in order to perceive the need of not only knowing the theoretical concepts, but also understanding how to apply them. This thesis intends to help disclosing the stratigraphic method in Brazil by gathering significant international experiences with the aim of stimulating reflection and innovation regarding traditional aspects in building interventions. It is important to stress that such contribution would be very useful in professional formation and in stimulating future researches.
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L'archéologie du bâti entre étude des vestiges médiévaux et politique patrimoniale : une étude historique et épistémologique / The archaeology of building between the study of medieval remains and the cultural heritage policy : an historical and epistemological analysisVanetti, Alice 01 December 2017 (has links)
L'archéologie du bâti est une spécialité de l'archéologie qui se développe en Europe entre les années 1990 et 2000. Elle est généralement indiquée comme ce domaine de recherche qui s'occupe de l'étude des bâtiments historiques, de préférence médiévaux, à travers l'application des méthodes et des problématiques de recherche propres à l'archéologie. La lecture des publications qui concernent l'archéologie du bâti dans les pays où elle est employée, montre toutefois des sensibles différences quant aux méthodes employées et aux objectifs poursuivis lors des recherches. Cette hétérogénéité est révélatrice des contenus que les archéologues lui attribuent, qui dans chaque pays sont différents. Ce travail s'attache à saisir le statut actuel de l'archéologie du bâti en France, en Italie et en Suisse, des ``pays phares'' de cette spécialité, et à en mettre en évidence les similitudes et les différences à travers une approche à la fois historique et épistémologique. Puisque l'essor de l'archéologie du bâti résulte de la rencontre entre deux pôles principaux, l'étude des vestiges médiévaux d'une part, la politique patrimoniale de l'autre, nous rendons compte en premier lieu du développement de l'intérêt pour les vestiges médiévaux dès le XIX siècle siècle à aujourd'hui. Cette première analyse, conduite à l'échelle de chaque pays, nous permet de déceler les caractères principaux de ce substrat national d'où l'archéologie du bâti est issue, ce qui nous conduit, dans un second temps, à définir les contours des premières propositions d'archéologie du bâti et, de là, à rendre compte du statut actuel de cette spécialité dans les pays considérés. / The archeology of building is a specialism of the archeology that emerge in Europe between 1990 and 2000. It is generally described as this field of research which deals with the study of the historical buildings, especially medieval, through the application of methods and topics of archeology. The literature on archaeology of buildign where it is used, however, shows significant differences either in the methods and in the objectives pursued during the research. This heterogeneity revelas the differents visions that the archaeologists attribute to the archaeology of building, which in each country are different. This work seeks to define the current status of the archeology of buildings in France, Italy and Switzerland, the "flagship countries" of this specialism, and to highlight the similarities and differences through a both historical and epistemological analysis. Since the rise of the archeology of the building results from the meeting between two main poles, the study of the medieval remains on the one hand, and the cultural heritage policy on the other, we first report on the development of interest in medieval remains from the XIX century to today. This first analysis, carried out at the scale of each country, enables us to detect the main characteristics of this national substratum from which the archeology of the building is derived, which leads us in a second time to define the contours of first proposals for the archeology of building and, hence, to account for the present status of this specialism in the countries considered.
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Archéologie et dendrochronologie du bâti subalpin dans le massif du Mercantour durant le deuxième millénaire de notre ère / Archaeology and dendrochronology of the subalpine building in the French Mercantour massif during the second millenium of our eraLabbas, Vincent 17 November 2016 (has links)
Ma recherche porte sur le bâti situé à l’étage subalpin dans le massif du Mercantour (Alpes françaises). Ces constructions, essentiellement liées à l’agropastoralisme estival, sont une traduction matérielle de l’occupation et de l’exploitation de la montagne par les communautés humaines durant le second millénaire de notre ère. L’approche met ici à contribution la dendrochronologie et l’archéologie des élévations dans une démarche interdisciplinaire. L’étude archéologique de 90 bâtiments, dont les pièces de bois ont fourni 541 dates dendrochronologiques, apporte des données nouvelles sur l’histoire de ces constructions, dont les plus anciens témoins remontent au milieu du XIIe siècle et qui perdurent jusqu’au début du XXe siècle. Les reconstructions et les remaniements fréquents de ces édifices mettent en exergue une économie des matières premières dans laquelle les pièces de mélèze, espèce locale majoritairement mise en œuvre, sont constamment réemployées à chaque chantier de construction ou de reconstruction. Les longues chronologies de cernes, construites au cours de cette recherche, couvrent la quasi totalité du deuxième millénaire, contribuent à épaissir le référentiel dendrochronologique du mélèze dans les Alpes du Sud et fournissent de nouveaux éléments de connaissance sur les rapports qu’entretiennent les communautés humaines montagnardes avec la ressource forestière environnante. / My research focuses on the building located in the subalpine zone in the French Mercantour Massif (French Alps). These constructions, essentially related to summer agropastoralism, are the material expression of the occupation and exploitation of the mountain by the human communities during the second millenium of our era. The present approach has called upon dendrochronology and the building archeology in an interdisciplinary project. The study of 90 buildings whose woodwork has provided 541 dendrochronological dates, brings new data on the history of these constructions. The earliest ones dated back to the middle of the 12th century and were still standing in the early 20th century. Reconstructions and frequent renovations have underlined an economy of raw materials, among which pieces of larch (the main local tree and therefore mostly used), that were used all over again on each building or renovation site. The long chronologies of tree rings established during this present research have enhanced the importance of the master chronology of the larch in the southern Alps and provide new knowledge on the relationship between the mountain human groups and their surrounding forest resources.
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The effects of open shelters on the preservation of limestone remains at archaeological sitesCabello Briones, Cristina January 2015 (has links)
Shelters, as preventive conservation methods, have traditionally been considered a better option than leaving the site exposed. However, there has been limited research on their effect on the preservation of heritage materials and, as a result, there is no clear scientific evidence to support sheltering. This study aims to provide the first rigorous scientific assessment of the effect of lightweight, open shelters on limestone deterioration at archaeological sites. A method based on the use of low-cost environmental monitoring equipment and limestone blocks and tablets (as indicators of decay) has been developed to determine the degree of protection provided by the shelters at the Bishop' Palace (Witney, England) and Hagar Qim (Malta). Preliminary visual assessments of the field sites were followed by 12-18 month exposure trials. Temperature extremes and fluctuations, frost events, relative humidity extremes and fluctuations, NaCl crystallisation events, solar radiation, wetting events, salt content, atmospheric pollutants and dust deposition were monitored. In addition, stone decay was studied by analysing changes in weight, elasticity, surface hardness, ultrasonic pulse velocity, surface colour, moisture content and general appearance (microscopic and macroscopic pictures) in stone samples. An exhaustive assessment of the shelter at the Bishop's Palace was carried out using Chalk, Cotswold and Portland limestone blocks as well as Portland limestone tablets (specifically for studying dissolution, soiling and biological growth). Additionally, a comparative assessment of the effects of the two shelters in contrasting climatic environments, the Bishop's Palace (temperate maritime) and Hagar Qim (Mediterranean), was undertaken by monitoring Globigerina and Coralline limestone blocks simultaneously at both sites. The research has shown that lightweight, open shelters do not exclude decay completely but minimise it. However, there are some areas at higher risk of decay, i.e. top parts of the walls and the periphery. In addition, problems with the shelter design can enhance some decay mechanisms, such as biocolonisation on the periphery at the Bishop's Palace and dust deposition under the shelter at Hagar Qim. Therefore, the effectiveness of shelters should not be assumed.
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