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Interaction between state authority and the Chinese architectural profession: a critical analysis of Jianzhu XuebaoZhang, Yanjing January 2009 (has links)
In the decade (1992–2001), the Chinese architecture profession, (hereinafter using abbreviation the CAP) has been largely promoted to a higher level under the socialist circumstance. It is pivotal to note that the evolution of the architecture and the profession does not occur as a natural process, but rather as a result of power relations. In effect, the transformation in the architectural field is a result of interplay between many agents, with the state authority sitting as a predominant force amongst many components despite the complexity and complicity. / On the one hand, the CAP has experienced independence, self-improvement and integration into the world through the journey towards a liberalized position. On the other hand, the operation of architectural practice is highly channeled by the state authority, is closely tied to government policies and shaped by government regulations and facilitated by socio-economic dynamics. The state authority, at various levels, affects the direction of the CAP’s development as well as how it is evolving. This is implemented through interrelations not static but dynamic, that are constantly being re-enacted. / In the midst of the range of architectural phenomenon, the thesis focuses on changes of the CAP, and the relationship between the CAP and the state authority in China during a crucial decade of post–Mao reform, as reflected in the publications in Jian Zhu Xue Bao. It is based on a textual analysis of Jian Zhu Xue Bao, and observes the interrelations that occurred or re-occurred through historical review, discourse analysis and case studies. At the conceptual level, the study considers the interaction as that of power and knowledge. / Against the background provided, the dissertation argues that the underlying power–knowledge correlations react in the Chinese architectural field and at the same time; various interactions that drive the development related to the CAP are unfolding in Chinese architectural discourse. Drawing on scholarship concerning power and knowledge, findings are of four kinds related to: (1) the CAP obtained a relative autonomy; (2) the improvement of professional systems and enforcement; (3) the facilitation role of the state authority; (4) integration into international practice and discourse.
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Le Conseil des bâtiments civils et l’administration de l’architecture publique en France, dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle / The Conseil des bâtiments civils and the public architectural administration in France in the first XIXe century (1795-1848)Chateau-Dutier, Emmanuel 21 November 2016 (has links)
À l’issue de la Révolution, la rationalisation de la politique architecturale opérée au moyen d’une centralisation des affaires qui s’appuie sur un découpage administratif très hiérarchique allait permettre, en moins d’un demi-siècle, de fournir aux nouvelles institutions les édifices nécessaires à leur exercice et d’inscrire leur existence symbolique dans le bâti. Comme commission consultative établie auprès du ministre de l’Intérieur en 1795, le Conseil des bâtiments civils fut appelé à se prononcer sur l’ensemble des questions relatives à l’architecture que lui soumettait le ministre. Ses compétences portaient tout autant sur l’examen sous le rapport de l’art de tous les projets d’architecture construits aux frais de l’État que sur des sujets aussi divers que le règlement des honoraires, les alignements de voirie ou la liquidation des sommes dues aux entrepreneurs. Principal outil de la politique architecturale de l’État, le Conseil des bâtiments civils allait être à l’origine d’une pratique encadrée de l’architecture. En commandant l’accès à la commande publique la plus rémunératrice et la plus importante pour la notoriété de l’architecte, et par la normalisation du processus de production architectural, le Conseil et l’administration des bâtiments civils furent à l’origine, selon le mot de Georges Teyssot, d’un véritable « système des bâtiments civils » dont le rôle fut sans doute plus déterminant encore que celui de l’École et de l’Académie des Beaux-Arts dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle. / At the end of the Revolution, the rationalization of the architectural policy that engendered a centralisation based on a strict hierarchical administrative division would, in less than a century, allow to give to the new institutions the buildings they needed and to inscribe their symbolic existence in the built. As a consultative commission established next to the Interior ministry in 1795, the Conseil des bâtiments civils was called to decide on all architectural matters submitted to it by the Minister. His competences were equally relevant to the examination of all architectural projects built at public expense under the art point of view, or on topics as diverse as the payment of fees, road alignments or liquidation of amounts due to contractors. Main tool of the architectural policy of the State, the Conseil des bâtiments civils would frame the architectural practice. By controlling access to the most lucrative public command and the most determinant for the reputation of the architect, the standardization of architectural production process that the Conseil des bâtiments civils introduced, was a true "system of civil buildings" whose role was probably even more important than that of the École des Beaux Arts or the Académie in the early nineteenth century.
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A study in sustainability within the building value chain: An organization-based case study exploring the architect’s responsibilityAndersen, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
The modern form of humans has thrived on the planet for the past 200.000 years. Since back then and all the way to the present we’ve had several basic, physiological human needs, one of those being that of shelter. To create constructions that may inhabit our population in both residential and commercial regards, someone must show intelligent use of all the factors required to design a building that meets and exceeds clients’ expectations. This is where the role of the architect plays in. In this role, the study seeks to find what responsibilities can be found in line with sustainability actions and providing a better future. The study has been carried out at Blaavand & Hansson A/S architectural firm, where a study has been conducted on the basis of a recently finished project with external sustainability demands: The bay dormitory in Sønderborg. Here, it is found that a profound implementation of sustainability is lacking with the potentials of implementing ideals, reviewing the current work done and the approach taken. The architect’s role in sustainability is considered somewhat complex. the complexity is derived from open roles that lead to different interpretations of responsibilities and obligations. The architect has an initial role in the industry, attaining exclusive design and decision-making mandates on all early stages of construction projects. This means that the architect is providing consultation, suggestions, and demands that may either harm or benefit the triple bottom line performance. The architect’s responsibilities fall in line with being advice-giving, consulting, spokesmen and advocates of sustainable alternatives. They have a role in being informed of what sustainable actions can be carried out and implement them as requirements, advising the client of the need to look beyond self- benefit, knowing that a holistic approach to benefit evaluation will also benefit the client. The study finds that a suitable solution for the implementation of sustainability at Blaavand & Hansson falls to the likes of implementing a holistic approach and strategy utilizing visualization tools, attaining new knowledge through education and re-evaluating current relationships with business stakeholders and customers. / Människan har levt på planeten de senaste 200,000 åren. Sedan dess och ända tills nu har vi haft flera grundläggande, fysiologiska mänskliga behov, en av dem är skydd i form av boende. För att skapa konstruktioner som kan leva upp till vår befolkning i både boende och kommersiella hänsyn, måste någon visa intelligent användning av alla de faktorer som krävs för att utforma en byggnad som uppfyller och överträffa kundernas förväntningar. Det är här arkitektens roll spelar in. Studien syftar till att hitta det ansvar som finns i linje med hållbarhetsåtgärder och skapandet av en bättre framtid. Studien har genomförts på Blaavand & Hansson A/S arkitektbyrå, där en studie har genomförts på basis av ett nyligen avslutat projekt med externa hållbarhetskrav: Hamnfrontens studentboende i Sønderborg. Här konstateras att ett djupgående genomförande av hållbarhet saknas med potential att genomföra ideal, granska det nuvarande arbetet och den strategi som vidtagits. Arkitektens roll inom hållbarhet anses vara tämligen komplicerad. Komplexiteten härleds från öppna roller som leder till olika tolkningar av ansvar och skyldigheter. Arkitekten har en första roll i branschen, att uppnå exklusiv design och beslutsfattande mandat på alla tidiga stadier av byggprojekt. Detta innebär att arkitekten ger konsultation, förslag och krav som kan antingen skada eller gynna resultatet enligt Triple Bottom Line. Arkitektens ansvar ligger i linje med att vara rådgivande, konsulterande, talesmän och förespråkare för hållbara alternativ. De har en roll i att bli informerad om vilka hållbara åtgärder som kan genomföras och implementera dem som råd till kunden om behovet av att se bortom egen nytta, i vetskap om att en helhetssyn vid utvärdering av nytta också kommer att gynna kunden. Studiens resultat påvisar att Blaavand & Hansson A/S kan integrera hållbarhet genom att utvidga deras vy i form av att applicera en helhetssyn. Sedan bör de även implementera en hållbarhetsstrategi med hjälp av visualiseringsverktyg, kunskap och omvärdering av aktuella relationer med affärsintressenter och kunder.
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