Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1rchitecture 0nvironmental aspects"" "subject:"1rchitecture byenvironmental aspects""
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Predicting pedestrian use on outdoor urban plazas utilizing climate/behavior modelsWarner, Gary E. 30 December 2008 (has links)
Over the past two decades, an increasing amount of research has been directed toward climatic influences on behavior and the built environment. The evidence from this research has lead to the development of recommended site interventions to improve energy performance in individual buildings and to mitigate extreme climate conditions in exterior public spaces in order to make these environments more comfortable."Comfort", as a measure of performance, is usually based upon one of the many indices of thermal comfort. These indices, however, have been developed specifically for use in indoor environments and were later readapted for exterior environments. Previous research has begun to show that standards designed for and developed in interior settings, are not necessarily applicable for use in exterior environments where climate is only partially controllable and behavior is less defined. Early preliminary studies have shown that considerable activity will occur outside of the boundaries formally established as “comfortable” by any particular thermal index.
In contradiction to the traditional thermal performance measures that determine specific climatological conditions to support a particular behavior, this research uses two bio-comfort charts and a thermal indexing equation to establish what specific behaviors will occur under particular climate profiles.
This study takes an annual record of regional and site specific climate data and applies it to existing comfort prediction models to ascertain if such applications are legitimate and if these applications are capable of predicting the frequency and duration of observed social behavior in an outdoor urban setting. / Master of Landscape Architecture
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Documentation and demonstration of naturalistic method for measuring climate/behavior relationshipsSong, Kyungsoo 12 April 2010 (has links)
A naturalistic method (concealed video camera) on the Library Plaza at Virginia Tech has been used successfully to document the climate-behavior relationships in outdoor space. Analysis of the data reveals that each climatic factor had certain types of relationships with outdoor human behaviors, and that it might be possible to predict the amount of outdoor activity occurring on the plaza under a specific climate profile. Due to the lack of previous research and data similar to our observations, we experienced some difficulties in comparing the results with previous research and in doing systematic analysis. The individual climate factors such as temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, solar radiation, and the composite climate index, the Index of Thermal Stress, were analyzed to find a relationship with outdoor behavior. Graphic and statistical methods were used to analyze observation data. As the temperature on the plaza increased, there was a strong tendency for people to extend their time of stay on the plaza. But the temperature did not seem to have any strong relationship with the number or percentage of people who stayed on the plaza. Relative humidity appeared to have a negative correlation with the frequency of stationary behavior, but almost no relationship with average duration of stationary people. This finding conflicts with Givoni who reported that variations in relative humidity between 30% and 85% were almost imperceptible and at temperatures above 25°C, the influence of humidity on the response became gradually more apparent (Givoni,1981). Most of our observations were done under the temperature range of 0° ~ 25°C with a relative humidity of 30 ~ 85%. Under our observational condition (wind velocity less than 24 Km/hr), wind velocity had the strongest relationship with the frequency of stationary behavior. As the wind speed increased, the number and percentage of stationary people decreased almost linearly. Thus, wind velocity is a determining factor and the lower wind velocity is an impetus that induces people outdoors to pause or rest. The relationship between air velocity and the average duration of stationary people had a slightly negative correlation. The negative correlation was understandable, but, because it was negligibly weak, there was no meaningful relationship. Solar radiation did not appear to be an important factor for inducing people outside to stay on the plaza. But this study showed that the greater the solar radiation, the longer people stayed. The mean of the Index of Thermal Stress of Fall data was -139.268 and that of spring was 14.40. Therefore, in Fall, it was probable that people felt cold stress while in spring people were more likely to be comfortable. In Fall observations, the I.T.S. had a stronger relationship with frequency and duration of outdoor stationary behaviors than any single climatic factor. As the I.T.S. increased(in other words, as the cold stress decreased), more people stayed on the plaza and people tended to stay longer periods of time under the weather conditions in the fall of Southwestern Virginia. But, in spring observations, the relationships were much weaker than Fall observation. It was found that I.T.S. seemed to show a strong relationship between climate and outdoor behaviors if the I.T.S. values of data were completely negative or completely positive. / Master of Landscape Architecture
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Perceiving sustainability and practicing community based rehabilitation : a critical examination of the Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre (WCRC) as a case studyMukanya, Ronald 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Problem Statement: From a sustainability point of view, hospitals offer their services
without taking into consideration their impact on the environment, the interplay between
various sectors, key elements of sustainable development and interconnectedness. This
study represents an attempt to design a “virtual” green hospital facility that does more
with fewer resources.
Aims and Objectives: Contribute towards achieving sustainable and better quality
healthcare services. To generate evidence and increase our understanding of the
sustainability of hospital resource flows. Design a “virtual” green hospital.
Research Method: The research approach consists of a comprehensive literature review,
mixed with substantiated field research and interviews. The literature review provided an
understanding, recommendations and interventions for the virtual project. These can be
used to promote greater sustainability through WCRC’s healthcare system, energy
efficiency and green hospital buildings. Interviews and questionnaires were used to
collect the qualitative data. The interpretive technique was used to analyse the collected
data. Consumption statistics of electricity, water and waste were used to collect the
quantitative data. It was analysed using the green building rating tool. The rating tool
awards points according to incorporated measures, and arrives at a total score after
appropriate weighting. The green building rating tool was used to establish the rating of
WCRC as it stands and what it could ideally be as a retrofit? The data was presented as
demographic information in tables, charts and graphs, drawn from the collected data.
Findings: The findings that emerged suggest that: a) green hospital buildings promote
greater sustainability than the current modern healthcare hospital buildings at WCRC and
retrofitting would promote greater sustainability; b) the majority of WCRC’s current
healthcare provision is done in the conventional ‘business as usual approach’; c) the
greatest weaknesses of the hospital is its heavy dependence (95% average) on nonrenewable
energy sources of fuel, electricity and water; d) procurement isn’t focused in
the bio-region; e) sustainability isn’t viewed as the cornerstone to influence policy; and f)
the flow of resources gets conducted through socio-economic systems.
Conclusion: The current design of the hospital needs to be retrofitted into a green
building, which will promote greater sustainability. A higher rated green star building for
WCRC would promote greater sustainability. Healthcare provision is done in the
conventional ‘business as usual approach’. Therefore the healthcare system faces
threats in the immediate future, which include the impact of climate change, over
dependency on fossil fuels and increasing urban sprawl.
A virtual green hospital is designed to reduce the overall impact of its built environment
on human health and the natural environment by:
• Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources;
• Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity;
• Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation.
Recommendations: In this sustainability criterion, a paradigm shift is required for WCRC
hospital to go green and become sustainable. At a local scale WCRC needs to green the
current hospital building by retrofitting. WCRC needs to energy switch from nonrenewables
to sustainable renewable resources. Bioregional consumption and
procurement needs to be practiced whilst establishing a local health movement to engage
suppliers and focus on sustainability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Probleem stelling: Gesien van volhoubaarheids oogpunt, bied hospitale dienste aan
sonder om te besin oor die impak op die omgeweing, die tussenspel tussen verskeie
sektore, sleautel elemente van volhoubare ontwikkeling en die onderlinge aanknopings.
Hierdie studie verteenwoordig ‘n poging om ‘n skyn groen hospitaal te ontwerp wat meer
kan doen met minder hulpbronne.
Oogmerk en Doelstellings: Om ‘n bydrae te lewer om ‘n volhoubare en beter kwaliteit
gesondheidsdiens te bereik. Om bewyse te genereer en begrip aangaande die
volhoubaarheid van hospitaal bronne vloei to verhoog/ Ontwerp van ‘n “skyn” groen
Ondersoek Metode: Die benadering in die ondersoek bestaan uit ‘n omvattende
literatuurstudie met ondersteunbare veld ondersoeke en onderhoude. Die literatuurstudie
voorsien in die begrip, aanbevelings en tussentredes vir die skyn projek. Dit kan gebruik
word om groter volhoubaarheid van die WKRS se gesondheidsisteem, energie
effektiwiteit en groen hospitale te bevorder. Kwalitatiewe data was ingewin met behulp
van onderhoude en vraelyste. Interpretasie was die tegniek wat gebruik was om data te
analiseer. Verbruikstatistiek van elektrisiteit, water en afval was gebruik on kwantitatiewe
data te kollekteer. Die analise daarvan was gedoen deur die gebruik van die groen gebou
graderingsinstrument. Die graderingsinstrument ken punte toe volgens opgeneemde
maatreëls en bepaal die finale gradering na gepaste afwegings. Die instrument was
gebruik om die gradering van WKRS te bepaal soos dit is en wat die ideale terugbou sou
wees. Die data word in tabelle en grafieke voorgelê soos wat dit verkry was van die
gekollekteerde data.
Bevindinge: Die bevindinge wat na vore gekom het dui aan dat:
Groen hospitaal geboue bevorder groter volhoubaarheid dan die huidige moderne
hospitaal geboue van WKRS en terugbouing sal groter volhoubaarheid bevorder.
Die meerderheid van gesondheidsdiensvoorsiening deur WKRS geskied volgense die
konvensionele benadering van “besigheid soos normal”
Die grootste swakheid van die hospitaal is die swaar afhanklikheid van die hospitaal op
nie-hernubare energie (95%) soos brandstof, elektrisiteit en water,
Verkryging is nie gefokus op die bio-streek nie,
Volhoubaarheid word nie beskou as die hoeksteen om belied te beinvloed nie en
Die vloei van hulpbronne word herlei deur sosio-ekonomies sisteme.
Sluiting: Die huidige ontwerp van die hospitaal moet terugverbou word na ‘n groen gebou
wat groter volhoubaarheid sal bevorder. ‘n Hoër groenster bougradering vir WKRS sal
groter volhoubaarheid bevorder.
Voorsiening van gesondheidsdienste volgens die “besigheid soos normaal” benadering
veroorsaak dat die gesondheids-sisteem bedreigiongs in die gesig staar soos die impak
van klimaatsverandering, oorafhanklikheid van fosiel energie en verhoodge
Aanbevelings: Volgens die kriteria is ‘n paradigma verskuiwing nodig by WKRS om groen
en volhoubaar te raak. Op ‘n plaaslike skaal is dit nodig vir WKRS om die huidige
hospitaal terug te bou om groen te raak. Dit is nodig om energie veranderings te
ondergaan van nie hernubare tot volhoubare, hernubare energie bronne. Die Biostreek
verbruiking en verkryging moet gepraktiseer word terwyl plaaslike
gesondheidsbewegings gevestig word om te onderhandel met verskaffers en te fokus op
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Defending an icon: the Matsulu Centre for Rhino DefenseBosman, Ruan January 2017 (has links)
Thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Architecture (Professional) to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, School of Architecture and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2017 / In light of an increasing scientific and
social focus on unsustainable human
practices, mankind’s dominant relationship
with the natural world is now
being challenged. Few phenomena
demonstrate this destructive relationship
better than the growing number
of animals being driven to extinction
through human actions. The most
notable of these, within the South
African context, is the devastation of
rhinoceros populations caused by
illegal poaching, particularly in the
Kruger National Park. In dealing with
this issue, we have a unique opportunity
to embody and catalyse a sustainable
paradigm shift.
Such a shift would seek to transition
mankind into a symbiotic rather than
parasitic relationship with the natural
world. It would promote the use of
cutting edge technologies for the
benefit both human and non-human
actors, breaking down the separation
between man and nature. The resultant
hybridised ecosystem would stand as
an exemplary manifestation of the
long theorised ‘cyborg’ entity, not as
individual, but as a new form of habitat
and, ultimately, societal organisation.
Contextualising such a ‘Cyborgian
Nexus’ as a solution to the scourge of
rhino poaching is the chief subject of
this research report.
The Matsulu Centre for Rhino Defense
is proposed as a Connected Conservation
Centre in the disadvantaged
Matsulu community, bordering the
Kruger National Park. Its aim is to be
the heart of a sophisticated system of
cutting edge technologies which allow
park rangers to overcome the poaching
threat. Through its program as well as
its architecture, the project aims to
become a recognizable icon of a new
relationship between man and nature.
One in which human innovation allows
for the natural world and the human
world to coexist sustainably to the
mutual benefit of both. / GR2017
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Landscaping Practices, Environmental Ethics, and Sustainability in South FloridaUnknown Date (has links)
The research conducted for this thesis explores the link between environmental
ethics and household landscaping practices. The central issue of any concept of
sustainability is the incommensurability of various elements that define approaches,
which is why it is treated here as a politicoethical process of subjective valuation. The
ethics of sustainability were delineated according to major currents in environmental
ethics, as well as briefly illustrated in the context of a broad discussion of climate change
and resource availability, with some examples of strategies at different institutional
levels. An online survey of 87 participants provided responses about local landscaping
practices, environmental concerns, environmental ethics, and landscaping aesthetics at
the household level. Quantitative analyses of the data yielded significant, but lowstrength
correlations between environmentally sustainable landscaping practices and
environmental ethics. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Mvembili Interpretive and Research Centre.Sibandze, Wandile. January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MTech. degree in Architecture (Professional))--Tshwane University of Technology, 2011. / The thesis emcompasses the design of an interpretive and research centre in the Mvembili area, Swaziland. The centre will have a multifaceted function as it will include the following: a landmark gateway, museum and tourist centre, and a limited research facility for the water and flora of the immediate region. The thesis seeks to give the structure a symbolic and poetic quality which will interpret the cultural and natural aspects of the environment and people and subsequently provide meaning to visitors. It will also acknowledge the beauty of the natural surroundings through the building's form and use of material and technology.
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The design of a low security community re-entry facility in central Pretoria.Louw, Andries Adriaan. January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MTech. degree in Architecture: Professional)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2011. / This dissertation encompasses the design of a low security correctional facility to function as a community re-entry centre in central Pretoria. In recent years, the Department of Correctional Services realised that alternative approaches and innovation is desperately required to deal with the issues of overcrowding, recidivism, known as the habitual return to a life of crime, as well as the spiralling cost of incarceration in South African prisons. This dissertation proposes a new detention building type in South Africa within which the education, rehabilitation and reintegration of inmates can be dealt with holistically. In the proposed building, the designer will attempt to create awareness about the plight of offenders and their recovery from a life of crime while incorporating research with regards to sustainable architecture. It aspires to realising the opportunities that could arise from the human capital locked away in our correctional facilities if successful rehabilitation within an appropriate architectural environment could be implemented.
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The design of a mixed-use development for the rehabilitation of Marabastad, Pretoria : a catalyst for change.Angerson, Clinton. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MTech. degree in Architecture: Professional)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2010. / This dissertation focus on repopulating the north-west section of Pretoria's city, known as Marabastad. Evoking densification together with urban regeneration through a mixed-use affordable housing development, it will also acknowledge the presence of the remaining Marabastad and support the relationship between formal and informal trading whilst contributing to the overall existing function of the area as being a major transportation interchange node. The site that has been chosen is on the northern edge of Bloed Street and lies between Jerusalem Street and the Steenhoven Spruit.
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An urban-agricultural hub, Umngeni, Durban.Maphumulo, Mfundo Archibald. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (MTech. degree in Architecture: Professional)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2008. / The aim of this dissertation is to design an urban-agricultural building to facilitate small scale intensive farming on the edge of the city of Durban. The buildings assume the typology of a vertical farm which has been named the 'ZED' farm, 'ZED' being dichotomous. Firstly the term has been borrowed from Bill Dunster Architects who coined the acronym 'ZED' (Zero Energy Development), which is one of the project's inherent objectives. The second meaning of 'ZED' is a translation of the building's main programmatic function of production in the vertical Z-axis. The site is located on the interface of the metropolitan edge, in an area bustling with activity ranging from industry, trade, recreation, public transportation, and a residential component. This area is flanked by the Umgeni Road corridor and the Suncoast Casino lifestyle entertainment centre along the beachfront.
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Redevelopment of waterfront landscape in Stanley, Hong Kong王穎儀, Wong, Wing-yee. January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Landscape Architecture
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