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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acoustic remote sensing of Arctic sea ice from long term soundscape measurements / Monitoring de la glace de mer en Arctique à partir de mesure à long terme du paysage acoustique sous-marin

Kinda, Gnouregma Bazile 29 November 2013 (has links)
La fonte rapide des glaces de l'Arctique dans le contexte actuel du réchauffement climatique est un sujet scientifique majeur de ces 30 dernières années. L'Arctique joue un rôle fondamental dans l'équilibre du climat et requiert une attention particulière. Les régions arctiques sont alors surveillées par des observations satellitaires et des mesures in-situ. L'impact climatique de la fonte totale de la glace arctique est encore spéculatif. Des recherches sont donc nécessaires pour le suivi à long terme de l'Océan Arctique, en particulier la dynamique spatio-temporelle de la couverture de glace et ses conséquences sur les écosystèmes. Notre travail s'inscrit dans ce contexte, et est porté sur le paysage sonore des régions polaires avant leur possible industrialisation qui accompagnera la fonte de la glace. Ainsi, nous avons d'abord examiné les conséquences de la disparition du couvert de glace sur les paysages sonores de ces régions. Nous avons alors étudié les variations saisonnières du bruit de fond et ses pilotes environnementaux. De ce fait, nous avons développé un algorithme d'estimation du bruit ambiant afin de pouvoir constituer des séries temporelles à partir des données acoustiques longue durée. Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié les transitoires générés par le comportement mécanique de la banquise en Arctique. Cette étude vise d'une part à comprendre le mécanisme de production de ces transitoires sous la glace, et d'autre part à évaluer leur potentiel comme moyen d'observation de la dynamique de la glace de mer. / The Arctic sea ice melting, in the global warming context, has become a major scientific topic during the last 30 years. The Arctic Ocean plays a fundamental role in the global climate balance and requires a particular attention. The Arctic Regions are then monitored by satellite observations and in-situ measurements. The climatic impact of the total melting of the Arctic sea ice is not yet understood and researches are still needed for long term monitoring of Arctic Ocean, particularly the dynamics of the ice cover and its consequences on the ecosystems. Our work focused on the natural soundscapes of these Polar Regions prior to their possible industrialization. So, we first examined the impact of climate warming alone on polar soundscapes by studying the seasonal variability of ambient noise and its environmental drivers. We then developed an ambient noise estimation algorithm for automatic extraction of this noise component from long term measurements. In second, we examined the acoustic transients generated by the mechanical behavior of the ice cover at its maximum extent. This aims to better understanding of the physical processes involved in under-ice noise production and their potential use for sea ice monitoring.

Constraining and predicting Arctic amplification and relevant climate feedbacks

Linke, Olivia 21 May 2024 (has links)
The Arctic region shows a particularly high susceptibility to climate change, which historically manifests in an amplification of the near-surface warming in the Arctic relative to the global mean. This Arctic amplification (AA) has impacts on the climate system also beyond the northern polar regions, which highlights the importance to adequately represent it in numerical models. While state-of-the-art climate models widely agree on the presence of AA, they simulate a large spread in the magnitude of Arctic-amplified warming. This thesis addresses the need to evaluate the performance of global climate models in projecting AA and its most important drivers. For the latter, the focus is on the three amplifying climate feedbacks (ACFs) that largely drive the meridional warming structure leading to AA. The ACFs include the sea-ice-albedo feedback (SIAF), the Planck feedback, and the lapse-rate feedback (LRF). These feedbacks arise from the relevant changes in Arctic sea ice, near-surface temperatures, and the deviation from the near-surface temperature change through the atmosphere, respectively. In the thesis, two observational constraints are presented to narrow the range of climate models of the sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) regarding their projection of AA and the ACFs in both past and future climate. While for the past, the models representation of near-surface processes can often be directly evaluated against observations, it is particularly the LRF that is difficult to constrain as it incorporates the entire atmospheric warming structure. As a consequence, the historical constraint focuses on the LRF, while the future constraint gives a prediction range for the evolution of AA and all three ACFs through the 21st century. The main results are highlighted in the view of the changing atmospheric energy budget (AEB) of the Arctic under anthropogenic climate forcing. The AEB provides a framework to address Arctic climate change at large scales, and further helps to decide on the relevant aspects that provide appropriate metrics for constraining both AA and the ACFs. In other words, the perspective of a changing Arctic AEB highlights important alterations of the energetics under climate change, that further link to changes in climate aspects that partly explain the inter-model spread in simulated AA and the ACFs. The main results of the cumulative thesis are formulated on the basis of three published research papers, papers I, II, and III. Paper I addresses the Arctic AEB which is typically characterised by an equilibrium between net radiative cooling and advective heating, and mostly an absence of convection. This radiative-advective equilibrium (RAE) approximates well the energy budget and thermal structure of the Arctic atmosphere. The main outcome of paper I is that with continuous warming as simulated by CMIP6 models in an idealised setup, a deviation from the RAE increasingly develops, resulting from sea ice retreat and increased ocean-to-atmosphere heat fluxes. These changes are further concomitant with a depletion of the typical surface-based temperature inversion and a decrease in advective heating, which is byword for the convergence of atmospheric energy transport in the Arctic. Since the RAE currently explains much of the basic thermal structure of the Arctic atmosphere, those changes have the potential to further mediate the LRF. Paper II builds on paper I and evaluates the performance of climate models in representing the key aspects of the Arctic LRF in CMIP6 historical simulations that have the best estimates of the transient climate forcings during the observational period. In particular it is found that CMIP6 models that realistically simulate both the lower thermal structure of the atmosphere and the poleward atmospheric energy transport are more trustworthy in informing about the LRF and how much it contributed to Arctic warming during the past few decades. The evaluation is based on observations of surface-based temperature inversions during the year-long Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition, and atmospheric energy transport convergence computations from reanalyses. Paper III expands the constraint approach of paper II and carries out an emergent constraint (EC) on future AA and the ACFs that further elaborates on the physical relationships between the constraining metrics and future climate projections. Previous work has highlighted that parts of the inter-model spread in simulated AA is explained through the spread in contemporaneous sea ice loss across climate models. The thesis confirms this link by showing that CMIP6 models with a stronger climatological sea ice loss project a stronger AA in the future under the assumption of a high emission scenario. By further linking the degree of future ice loss to the current-climate sea ice amount in CMIP6 models, paper III facilitates an EC on the future evolution of AA and the ACFs. In particular, models with a lower contemporary sea ice amount project a larger magnitude of AA by setting the stage for stronger climatological ice loss and near-surface warming, linking to the relevant ACFs. From the corresponding prediction it is evident that AA is expected to continue at a warming rate that is more than twice or three times larger than global-mean warming. Furthermore, the three ACFs continue to contribute to Arctic warming, with the SIAF leading the warming contribution response. Lastly, the consideration of statistically strong and physically plausible relationships across climate models makes the EC a valuable technique to constrain climate model simulations in conjunction with observations. This thesis highlights the potential of combining the advantages of both presented constraints: Using multiple process-relevant aspects instead of one singular metric (paper II), but considering the mechanistic couplings between these metrics and the climate projection of interest (paper III) will improve our model-evaluation techniques and further help guiding the design of future climate simulations.:Summary of the dissertation List of papers Author’s contribution Supervision statement 1 Introduction 2 Research focus 3 The Arctic atmospheric energy budget 3.1 The atmospheric column model 3.2 The annual atmospheric energy budget 4 Arctic amplification and climate feedbacks 4.1 Amplifying climate feedbacks 4.2 A comment on process coupling 5 Methods and data 5.1 Energy budget equations 5.2 Quantifying Arctic amplification and climate feedbacks 5.3 Climate model data 5.3.1 CMIP6 idealised simulations 5.3.2 CMIP6 historical simulations 5.3.3 CMIP6 ssp585 simulations 5.4 Observational constraints 5.4.1 Constraint on historical Arctic lapse-rate feedback 5.4.2 Constraint on future Arctic amplification and relevant climate feedbacks 6 Results 6.1 Paper I - Deviations from the Arctic radiative-advective equilibrium under anthropogenic climate change 6.2 Paper II - Constraining the Arctic lapse-rate feedback during past decades by contemporary observations 6.3 Paper III - Constraining future Arctic amplification and the relevant climate feedbacks based on the recent sea ice climatology 7 Summary and outlook References Lists Acknowledgements Appendix A: Paper I Appendix B: Paper II Appendix C: Paper III

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