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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supporting the need a comparative investigation of public and private arts endowments supporting state arts agencies /

Lee, Keith D., January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 349-371).

Talking a bite out of "The Big Apple" : the 49th parallel : Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art, 1981-1992 /

Cunningham, Ellen January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) - Carleton University, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 124-131). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.

Lewe van F.H. Odendaal, 1898-1966

De Villiers, Johan Willem 11 1900 (has links)
Frans Hendrik Odendaal is in 1898 op Kimberley gebore. Hy het sy jeugjare op Boshof deurgebring en matrikuleer in 1916. Deur privaatstudie kwalifiseer hy in 1927 as prokureur. Hy is in 1919 met Magdalena Petronella du Plessis getroud. Uit hierdie huwelik is vier dogters gebore. Na h kart wewenaarskap tree hy in 1948 met Magdalena Jacoba Truter in die huwelik. Uit hierdie huwelik is twee dogters gebore, terwyl hy die dogters uit Magdalena Truter se vorige huwelik wettiglik aangeneem het. In 1928 vestig Odendaal horn as prokureur op Nylstroom w~ar hy by sy vennoot, adv J G Strijdom se politieke bedrywighede inskakel. In 1938 word hy lid van die Nasionale Party van Transvaal se Inligtingsburo. Gedurende die Tweede Wereldoorlog was hy vir h kort tydperk Kommandant van die OssewaBrandwag in die Waterberg. In 1948 is hy tot L P R vir Waterberg verkies en in 1952 tot L U K. In 1958 is hy as Administrateur van Transvaal benoem. Hy het geskiedenis in Transvaal gemaak deurdat hy die eerste Administrateur was wat uit die geledere van die Provinsiale Raad in die gesogte pas benoem is. Odendaal het bekendheid verwerf as eerste voorsitter van TRUK en vir sy aandeel in die bevordering en opbou van die kunste in Transvaal. Insgelyks het hy kuns in Suid-Afrika op h ordelike grondslag geplaas. Hy kan as een van die grondleggers van georganiseerde streekrade vir die kunste in Suid-Afrika beskou word. As Administrateur het hy horn verder onderskei as onderwysvernuwer en bevorderaar van snelboumetodes in die provinsiale geboue-program in Transvaal. Voorts het hy baie bygedra tot die groat ontwikkeling op nywerheids- en verkeersgebied in sy provinsie. Tussen 1952 en 1966 was hy ononderbroke voorsitter van die Nasionale Parkeraad. Hy was deels daarvoor verantwoordelik dat di~ organisasie tot h winsgewende en ordelike besigheidsonderneming uitgebou is. In die proses het hy natuurbewaring in die hele Suid-Afrika bevorder. Hy was oak voorsitter van die veelbesproke Kommissie van ondersoek na aangeleenthede in Suidwes-Afrika en kan beskou word as die vader van vernuwing en ontwikkeling in moderne Namibie. Hy is in 1966 na h hartaanval oorlede. / Frans Hendrik Odendaal was born at Kimberley -in 1898. He grew up in Boshof where he matriculated in 1916. Through private studies he quaiified as an attorney in 1927. He married Magdalena Petronella du PlessLs in 1919. Four daughters were born from this marriage. In 1948, after a short period as a widower, he married Magdalena Jacoba Truter. Two daughters were born from this marriage, while he legally adopted Magdalena Truter's two daughters from a previous marriage. In 1928 Odendaal settled at Nylstroom and practised as an attorney. He became involved with the political activities of his partner, adv J G Strijdom, and in 1938 he became a member of the National Party's Bureau of Information. During the Second World War he acted for a short period as Commandant of the Ossewa Brandwag in the Waterberg district. In 1948 he was elected M P C for Waterberg and in 1952 became M E C. In 1958 he was nominated as Administrator of Transvaal. He made history by becoming the first Transvaal Administrator to be selected from the ranks of the Provincial Council. Odendaal distinquished himself as the first Chairman of P A C T and for promoting the performing arts in Transvaal. At the same time he placed the performing arts on a sound footing in South Africa. He can be regarded as one of the founders of regional councils for the performing arts in South Africa. As Administrator he excelled as educational innovator in his province, and he also promoted quick building methods in the provincial building programme. He also contributed towards the development of industries and transport in his province. For the entire period between 1952 and 1966 he was chairman cf the National Parks Board. Due partially to his edeavours, the Board was developed into a profitable business organisation. In the process he played an important role in developing and promoting nature conservation throughout South Africa. He was also chairman of the commission of enquiry into the affairs of South West Africa and can be considered the father of development and renewal in modern Namibia. He- died of a heart attack in 1966. / History

An evaluation of the transformation process in the performing arts councils in South Africa

Seutloadi, Kedibone Dominica 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Performing Arts Councils (PACs) have been the primary recipients of national public funding for the performing arts, accounting for nearly half of the arts and culture budget of the Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology (DACST). They had to be restructured in order to free public resources for allocation to other disciplines and areas in need of redress. The four PACs addressed in this study are The Playhouse Company (Durban), Artscape (Cape Town), PACOFS (Bloemfontein), and the Spoornet State Theatre (Pretoria). The purpose of the study was to determine whether or not the PACs had achieved the transformation goals as defined by DACST. The research was approached from a qualitative perspective to ensure that as much nuanced information as possible was collected within a limited timeframe and financial constraints. Where necessary, as in analysis of staff and expenditure, quantitative analyses were undertaken. The study found that the process of converting PACs to playhouses had been inconsistently implemented, although some of the PACs had come a long way in transforming themselves. Funding was obtained from government subsidies, NAC funding for specific projects, sponsorships, and other minor sources of income such as box office sales. Traditional forms of the performing arts, specifically opera and ballet, still accounted for a large portion of the total expenditure. PACs have had considerable difficulty in obtaining provincial and local government support, or adequate business sector support to make them viable as stand-alone entities. None of the PACs has been able to secure sustainable funding on a reliable basis to meet their requirements. DACST regards the implementation of a Community Arts Development (CAD) component and the establishment of the NAC as essential for an equitable arts dispensation in the country. CAD is meant to provide education and empowerment of people from previously disadvantaged communities, access to PAC venues and NAC funding, and awareness and outreach programmes. The CAD component varies substantially from PAC to PAC. The White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage recognises that the future of arts and cultural expression lies in the development of new audiences and markets. Audience development and facilitating access to venues has been left to the PACs, with little effect in some cases. The transformation of the staff profile of PACs to reflect the demographics of their provinces has been achieved. As the resultsof the study show each PAC took it upon itself to transform itself in its own way. As a result, transformation by the various PACs was found not always to be in line with the imperatives contained in the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage (DACST, 1996). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste (RUK) was tot op hede die vernaamste ontvangers van nasionale staatsbefondsing vir die uitvoerende kunste, en het bykans vyftig persent van die Departement van Kuns, Kultuur, Wetenskap en Tegnologie (DKKWT) se begroting vir kuns en kultuur verteenwoordig. Hierdie Rade moes herstruktureer word sodat staatshulpbronne wat vir ander dissiplines en gebiede wat regstelling nodig gehad het, aangewend kon word. In hierdie studie is die vier Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste "The Playhouse" (Durban), "Artseape" (Kaapstad), RUKOVS (Bloemfontein) en die Spoornet-staatsteater (Pretoria) bestudeer. Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal of die Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste 'n transformasie, soos gedefinieer deur die DKKWT, ondergaan het. Die navorsing is vanuit 'n kwalitatiewe perspektief benader om te verseker dat so veel moontlik genuanseerde inligting binne 'n beperkte tydsbestek en te midde van finansiele beperkinge ingesamel is. Waar nodig, soos in die analise van personeel en uitgawes, is 'n kwantitatiewe benadering gevolg. Daar is bevind dat daar deurgaans uitvoering gegee is aan die omskepping van die Uitvoerende Kunsterade in skouburgteaters, hoewel sommige Rade reeds 'n ver pad met betrekking tot selftransformasie geloop het. Befondsing was afkomstig van staatsubsidies, NUK-befondsing vir spesifieke projekte, borge en ander minder beduidende bronne, byvoorbeeld inkomste uit kaartjieverkope. Tradisionele vorms van die uitvoerende kunste, veralopera en ballet, het steeds 'n beduidende deel van totale uitgawes uitgemaak, en Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste het groot probleme ondervind om genoegsame steun van provinsiale regerings, plaaslike owerhede en die besigheidsektor te werf om hulle in staat te stelom as lewensvatbare en onafhanklike entiteite te funksioneer. Nie een van die Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste kon daarin slaag om befondsing van 'n standhoudende aard te bekom waarop hulle kon reken om aan hul vereistes te voldoen nie. Die DKKWT beskou die implementering van 'n Gemeenskapskunsontwikkelingkomponent (GKO) en die stigting van die NUK as onontbeerlik vir 'n regverdige kunste-bedeling in die land. GKO beoog om voorsiening te maak vir die opvoeding en bemagtiging van mense III die voorheen agtergeblewe gemeenskappe, toegang tot plekke waar GKO-optredes gehou word, NUKbefondsing, asook bewustheids- en uitreikprogramme. Die GKO-komponent wissel aansienlik van RUK tot RUK. Die Witskrif oor Kuns, Kultuur en Erfenis erken dat die toekoms van kuns- en kulturele uitdrukking in die ontwikkeling van nuwe gehore en markte opgesluit lê. Die ontwikkeling van gehore en makliker toegang tot plekke waar optredes aangebied word is in die hande van Kunsterade gelaat; in sommige gevalle met weinig effek. Die transformasie van die Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste se personeelprofiel ten einde die demografiese werklikheid van elke provinsie te weerspieel was suksesvol. Soos duidelik uit die studie blyk, het elke Raad vir Uitvoerende Kunste onderneem om die transformasie op sy eie manier te implementeer. Die gevolg is dat die transformasie in die verskillende Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste nie altyd tred hou met die bindende opdragte wat in die Witskrif oor Kuns, Kultuur en Erfenis (DKKWT, 1996) vervat is nie.

Art and Citizenship- Governmental Intersections

Gibson, Lisanne, L.Gibson@mailbox.gu.edu.au January 1999 (has links)
The thesis argues that the relations between culture and government are best viewed through an analysis of the programmatic and institutional contexts for the use of culture as an interface in the relations between citizenship and government. Discussion takes place through an analysis of the history of art programmes which, in seeking to target a 'general' population, have attempted to equip this population with various particular capacities. We aim to provide a history of rationalities of art administration. This will provide us with an approach through which we might understand some of the seemingly irreconcilable policy discourses which characterise contemporary discussion of government arts funding. Research for this thesis aims to make a contribution to historical research on arts institutions in Australia and provide a base from which to think about the role of government in culture in contemporary Australia. In order to reflect on the relations between government and culture the thesis discusses the key rationales for the conjunction of art, citizenship and government in post-World War Two (WWII) Australia to the present day. Thus, the thesis aims to contribute an overview of the discursive origins of the main contemporary rationales framing arts subvention in post-WWII Australia. The relations involved in the government of culture in late eighteenth-century France, nineteenth-century Britain, America in the 1930s and Britain during WWII are examined by way of arguing that the discursive influences on government cultural policy in Australia have been diverse. It is suggested in relation to present day Australian cultural policy that more effective terms of engagement with policy imperatives might be found in a history of the funding of culture which emphasises the plurality of relations between governmental programmes and the self-shaping activities of citizens. During this century there has been a shift in the political rationality which organises government in modern Western liberal democracies. The historical case studies which form section two of the thesis enable us to argue that, since WWII, cultural programmes have been increasingly deployed on the basis of a governmental rationality that can be described as advanced or neo-liberal. This is both in relation to the forms these programmes have taken and in relation to the character of the forms of conduct such programmes have sought to shape in the populations they act upon. Mechanisms characteristic of such neo-liberal forms of government are those associated with the welfare state and include cultural programmes. Analysis of governmental programmes using such conceptual tools allows us to interpret problems of modern social democratic government less in terms of oppositions between structure and agency and more in terms of the strategies and techniques of government which shape the activities of citizens. Thus, the thesis will approach the field of cultural management not as a field of monolithic decision making but as a domain in which there are a multiplicity of power effects, knowledges, and tactics, which react to, or are based upon, the management of the population through culture. The thesis consists of two sections. Section one serves primarily to establish a set of historical and theoretical co-ordinates on which the more detailed historical work of the thesis in section two will be based. We conclude by emphasising the necessity for the continuation of a mix of policy frameworks in the construction of the relations between art, government and citizenship which will encompass a focus on diverse and sometimes competing policy goals.

Public policy pertaining to arts and culture in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

Abrahams, Byron. January 2001 (has links)
This study aims to explore the relationship between the Transitional Local Council of Pietermaritzburg, and various arts and culture bodies in the Pietermaritzburg area. It has seemed that there is a power differential in this relationship, with a very high concentration of power in the hands of the TLC, while very little of it resides with the arts and culture organizations. The findings of this study have shown that the relationship is, in all cases, built on funding. However, secondly, the problem with this is that the TLC has no real policy on the allocation of funding to arts and culture. There is some informal policy, but nothing concrete. Thirdly, the study shows that the TLC does in fact have a power base from which to work - the finances it controls. And, finally, the study has shown that the transition to democracy in 1994 has not substantively changed the situation in which arts and culture organizations find themselves. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2001.

Kulturpolitik im geteilten Deutschland : Kunstausstellungen und Kunstvermittlung von 1945 bis zum Anfang der 60er Jahre /

Ziegler, Ulrike. January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Regensburg, Universiẗat, Diss., 2005.

What is the role of the art teacher in state-funded secondary schools in England?

Page, Troy January 2017 (has links)
For many years, and particularly since the 1980s, the state has taken an interest in the curriculum of state-funded secondary schools. This interest has focused largely on utilitarian imperatives for employment and economic sustainability. A consequence of this utilitarian conception of state education is that art viewed, as a less useful subject within the curriculum, is threatened by this. Against an historic discourse about the nature of art itself and why it is taught and its value in society, the question of 'What is art'? and 'What is the role of the art teacher'? continue to defy a consensus that is useful to teachers. Concurrently, these important arguments have inevitably impinged on the practice of art teachers who find themselves distanced from cherished liberal and social imperatives, and confused about what is expected of them. This study looks at how these pervasive arguments make an impact on teachers who, although studied as artists and trained to teach art, now find themselves dubbed 'art and design' teachers as the requirements of the state and its increasingly utilitarian system exerts more control over their working lives. More than twice as many art graduates (3.4% of fine art graduates in 2016) enter teaching than design graduates (1.3% design graduates in 2016) (Logan and Prichard, 2016). A piece of qualitative research was completed with a combined sample of 23 teachers. Building on Efland's streams of influence underpinning the development of art education: Expressionist, Scientific Rationalist and Reconstructivist; and Hickman's rationales for art education: Social Utility, Personal Growth and Visual Literacy, a tentative theory is proposed and hypotheses explored. Some teachers questioned revealed sadness at a perceived reduction in time for lessons devoted to self-expression, art history, cultures, critical evaluation, experimentation, imagination, risk taking, and creativity. Some teachers felt deeply that they and their subject is misunderstood, undervalued and under threat. Many were not comfortable with a role that was at variance with the one they had been trained for. Some teachers suggested their role was no longer concerned with developing children's individual talents but had become too design-based, too predictable, too linear, and too concerned with measurable outcomes and results. Capturing the words of 23 teachers in interviews and surveys contributes to the literature and provides teachers, policy makers and future researchers with vital insights into what an art teacher is and why they teach art, and how this is at variance with National Curriculum aims. These insights are vital because the present lack of consensus about such fundamental arguments has contributed to a devaluing of art in the curriculum to a point where the future of art in state-funded secondary schools is no longer guaranteed.

Lewe van F.H. Odendaal, 1898-1966

De Villiers, Johan Willem 11 1900 (has links)
Frans Hendrik Odendaal is in 1898 op Kimberley gebore. Hy het sy jeugjare op Boshof deurgebring en matrikuleer in 1916. Deur privaatstudie kwalifiseer hy in 1927 as prokureur. Hy is in 1919 met Magdalena Petronella du Plessis getroud. Uit hierdie huwelik is vier dogters gebore. Na h kart wewenaarskap tree hy in 1948 met Magdalena Jacoba Truter in die huwelik. Uit hierdie huwelik is twee dogters gebore, terwyl hy die dogters uit Magdalena Truter se vorige huwelik wettiglik aangeneem het. In 1928 vestig Odendaal horn as prokureur op Nylstroom w~ar hy by sy vennoot, adv J G Strijdom se politieke bedrywighede inskakel. In 1938 word hy lid van die Nasionale Party van Transvaal se Inligtingsburo. Gedurende die Tweede Wereldoorlog was hy vir h kort tydperk Kommandant van die OssewaBrandwag in die Waterberg. In 1948 is hy tot L P R vir Waterberg verkies en in 1952 tot L U K. In 1958 is hy as Administrateur van Transvaal benoem. Hy het geskiedenis in Transvaal gemaak deurdat hy die eerste Administrateur was wat uit die geledere van die Provinsiale Raad in die gesogte pas benoem is. Odendaal het bekendheid verwerf as eerste voorsitter van TRUK en vir sy aandeel in die bevordering en opbou van die kunste in Transvaal. Insgelyks het hy kuns in Suid-Afrika op h ordelike grondslag geplaas. Hy kan as een van die grondleggers van georganiseerde streekrade vir die kunste in Suid-Afrika beskou word. As Administrateur het hy horn verder onderskei as onderwysvernuwer en bevorderaar van snelboumetodes in die provinsiale geboue-program in Transvaal. Voorts het hy baie bygedra tot die groat ontwikkeling op nywerheids- en verkeersgebied in sy provinsie. Tussen 1952 en 1966 was hy ononderbroke voorsitter van die Nasionale Parkeraad. Hy was deels daarvoor verantwoordelik dat di~ organisasie tot h winsgewende en ordelike besigheidsonderneming uitgebou is. In die proses het hy natuurbewaring in die hele Suid-Afrika bevorder. Hy was oak voorsitter van die veelbesproke Kommissie van ondersoek na aangeleenthede in Suidwes-Afrika en kan beskou word as die vader van vernuwing en ontwikkeling in moderne Namibie. Hy is in 1966 na h hartaanval oorlede. / Frans Hendrik Odendaal was born at Kimberley -in 1898. He grew up in Boshof where he matriculated in 1916. Through private studies he quaiified as an attorney in 1927. He married Magdalena Petronella du PlessLs in 1919. Four daughters were born from this marriage. In 1948, after a short period as a widower, he married Magdalena Jacoba Truter. Two daughters were born from this marriage, while he legally adopted Magdalena Truter's two daughters from a previous marriage. In 1928 Odendaal settled at Nylstroom and practised as an attorney. He became involved with the political activities of his partner, adv J G Strijdom, and in 1938 he became a member of the National Party's Bureau of Information. During the Second World War he acted for a short period as Commandant of the Ossewa Brandwag in the Waterberg district. In 1948 he was elected M P C for Waterberg and in 1952 became M E C. In 1958 he was nominated as Administrator of Transvaal. He made history by becoming the first Transvaal Administrator to be selected from the ranks of the Provincial Council. Odendaal distinquished himself as the first Chairman of P A C T and for promoting the performing arts in Transvaal. At the same time he placed the performing arts on a sound footing in South Africa. He can be regarded as one of the founders of regional councils for the performing arts in South Africa. As Administrator he excelled as educational innovator in his province, and he also promoted quick building methods in the provincial building programme. He also contributed towards the development of industries and transport in his province. For the entire period between 1952 and 1966 he was chairman cf the National Parks Board. Due partially to his edeavours, the Board was developed into a profitable business organisation. In the process he played an important role in developing and promoting nature conservation throughout South Africa. He was also chairman of the commission of enquiry into the affairs of South West Africa and can be considered the father of development and renewal in modern Namibia. He- died of a heart attack in 1966. / History

Qualidade de vida no trabalho da Emater-RN: valida??o de um instrumento s?ntese de pesquisa e diagn?stico

Medeiros, J?ssio Pereira de 04 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:53:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JassioPM.pdf: 1437243 bytes, checksum: ec14e1d0383f18462372060dc14f0ba1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-04 / The theoretical recital of the present study it is initiated of the evidence that the work occupies an important space in the man s life in way that the majority of the people works and passes great part of its time inside organizati ons. However, it is verified that the relation between man and work is becoming increasingly disagreement a time that the employees had started to complain work s routines, stress, not use all their potential and inadequate work s conditions. It can be observed by the way of Dejours (1994) studies. Thus, as contribution for the quality of work life s (QWL) studies the research developed here objectified to characterize the public employees quality of work life at EMATER -RN taking as reference an instrumen t of research synthesized from the typical academic literature of the subject. The synthesis of an ampler instrument is a necessity not taken care to the literature that treats on the subject but already perceived by some studies like Moraes et al (1990); Rodrigues (1989); Siqueira & Coleta (1989); Moraes et al (1992); Carvalho & Souza (2003); El -Aouar & Souza (2003) and Mour?o, Kilimnick & Fernandes (2005); Adorno, Marques & Borges (2005) amongst others. These studies point out weak points of the existing models in the QWL s literature, as well as they recommend the elaboration of a model more flexible, that contemplates Brazilian cultural characteristics, and that contemplates the entire variable studied in the main existing models. For reach this objectiv e the adopted methodology was characterized as a case study with collected data in qualitative and quantitative way. Questionnaires and comments had been used as sources of evidences. These evidences had been tabulated through of statistical package SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Science), in which the main technique of multivariate analysis used were the factorial analysis. As for the gotten results, it was verified the grouping of the quality of work life s indicators in 11 factors which are: Work s execution, Individual accomplishment, Work s equity, Relation individual and organization, Work s organization, Adequacy of the remuneration, Relation between head and subordinate, Effectiveness of the communication and the learning, Relation between work and personal life, Participation and Effectiveness of the work processes. Whatever to the characterization of the EMATER -RN s quality of work life it was clearly that to the measure that the satisfaction s evaluation with the QWL in the organization walks to intrinsic factors for extrinsic factors this level of satisfaction goes diminishing what points to the importance to improve these extrinsic factors in the institution. In summary it is possible to conclude that the organization studied has offered a significant set of referring variable to the quality of work life of the individual / A fundamenta??o te?rica do presente estudo parte da constata??o de que o trabalho ocupa um espa?o importante na vida do homem, de modo que a maioria das pessoas trabalha e passa grande parte do seu tempo dentro das organiza??es. Verifica -se, contudo, que a rela??o do homem com o trabalho est? se tornando crescentemente conflituosa, uma vez que trabalhadores passaram a reclamar de rotinas do trabalho, stress, subutiliza??o de potencialidades e condi??es inadequadas de trabalho, o que pode ser ilustrado pela via de estudos realizados por Dejours (1994). Nesse sentido, como contribui??o para os estudos de qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT), a pesquisa aqui desenvolvida objetivou caracterizar a qualidade de vida no trabalho dos servidores p?blicos estaduais lotados na EMATER -RN, tomando como refer?ncia um instrumento de pesquisa sintetizado a partir da literatura acad?mica t?pica do tema. A s?ntese de um instrumento mais amplo ? uma necessidade, at? ent?o, n?o atendida pela literatura que trata sobre o tema, mas j? percebida por alguns estudos como os de Moraes et al (1990); Rodrigues (1989); Siqueira e Coleta (1989); Moraes et al (1992); Carvalho e Souza (2003); El-Aouar e Souza (2003) e Mour?o, Kilimnick e Fernandes (2005); Adorno, Marques e Borges (2005) dentre outros. Tais estudos salientam pontos fracos dos modelos existentes na literatura de QVT, assim co mo recomendam a elabora??o de um modelo que seja mais flex?vel, que contemple caracter?sticas culturais brasileiras e que agrupe ou contemple todas as vari?veis trabalhadas nos principais modelos j? existentes. Para o alcance de tal objetivo a metodologia adotada caracterizou-se por se tratar de um estudo de caso de natureza quali -quantitativa, explorat?rio -descritiva, que utilizou question?rios e observa??es como fontes de evid?ncias. Essas evid?ncias foram tratadas, principalmente, atrav?s do pacote estat?stico SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), no qual a principal t?cnica de an?lise multivariada utilizada foi a an?lise fatorial explorat?ria. Em termos de resultados alcan?ados, foi verificado o agrupamento dos indicadores de qualidade de vida n o trabalho em 11 fatores quais sejam: Execu??o do trabalho, Auto -realiza??o, Eq?idade no trabalho, Rela??o com a organiza??o, Organiza??o do trabalho, Adequa??o da remunera??o, Rela??o chefe-subordinado, Efetividade da comunica??o e da aprendizagem, Rela??o trabalho e vida pessoal, Participa??o e Efetividade dos processos de trabalho. Quanto ? caracteriza??o da qualidade de vida no trabalho da organiza??o, ficou claro que, ? medida que a avalia??o da satisfa??o com a QVT na organiza??o caminha, de fatores intr?nsecos para fatores extr?nsecos, esse n?vel de satisfa??o vai diminuindo o que aponta para a relev?ncia de se trabalharem tais fatores extr?nsecos na institui??o. Em resumo, pelo conjunto de dados obtidos, ? poss?vel concluir que ? organiza??o a qual s e vinculam os profissionais integrantes do presente estudo tem oferecido, de forma significativa, um conjunto de vari?veis referentes ? qualidade de vida no trabalho do indiv?duo

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