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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factores que impactaron en el comercio de espárragos, frescos o refrigerados (0709200000) entre Perú y Reino Unido desde el año 2012 hasta el 2017

Sandoval Riveros, André Jancarlos, Vera Martinez, Rafael Antonio 01 February 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los diferentes efectos que impactaron en el comercio de Espárragos frescos o refrigerados de Perú con el Reino Unido durante los años 2012 al 2017, siendo estos efectos tanto públicos como del sector privado agroexportador. Por tal motivo, se precisó investigar y analizar el histórico de la desgravación arancelaria que se va dando a lo largo de los años gracias a los acuerdos comerciales que existen entre Perú y diferentes mercados con relación a los productos agroindustriales. Pero, haciendo énfasis y más dirigido al caso de los Espárragos frescos o refrigerados hacia el Reino Unido durante los años. Asimismo, se analizó el impacto de ciertos factores medio ambientales sobre las cosechas de espárragos en el territorio peruano y su consecuencia con las exportaciones a al mercado de Reino Unido. De igual manera cómo influye la mano de obra con respecto a efectos sociales al momento de analizar su relevancia en los tiempos cruciales de cultivo y cosecha. Además, al tratar temas políticos y económicos, se llevó a investigar y analizar sucesos políticos trascendentales que logran tener un impacto en las relaciones internacionales entre mercados, así como análisis económico de un mercado en específico. Bajo este fin, se recopiló y relacionó información proveniente de ciertas herramientas metodológicas como datos estadísticos de SUNAT, Veritrade y MINCETUR, información pública y entrevistas a personas con conocimientos en temas relacionados al comercio del sector agroexportador, relaciones internacionales, comercio exterior y derecho público internacional. / The main object of this research is to analyze the different effects that impacted the trade of fresh or chilled asparagus from Peru to the United Kingdom during the years 2012 - 2017, with both public and private agro-exporter effects. For this reason, it was necessary to investigate and analyze the history of tariff reduction that is taking place over the last years thanks to trade agreements that exist between Peru and different markets in relation to the agro-industrial products. But, making emphasis in the case of fresh or chilled asparagus towards the United Kingdom over the years. Likewise, the impact of certain environmental factors on the asparagus crops in the peruvian territory and its impact in the exports to the United Kingdom market was analyzed. In the same way, how handmade labor influences social effects, analyzing their relevance in the crucial times of cultivation and harvest. In addition, when dealing with political and economic issues, it was carried out to investigate and analyze transcendental political events that manage to have an impact on international relations between markets, as well as economic analysis of a specific market. To this end, information was collected and related from certain methodological tools such as statistical data from SUNAT, Veritrade and MINCETUR, public information and interviews with people with knowledge of issues related to trade in the agro-export sector, international relations, foreign trade and international public law. / Tesis

La cadena de suministros y su relación con las exportaciones de la SPN 0709.20.00.00, espárragos frescos o refrigerados, a Estados Unidos durante el COVID-19, Perú 2020

Espinoza Alva, Kristley Rossalin, Zúñiga Cortez, Lilibeth Antuanette 12 August 2021 (has links)
El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es determinar la relación de la cadena de suministros y las exportaciones de la SPN 0709.20.00.00, espárragos frescos o refrigerados, a Estados Unidos durante el COVID-19, Perú 2020. El espárrago es uno de los principales productos del sector agrícola que genera grandes volúmenes de exportación. En el año 2020 se observó una disminución en el valor exportado a nivel mundial; sin embargo, Estados Unidos es el mercado destino en donde las ventas han incrementado respecto a años anteriores, pese a la coyuntura. Por tal motivo, es de crucial importancia determinar si la cadena de suministros del sector agroexportador ha influenciado en las exportaciones de dicho producto al mercado de Estados Unidos durante la pandemia del COVID-19 en el año 2020. Para analizar la relación entre las variables cadena de suministros y exportaciones de espárragos, se realizó una investigación cuantitativa, enfocada en 4 aspectos: eficiencia de proveedores, transporte, atención al cliente y exportación. Se utilizó un cuestionario en escala de Likert, el cual estuvo dirigido a ejecutivos de empresas agroexportadoras de espárragos, sumando un total de 33 participaciones. Así mismo, para el análisis de los resultados se hizo uso del programa estadístico IBM SPSS Stadistics, con la finalidad de corroborar las hipótesis planteadas en el presente trabajo. De esta manera, a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el SPSS, se concluyó que la cadena de suministros no se relaciona con las exportaciones de espárragos a Estados Unidos durante el COVID-19 en el año 2020. / The objective of this research work is to determine the relationship of the supply chain and exports of heading 0709.20.00.00, fresh or refrigerated asparagus, to the United States during COVID-19, Peru 2020. Asparagus is one of the main products of the agricultural sector that generates large export volumes. In 2020 there was a decrease in the value exported worldwide; However, the United States is the destination market where sales have increased compared to previous years, despite the situation experienced by the pandemic. For this reason, it is of crucial importance to determine if the supply chain of the agro-export sector has influenced the exports of said product to the United States market during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. To analyze the relationship between the supply chain variables and asparagus exports, a quantitative investigation was carried out, focused on 4 dimensions: supplier efficiency, transportation, customer satisfaction and export. A Likert scale questionnaire was used, which was aimed at executives of asparagus agro-export companies, adding a total of 33 participations. Likewise, for the analysis of the results, the statistical program IBM SPSS Statistics was used, in order to corroborate the hypotheses raised in the present work. In this way, from the results obtained in the SPSS, it was concluded that the supply chain is not related to asparagus exports to the United States during COVID-19 in 2020. / Tesis

Cell selection, characterization and regeneration of chlorsulfuron-resistant variants in asparagus

Ganeshan, Dharshini January 1999 (has links)
This thesis reports the cell culture establishment and a somatic cell selection system optimized for the isolation of chlorsulfuron-resistant variants in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.). The development of this cell selection system benefited the isolation of chlorsulfuron-resistant variants from an elite asparagus genotype. A cell culture system, suitable for somatic cell selection, was established for asparagus genotype CRD 168. Friable callus was initiated from etiolated shoots in darkness and used to produce a high density of single cells in suspension. Cell density was estimated based on a linear relationship with settled cell volume. A mean plating efficiency of 0.19 % was recorded between 1-4x10⁵ cells/Petri dish. In vitro cell selection techniques were developed to identify mutant asparagus cells with resistance to a sulfonylurea herbicide, chlorsulfuron. A few key aspects were important to achieve this: a cell culture system for cell selection was initially established; a toxic concentration for the complete growth inhibition of the wild type asparagus cells was defined; rare, resistant cell colonies were isolated and characterized; and chlorsulfuron-resistant plants were regenerated. From about 50 million cells, 165 cell colonies were isolated in the presence of 8 nM chlorsulfuron. Characterization of these selected cell colonies yielded 24 escapes, 98 unstable variants, and 43 stable-resistant variants. Callus cultures from 34 of these stable variants retained resistance following 11 months growth in the absence of the selection agent. Plants were regenerated from 36 of these stable herbicide-resistant variants. Six of these chlorsulfuron-resistant variants were screened for their degree of resistance to chlorsulfuron, cross resistance to other acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) inhibiting herbicides and AHAS enzyme activity. Cross resistance to imazamox was evident in four of the resistant variants, while lack of cross resistance to metsulfuron methyl was observed in all six resistant variants. A varying degree of resistance to chlorsulfuron was observed among the resistant variants. Both in the original and secondary callus, an uninhibited AHAS enzyme activity in all six resistant variants was recorded in the presence of high chlorsulfuron concentration (70-140 nM), compared to the total inhibition in the wild type. One chlorsulfuron-resistant variant, R-45, was used to compare the biochemical and physiological basis of resistance with the wild type. The AHAS enzyme activity in the tissue culture and greenhouse foliage of R-45 was significantly higher in the presence of up to 280 nM chlorsulfuron compared with the wild type. Chlorsulfuron retention was considerably higher due to the reduction of epicuticular wax deposits on the foliage of R-45, in comparison with the wild type. Consequently, the resistant line absorbed at least 1.6 fold more chlorsulfuron than the wild type plants. Therefore, foliar application of 15 g a.i./ha Glean (commercial formulation of chlorsulfuron) produced typical symptoms of chlorosis in R-45, similar to the wild type, in the greenhouse plants. Somatic cell selection was carried out using two elite asparagus genotypes, CRD 74 and Clone X. Of the 33 rare cell colonies isolated from Clone X, 22 unstable variants and 6 escapes were discarded. All five remaining resistant variants produced plants. One of the stable-resistant variants (Clone X-24) was evaluated for resistance to chlorsulfuron. Both in vitro shoot cultures and greenhouse-grown plants of Clone X-24 showed increased resistance to chlorsulfuron compared with the wild type. The AHAS enzyme activity in the foliar extracts also showed the presence of higher enzyme activity in Clone X-24.

TLC Perú - Japón: Análisis de las variables que impactaron en el dinamismo de las exportaciones de la partida arancelaria, espárragos congelados, durante los años 2008 al 2018. / TLC Peru – Japan: Analysis of the variables that will impact the export dynamics of the Tariff party, saved savings, during the years 2008 to 2018

Aguilar Mamani, Dhalinn José, Rivera Verastegui, Nelson Alexander 12 October 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación analizará las variables determinantes y relacionadas en las exportaciones de espárragos congelados para la partida arancelaria de la Republica de Perú con destino al Estado del Japón, considerando como periodo de análisis de 2008 al 2018. La investigación toma relevancia desde el punto de vista del producto, considerando que el volumen exportado del esparrago fresco viene reduciéndose en los últimos años y a diferencia del esparrago congelado que viene ganando participación. Asimismo, el Estado de Japón resalta entre los demás mercados por el incremento sustancial para las importaciones de productos agroindustriales congelados. El presente trabajo tiene un enfoque cualitativo con una alcance descriptivo y explicativo bajo un diseño no experimental. Se establecieron dos variables principales para el presente trabajo de investigación, las medidas sanitaras y fitosanitarias y la competitividad. Dentro de las medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias, el indicador con mayor relevancia son las exigencias del consumidor japonés, es decir el 37% de los entrevistados mencionan que el estándar del consumidor final es más riguroso para la aprobación de los productos a exportar. Dentro de la competitividad, el indicador con mayor relevancia es la calidad del producto, es decir el 32% de los entrevistados mencionan que el consumidor japonés por el estilo de vida que lleva y hábitos de consumo busca la practicidad y calidad de sus alimentos. En conclusión, la competitividad con un 62% es la variable determinante para el dinamismo de las exportaciones de espárragos congelados de Perú a Japón. Mientras que las medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias con un 38% es un variable relacionada. / This research work will analyze the determining and related variables in exports of frozen asparagus for tariff heading from the Republic of Peru to the State of Japan, considering the period of analysis from 2008 to 2018. The research becomes relevant from the product point of view, considering that the exported volume of fresh asparagus has been decreasing in recent years and unlike frozen asparagus, which has been gaining share. Likewise, the State of Japan stands out among the other markets for the substantial increase in imports of frozen agro-industrial products. The present work has a qualitative approach with a descriptive and explanatory scope under a non-experimental design. Two main variables were established for the present research work, sanitary and phytosanitary measures and competitiveness. Within sanitary and phytosanitary measures, the most relevant indicator is the demands of the Japanese consumer, that is, 37% of those interviewed mention that the final consumer standard is more rigorous for the approval of products to be exported. Within competitiveness, the most relevant indicator is the quality of the product, that is, 32% of the interviewees mention that the Japanese consumer, due to the lifestyle they lead and consumption habits, seeks the practicality and quality of their food. In conclusion, competitiveness with 62% is the determining variable for the dynamism of exports of frozen asparagus from Peru to Japan. While sanitary and phytosanitary measures with 38% is a related variable. / Tesis

Stay and Fight, a Novel

ffitch, Madeline S. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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