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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study on the pilot plan of an integrated assistance system for instruction, discipline and guidance in Kaohsiung elementary schools

Chen, Li-chinh 06 July 2004 (has links)
The goal of the study is to understand the process that elementary schools develop¡¥the pilot plan of an integrated assistance system for instruction, discipline and guidance¡¦. Namely, from the present condition, the study will compare special results of each school, analyze the machine, course of action, difficult problems and strategies, and then interconnect the study results to recommend elementary schools in Kaohsiung consultation. In order to accomplish the research purpose, this study searched and collected documents, and employed the survey method. The subjects were the members from¡¥the pilot plan of an integrated assistance system for instruction, discipline and guidance,¡¦ and teenager counseling. And then a document analysis method was used to analyze information. The conclusions of the research were as follows: 1. There are eighteen practicable study items. Including¡§ counseling student in instruction, possessing the ideas and ability of counseling student, have tutor¡¦s responsibility, participating Adoption-Guidance¡K¡¨ 2. There are three unpracticed study items. Including¡¨ building learning school, role changing, administrative efficiency improving.¡¨ So ¡¥the pilot plan of an integrated assistance system for instruction, discipline and guidance¡¦in Kaohsiung¡¦s elementary school is a great achievement. At last, the result of study provide some suggestions for educational administration, elementary school , teachers and future studies.

O tradicional e o moderno no sistema único de assistência social: assistencialismo ou direito social?

ROCHA, Beatriz Rezende 17 October 2016 (has links)
A assistência social, suas práticas e fundamentos teóricos tem sido tema de grande discussão. O assistencialismo presente nos primórdios da profissão e a perspectiva do direito social se mostram do contexto do SUAS em municípios de pequeno porte. Ora temos práticas arcaicas caracterizadas pela caridade e benevolência, ora temos práticas que asseguram efetivamente a garantia do direito social. Trata-se de um estudo que se refere á análise da situação municipal dos sistemas de assistência social, onde buscou-se evidências empíricas por meio de pesquisa de campo. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é reconhecer e analisar elementos tradicionais e modernos entre referenciais normativos, atores, condutas e relações que estruturam o SUAS em municípios de pequeno porte, assim como as contradições e os mecanismos de harmonização que determinam. Para alcançar tal premissa, foi utilizada como método a pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, tratando-se de um estudo exploratório, utilizando como técnica de análise de informações, a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados desta pesquisa se mostram por meio das informações empíricas. Desta maneira, por meio da fundamentação teórica e da realidade empírica encontrada, foi visto que existem sim elementos tradicionais e modernos entre referenciais normativos, atores, condutas e relações que estruturam os sistemas locais do SUAS nos municípios estudados. Tais elementos se expressam de forma contraditória e ao mesmo tempo se harmonizam no âmbito da realidade da administração pública municipal. Deste modo, a relevância deste trabalho centra-se na possibilidade de se lançar luzes sobre um importante segmento de ação do Estado, revelando como instrumentos normativos podem entrar em conflito com um conjunto de práticas (avessas à perspectiva do direito) sedimentadas e percebidas como adequadas por provedores e beneficiários. / Social assistance, their practices and theoretical foundations have been the subject of great discussion. The assistance in the early days of the profession and the social law perspective are shown in the context of the SAS (Social Assistance System) in small municipalities. Sometimes we have archaic practices characterized by charity and benevolence, other times we have practices that effectively ensure the guarantee of social rights. This is a study that refers to the analysis of the situation of municipal social assistance systems, in which empirical evidence was searched through fieldwork. Thus, the objective of this research is to recognize and analyze traditional and modern elements between normative references, actors, conduct and relationships that structure the SAS in small municipalities, as well as the contradictions and harmonization mechanisms that determine. To achieve such a premise, it was used a qualitative research method, since this is an exploratory study, using as technical analysis of information the content analysis. The results of this research show themselves through the empirical information. In this way, through the theoretical foundation and empirical reality found, it has been seen that traditional and modern elements exist between normative references, actors, conduct and relationships that structure the local SAS in the cities studied. Such elements express themselves so contradictory and at the same time harmonize under the reality of municipal public administration. In this way, the relevance of this work focuses on the ability to throw light on an important segment of State action, revealing how regulatory instruments can conflict with a set of practices (apart the law perspective) fielded and perceived as appropriate for providers and beneficiaries.

Software and Hardware Designs of a Vehicle Detection System Based on Single Camera Image Sequence

Yeh, Kuan-Fu 10 September 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, we present a vehicle detection and tracking system based on image processing and pattern recognition of single camera image sequences. Both software design and hardware implementation are considered. In the hypothesis generation (HG) step and the hypothesis verification (HV) step, we use the shadow detection technique combined with the proposed constrained vehicle width/distance ratio to eliminate unreasonable hypotheses. Furthermore, we use SVM classifier, a popular machine learning technique, to verify the generated hypothesis more precisely. In the vehicle tracking step, we limit vehicle tracking duration and periodic vehicle detection mechanisms. These tracking methods alleviate our driver-assistant system from executing complex operations of vehicle detection repeatedly and thus increase system performance without sacrificing too much in case of tracking wrong objects. Based on the the profiling of the software execution time, we implement by hardware the most critical part, the preprocessing of intensity conversion and edge detection. The complete software/hardware embedded system is realized in a FPGA prototype board, so that performance of whole system could achieve real-time processing without too much hardware cost.

Selbstlernende Bedienerassistenzsysteme in Verarbeitungsmaschinen

Schult, Andre, Klaeger , Tilman, Carsch, Sebastian, Oehm, Lukas 17 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Die Effizienz von Verarbeitungs- und Verpackungsmaschinen hängt ganz wesentlich vom Erfahrungs- und Prozesswissen der Bediener ab. Unerfahrenen Bedienern ist nur selten möglich, Störungen im Prozess mit einer fundierten Ursachenanalyse nachhaltig zu beseitigen. Die Folge sind sich häufig wiederholende Mikrostörungen und eine geringe Anlageneffizienz. Um den Bediener bei der Ursachenfindung zu unterstützten setzt das Fraunhofer IVV Dresden auf ein selbstlernendes Bedienerassistenzsystem. Dieses erfasst die aktuelle Situation aus vorhandener Sensorik, anhand kooperativer Dialoge mit dem Bediener und über Kamerasysteme. In Verbindung mit einer wachsenden Datenbank zu möglichen Störungen und Ursachen wird dem Bediener ein virtueller Kollege zur Seite gestellt, welcher mit Erfahrungswissen aller Mitarbeiter in der richtigen Situation unterstützen kann.

Contribution à la modélisation des applications temps réel d'aide à la conduite / Contribution to the modelling of real time advanced assistance systems

Marouane, Hela 16 October 2015 (has links)
Les systèmes d'aide à la conduite gèrent un grand volume de données qui doivent être mises à jour régulièrement. Cependant, ces systèmes ne permettent, ni de les stocker, ni de les gérer d'une manière efficace. Pour ces raisons, nous proposons l'intégration d'un système de bases de données temps réel (TR) dans les systèmes d'aide à la conduite. Cela permet d'améliorer la tolérance aux fautes, de réduire le nombre de transactions et de réduire leur temps de réponse. La gestion d'un grand volume de données et leurs contraintes TR rend ces systèmes plus complexes, ce qui rend leur modélisation plus difficile. Pour remédier à cette complexité, nous avons proposé trois patrons de conception en nous basant sur un processus de création de patrons. Ce processus permet de définir les étapes à suivre pour déterminer les fonctionnalités et les exigences du domaine d'aide à la conduite, d'une part, et de définir les règles d'unification pour générer les diagrammes UML de classes et de séquence, d'autre part. Pour représenter ces patrons, nous avons proposé le profil UML-RTDB2, pour tenir compte : (i) de l'expression de la variabilité des patrons, (ii) de la représentation des contraintes TR et des aspects non fonctionnels et (iii) des éléments instanciés à partir des patrons lors de la modélisation d'une application cible. Une fois les patrons créés, ils peuvent être réutilisés par les concepteurs pour modéliser des systèmes spécifiques. Pour cela, nous avons proposé un processus de réutilisation pour guider les concepteurs d'applications lors de la réutilisation des solutions de patrons. Enfin, nous avons procédé à l'évaluation de ces patrons en utilisant deux catégories de métriques. / Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) manage an important volume of data that must be updated regularly. However, ADAS don't store, nor manage efficiently these data. For these reasons, we propose to integrate a real-time (RT) database system into ADAS. The integration of the RT database system allows improving the fault tolerance, reducing the number of transactions and minimizing their response time. The management of a lot of data makes these systems complex, thus, their design is highly difficult. To tackle this problem, we have proposed three patterns based on the pattern development process. This process allows defining the steps to follow in order to determine the functionalities and the requirements of the driver assistance domain on one hand, and defining the unification rules for the generation of the UML class and sequence diagrams, on the other hand. In order to represent these patterns, we have proposed UML-RTDB2 profile, which allows (i) expressing the variability of patterns, (ii) representing the real time constraints and the non functional properties and (iii) identifying the role played by each pattern element in a pattern instance. Once the proposed patterns are created, they can be reused by designers to model a specific application. For this reason, we have proposed a process to assist the applications designers when instantiating the patterns solutions. Finally, we have evaluated these patterns based on two categories of metrics.

Selbstlernende Bedienerassistenzsysteme in Verarbeitungsmaschinen

Schult, Andre, Klaeger, Tilman, Carsch, Sebastian, Oehm, Lukas 17 May 2018 (has links)
Die Effizienz von Verarbeitungs- und Verpackungsmaschinen hängt ganz wesentlich vom Erfahrungs- und Prozesswissen der Bediener ab. Unerfahrenen Bedienern ist nur selten möglich, Störungen im Prozess mit einer fundierten Ursachenanalyse nachhaltig zu beseitigen. Die Folge sind sich häufig wiederholende Mikrostörungen und eine geringe Anlageneffizienz. Um den Bediener bei der Ursachenfindung zu unterstützten setzt das Fraunhofer IVV Dresden auf ein selbstlernendes Bedienerassistenzsystem. Dieses erfasst die aktuelle Situation aus vorhandener Sensorik, anhand kooperativer Dialoge mit dem Bediener und über Kamerasysteme. In Verbindung mit einer wachsenden Datenbank zu möglichen Störungen und Ursachen wird dem Bediener ein virtueller Kollege zur Seite gestellt, welcher mit Erfahrungswissen aller Mitarbeiter in der richtigen Situation unterstützen kann.

Effects of a bicycle detection system on real-world crashes

Cicchino, Jessica B. 19 December 2022 (has links)
More than 900 bicyclists died in motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2020, which represents a 50% increase from 2010 and the highest number of bicyclist deaths in nearly 35 years [1]. Reversing this trend will require efforts on multiple fronts, including reducing vehicle speeds and improving roadways and vehicles to be more hospitable to cyclists. Automatic emergency braking (ABB) with cyclist detection is a vehicle countermeasure with potential to prevent bicycle-motor vehicle crashes. AEB systems, which typically warn drivers of an impending collision and brake if drivers do not respond, have been shown to reduce vehicle-to-vehicle rear-end crash rates by 50% [2] and pedestrian crash rates by 27% [3]. Little is known about the real-world effects of ABB with cyclist detection on bicycle crashes. Subaru's EyeSight system, which includes ABB, has been capable of detecting cyclists in parallel configurations beginning in model year (MY) 2013 in the United States. The ability to detect cyclists in perpendicular configurations was added to some models beginning in MY 2022. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effects of the early version of EyeSight on U.S. bicycle crashes. [from Introduction]

He, she, it - Vertrauen muss mit?: Auswirkungen geschlechtsneutraler Stimmen in Sprachassistenten auf ihre Vertrauenswürdigkeit

Mooshammer, Sandra 17 November 2022 (has links)
Knapp 70 % der aktuell existierenden Sprachassistenzsysteme nutzen ausschließlich weibliche Stimmen. Assistenten mit männlichen Stimmen oder mit der Möglichkeit, zwischen verschiedenen Optionen zu wählen, sind dagegen deutlich in der Unterzahl. Technologien, die soziale Hinweisreize aussenden, werden gemäß des CASA-Paradigmas wie soziale Akteure behandelt. Dies führt dazu, dass auf Sprachassistenten, die ein bestimmtes Geschlecht andeuten, beispielsweise Stereotype angewandt werden können – ein Effekt, der in der Forschung bereits verschiedentlich beobachtet wurde. Mit der Entwicklung der geschlechtsneutralen Stimme Q durch einen Zusammenschluss dänischer Firmen und Organisationen ergab sich 2019 die Frage, ob sich dadurch die Anwendung von Stereotypen umgehen lässt oder neutrale Stimmen im Gegenteil als unangenehm empfunden werden. Dies wurde in der durchgeführten Masterarbeit in Hinblick auf das Vertrauen in ein Sprachassistenzsystem betrachtet. Dafür wurde eine geschlechtsneutrale Stimme entwickelt und in einem Online-Experiment mit einer männlichen und einer weiblichen Stimme verglichen, die jeweils über ein stereotyp männliches, ein stereotyp weibliches oder ein neutrales Thema sprachen. Es zeigte sich, dass der neutrale Stimme in einigen Variablen eine geringere Vertrauenswürdigkeit zugeschrieben wurde – auch, wenn sie als männlich oder weiblich empfunden wurde. Die Geschlechtszuordnung war wiederum davon abhängig, welchem Geschlecht die Proband*innen das Thema zuordneten, über das die Stimme sprach. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die Uneindeutigkeit und Ungewohntheit der neutralen Stimme zu einer schlechteren Bewertung führt. Daher muss bezweifelt werden, dass entsprechende Projekte zu einer breitenwirksamen Überwindung von Stereotypen führen können, sondern im Gegenteil sogar negative Reaktionen auf Entitäten mit sich bringen und festigen, die nicht der Geschlechternorm entsprechen. / Almost 70 % of the currently existing language assistance systems only use female voices. Assistants with male voices or with the option to choose between different options, on the other hand, are clearly in the minority. Technologies that emit social cues are treated like social actors in accordance with the CASA paradigm. As a result, stereotypes, for example, can be applied to voice assistants who indicate a specific gender - an effect that has already been observed in various research. With the development of the gender-neutral voice Q through a merger of Danish companies and organizations, the question arose in 2019 whether this would avoid the use of stereotypes or, on the contrary, neutral voices are perceived as unpleasant. This was considered in the master's thesis with regard to trust in a language assistance system. For this purpose, a gender-neutral voice was developed and compared in an online experiment with a male and a female voice that spoke about a stereotypically male, a stereotypically female or a neutral topic. It was found that the neutral voice was assigned a lower level of trustworthiness in some variables - even if it was perceived as male or female. The gender assignment, in turn, was dependent on which gender the test subjects assigned the topic about which the voice was speaking. The results suggest that the ambiguity and unfamiliarity of the neutral voice leads to a poorer rating. It must therefore be doubted that such projects can lead to a broad-based overcoming of stereotypes, but on the contrary even bring about and consolidate negative reactions to entities that do not correspond to the gender norm.

Supporting machine operators in paper production using machine learning based state estimation and user assistance system

Schroth, Moritz, Hake, Felix, Becher, Alexander, Oehm, Lukas, Burggräf, Peter 04 November 2024 (has links)
The paper production industry has witnessed significant advancements in automation, yet human expertise remains crucial for process control due to its complexity. This study proposes a knowledge and data-based assistance system to support machine operators in optimizing the production process. The system employs state/situation recognition through data analysis, utilizing machine learning algorithms and Nelson rules on sensor data to estimate or to detect the process state. By integrating error numbers from process control systems, the system generates suggestions for potential solutions. Remarkably, over 50 % of the cases reveal that the top-ranked suggestion proves to be the correct solution. Additionally, the proposed system facilitates the detection of long-term tendencies that often go unnoticed, enhancing the operator's ability to identify and address such trends. This research contributes to the ongoing efforts in automating paper production while leveraging the expertise of human operators in ensuring efficient and error-free processes.

A Smart-Dashboard : Augmenting safe & smooth driving

Akhlaq, Muhammad January 2010 (has links)
Annually, road accidents cause more than 1.2 million deaths, 50 million injuries, and US$ 518 billion of economic cost globally. About 90% of the accidents occur due to human errors such as bad awareness, distraction, drowsiness, low training, fatigue etc. These human errors can be minimized by using advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) which actively monitors the driving environment and alerts a driver to the forthcoming danger, for example adaptive cruise control, blind spot detection, parking assistance, forward collision warning, lane departure warning, driver drowsiness detection, and traffic sign recognition etc. Unfortunately, these systems are provided only with modern luxury cars because they are very expensive due to numerous sensors employed. Therefore, camera-based ADAS are being seen as an alternative because a camera has much lower cost, higher availability, can be used for multiple applications and ability to integrate with other systems. Aiming at developing a camera-based ADAS, we have performed an ethnographic study of drivers in order to find what information about the surroundings could be helpful for drivers to avoid accidents. Our study shows that information on speed, distance, relative position, direction, and size & type of the nearby vehicles & other objects would be useful for drivers, and sufficient for implementing most of the ADAS functions. After considering available technologies such as radar, sonar, lidar, GPS, and video-based analysis, we conclude that video-based analysis is the fittest technology that provides all the essential support required for implementing ADAS functions at very low cost. Finally, we have proposed a Smart-Dashboard system that puts technologies – such as camera, digital image processor, and thin display – into a smart system to offer all advanced driver assistance functions. A basic prototype, demonstrating three functions only, is implemented in order to show that a full-fledged camera-based ADAS can be implemented using MATLAB. / Phone# 00966-56-00-56-471

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