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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les mutations du protestantisme militant en Scandinavie. Du mouvement populaire au renforcement convictionnel : transformation structurelle et idéologique des organisations missionnaires et des antennes de jeunesse en Norvège et en Suède de 2000 à 2010 / The contemporary mutation of active Norwegian and Swedish Protestant movements : from popular mass movements to convictionnal reorientation : structural and ideological transformations in missionary organizations and youth antennae in Norway and Sweden (2000-2010)

Harry, Frédérique 22 November 2010 (has links)
La mutation contemporaine des milieux protestants engagés de Norvège et de Suède, secteur encore largement méconnu de la recherche française, se traduit par l’adaptation structurelle et idéologique des organisations missionnaires Normisjon, Norsk Luthersk Misjonssamband, Norsk Misjonsselskap, Indremisjonsforbundet et Norme, et des deux antennes de jeunesse equmenia et Acta à la remise en question de leur statut culturel dominant. Elles sont amenées à adopter des comportements proches d’une communauté religieuse, à se restructurer, à mettre en évidence des réseaux transconfessionnels nouveaux et à orienter leurs objectifs autour de leur projet militant. Retraçant l’évolution des mouvements populaires, sous la forme des réveils et sous leur recomposition actuelle, il s’agit de comprendre les problématiques sous-jacentes réactualisées par une telle mutation. Que ce soit sous les formes de l’œcuménisme moderne, la globalisation des enjeux missionnaires, le défi de la transmission intergénérationnelle ou le souci d’une rationalisation économique et matérielle, ces raisons ont souvent en commun d’appréhender le phénomène à la lumière des enjeux rencontrés sur le plan interne. Pourtant, les mutations observées (statut, structure, objectifs) doivent être lues comme des problématiques transversales qui montrent les limites d’une approche ciblée et exigent une analyse de ce secteur dans une perspective de recherche distincte dans l’histoire contemporaine et la sociologie des religions en Scandinavie. / The contemporary mutation of Norwegian and Swedish Protestant circles, a sector largely unknown to French research, may be analyzed through the recent structural and ideological adaptation of the following missionary organizations Normisjon, Norsk Luthersk Misjonssamband, Norsk Misjonsselskap, Indremisjonsforbundet and Norme, as well as of two youth antennae equmenia and Acta. They are led to espouse behavioral patterns bearing resemblance with the ones of a religious community: they restructure, highlight trans-confessional networks and reframe and recast their objectives in the light of their militancy and militant objectives. Retracing the trajectory of popular movements through the “awakenings” and present-day metamorphoses, the aim is here to analyze the underlying re-actualizations at stake in this contemporary transformation. Be it in the form of modern ecumenism, the globalization of missionary issues, the challenge of trans-generational transmission or the imperative of economic and material rationalization, these reasons often have in common to highlight the phenomenon from the point of view of its internal factors and impetuses. However, the socio-historical conditions and the transformations (status, structure, objectives) that we highlight have simultaneously to be understood in the context of broader transversal dynamics, thus highlighting the limits of a “targeted” approach and calling for an analysis of the aforementioned sector as a distinct field of research within the sociology of religions in Scandinavia.


22 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa reflete sobre a questão do fundamento - onto-teológico-político - do Estado em Edith Stein na contemporaneidade, sob a perspectiva da teologia latino-americana. Partindo do método fenomenológico-historiobiográfico, optamos por realizar uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter bibliográfico, que reuniu a história pessoal e os escritos de Edith Stein, em diálogo com seus mestres e estudos histórico-críticos do Estado na contemporaneidade. Para tanto, ordenamos, comparamos e examinamos, com recurso à poética sertaneja. Para Edith Stein, a pessoa humana - o eu consciente e livre - é composta por um corpo vivente [Leibgestalt], uma psique [Seele] e um espírito [Geist]. No seio do mundo, o eu consciente e livre vive de modo particular, mas ligado a uma estrutura universal. Por meio do ato sui generis da entropatia [Einfuhlung], vivencia o eu, o tu - via de acesso ao ser eterno - e o nós. Na base do Estado, identificamos três modos de vida associativa: massa, sociedade [Gesellschaft] e comunidade [Gemeinschaft]. Na visão orgânica do Estado, deparamo-nos com os aspectos espiritual [soberania], psíquico [povo] e corpóreo [território], o que nos fez saber que o Estado necessita de um território do mesmo modo que a pessoa humana carece de um corpo para viver. Para fins do seu fundamento onto-teológico-político, o Estado reclama para si uma comunidade estatal, por ser o único modo de vida associativa capaz de abarcar a pessoa humana na sua totalidade existencial. Nos escritos de Edith Stein, a soberania - condicio sine qua non - está para o Estado assim como a liberdade está para a pessoa humana. Intersubjetivamente, a comunidade estatal insere-se na humanidade. Entropaticamente, a Igreja pretende ser a comunidade que abarca a comunidade estatal e toda a humanidade. / [en] This research reflects on the issue of the onto-theological-political foundation of the State in Edith Stein in contemporaneity, from the perspective of Latin American theology. Based on the phenomenological-historiobiographical method, we chose to conduct a qualitative bibliographical research that brought together Edith Stein s personal history and writings, in dialogue with her masters and historical-critical studies regarding the State in contemporaneity. For this purpose, we ordered, compared and examined, using poetry [poética sertaneja]. For Edith Stein, the human person - the conscious and free self - is composed of a living body [Leibgestalt], a psyche [Seele] and a spirit [Geist]. We exist in a particular way, but linked to a universal structure. Through the sui generis act of entropathy [Einfuhlung], you experience the self, the other - the access way to the eternal being - and the us. At the base of the State, we identify three associative ways of life: mass, society [Gesellschaft], and community [Gemeinschaft]. In the organic view of the State, we are faced with the following aspects: spiritual [sovereignty], psychic [people] and corporeal [territory], which made us know that the State needs a territory in the same way that the human person needs for itself a body to live. For the purposes of its onto-theological-political foundation, the State claims for itself a state community for having proved to be the only associative way of life capable of embracing the human person in its existential wholeness. In Edith Stein s writings, sovereignty - condicio sine qua non - is to the State as freedom is to the human person. Intersubjectively, the state community fits into humanity. Entropathically, the Church intends to be the community that embraces the state community and all humanity.

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