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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation adaptative des systèmes de transcription en contexte applicatif / Evaluation of automatic speech recognition systems according to the applicatives cases

Ben Jannet, Mohamed Amer 14 October 2015 (has links)
Il est important d'évaluer régulièrement les produits de l'innovation technologique afin d'estimer le niveau de maturité atteint par les technologies et d'étudier les cadres applicatifs dans lesquels elles pourront être exploitées. Le traitement automatique des langues (TAL) relève à la fois de la recherche et de l'innovation technologique et a pour but la modélisation et le développement d'outils permettant de traiter automatiquement le langage naturel. Pendant longtemps, les différentes briques technologiques issues du TAL étaient développées séparément. Par conséquent, les méthodes d'évaluation existantes sont dans la plupart modulaires et ne permettent d'évaluer qu'un seul module à la fois, alors qu'aujourd'hui nombreuses applications nécessitent de combiner plusieurs modules de TAL pour résoudre des tâches complexes. Le nouveau défi en terme d'évaluation est alors de pouvoir évaluer les différents modules (ou briques) tout en prenant en compte le contexte applicatif.Notre travail porte sur l'évaluation des systèmes de reconnaissance automatique de la parole (RAP) en contexte applicatif, en particulier, celui de la reconnaissance d'entités nommées (REN).En première partie, nous abordons la problématique de l'évaluation des systèmes de RAP en contexte applicatif à travers une étude de l'état de l'art. Nous y décrivons les tâche de RAP et de REN proposées dans les campagnes d'évaluation ainsi que les protocoles mis en place pour leurs évaluation. Nous y discutons également les limites des approches d'évaluations modulaires et nous y exposons les mesures alternatives proposées dans la littératures. En deuxième partie, nous décrivons la tâche de détection, classification et décomposition d'entités nommées étudiée et nous proposons une nouvelle métriques ETER (Entity Tree Error Rate) permettant de prendre en compte les spécificité de cette tâche et le contexte applicatif lors de l'évaluation. ETER permet également de supprimer les biais observés avec les métriques existantes. En troisième partie, nous définissons une nouvelle mesure ATENE (Automatic Transcriptions Evaluation for Named Entities) qui permet d'évaluer la qualité des systèmes de RAP et l'impact de leurs erreurs pour des systèmes de REN appliqués en aval. ATENE consiste à comparer les probabilités de présence d'entités sur les transcriptions de référence et d'hypothèse plutôt qu'une comparaison directe des graphèmes. Elle est composée de deux mesures élémentaires. Une première permettant l'évaluation de risque d'erreur d'omission et de substitution d'entités et une seconde permettant d'évaluer le risque d'erreur d'insertion d'entités causé par les erreurs de RAP.Nos expériences de validation montrent que les mesures données par ATENE corrèlent mieux que les autres mesures de l'état de l'art avec les performances des systèmes de REN. / It is important to regularly assess the technological innovation products in order to estimate the level of maturity reached by the technology and study the applications frameworks in which they can be used. Natural language processing (NLP) aims at developing modules and applications that automatically process the human language. That makes the field relevant to beth research and technological innovation. For years, the different technological modules from the NLP were developed separately. Therefore, the existing evaluation methods are in most modular. They allow to evaluate only one module at a time, while today, many applications need to combine several NLP modules to solve complex tasks. The new challenge in terms of evaluation is then to evaluate the different modules while taking into account the applicative context.Our work addresses the evaluation of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems according to the applicative context. We will focus on the case of Named Entities Recognition (NER) from spoken documents transcriped automatically. In the first part, we address the issue of evaluating ASR systems according to the application context through a study of the state of the art. We describes the tasks of ASR and NER proposed during several evalution campaigns and we discuss the protocols established for their evaluation. We also point the limitations of modular evaluation approaches and we expose the alternatives measures proposed in the literature. In the second part we describe the studied task of named entities detection, classification and decomposition and we propose a new metric ETER (Entity Tree Error Rate) which allows to take into account the specificity of the task and the applicative context during the evaluation. ETER also eliminates the biases observed with the existing metrics. In the third part, we define a new measure ATENE (Automatic Transcriptions Evaluation for Named Entities) that evaluates the quality of ASR systems and the impact of their errors for REN systems applied downstream. Rather than directly comparing reference and hypothesis transcriptions, ATENE measure how harder it becames to identify entities given the differences between hypothesis and reference by comparing an estimated likelihood of presence of entities. It is composed of two elementary measurements. The first aims to assess the risk of entities deletions and substitutions and the second aims to assess the risk of entities insertions caused by ASR errors.Our validation experiments show that the measurements given by ATENE correlate better than other measures from the state of the art with the performance of REN systems.


LODDO, RITA LAURA 17 March 2015 (has links)
Oggetto della tesi è lo studio del “Solone democratico”, di cui si ricostruisce la genesi attraverso le testimonianze degli antichi e le riflessioni dei moderni. Per sottoporre a verifica l’affermazione aristotelica che riconduce a Solone l’origine della democrazia, sono state prese in considerazione primariamente quelle misure che riguardano la costituzione (Eliea, bulé dei Quattrocento, accesso alle cariche), al fine di comprendere se il giudizio degli antichi si basò su una valutazione condivisibile dell’azione del legislatore. Si sono ritenute ugualmente indicative, a questo scopo, alcune leggi ordinarie attribuite a Solone (legge sull’inattività, legislazione funeraria, leggi sulle donne, legislazione assistenziale): di queste leggi si è indagata l’origine soloniana e la compatibilità con il resto della legislazione dell’Ateniese a partire dalla valutazione del loro significato. La tesi è completata da tre appendici che sviluppano alcuni dei temi emersi nel corso dell’indagine e considerati meritevoli di approfondimento: si tratta della questione procedurale nella legge sull’inattività; della datazione e del commento di una legge funeraria concernente alcuni obblighi del demarco; della connessione fra Solone e l’Areopago. / The aim of this thesis is the study of the “democratic Solon”, whose genesis has been reconstructed through the ancients’ accounts and the works of modern scholars. To test the Aristotelian statement that traces the origin of democracy to Solon, we have primarily considered those measures that concern the constitution (Heliaia, boule of the Four Hundred, access to high offices), in order to understand if the ancients’ judgement was based on a shareable assessment of the legislator action. For that purpose some ordinary laws attributed to Solon - on idleness, on women, funerary and welfare laws - have been considered equally indicative. Of these laws it has been investigated the Solonian origin and compatibility with the rest of the Solonian legislation, starting from an assessment of their meaning. To complement the present thesis there are three appendixes which develop some of the themes that arose during the investigation and that have been considered worth to be deepened. It is the case of the procedural question regarding the law on idleness; the dating and comment of a funerary law concerning some duties of the demarch; of the connection between Solon and the Areopagos.

ATENE E GLI ALLEATI NEL NORD DELLA GRECIA DOPO LA GUERRA SOCIALE: TESTIMONIANZE EPIGRAFICHE / Athens and its Allies in Northern Greece after the Social War: Epigraphical Evidence

BERTI, STEFANO 15 April 2013 (has links)
La tesi riguarda la Seconda Lega ateniese, di cui si studia il periodo, solitamente trascurato, compreso tra la fine della Guerra Sociale (355/4 a.C.) e la sconfitta di Atene a Cheronea (338 a.C.). Fonti principali, come del resto per il periodo precedente, sono le iscrizioni. Vengono quindi analizzate, in ordine geografico e cronologico, diciassette epigrafi di interesse storico (per lo più iscrizioni onorarie e trattati), considerate utili nella ricostruzione delle modalità di intervento ateniese all’interno della Lega. Area geografica privilegiata è la Grecia settentrionale, più immediatamente a contatto con l’espansionismo macedone. Obiettivo della tesi è infatti chiarire se la storia della Lega navale, più che una progressiva perdita di significato, non metta in evidenza un costante e coerente riorientamento degli obiettivi, stimolata dal confronto con Filippo II di Macedonia. / The topic of this thesis is the Second Athenian League during its final, usually underrated period, namely between the end of the Social War (355/4 B.C.) and the Athenian defeat at Chaeronea (338 B.C.). The sources for the history of the League both before and after the Social War are mainly epigraphical. Accordingly, seventeen historical inscriptions are carefully examined and thoroughly commented on: these are mostly honorific decrees and treaties, all of which proved to be useful to investigate how Athens acted within its League. The study, focusing on Northern Greece as the latter became more and more endangered by the growing power of Macedon, tries to ascertain whether the history of the Second Athenian League, far from becoming meaningless, might show a steady and consistent reorientation of its tasks, in and because of the military confrontation with Philip II.

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