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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resolved sideband spectroscopy for the detection of weak optical transitions

Goeders, James E. 20 September 2013 (has links)
This thesis reports on the setup of a new ion trap apparatus designed for experiments with single ⁴⁰Ca⁺ ions to perform molecular spectroscopy. The calcium ion is laser cooled, allowing for sympathetic cooling of the nonfluorescing molecular ion. The aim of these experiments is to explore loading and identifying molecular ions in RF-Paul traps, as well as developing new spectroscopic tools to measure transitions of molecular ions via the fluorescence of co-trapped ⁴⁰Ca⁺ ions. Ground state cooling of a mixed ion pair is implemented as a first step towards increasing the sensitivity of our technique to the level necessary to measure transitions with low scattering rates (like those present in molecular ions). Doppler cooling on the S(1/2)->P(1/2) transition of the calcium ion results in the formation of a Coulomb crystal, the behavior of which may be used to infer properties of the molecular ion. Following cooling, sideband spectroscopy on the narrow S(1/2)->D(5/2) quadrupole transition of calcium may be used to identify the mass of single molecular ions. This method is verified via a non-destructive measurement on ⁴⁰CaH⁺ and ⁴⁰Ca¹⁶O⁺. The normal modes of the Coulomb crystal can also be used to extract information from the target ion to the control ion. By driving the blue side of a transition, laser induced heating can be put into the two ion system, which leads to changes in fluorescence of the ⁴⁰Ca⁺ ion, first demonstrated with two Ca⁺ isotopes. Increasing the sensitivity of this technique requires ground state cooling of both the ⁴⁰Ca⁺ ion and the ion of interest, enabling the transfer of the ion's motional state into the ground state with high probability. This thesis demonstrates ground state cooling of the atomic ion and sympathetic cooling of a second ion (⁴⁴Ca⁺). Once in the ground state, heating of the Coulomb crystal by scattering photons off of the spectroscopy ion can be measured by monitoring the resolved motional sidebands of the S(1/2)->D(5/2) transition of ⁴⁰Ca⁺, allowing for spectral lines to be inferred. Future experiments will investigate this technique with molecular ions.

Study of the Quasielastic {sup 3}He(e,e{prime}p) Reaction at Q{sup 2}=1.5 (GeV/c){sup 2} up to Missing Momenta of 1 GeV/c

Marat Rvachev January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.); Submitted to Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge, MA (US); 1 Sep 2003. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "JLAB-PHY-03-167" "DOE/ER/40150-2745" Marat Rvachev. 09/01/2003. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.

Ultracold Rydberg Atoms in Structured and Disordered Environments

Liu, Ivan Chen-Hsiu 03 November 2008 (has links)
The properties of a Rydberg atom immersed in an ultracold environment were investigated. Two scenarios were considered, one of which involves the neighbouring ground-state atoms arranged in a spatially structured configuration, while the other involves them distributed randomly in space. To calculate the influence of the multiple ground-state atoms on the Rydberg atom, Fermi-pseudopotential was used, which simplified greatly the numerical effort. In many cases, the few-body interaction can be written down analytically which reveals the symmetry properties of the system. In the structured case, we report the first prediction of the formation of ``Rydberg Borromean trimers''. The few-body interactions and the dynamics of the linear A-B-A trimer, where A is the ground-state atom and B is the Rydberg atom, were investigated in the framework of normal mode analysis. This exotic ultralong-range triatomic bound state exists despite that the Rydberg-ground-state interaction is repulsive. Their lifetimes were estimated using both quantum scattering calculations and semi-classical approximations which are found to be typically sub-microseconds. In the disordered case, the Rydberg-excitation spectra of a frozen-gas were simulated, where the nuclear degrees of freedom can be ignored. The systematic change of the spectral shape with respect to the density of the gas and the excitation of the Rydberg atom were found and studied. Some parts of the spectral shape can be described by simple scaling laws with exponents given by the basic properties of the atomic species such as the polarizability and the zero-energy electron-atom scattering length.


Yu-Hsin Chen (14070930) 09 November 2022 (has links)
<p>    </p> <p><em>P</em>-wave Efimov physics for three equal mass fermions with different symmetries has been modeled using two-body interactions of Lennard-Jones potentials between each pair of Fermi atoms, and is predicted to modify the long range three-body interaction potential energies, but without producing a real Efimov effect. Our analysis treats the following trimer angular momenta and parities, L<sup>Π</sup> = 0<sup>+</sup>,1<sup>+</sup>,1<sup>−</sup> and 2<sup>−</sup>, for either three spin-up fermions (↑↑↑), or two spin-up and one spin-down fermion (↑↓↑). Our results for the long range behavior in some of those cases agree with previous work by Werner and Castin and by Blume <em>et al.</em>, namely in cases where the s-wave scattering length goes to infinity. This thesis extends those calculated interaction energies to small and intermediate hyperradii comparable to the van der Waals length, and considers additional unitarity scenarios where the p-wave scattering volume approaches infinity. The crucial role of the diagonal hyperradial adiabatic correction term is identified and characterized. For the equal mass fermionic trimers with two different spin components near the unitary limit are shown to possess a universal van der Waals bound or resonance state near s-wave unitarity, when p-wave interactions are included between the particles with equal spin. Our treatment uses a single-channel Lennard-Jones interaction with long range two-body van der Waals potentials. While it is well-known that there is no true Efimov effect that would produce an infinite number of bound states in the unitary limit for these fermionic systems, we demonstrate that another type of universality emerges for the symmetry L<sup>Π</sup> = 1<sup>−</sup>. The universality is a remnant of Efimov physics that exists in this system at p-wave unitarity, and it leads to modified threshold and scaling laws in that limit. Application of our model to the system of three lithium atoms studied experimentally by Du, Zhang, and Thomas [Phys. Rev. Lett. <strong>102</strong>, 250402 (2009)] yields a detailed interpretation of their measured three-body recombination loss rates. </p>


Suman Chakraborty (13184898) 01 August 2022 (has links)
<p> Understanding the behavior of liquid hydrocarbon propellants under high pressure and temperature conditions is a crucial step towards improving the performance of modern-day combustion engines (liquid rocket engines, diesel engines, gas turbines and so on) and designing the next generation ones. Under such harsh thermodynamic conditions (high P&T) propellent droplets may experience anywhere from sub-to-trans-to-supercritical regime. The focus of this research is to explore the dynamics of the vapor-liquid two phase system formed by a liquid hydrocarbon fuel (n-heptane or n-dodecane) and ambient (nitrogen) over a wide range of P&T leading up to the mixture critical point and beyond. Molecular dynamics (MD) has been used as the primary tool in this research along with other tools like: phase stability calculations based on Gibb’s work, Peng Robinson equation of state, density gradient theory and neural networks.</p>

O operador de Wigner aplicado a colisões de mudança de estrutura fina entre átomos alcalinos no regime frio / The Wigner operator applied to fine-structure collisions between alkaline cold atoms

Braga, Helena Carolina 22 March 2002 (has links)
Neste trabalho abordamos os processos de perdas colisionais por mudança de estrutura fina e por escape radiativo. Estes processos são importantes por serem os principais fatores limitantes da densidade e da permanência de átomos confinados em armadilhas magneto-ópticas. A utilização do formalismo de Wigner nos possibilitou tratar a dinâmica dos graus de liberdade internos do sistema de forma puramente quântica, enquanto tratamos os graus de liberdade translacionais de maneira semiclássica. Com este formalismo deduzimos equações inéditas para uma colisão unidimensional e desenvolvemos um algoritmo, também inédito, para a resolução numérica de tais equações. / In this work we study the collision loss processes caused by fine-structure change and radiative escape. These processes are important because they limit the density and the confinement time of atoms in magneto-optical traps. The use of the Wigner-function formalism allows us to treat the internal degrees of freedom purely quantum mechanically, while treating the dynamics of the external degrees of freedom quasi-classically. This dissertation employs this formalism to derive for the first time, quasi-classical equations describing one-dimensional cold collisions, including dissipation due to spontaneous emission, and an algorithm, also for the first time, to solve numerically the mentioned set of coupled equations.

Etudes structurelles et dynamiques de systèmes atomiques ou moléculaires par génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé

Higuet, Julien 15 October 2010 (has links)
La génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé en milieu gazeux est un phénomène décrit par un modèle à trois étapes: sous l'effet d'un champ laser intense, un atome (ou une molécule) est ionisé par effet tunnel. L'électron éjecté est par la suite accéléré dans le champ laser, avant de se recombiner sur son ion parent en émettant un photon XUV. D'abord utilisée dans le but de développer des sources de rayonnement secondaire dans le domaine XUV, la génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé est également un bon candidat pour sonder la structure électronique des atomes ou des molécules, avec une résolution potentielle de l'ordre de l'attoseconde dans le domaine temporel (1 as=10-18 s) et sub-nanométrique dans le domaine spatial.Au cours des travaux réalisés pendant cette thèse, nous avons étudié la sensibilité des caractéristiques du rayonnement harmonique (amplitude, état de polarisation, phase) à la structure électronique du milieu de génération. Ces études ont été menées tout d'abord dans un milieu atomique couramment utilisé en génération d'harmonique, l'argon, puis dans des milieux moléculaires (N2, CO2, O2). La confrontation de ces mesures avec différentes simulations numériques montre la nécessité de modéliser de façon détaillée le processus de génération, dépassant certaines hypothèses généralement admises.Nous avons également montré la possibilité d'utiliser la spectroscopie d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé afin de mesurer des dynamiques moléculaires de systèmes complexes (notamment le dioxyde d'azote NO2), pour lesquelles les mesures harmoniques peuvent obtenir des résultats complémentaires aux autres techniques couramment utilisées. Dans le cas d'excitations moléculaires peu efficaces, nous avons pu adapter des techniques de spectroscopie optique conventionnelle au domaine spectral des harmoniques d'ordre élevé, améliorant de manière significative le rapport signal/bruit. / High harmonic generation is a well known phenomenon explained by a “three step” model: because of the high intensity field generated by an ultrashort laser pulse, an atom or a molecule can be tunnel ionized. The ejected electron is then accelerated by the intense electric field, and eventually can recombine on its parent ion, leading to the emission of a XUV photon. Because of the generating process in itself, this light source is a promising candidate to probe the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, with an attosecond/sub-nanometer potential resolution (1 as=10-18 s).In this work, we have studied the sensitivity of the emitted light (in terms of amplitude, but also phase and polarization) towards the electronic structure of the generating medium. We have first worked on atomic medium, then on molecules (N2, CO2, O2). Comparing the experimental results with numerical simulations shows the necessity to model finely the generation process and to go beyond commonly used approximations.We have also shown the possibility to perform high harmonic spectroscopy in order to measure dynamics of complex molecules, such as Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). This technic has obtained complementary results compared to classical spectroscopy and has revealed dynamics of the electronic wavepacket along a conical intersection. In this experiment, we have adapted conventionnal optical spectroscopy technics to the XUV spectral area, which significantly improved the signal over noise ratio.

Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of quadrupolar nuclei and dipolar field effects

Urban, Jeffry Todd January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.); Submitted to the University of California, Berkeley, CA (US); 21 Dec 2004. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "LBNL--56768" Urban, Jeffry Todd. USDOE Director. Office of Science. Office of Basic Energy Sciences (US) 12/21/2004. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.

Measurement of the beta-neutrino correlation in laser trapped {sup 21}Na

Scielzo, Nicholas David January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.); Submitted to Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (US); 1 Jun 2003. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "LBNL--54350" Scielzo, Nicholas David. USDOE Director. Office of Science. Nuclear Physics (US) 06/01/2003. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.

Contrôle et mise en forme des fronts de phase et d'énergie

Chanteloup, Jean-Christophe 21 December 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire de thèse traite du contrôle et de la mise en forme des fronts de phase et d'énergie d'impulsions lasers brèves ultra-intenses.<br />La première partie est consacrée à la conception et la réalisation d'une boucle d'optique adaptative pour la correction des distorsions de surface d'onde sur la chaîne laser de puissance 100 Térawatts du Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses. Cette boucle repose sur l'utilisation d'un dispositif à cristaux liquides comme modulateur de phase et d'un interféromètre à décalage comme senseur de front d'onde. L'association de ces deux dispositifs a permis la construction d'un système innovant de mesure et mise en forme de la surface d'onde d'impulsions lasers ultra-intenses. Il est démontré qu'il permet de corriger une surface d'onde présentant d'importantes distorsions et ainsi améliorer grandement la qualité de focalisation de faisceaux lasers. Cette boucle d'optique adaptative a été testée avec succès sur la chaîne 100 Térawatts et une correction de la surface d'onde de l'ordre de 60% a ainsi pu être démontrée.<br />La seconde partie du mémoire traite de la mise en forme d'une impulsion laser inhomogène brève permettant le pompage du milieu à gain (un plasma) d'un laser à rayons X. L'idée consiste à jouer sur le parallélisme du système de compression d'impulsions utilisé en fin de chaîne 100 Térawatts. Un modèle expliquant la génération d'une impulsion inhomogène laser brève à l'aide de ce compresseur à réseaux de diffraction est développé. Une campagne expérimentale Laser X a notamment permis de valider les prédictions théoriques annoncées par ce modèle et a montré la nécessité d'utiliser une telle impulsion inhomogène afin d'obtenir une émission laser X lorsque le pompage s'effectue par impulsion brève.

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