Spelling suggestions: "subject:"auditory performance"" "subject:"lauditory performance""
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Reliability of the Functional Auditory Performance Indicators (FAPI) to monitor progress in five-year-old children with Autism Spectrum DisorderMuller, Carlien January 2016 (has links)
Background: Atypical processing of auditory information in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be observed at a neurological as well as at a behavioural level. The Functional Auditory Performance Indicators (FÁPI) is an observational monitoring tool for pre-school children with hearing loss, but has not yet been described in children with ASD. A reliable instrument to monitor progress of functional auditory performance in young children with ASD may contribute to evidence-based practice during intervention.
Method: The aim was to describe the overall performance of five-year-old children with ASD on the FÁPI; to determine the test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability of the tool. The study was exploratory with a descriptive design incorporating repeated measures. Twelve participants with ASD were purposely selected. The mean age was 65 months and all were exposed to English as additional language. Ten of the 12 participants had very little speech as reported by their parents. Pre-recorded sound and speech stimuli were used to elicit responses from participants in their familiar therapy rooms. For test-retest reliability three data collection sessions per participant were conducted over a two-week period. Video recordings were provided in randomised order and analysed by two independent raters. The raters were blind to the order of data sets.
Results and conclusion: With an increase in complexity of auditory stimuli a marked decrease in response was observed in the participants. Category seven, the highest level of auditory responses, demonstrating the child's ability to process linguistic information, showed the least responses The test-retest reliability was good, with a single difference in the category 'Awareness and meaning of sound'. Inter-rater reliability indicated a significant difference in two of the seven categories of the FÁPI, 'Awareness and meaning of sound' and 'Sound localisation' with p-values of 0,006 and 0,003. These categories may be the most subjective in the tool. Despite some subjectivity in two of the seven categories the FÁPI was reliable to plot functional auditory performance in the sample group. Since the instrument relies on direct observation with very few demands to participate on a social level, it has potential for use in five-year-old children with ASD. Further research is required to determine the tool's performance using natural sound conditions to monitor the progress of children with ASD longitudinally, against themselves during intervention. / Dissertation (M Communication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / MCommunication Pathology / Unrestricted
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Speech perception and auditory performance in hearing-impaired adults with a multichannel cochlear implantVälimaa, T. (Taina) 27 September 2002 (has links)
This work was aimed at studying speech perception and auditory
performance in the everyday lives of Finnish-speaking postlingually
severely or profoundly hearing-impaired adults before and after receiving
a multichannel cochlear implant. The association between the formal speech
perception results and auditory performance in everyday life was also
determined, and an effort was made to define how well a smaller sample
represents the nationwide results.
The patient series comprised a nationwide retrospective survey
(N = 67), in which data on hearing level and word recognition were requested
from the hospitals, and a prospective sample from the city of Oulu (N = 20),
in whom hearing level, sentence, word and phoneme recognition and phoneme
confusions were examined using standardised audiometric measures and
formal speech perception tests in a study with a prospective repeated
measure design. Categories of auditory performance in everyday life were
assessed in both samples.
The median sound field hearing level at frequencies of 0.5, 1, 2 and
4 kHz for the subjects in the nationwide survey one year after
the switch-on of the implant was comparable to the level of mild hearing
impairment. All the subjects achieved at least some open-set word recognition auditorily
only (mean 71%, 95% CI 61-81%). The results in the Oulu sample were in
line with the nationwide survey. A majority of the subjects (31/40) was
able to understand conversation without speechreading one year after
Sentence recognition by the subjects in the Oulu sample improved
most during the initial six months after the switch-on of the implant,
whereas word and phoneme recognition improved steadily during the two-year
follow-up period. Estimated average sentence recognition after two years
was 89% (95% CI 71 to 106%), word recognition 73% (95% CI 58 to 87%),
syllable recognition 53% (95% CI 42 to 63%), vowel recognition 80% (95% CI
68 to 92%) and consonant recognition 67% (95% CI 57 to 76%). Confusion of
phonemes took place more in the direction a spectral energy distribution
at higher frequencies. The association between auditory performance in
everyday life and the formal speech perception tests was high
(rs > 0.81, p < 0.0001).
Systematic prospective assessment of speech perception with tests of
differing difficulty is recommended for the follow-up of adult cochlear
implant users. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia suomenkielisten,
kielen oppimisen jälkeen vaikean tai erittäin vaikean kuulovian
saaneiden aikuisten kuulon tasoa, puheen vastaanottoa ja kuulon
toiminnallista tasoa monikanavaisen sisäkorvaistutteen avulla.
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös, miten puheen vastaanottoa mittaavat
testit kuvaavat selviytymistä arkipäivän
elämässä sisäkorvaistutteen mahdollistaman kuulon
avulla. Tarkoituksena oli myös määrittää,
millä tavalla pieni otos edustaa kansallisia tuloksia.
Tutkimuksessa on retrospektiivinen kansallinen otos (N=67) ja
prospektiivinen Oulun otos (N=20). Kansallisessa otoksessa tiedot kuulon
tasosta ja sanojen tunnistuskyvystä kerättiin
yliopistosairaaloista koehenkilöiden sairauskertomuksista. Oulun
otoksessa kuulon tasoa, sekä lauseiden, sanojen ja
äänteiden tunnistuskykyä ja äänteiden
sekoittuvuuksia tutkittiin audiometrian ja puheenvastaanottoa mittaavien
testien avulla kahden vuoden seurannan aikana. Kuulon toiminnallista tasoa
arvioitiin kuulon toiminnallisen tason luokituksella molemmissa
Kansallisen otoksen koehenkilöiden kuulokynnysten mediaani
äänikentässä sisäkorvaistutteella taajuuksilla
0,5, 1, 2 ja 4 kHz oli verrattavissa lievän kuulovian tasoon vuosi
sisäkorvaistutteen käyttöönoton jälkeen. Kaikki
koehenkilöt kykenivät tunnistamaan vähintään
joitain sanoja pelkästään kuulonvaraisesti (keskiarvo 71 %,
95 %:n luottamusväli 61-81 %). Oulun otoksen ja kansallisen otoksen
tulokset olivat yhteneväiset. Vuosi sisäkorvaistutteen
käyttöönoton jälkeen suurin osa (31/40)
koehenkilöistä pystyi keskustelemaan ilman huulioluvun tukea
hiljaisessa ympäristössä.
Oulun otoksen koehenkilöiden lauseiden tunnistuskyky parani
eniten ensimmäisten kuuden kuukauden aikana. Sanojen ja
äänteiden tunnistuskyky parani koko kahden vuoden seurannan
ajan. Kaksi vuotta sisäkorvaistutteen käyttöönoton
jälkeen, estimoitu keskimääräinen lauseiden
tunnistusprosentti oli 89 % (95 %:n luottamusväli 71-106 %), sanojen
tunnistusprosentti oli 73 % (95 %:n luottamusväli 58-87 %), tavujen
tunnistusprosentti oli 53 % (95 %:n luottamusväli 42-63 %), vokaalien
tunnistusprosentti oli 80 % (95 %:n luottamusväli 68-92 %) ja
konsonanttien tunnistusprosentti oli 67 % (95 %:n luottamusväli 57-76
%). Koehenkilöt sekoittivat vokaaleja ja konsonantteja useimmiten
spektraaliselta energialtaan läheisimpään suuremmille
taajuuksille sijoittuvaan äänteeseen. Kuulon toiminnallisen
tason luokituksen ja puheen vastaanottoa mittaavien testien välinen
korrelaatio oli korkea (rs
> 0.81, p < 0.0001).
Sisäkorvaistutteen saavien aikuisten kuulon tason ja puheen
vastaanottokyvyn systemaattinen seuranta vaikeudeltaan eritasoisten
testien avulla on tärkeää monipuolisen kuntoutuksen
suunnittelun tueksi.
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