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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verbos auxiliares e a sintaxe dos domínios não-finitos / Auxiliary verbs and the syntax of non-finite domains

Marcus Vinicius da Silva Lunguinho 19 December 2011 (has links)
Esta tese oferece uma análise para os verbos auxiliares em geral e para os auxiliares do português em particular. A nossa proposta é a de caracterizar universalmente os verbos auxiliares como uma classe de elementos verbais que apresentam as seguintes propriedades: pertencem à categoria verbal, apresentam um traço verbal não-valorado [uV], não atribuem papel temático e compõem, juntamente com o verbo principal, um mesmo domínio oracional. A presença do traço [uV] na estrutura dos verbos auxiliares tem como consequência o fato de esses verbos selecionarem uma projeção verbal como complemento. Dentro dessa projeção estará o alvo que vai valorar esse traço não-interpretável por meio da operação Agree (Chomsky 2000, 2001). A postulação dessas quatro propriedades nos permitiu a derivação de critérios de auxiliaridade, uma reinterpretação dos critérios comumente propostos na literatura. Com esse trabalho, chegamos a uma lista de oito critérios necessários e suficientes para a definição de um verbo como auxiliar no português. Da aplicação desses critérios resultou a composição dos membros da classe dos verbos auxiliares do português: ser, ter, estar e ir. Para a análise das passivas, foi adotado o sistema de derivação por smuggling, sugerido por Collins (2005) e o auxiliar ser foi analisado como um verbo funcional que valora o traço [perfectivo] do particípio passivo. Apontamos para a existência de um outro tipo de passiva, as passivas não-canônicas, que apresentam como traço característico a presença do verbo auxiliar ter. Argumentamos que esse verbo é um produto computacional que resulta da combinação dos traços do auxiliar ser com os traços do núcleo funcional v*. Na análise dos auxiliares ter perfectivo e estar progressivo, adotamos uma postura decomposicional, tal como proposta por Kayne (1993), que deriva esses verbos a partir da incorporação de elementos preposicionais aos traços de um verbo auxiliar abstrato. Com isso, temos três verbos auxiliares que resultam da computação sintática: o auxiliar passivo ter, que é a realização dos traços [vSER v*], o auxiliar perfectivo ter, que realiza os traços [vAUX PDEPOIS] e o verbo auxiliar progressivo estar, cujo conjunto de traços inclui [vAUX PDENTRO]. Por fim o auxiliar ir é tratado como um núcleo modal que, em combinação com os traços do núcleo T, gera a interpretação de futuro. / This dissertation puts forward an analysis of auxiliary verbs in general, and of Portuguese auxiliary verbs in particular. The proposal is to universally characterize auxiliary verbs as a class of verbal elements which (i) belong to the verbal category ; (ii) have a unvalued verbal feature [uV] ; (iii) do not assign theta roles ; and (iv), together with the main verb, compose one single phrasal domain. The presence of [uV] guarantees that the auxiliary verb will select a verbal projection as its complement, within which is the target that will value the uninterpretable [uV] feature by means of the operation Agree (Chomsky 2000, 2001). The four characteristics proposed to describe auxiliary verbs allowed for the derivation of criteria of auxiliarity, a reinterpretation of the criteria usually discussed in the literature. Eight necessary and sufficient criteria define an auxiliary verb in Portuguese. The composition of THE Portuguese auxiliary class with its four members ser, ter, estar and ir resulted from the application of these eight criteria. Passives were analysed by means of the smuggling system, proposed by Collins (2005) and the auxiliary ser was considered to be a functional verb which values the [perfective] feature of the passive participle. A non-canonical passive was found to co-exist with canonical passives, one which shows the auxiliary ter. We argue that ter is the computational product of features of the auxiliary ser with features of the functional node v*. For the analysis of perfective ter and progressive estar, we have adopted a decompositional view along the lines of Kayne (1993), which derives these verbs from the incoporation of prepositional elements to the features of an abstract auxiliary verb. So, three of the Portuguese auxiliary verbs result from syntactic computation: passive ter is the manifestation of the features [vSER - v*]; perfective ter is the manifestation of the features [vAUX - PDEPOIS]; and progressive estar includes the features [vAUX - PDENTRO]. And the auxiliary verb ir is treated as a modal head, which, when combined with features of the head T, generate a future reading.

A auxiliaridade do verbo chegar em português brasileiro

Bertucci, Roberlei Alves January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa o verbo chegar em sentenças do PB, quando ele é seguido de a+infinitivo. Na literatura, não há consenso no tratamento do verbo na perífrase em foco. Enquanto alguns o consideram um auxiliar, outros não. Esta pesquisa retomou essa discussão e mostrou que o verbo chegar, no contexto estabelecido, responde afirmativamente a todos os critérios apontados como caracterizadores de auxiliaridade. Tendo isso estabelecido, observamos que são atribuídos aos auxiliares os valores de tempo, voz, modo e aspecto. Assim, fomos investigando, uma a uma, todas essas possibilidades. Os valores de tempo e voz foram facilmente descartados. Em seguida, buscamos numa descrição genérica de modalidade alguma pista que nos fizesse ir mais a fundo. Não encontramos e, por isso, descartamos também essa possibilidade. A análise de chegar como auxiliar aspectual tomou mais tempo e espaço neste trabalho, porque há alguns autores que assumem uma análise desse tipo. Primeiro, buscamos caracterizar o aspecto gramatical e ver se as sentenças objetos de investigação poderiam denotar as categorias de aspecto incluídas aí. Concluímos que não. Analisamos, depois, a possibilidade de chegar restringir alguma classe acional. Novamente, os resultados foram negativos. Tendo em vista o comportamento da perífrase nos diferentes contextos, afirmamos que não era possível assumir um valor aspectual para o verbo em questão. Por fim, propomos uma análise para esse verbo que leva em conta não apenas os aspectos sintáticos e semânticos, mas também os pragmáticos: mostramos que o falante, ao utilizar o auxiliar chegar deseja apontar para uma escala, mais precisamente para o ponto argumentativo mais forte dessa escala. Dessa forma, teríamos um auxiliar que não é temporal, modal ou aspectual, mas essencialmente pragmático. O corpus desta pesquisa é composto por sentenças do português brasileiro, falado e escrito, além de sentenças criadas para verificar a compatibilidade de chegar em contextos mais específicos. / This work approaches the verb chegar when it is followed by the preposition a and the infinitive form in Brazilian Portuguese. In the literature, there is no consensus about the treatment of the verb in this periphrasis. While some authors consider it an auxiliary verb, others do not. Our research resumed this discussion and showed that chegar, in the context above, confirms all the criteria indicated as indicators of auxiliarity. After that, we noticed that the values of tense, modality, voice and aspect are given to the auxiliaries. Then, we investigated, one by one, all the possibilities. The values of tense and voice were easily rejected. After this, we searched, in a general description of modality, a clue to conduct us deeper in the research. We did not found one and then we rejected this possibility too. The analysis about chegar as an aspectual auxiliary took more time and space in this work, because there are some authors who argues for this kind of analysis. First, we tried to characterize the grammatical aspect and observe whether the sentences could mean the aspectual categories included there. We concluded that they could not. Later, we analyzed the possibility of chegar to restrict some actional class. Again, the conclusions were negative. Bearing in mind the behavior of the periphrasis in the different contexts, we affirm that it was not possible to accept an aspectual value to chegar. At the end, we propose an analysis to this verb that takes into consideration not only the syntactic and semantic aspects, but also the pragmatic one: we show that when the speaker uses the auxiliary chegar, this speaker wishes to point to a scale, more specifically to its strongest argumentative point. In this way, we might have an auxiliary verb which is not temporal, modal or aspectual, but essentially pragmatic. The corpus of this research is composed of sentences from Brazilian Portuguese, spoken and written, and other sentences created to verify the compatibility of chegar in specific contexts.

Staroseverské perifrastické futurum: původ, gramatikalizace a význam / The Old Norse Periphrastic Future: The Origin, Grammaticalization and Meaning

Šimeček, David January 2021 (has links)
The subject of the dissertation is the origin of the Old Norse periphrastic future. First, it is shown that the main exponent of future in Old Norse, as opposed to other old Germanic languages, is the auxiliary verb munu, both in terms of its frequency and its remarkably neutral meaning. It is attested as such even in the oldest 9th century sources, the Skaldic poems. These characteristics of munu are in contrast with the other exponent of the periphrastic future, the verb skulu, which was less frequent and more modal. The futural character of munu and the modal character of skulu are further demonstrated by an analysis of the means of future expression used in prophecies and curses. Discussion of the grammaticalization of munu has shown that as early as the 9th century the verb had developed meanings that are derived from future (particularly the probability meaning). Hence, the futural use must have been fairly common for a considerably long period before the first attestations. Further evidence for the early use of munu-future in North Germanic comes from the reconstruction of the morphological development of the verb. It shows a transition from the class of regular weak verbs to the preterite-present class which was associated with modal/function verbs in Germanic. These findings show that the...

Dat moet kunnen : Een contrastieve studie van zelfstandig gebruikte modale hulpwerkwoorden in het Nederlands en hun Zweedse vertaling

Johansson, Karin January 2024 (has links)
This thesis concerns Swedish translations of the Dutch independently used modal auxiliary verbs moeten, kunnen and willen in six Dutch novels from the period 1973-2000. Previous research has shown that independent use occurs frequently in Dutch but less frequently in Swedish. But there is still a need for large-scale comparative research.  For this analysis, I have conducted a corpus study based on systematically repeated searches for the three verbs. The goal of the study was to examine how these independently used modal auxiliary verbs were translated into Swedish and what patterns could be seen through this comparative study. Through this comparative study, I wanted to better highlight the differences and similarities between the languages regarding independently used modal auxiliary verbs.  The results showed that independently used modal auxiliary verbs occur more frequently in the corpus in Dutch than in Swedish and that the Dutch independently used modal auxiliary verbs were translated with a corresponding independently used modal in Swedish in about a fourth of the cases. But the results also show similarities in this area. / Deze scriptie betreft Zweedse vertalingen van de Nederlandse zelfstandig gebruikte modale hulpwerkwoorden moeten, kunnen en willen in zes Nederlandstalige romans uit de periode 1973-2000. Eerder onderzoek heeft vastgesteld dat zelfstandig gebruik vlot toegelaten is in het Nederlands maar minder frequent voorkomt in het Zweeds. Toch ontbreekt er grootschalig contrastief onderzoek.  Voor deze analyse werd een corpusonderzoek verricht op basis van systematisch herhaalde zoekopdrachten voor de drie modalen. Het doel van het onderzoek was om na te gaan hoe deze zelfstandig gebruikte modale hulpwerkwoorden in het Zweeds vertaald werden en wat voor patronen men kon zien door dit contrastief onderzoek. Met dit contrastief onderzoek wilde ik de verschillen en gelijkenissen tussen de talen wat betreft zelfstandig gebruikte modale hulpwerkwoorden beter belichten.  De resultaten lieten zien dat zelfstandig gebruikte modale werkwoorden in het corpus vaker voorkomen in het Nederlands dan in het Zweeds en dat de Nederlandse zelfstandig gebruikte modale hulpwerkwoorden in ongeveer een vierde van de gevallen met een corresponderende zelfstandig gebruikte modaal in het Zweeds vertaald werden. Maar de resultaten vertonen ook dat er toch gelijkenissen zijn op dit gebied.

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