Spelling suggestions: "subject:"available water capacity"" "subject:"available water apacity""
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The Cascading Effects of Climate Change on Soil Organic MatterMaas, Ellen DvL 28 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Épocas de semeadura e sua influência no potencial produtivo da cultura da soja em regiões produtoras do estado do Paraná, Brasil / Sowing dates and their influence on the productive potential of soybean crop in producing regions of the state of Paraná, BrazilBrun, Jose Angel Lesme 19 February 2019 (has links)
No dinâmico e eficiente mundo do agronegócio brasileiro, a soja, representa uma das mais importantes culturas agrícolas produzidas no Brasil, sendo além disso, uns dos principais commodities no mercado mundial. Entre os fatores que afetam a produção agrícola no Brasil, destaca-se o clima, limitando o potencial de rendimento principalmente por causa do déficit hídrico. É por isso que devem ser avaliadas estratégias de manejo para identificar períodos onde as condições climáticas sejam favoráveis para reduzir o risco de perdas, por exemplo, através da modificação do ambiente de cultivo por meio da definição da melhor época de semeadura, visando atingir produtividades próximas ao potencial produtivo da cultura. Baseados nessa problemática, o objetivo deste estudo foi definir períodos ideais de semeadura verificando sua influência no potencial produtivo da cultura da soja em 9 municípios do estado do Paraná. Para tanto, testou-se o modelo da Zona Agroecológica (MZA) - FAO para a estimativa da produtividade potencial (PP) da cultura da soja em base a 21 épocas de semeadura, 56 anos da dados meteorológicos e 3 cultivares de ciclo precoce, médio e tardio, penalizando-as posteriormente em função do déficit hídrico nos solos com 5 diferentes capacidades de água disponível (CAD), obtendo-se a produtividade atingível (PA) e por último, em função da média de produtividade real (PR) e a PP máxima estimada para cada cultivar e município, foi calculada a quebra de produtividade (PR/PP). Após da definição dos períodos favoráveis de semeadura, com base nas produtividades potencial e atingível foi aplicado o modelo para determinação do dia ótimo de semeadura (Jo) em função de parâmetros empíricos. A partir das simulações, foram possíveis identificar os períodos favoráveis de maior probabilidade de se obter as máximas produtividades (kg ha-1) em base à condicionantes climáticas propostas. Posteriormente, esses foram comparados aos recomendados pelo Zoneamento Agrícola de Risco Climático (ZARC) do Ministério de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Observou-se de maneira geral que os períodos de simulação da semeadura da soja pela metodologia proposta, coincidiram com os do ZARC, variando de acordo à localidade e os diferentes ciclos da cultura. Enquanto às perdas estimadas neste trabalho, de forma geral foram observados valores máximos de 52,8; 62,3 e 67,7% para cultivares de ciclo precoce, médio e tardio, respectivamente, apenas em base à definição da melhor época de semeadura. Por tanto, pode-se concluir que o MZA - FAO foi o mais indicado para a estimação do potencial produtivo por meio da definição das épocas preferenciais de semeadura da cultura da soja em função das diferentes CAD e pelo déficit hídrico, apresentado potencial de uso nas metodologias utilizadas no ZARC, gerando informações úteis ao produtor e visando reduzir as perdas causadas pelo clima. / In the dynamic and efficient world of Brazilian agribusiness, soybean represents one of the most important agricultural crops produced in Brazil and is also one of the main commodities in the world market. Among the factors that affect agricultural production in Brazil, the climate is outstanding, limiting yield potential being mainly due to the water deficit. That is why management strategies should be evaluated to identify periods where climatic conditions are favorable to reduce the risk of losses, for example, by modifying the growing environment by defining the best sowing season, aiming to achieve productivities near to the productive potential of the crop. Based on this problem, the objective of this study was to define optimal sowing periods by verifying their influence on the productive potential of the soybean crop in 9 municipalities in the state of Paraná. In order to do so, the model of the Agroecological Zone (MZA) - FAO programe for the estimation of the potential productivity (PP) of the soybean crop was tested based on 21 sowing seasons, 56 years of meteorological data and 3 cultivars of early, medium and later. Productivities were penalized as a function of the water deficit in the soils with 5 different available water capacities (AWC), obtaining attainable productivity (AP) and finally, as a function of the real productivity average (RP). The PP estimated maximum for each cultivar and municipality, we calculated the productivity decrease (PR/PP). After the definition of favorable sowing periods, based on potential and attainable yields, the model for determination of the optimal sowing day (Jo) was applied as a function of empirical parameters. From the simulations, it was possible to identify the favorable periods with the highest probability of obtaining the maximum yields (kg ha-1) based on the proposed climatic conditions. Subsequently, these were compared to those recommended by the ZARC of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). It was observed in general that the periods of simulation of soybean sowing by the proposed methodology coincided with those of the ZARC, varying according to the locality and the different cycles of the crop. While the losses estimated in this study, in general, maximum values of 52.8; 62.3 and 67.7% were observed for early, middle and late cycle cultivars, respectively, only based on the definition of the best sowing season. Therefore, it can be concluded that the MZA-FAO was the most indicated method for the estimation of the productive potential by means of the definition of the preferential times of sowing of the soybean crop in function of the different CADs and the water deficit, presenting potential of use in the methodologies of ZARC, generating information useful to the producer and aiming to reduce the losses caused by the climate.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The human being has always been and always will be dependent on water, like all forms of life on the planet earth. Considering this, hydrology becomes fundamental to all plans, either on urban or rural areas. Therefore it is necessary several studies on the various factors related to the hydrological cycle and its positions on time and space in order to plan for the various situations. Knowing the relationship between soil and environment is important to manage and preserve this natural resource and the various aspects related to it. This work aims to migrate the scale from 1:750.000 of the Soil Map to the Cachoeira Cinco Veados Watershed, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, through field observations as toposequence, landscape and soil cuts exposed on the road sides of the basin, creating a soil map for the basin, regionalizing and discriminating the different soils mapped to the level of Order (first Category Level). The work also aims to analyze this basin s soil map and classify it according to the different land uses in order to represent the Soil Available Water Capacity (CAD) and calculate the climatic water balance of the watershed. To do it so, the average temperatures throughout the year were analyzed to estimate the potential evapotranspiration by the Thornthwaite method as well as the rainfall of the basin throughout the year. The spreadsheet BHídrico V.3.2 was used to calculate the basin s water balance through the climatological balance method of Thornthwaite & Mather. All the months showed to have water availability for the Cachoeira Cinco Veados watershed, with the exception of December. The conclusion is that throughout the whole hydrological year, the potential evapotranspiration does not exceed the minimum rainfall of the watershed and there are the necessary conditions for the development of plants, with the exception of December only. For this reason, a more specific analysis was directed to the climatic water balance of this month. The resulting map of the climatic water balance for the month of December was analyzed within each one of the four Thiessen polygons created for this purpose. The use of the climatological water balance is efficient on the orientation for making decisions on watershed managing. / O ser humano sempre foi e sempre será dependente da água, como toda e qualquer forma de vida do planeta terra. Considerando isso, a hidrologia torna-se fundamental para todos os planejamentos, sendo estes em meio urbano ou em meio rural. Portanto se faz necessário diversos estudos sobre os vários fatores inerentes ao ciclo hidrológico e suas posições no tempo e no espaço, visando o planejamento para as mais adversas situações. Ter conhecimento sobre as relações entre o solo com o meio é muito importante para se manejar e preservar adequadamente este recurso natural, bem como os diversos elementos a ele relacionados. Este trabalho objetiva migrar a escala de 1:750.000 do mapa de solos para a bacia Cachoeira Cinco Veados, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, através de observações de campo como a toposequência, a paisagem e a visualização de perfis de solos expostos em cortes de estrada na bacia, gerando um mapa dos solos da bacia, regionalizando e discriminando os diferentes solos mapeados ao nível de Ordem (1º Nível Categórico). Objetiva-se também analisar este mapa dos solos da bacia e classificá-lo de acordo com os diferentes usos da terra com o propósito de representar a capacidade de água disponível (CAD) do solo e fazer o balanço hídrico climatológico da bacia. Para tal foram analisadas as temperaturas médias do ar ao longo do ano para se estimar a evapotranspiração potencial pelo método de Thornthwaite e analisado o regime de chuvas da bacia ao longo do ano. Utilizou-se a planilha eletrônica BHídrico V.3.2 para calcular o balanço hídrico da bacia pelo método do balanço climatológico de Thornthwaite & Mather. Todos os meses apresentaram disponibilidade hídrica para a bacia Cachoeira Cinco Veados, com exceção do mês de dezembro. Conclui-se que durante todo o ano hidrológico, a evapotranspiração potencial não supera a precipitação mínima da bacia e ocorrendo as condições hídricas necessárias ao desenvolvimento das plantas, com apenas a exceção do mês de dezembro. Devido a isso, direcionou-se uma análise mais específica do balanço hídrico climatológico deste mês. O mapa resultante do balanço hídrico climatológico para o mês de dezembro foi analisado dentro de cada um dos quatro polígonos de Thiessen criados para este fim. O uso do balanço hídrico climatológico demonstra-se eficaz no auxílio a tomadas de decisão para o manejo de bacias hidrográficas.
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Cinétique d'évolution structurale des sols argileux : relation stress hydrique-stress salin ; Application à la biodiversité et rendement de culture / Kinetics of structural evolution of clay dominated soils : water stress-salt stress relationship; biodiversity and crop yield applicationRadimy, Raymond Tojo 11 December 2015 (has links)
Les marais de l'Ouest ont été gagnés sur les sédiments fluvio-marins par poldérisation débutée dès le moyen âge. Les aménagements hydrauliques avaient, initialement, des objectifs sanitaires et d'élevage. A partir des endiguements, ils ont divisé les territoires en marais mouillés et marais desséchés. Depuis les années 1970 le développement des cultures intensives de céréales a nécessité un rabaissement complémentaire de la nappe par drainage en partie pour augmenter la désalinisation de surface et limiter l’engorgement des sols. Néanmoins, ces territoires restent caractérisés par des nappes proches de la surface. En conséquence les profils hydriques vont être gouvernés par les conditions météorologiques y compris l'évapotranspiration, la pluviométrie, mais également par les remontées capillaires issues d'une nappe salée. D'autre par la nature argileuse des sols et ses propriétés de retrait conditionnent énormément le fonctionnement hydrodynamique et les évolutions de structure.La première partie du travail a été de suivre les évolutions des profils hydriques et de salinité en parcelles non drainées (prairies) et en parcelles drainées (Maïs, Blé, Tournesol). Ces suivis ont été complétés par les mesures des niveaux de nappes et par des mesures tensiométriques via des bougies poreuses implantées à différentes profondeurs. L'objectif final a été de calculer et modéliser les profils de réserve utile (RU) et de RU "résiduelle" utilisable par les plantes. Dans ces systèmes alimentés par les remontées capillaires, le réseau racinaire puise l'eau dans la zone non saturée de surface (vadose) puis dans la zone saturée sous-jacente. La teneur en eau caractéristique de l'interface zone non saturée - zone saturée a été déterminée par analogie entre les chemins d'état de la matrice argileuse le long de sa courbe de retrait et du sol le long de sa courbe de compaction. Les profils de RU résiduelle utilisable par les plantes ont été calculés à partir des profils de teneurs en eau puis comparés aux profils de RU obtenus via les données de station météorologique. Ces profils de RU résiduelle ont pu être écrits sous forme d'équation polynomiale du second degré puis modélisés. Dans cet environnement alimenté par les remontées capillaires, ces profils de RU résiduelles peuvent être modélisés à partir d'un paramètre facilement mesurable en surface qui prend en compte la structure du sol et les conditions météorologique : soit la teneur en eau à 10 cm de profondeur. Cette modélisation reste suffisamment réaliste pour être utilisée comme un outil prédictif face à la pédodiversité et/ou les rendements de culture.A ce travail s'ajoute deux études préliminaires : - les mesures des conductivités thermiques effectives de ces sols par la méthode du fil chaud et leurs modélisations dans les systèmes biphasés : eau - argile et air - argile, mais également pour les systèmes triphasés non saturés : eau - air - argile. Les perspectives sont la modélisation des transferts thermiques et hydriques dans le sol à partir de la surface, - et l'élaboration d'un protocole d'imprégnation-polymérisation des sols argileux humides par des résines de type HEMA. Cette imprégnation permet d'envisager la confection de lames minces dans le matériau argileux induré avec conservation de sa structure initiale humide. Les perspectives sont la pétrographie quantitative à l'interface racine - sol le long de profils verticaux dans les environnements argileux à degrés de saturation et structure évolutives. / The coastal marshlands are territories generally reclaimed on primary fluvio-marine sediments. They result from hydraulic managements and/or polderization which may date from the Middle Ages. Historically these hydraulic managements were built for goals of wholesomeness, breeding and farming. They isolate two territories: the dried marshes and the wet marshes. For the intensive cereal crops the slow drying caused by land reclamation was recently improved by the drainage, in part for increase the depth of desalinization and decrease waterlogging. Nevertheless, these territories remain characterized by shallow ground water of initial salt water. Consequently, the hydric profiles are governed by the meteoric conditions including the Evapotranspiration, the rainfall, but also the capillarity rises from the salt groundwater. Moreover, the clay dominated nature of the soils and their drastic shrinkage properties govern the hydrodynamic functioning and the soil structure behavior.The first part of the work was the monitoring of the water content and salinity profiles in drained cereal crops and in undrained grasslands. These measurements have been completed by the ground water level and tensiometric monitoring. The final goal was the calculation and modeling of the available water capacity (AWC) and plant available water (PAW) profiles. In these systems mainly supplied by the capillarity rises, the root network gets water in the subsurface vadose zone and then in the deeper saturated groundwater zone. The water content characteristic of the interface between the vadose and saturated zone was determined by comparison between the clay material state paths along its shrinkage curve and along its compaction curve. The PAW profiles were calculated from the water content profiles and then compared to the AWC profiles. The PAW profiles have been equated as polynomial second degree equations. In these shallow groundwater environments the PAW profiles have been modeled taking into account an easy measurable surface parameter which includes the soil structure behavior and the meteoric conditions: i.e. the water content measured at 10 cm depth. The PAW modelling remains sufficiently realistic to be used as a tool for farming management. Two preliminary studies were added to this work: - the measurement of effective thermal conductivity of the clayey soils by the transient hot wire method, and the modeling of the effective thermal conductivity of biphasic air-clay and water-clay media, but also triphasic unsaturated air-water-clay media. The prospect is the modeling of thermal and hydric transfer from the surface to the depth. - and the elaboration of a protocol of impregnation - hardening for wet clay dominated soils by HEMA resins. This impregnation allows the making of thin sections in these clay materials with conservation of their initial wet structures. The prospective is the quantitative petrography at the root - clay matrix interface along vertical profiles in clayey soils at different degrees of saturation and different structures.
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